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1. Which of the following is not a criticism of qualitative research?

● The studies are difficult to replicate
● There is a lack of transparency
● The approach is too rigid and inflexible
● The accounts are too subjective and impressionistic
2. Which scientific method focuses on testing hypotheses developed from theories?
● Inductive method
● Deductive method
● Hypothesis method
● Pattern method
3. Which scientific method often focuses on generating new hypotheses and theories?
● Inductive method
● Deductive method
● Hypothesis method
● Pattern method
4. Which of the following is not a contrast between quantitive and qualitative research?
● Distance vs proximity of researcher to participants
● Generalization vs contextual understanding
● Hard, reliable data vs rich, deep data
● Interpretivist vs feminist
5. A sensitizing concept is one that:
● Provides general guidance for more flexible research
● Imposes a predetermined theoretical model on the social world
● Helps the researchers to investigate sensitive issues
● Allows the researcher to measure very small changes in a variable
6. To apply the technique of ______ sampling, you first divide the population list into sublists according to some
relevant trait and then sample from the sublists?
● Simple
● Systematic
● Stratified
● Cluster
7. Which of the following independent variables cannot be manipulated in a research study?
● Gender
● Ethnicity
● Intelligence and other traits
● None of the above can be manipulated in a research study
8. The primary data analysis approach in ethnography is:
● Open, axial, and selective coding
● Holistic description and search for cultural themes
● Cross-case analysis
● Identifying essences of a phenomenon
9. If a test was generally very easy, except for a few students who had very low scores, then the distribution of scores
would be:
● Positively skewed
● Negatively skewed
● Not skewed at all
● Normal
10. Respondent validation is the process by which:
● The valid of an interview schedule can be measured
● Researchers ask their participants to comment on an account of the findings
● The problem of low response rates to a survey can be overcome
● Participants collaborate with the researcher to design the research
11. The flexibility and limited structure of qualitative research design is an advantage because:
● The researcher does not impose any predetermined formats on the social world
● It allows for unexpected results to emerge from the data
● The researcher can adapt their theories and methods as the project unfolds
● All the above statements are true
12. ______ is the type of non-probability sampling:
● Simple
● Systematic
● Purposive
● Stratified
13. Which of the following is not the type of research question?
● Predicting an outcome
● Evaluating a phenomenon
● Developing good practice
● A hypothesis
14. What does “sampling cases” mean?
● Sampling using a sampling frame
● Identifying people who are suitable for research
● The researcher’s briefcase
● Sampling people, newspapers, television programs, etc.
15. What is the Independent Variable in this question: “Will students’ scores on a grammar test differ between
grammar-translation and communicative language teaching?”
● Grammar score
● Grammar translation method
● Communicative language teaching
● Teaching methods
16. The most frequently occurring number in a set of values is called the ______:
● Mean
● Median
● Mode
● Range
17. A graph that uses vertical bars to represent data is called a ______:
● Line graph
● Bar graph
● Scatterplot
● Vertical graph
18. You have worked out a whole series of role-play activities for your adult-school ESL class because you believe that
practice in role-playing promotes overall language proficiency. Your study shows that you are correct. What was the
dependent variable?
● Adult-school ESL class
● Language proficiency
● Your belief
● Role-play activities
19. People who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited are used in the sampling method called ______:
● Simple random sampling
● Cluster sampling
● Systematic sampling
● Convenience sampling
20. The standard deviation is:
● The square root of the variance
● A measure of variability
● An approximate indicator of how numbers vary from the mean
● All the above statements are true
21. Approximately what percentage of scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean in a normal distribution?
● 34%
● 95%
● 99%
● 68%
22. Which of the following is a characteristic of qualitative research?
● Generalization to the population
● Random sampling
● Unique case orientation
● Standardized tests and measures
23. What is the dependent variable in this statement: “The main purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of
two teaching methods, audio-lingual and task-based teaching, in increasing listening comprehension”?
