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Module 1

Who is better equipped to handle 21st century learners? Teacher A or Teacher B? Why? Which of the
two teachers would you like to become when you graduate? Why? Give reasons for choosing Picture A:
__. Give reasons for choosing Picture B:

First of all, the students would be in the 21 st century, that means that they are tech savvy,
meaning, they are well equipped with understanding gadgets, devices, and other means of technology.
Teacher B would be the best choice to become because technology is rapidly upgrading or improving in
any aspects of the world.

Course Learning Outcomes Competency Domain

1. Explain ICT policies and safety issues as they Domain 1
impact the teachinglearning process
2. Integrate media and technology in various Domain 4
content areas
3. Apply learning theories and principles in the Domain 6
design and development of lessons through
appropriate media and technologies for teaching-
4. Formulate teaching-learning experiences and Domain 4
assessment tasks using appropriate and
innovative technologies
5. Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal Domain 7
responsibility in the use of technology tools and

1. Interview ten (10) of your teachers through text message, phone call, messenger call/chat using
the survey instrument on the Use of ICT in the Classroom found below.

Dear Teachers, please mark check (/) your Yes No

answer to the following question found below
1. Do you use technology in your
2. Are you aware of policies that guide
you in the use of ICT?
3. Do you use non-digital learning
resources in your teaching?
4. Do you develop digital resources for
your learners?
5. Do you use technology tools for
classroom activities?
6. Are you an expert in the use of
technology tools for teaching?
7. Do you have facilities to use the
technology tools in your classes?
8. Are you aware of the ethical and legal
responsibilities in the use of ICT tools?
9. Are your students learning better with
the use of technology tools?
10. Do you enjoy using ICT tools in your

2. How many answered YES or NO for each item? What percent is YES? NO?

3. Which of the 10 item/s has more YES than NO answer? Rank the items with more YES and rank
items with more NO.

4. What meaning can you derive from the results?

1. These are only a few of the many terms found in our word cloud. Explore in the web or reference
book how other terms are defined and understood. You can also go over the Module and
discover that there are many terms that we have not included in the list.