● Audio-lingual method
● Listening comprehension
● Task-based teaching method
● Teaching methods
24. A key characteristic of past research that guides researchers in new research questions are that:
● Extensive research conclusively and answers research questions
● Studies typically generate more research questions than they answer
25. Which of these is not a method of data collection?
● Questionnaires
● Interviews
● Experiments
● Observations
26. All the following are common characteristics of experimental research except:
● It relies primarily on the collection of numerical data
● It can produce important knowledge about cause and effect
● It uses the deductive scientific method
● It rarely is conducted in a controlled setting or environment
27. A (n) ______ is a variable that mediates the effect of one variable on another:
● Intervening variable
● Moderator variable
● Control variable
● Independent variable
28. Which of the following is not used to test whether the difference in the means of the two groups is statistically
● A paired-samples t-test
● An independent-samples t-test
● ANOVA (analysis of variance)
● Chi-square test
29. In the following data the mode is ______:
20 22 23 23 25 25 25 25 27 29 30
● 22
● 23
● 25
● 29
30. Because of the number of things that can go wrong in research, there is a need for:
● Flexibility and perseverance
● Sympathetic supervisors
● An emergency source of finance
● Wisdom to know the right time to quit
31. Which of the following is a method that is commonly used in qualitative research?
● Self-completion questionnaires
● Surveys
● Ethnography
● Structured observation
32. What is meant by the term “grounded theory”?
● Theories should be tested by rigorous scientific experiments
● As a social researcher, it is important to keep your feet on the ground
● Theories should be grounded in political values and biases
● Theoretical ideas and concepts should emerge from the data
33. An ordinal scale is used to rank people, objects, or characteristics:
● True
● False
34. An ordinal scale is:
● The simplest form of measurement
● A rank-order scale of measurement
● A scale with equal intervals between adjacent numbers
● A scale with an absolute zero point
● A categorical scale
35. Which scale is the simplest form of measurement?
● Nominal
● Ordinal
● Interval
● Ratio
36. Which of the following is the researcher usually interested in supporting when he or she is engaging in hypothesis
● The alternative hypothesis
● The null hypothesis
● Both the alternative and null hypothesis
● Neither the alternative nor null hypothesis
37. When p>05 is reported in a journal article that you read for an observed relationship, it means that the author has
rejected the null hypothesis assuming that the author is using a significance or alpha level of .05:
● True
● False
38. You are completing a study on the effect of participation in a volunteer aiding program on later performance in ESL
practice teaching. You also believe that type of class in which aiding was done (elementary school, adult school,
university class) might have some relationship to success in student teaching if it was or wasn’t in the same type of
school. Identify this variable type
● Control variable
● Dependent variable
● Intervening variable
● Moderator variable
39. The research participants are described in detail in which section of the research plan?
● Introduction
● Method
● Data analysis
● Discussion
40. A challenge of qualitative data analysis is that it often includes data that are unwieldy and complex; it is a major
challenge to make sense of the large pool of data:
● True
● False
41. ______ are the basic building blocks of qualitative data:
● Categories
● Units
● Individuals
● None of the above
42. What is the Dependent Variable in this research question “Is there a relationship between students’ family
background and their performance at school?”:
● Family background
● Performance at school
● Relationship
● Family background and performance
43. Which of the following is a good research question?
● Is the “back to the basics” movement good for public schools?
● Are teachers underpaid?
● Does the cognitive approach to reading lead to higher achievement?
● How many students enroll in the Writing 4 course?
44. What is the Independent Variable in this research question “Are students aged 55 and older more likely?
● Age
● Dropout rate
● Students
● College
45. Which of the following is not an example of a nonrandom sampling technique?
● Purposive
● Quota
● Convenience
● Cluster
46. Which of the following sampling methods is the best way to select a group of people for a study if you are interested
in making statements about the larger population?
● Convenience sampling
● Quota sampling
● Purposive sampling
● Random sampling
47. Focusing on describing or explaining data versus going beyond immediate data and making inferences is the
difference between ______:
● Central tendency and common tendency
● Mutually exclusive and mutually exhaustive properties
● Descriptive and inferential
● Positive skew and negative skew
48. We review the relevant literature to know:
● What is already known about the topic
● What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
● Who are the key contributors to the topic?
● All the above statements are true
49. A deductive theory is one that:
● Allows theory to emerge out of the data
● Involves testing an explicitly defined hypothesis
● Allows for finding feedback into the stock of knowledge
● Uses qualitative methods whenever possible
50. The type of qualitative research that describes the culture of a group of people is called:
● Phenomenology
● Grounded theory
● Ethnography
● Case study
51. When planning to do social research, it is better to:
● Approach the topic with an open mind
● Do a pilot study before getting stuck into it
● Be familiar with the literature on the topic
● Forget about theory because this is a very practical undertaking
52. Which comes first, theory or research:
● Theory, because otherwise, you are working in the dark
● Research, because that’s the only way you can develop a theory
● It depends on your point of view
● The question is meaningless because you can’t have one without the other
53. Why has qualitative research been seen to have an affinity with feminism?
● It allows women’s voices to be heard, rather than objectifying and exploiting them
● It has always been carried out by female sociologists
● It allows the researcher to control variables and suppress women’s voices
● It claims to be value-free and non-political
54. IQ score is a(n) ______ variable.
● Nominal
● Ordinal
● Interval
● Ratio
55. Why do qualitative researchers like to give detailed descriptions of social settings?
● To provide a contextual understanding of social behavior
● Because once they have left the field, it is difficult to remember what happened
● So that they can compare their observations as a test of reliability
● Because they do not believe in going beyond the level of description
56. Left-handed is a(n) ______ variable.
● Nominal
● Ordinal
● Interval
● Ratio
57. The dependent variable is ______:
● The major variable which is selected, manipulated, and measured by the researchers
● The variable which you observe and measure to determine the effect of the independent variable
● A special type of independent variable which you may select for study to investigate whether it modifies the
relationship between the dependent and the major independent variables
● A variable that is held constant to neutralize the potential effect it might have on behavior.
58. When a segment of textual data has overlapping codes, this is called a(n) ______:
● Inductive code
● Co-occurring codes
● Priori code
● Factsheet code
59. This is the process of transforming qualitative research data from written interviews or field notes into typed text:
● Segmenting
● Coding
● Transcription
● Memoing
60. What is the recording of reflective notes about what you are learning from your data during data analysis called?
● Coding
● Segmenting
● Memoing
● Reflecting
61. Codes that apply to a complete:
● Cover codes
● False sheet codes
● Factual codes
● Factsheet codes
62. Which of the following orders is recommended in the flowchart of the development of a research idea?
● Research topic, research problem, research purpose, research question, hypothesis
● Research topic, research purpose, research problem, research question, hypothesis
● Research topic, research problem, research purpose, hypothesis, research question
● Research topic, hypothesis, research problem, research question, research purpose
63. The ______ is the most frequently obtained score in the data:
● Mean
● Mode
● Median
● Range
64. If categories can be related as a proportion (e.g., income, years at school), we have a(n) ______ scale:
● Nominal
● Ordinal
● Interval
● Ratio
65. Why is the statement “What are the effects of extracurricular activities on cognitive development of school-age
children” not a good statement of a quantitative research question?
● Because there is no connection between extracurricular activities and cognitive development research
● Because there are not enough school-age children engaged in extracurricular activities to conduct the study
● Because the study would be too difficult to do given all the different extracurricular activities
● Because the statement was not specific enough to provide an understanding of the variables being
66. The Introduction section of the research plan:
● Gives an overview of prior relevant studies
● Contains a statement of the purpose of the study
● Concludes with a statement of the research questions and, for quantitive research, it includes research
● All the above statements are true
67. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another variable is called a(n):
● Categorical variable
● Dependent variable
● Independent variable
● Intervening variable
68. In research, something that does not “vary” is called a ______:
● Variable
● Method
● Constant
● Control group
69. Sources of researchable problems can include:
● Researchs’ own experiences as educators
● Practical issues that require solutions
● Theory and past research
● All the above statements are true
70. Which of the following is not a component of Guba & Lincoln’s criterion, trustworthiness”?
● Transferability
● Measurability
● Dependability
● Credibility
71. “Married, single, divorced, and widowed” are values of a(n) ______:
● Nominal variable
● Ordinal variable
● Interval variable
● Ratio variable
72. Which of the following should be used to display central tendency?
● Variance
● Standard deviation
● Median
● Range
73. Which topics below do not lend themselves well to ethnography research?
● Topics that can be best understood in a natural setting
● Topics that involve studying individual or group activities overtime
● Topics that require quantification
● Topics that involve studying the behaviors of groups
74. You are completing a study on the effect of participation in a volunteer aiding program on later performance in ESL
practice teaching. What is the dependent variable?
● Participation in a volunteer aiding program
● Performance in ESL practice teaching
● Completion of a study
75. You are completing a study on the effect of participation in a volunteer aiding program on later performance in ESL
practice teaching. What is the independent variable?
● Participation in a volunteer aiding program
● Performance in ESL practice teaching
● Completion of a study
76. In which of the following non-random sampling techniques does the researcher ask the research participants to
identify other potential research participants?
● Snowball
● Convenience
● Purposive
● Quota
77. ______ is a set of elements taken from a larger population according to certain rules:
● Sample
● Population
● Statistic
● Element
78. What is(are) the problems(s) with this set of response categories to the question “What is your current age?” 1-5, 5-
10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40:
● The categories are not mutually exclusive
● The categories are not exhaustive
● Both a and b are problems
● There is no problem with the above set of response categories
79. Which of the following are principles of questionnaire construction?
● Consider using multiple methods when measuring abstract constructs
● Use multiple items to measure abstract constructs
● Avoid double-barreled questions
● All the above statements are true
● Only b and c
80. Which of the following is a form of research typically conducted by teachers, counselors, and other professionals to
answer questions they have and to specifically help them solve local problems?
● Action research
● Basic research
● Predictive research
● Orientational research
81. Which research paradigm is least concerned about generalizing its findings?
● Quantitive research
● Qualitative research
● Mixed research
● None of the above
82. Which of the following can best be described as a categorical variable?
● Age
● Annual income
● Grade point average
● Religion
83. Which of the following includes examples of quantitive variables?
● Age, temperature, income, height
● Grade point average, anxiety level, reading performance
● Gender, religion, ethnic group
● Both a and b
84. Which correlation is the strongest?
● +10
● -95
● +90
● -100
85. A qualitative research question:
● Ask a question about some process, or phenomenon to be explored
● Is generally an open-ended question
● Both a and b are correct
● None of the above
86. The process of marking segments of data with symbols, descriptive words, or category names is known as ______:
● Concurring
● Coding
● Coloring
● Segmenting
87. Which of the following statements sounds like a null hypothesis?
● The coin is not fair
● There is a correlation in the population
● There is no difference between male and female incomes in the population
● The defendant is guilty
88. A ______ is a subset of a ______:
● Sample, population
● Population, sample
● Statistic, parameter
● Parameter, statistic
89. Identify which of the following steps would not be included in hypothesis testing:
● State the null and alternative hypotheses
● Set the significance level before the research study
● Eliminate all outliers
● Obtain the probability value using a computer program such as SPSS
● Compare the probability value to the significance level and make the statistical decision
90. The median is ______:
● The middle point
● The highest number
● The average
● Affected by extreme scores
91. What is the mean of this set of numbers 4, 6, 7, 9, 2000000?
● 7.5
● 400005
● 7
● 4
92. Which of the following is not a data-collection method?
● Research questions
● Unstructured interviewing
● Postal survey questionnairs
● Participant observation
93. Why is data analysis concerned with data reduction?
● Because far too much data is collected than is required
● Because we need to make sense of the data
● Because of the repetitions in answers to questionnaires
● Because the sample size has been exceeded
94. The core ingredients of a dissertation are:
● Introduction, Data analysis, Conclusions, and recommendations
● Executive summary, Literature review, Data gathered, Conclusions, Bibliography
● Research plan, Research data, Analysis, References
● Introduction, Literature review, Research Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion
95. What is the median of this set of numbers 4, 6, 7, 9, 2000000?
● 7.5
● 6
● 7
● 4
96. Generally, the ______ is the best measure of central tendency because it is more precise:
● Mean
● Median
● Mode
● Range
97. Which of the following does not apply to qualitative research?
● Data are often words and pictures
● Uses the inductive scientific method
● Ends with a statistical report
● Involves direct and personal contact with participants
98. Which of the following is a characteristic of qualitative research?
● Design flexibility
● Inductive analysis
● Context sensitivity
● All the above statements are true
99. You have worked out a whole series of role-play activities for your adult-school ESL class because you believe that
practice in role-playing promotes overall language proficiency. Your study shows that you are correct. What was the
independent variable?
● Adult-school ESL class
● Language proficiency
● Your belief
● Role-play activities
100. Which of the following is usually not a characteristic of qualitative research?
● Design flexibility
● Dynamic systems
● Naturalistic inquiry
● Deductive design
101. Which of the following techniques yields a simple random sample?
● Choosing volunteers from an introductory psychology class to participate
● Listing the individuals by ethnic group and choosing a proportion from within each ethnic group at random
● Numbering all the elements of a sampling frame and then using a random number table to pick cases from the
● Randomly selecting schools, and then sampling everyone within the school
102. ______ is a type of probability sampling:
● Haphazard
● Quota
● Snowball
● Cluster
103. The word “random” is normally used with ______:
● Simple sampling
● Purposive sampling
● Stratified sampling
● Cluster sampling
104. Which of the following is not a form of nonrandom sampling?
● Snowball sampling
● Convenience sampling
● Quota sampling
● Purposive sampling
● They are all forms of nonrandom sampling
105. Which of the following would generally require the largest sampling size?
● Cluster sampling
● Simple random sampling
● Systematic sampling
● Proportional stratified sampling
106. The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as ______:
● Sampling
● Census
● Survey research
● None of the above
107. Which of the following is not a type of nonrandom sampling?
● Cluster sampling
● Convenience sampling
● Quota sampling
● Purposive sampling
● They are all the type of nonrandom sampling
108. When p<.05 is reported in a journal article that you read for an observed relationship, it means that the author
has rejected the null hypothesis (assuming that the author is using a significance or alpha level of .05):
● True
● False
109. The use of the laws of probability to make inferences and draw statistical conclusions about populations based
on sample data is referred to as ______:
● Descriptive statistics
● Inferential statistics
● Sample statistics
● Population statistics
110. Generally, researchers tend to use ______ percent confidence interval:
● 99%
● 95%
● 50%
● None of the above

111. ______ are used when you want to visually examine the relationship between two quantitive variables:
● Bar graphs
● Pie graphs
● Line graphs
● Scatterplots
112. The goal of ______ is to focus on summarizing and explaining a specific set of data:
● Inferential statistics
● Descriptive statistics
● None of the above
● All the above
113. The ______ is often the preferred measure of central tendency if the data are severely skewed:
● Mean
● Median
● Mode
● Range
114. If a distribution is skewed to the left, then it is ______:
● Negatively skewed
● Positively skewed
● Symmetrically skewed
● Symmetrical
115. Non-overlapping categories or intervals are known as ______:
● Inclusive
● Exhaustive
● Mutually exclusive
● Mutually exclusive and exhaustive
116. In a grouped frequency of distribution, the intervals should be what?
● Mutually exclusive
● Exhaustive
● Both A and B
● Neither A nor B
117. The ______ is the value you calculate when you want the arithmetic average:
● Mean
● Median
● Mode
● All the above
118. Why are variance and standard deviation the most popular measures of variability?
● They are most stable and are foundations for more advanced statistical analysis
● They are the simplest to calculate with large data sets
● They provide nominally scaled data
● None of the above
119. The “equals” sign (=) is included in which hypothesis when conducting hypothesis testing?
● Null
● Alternative
● It can appear in both null and the alternative hypotheses
120. A classification system generally used in social sciences that breaks something down into different types or
levels is called a ______
● Diagram
● Flowchart
● Hierarchical category system
● Category
121. The process of quantifying data is referred to as ______:
● Typology
● Diagramming
● Enumeration
● Coding
122. What is the median of the following set of scores 18, 6, 12, 10, 14?
● 10
● 14
● 18
● 12
123. Determining the sample interval (represented by k), randomly selecting a number between 1 and k, and
including each kth element in your sample are the steps for which form of sampling?
● Simple Random Sampling
● Stratified Random Sampling
● Systematic Sampling
● Cluster Sampling
124. Which of the following statements is/are true according to the logic of hypothesis testing?
● When the null hypothesis is true, it should be rejected
● When the null hypothesis is true, it should not be rejected
● When the null hypothesis is false, it should be rejected
● When the null hypothesis is false, it should not be rejected
● Both b and c are true
125. The “equals” sign (=) is included in which hypothesis when conducting hypothesis testing?
● Null
● Alternative
● It can appear in both the null and the alternative hypothesis
126. The statement of purpose in a research study should:
● Identify the design of the study
● Identify the intent or objective of the study
● Specify the type of people to be used in the study
● Describe the study
127. What is the defining characteristic of experimental research?
● Resistance to manipulation
● Manipulation of the independent variable
● The use of open-ended questions
● Focuses only on local problems
128. A statistical test used to determine whether a correlation coefficient is statistically significant is called the
● One-way analysis of variance
● T-test for independent samples
● Chi-square test for contingency tables
● T-test for correlation coefficients
129. When interpreting a correlation coefficient expressing the relationship between two variables, it is very
important to avoid ______:
● Checking the strength of the relationship
● Jumping to the conclusion of causality
● Checking the direction of the relationship
● Expressing a relationship with a correlation coefficient
130. Qualitative research is often exploratory and has all of the following characteristics except:
● It is typically used when a great idea is already known about the topic of interest
● It relies on the collection of non-numerical data such as words and pictures
● It is used to generate hypotheses and develop theories about phenomena in the world
● It uses the inductive scientific method
131. The strongest evidence for causality comes from which of the following research methods?
● Experimental
● Causal comparative
● Correlational
● Ethnography
132. A positive correlation is present when ______:
● Two variables move in opposite directions
● Two variables move in the same direction
● One variable goes up and one goes down
● Several variables never change
133. Which of the following best describes quantitive research?
● The collection of non-numerical data
● An attempt to confirm the research’s hypotheses
● Exploratory research
● Research that attempts to generate a new theory
134. Research hypotheses are ______:
● Formulated before a review of the literature
● Statement of predicted relationships between variables
● Stated such that they can be confirmed or refuted
● B and C
135. The Method section of the research plan typically specifies:
● The research participants
● The research results of prior studies that address the phenomena of interest
● The apparatus, instruments, and materials for the research study
● The planned research procedures
● A, C, and D
136. A review of the literature before formulating research questions allows the researcher to do which of the
● To become familiar with prior research on the phenomenon of interest
● To identify potential methodological problems in the research area
● To develop a list of pertinent relative to the phenomenon of interest
● All the above statements are true
137. Secondary/existing data may include which of the following?
● Official documents
● Personal documents
● Archived research data
● All the above statements are true
138. Which of the following terms best describes data that were originally collected at an earlier time by a different
person for a different purpose?
● Primary data
● Secondary data
● Experimental data
● Fieldnotes
139. What does it mean when you calculate a 95% confidence interval?
● The process you used will capture the true parameter of 95% of the time in the long run
● You can be “95% confident” that your interval will include the population parameter
● You can be “5% confident” that your interval will not include the population parameter
● All the above statements are true statements are true
140. An advantage of using computer programs for qualitative data is that they ______:
● Can reduce the time required to analyze data (i.e., after the data are transcribed)
● Help in storing and organizing data
● Make many procedures available that are rarely done by hand due to time constraints
● All the above statements are true

Chi square, T-test, cách report p-value, mean, mode, median, SD, Pearson.

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