2. Make a glossary of terms of at least 20 ICT-related terms with each having a conceptual or
operational definition or description. Cite the source of your definition.
3. Internet, World Wide Web
4. The Internet is the network of computers we’re all familiar with. It’s quite common for
the terms “Internet” and “World Wide Web” to be used interchangeably, but these aren’t
actually the same thing. The Internet is essentially the wiring that allows computers all
over the world to communicate. The World Wide Web is a system that operates via this
wiring. Web pages are transmitted via Internet connections but there is more to the
Internet than just the web. Many other types of data travel across the Internet too, for
example email.
5. Web Browser
6. A program you use to look at, and navigate between, pages on the World Wide Web.
Examples include Internet Explorer and Firefox although there are many others. Again,
people sometimes refer to web browsers as “the Internet”, whereas they really only
provide the means to view pages on the web.
7. Bandwidth, Broadband
8. Bandwidth is an indication of how quickly data travels along a connection. The greater
the bandwidth, the faster data will be sent and received. Broadband is a rather vague
term that refers to bandwidth somewhere above that of an old dial-up modem,
although there is no precise definition of the term. Broadband connections are
generally “always on”, unlike modem connections. There are various technologies which
provide “broadband” speeds – such as ADSL, cable, satellite etc.
9. Modem
10. The word modem was originally coined in the days when computers communicated by
converting numbers into sounds that could then be transmitted over a regular
telephone line. At each end you needed a “modulator” to generate the sounds to
transmit and a “demodulator” to convert received sounds back into numbers. From
“MOdulator/DEModulator” came the word modem.
11. With modern digital communication, no conversion to and from audible sounds is
required, but even so it’s common to hear people talking about “broadband modems” or
“ADSL modems” when referring to devices providing broadband connectivity. Strictly
speaking, such devices are not modems at all as they communicate digitally but the
word has stuck; its meaning has shifted to refer to digital devices as well.
12. Memory, Disk Space
13. Another very common source of confusion. In computing, “memory” generally refers to
the temporary storage used by a computer whilst it is switched on. A computer loads
programs and data into its memory in order to carry out tasks. This is more accurately
called RAM or “random-access memory”. Disk space (or “hard disk space”), on the other
hand, is a more permanent store that holds files even when the computer is switched
off. It’s from here that the computer loads things into its memory. Strictly speaking you
don’t store things in the computer’s memory as that vanishes when you turn the
machine off.
14. Virus, Spyware, Trojan, Worm, Malware
15. These terms are often confused, although they have distinct meanings.
16. A virus is a piece of software that can copy itself and which attaches itself to some other
program in order to survive and replicate. It may have some malicious intent or it may
exist simply to reproduce. A worm is similar but it can exist independently; it doesn’t
need to attach to a separate program. A Trojan – or Trojan Horse – is a piece of software
that gains access to a computer by pretending to be benign or by hiding within some
innocent-looking application. The name is obviously derived from the wooden horse
employed by the Greek army during the Trojan Wars. Spyware is software that secretly
monitors computer activity, attempting to gain private information without the
computer user knowing.
17. By and large, all of the above will have some malicious intent – to harm data, spy on
computer activity and so forth. Malware is a general term for all such programs – it
simply means any software, of whatever sort, written with a malicious intent. Viruses are
generally malware but there is more to malware than just viruses.
18. Bits, Bytes
19. At a basic level, all computer data is just a series of 0s and 1s. Each of these is referred
to as a “binary digit”, for which “bit” is just an abbreviation. A byte is (generally) a
collection of eight bits, so called because of the pun with bit and bite. Similarly a
collection of four bits – half a byte – is sometimes called a “nybble”.
20. In order to refer to large numbers of bits and bytes, various prefixes are used, as in :
21. 1 kilobyte = 1024 (or 1000) bytes
1 megabayte = 1024 (or 1000) kilobytes
1 gigabyte = 1024 (or 1000) megabytes
1 terabyte = 1024 (or 1000) gigabytes
1 petabyte = 1024 (or 1000) terabytes
22. Reboot
23. To switch a computer off and on again, allowing its operating system and programs to
be reloaded. Note that this is not the same as placing a computer into
standby/hibernate and then resuming. A reboot requires that all software is completely
24. The term derives from “bootstrap”, as in the phrase “to pull oneself up by one’s
bootstraps”, because of the similarity to that seemingly impossible act (as a computer
can’t run without first loading some software but must be running before any software
can be loaded).
25. Cookie
26. A small text file sent to your computer by a web site you have visited. These can be very
useful in that they can allow the web site to recognize who you are when you return.
Cookies cannot store viruses or other threats, although they can be used to track your
activity across different web sites in order to provide, for example, “targeted”
27. Firewall
28. A firewall is a piece of computer software or hardware that restricts the data that is
allowed to flow through. Firewalls block traffic that is undesirable in some way, the
intention being to prevent infection by malware and so on without restricting the user
from carrying out legitimate activity.
29. Spam
30. Unsolicited email messages sent out in bulk and generally commercial in nature. In fact
the term is used more widely these days to refer to such messages in a variety of places,
not just on email – for example comments on blogs.
31. The origin of this sense of the word spam is unclear.
33. CAPTCHA checks are the strings of letters and numbers that have to be typed in on
some web pages before something can be saved. They exist because, although humans
find interpreting these strings relatively easy, computers do not. Setting up these checks
therefore blocks an automated process – such as one generating spam – from using the
page, whereas a human is still able to.
34. The acronym CAPTCHA actually stands for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to
tell Computers and Humans Apart” – a rather contrived way of arriving at an acronym
that sounds like the word “capture”.

Write a paragraph about your personal experience on how technology has influenced your life as a
learner from elementary, high school, and college.

How Technology Influenced My Life as a Learn….

Technology is a rapid development now a days, it has greatly influenced my learning as a

student vastly. Learning through projected powerpoint presentation is fun, it has audio and at the same
time videos that help students learn in a great way. Unlike before, you need to go to the library and find
books related to our homework for us to be able to learn new things and do the designated homework.
Now, you just need internet access, search it in whatever search engine you are comfortable using, and
view websites and review if it is correct. Technology is in the palm of our hands and very easy to access.
Wikipedia is one of the example I am visiting with regards to my inquiries of questions of my homework.

Write a paragraph on how you are going to use technology when you will become a teacher? How will I
use Technology when I become a Teacher….

As I have said, Technology is a rapid development, meaning, days come by, it will become easier
and easier to use technology. I am going to use technology for my students in a fun way that they will
learn many things while at the same time having fun in the activities that I am going to do. Giving
homework to my students with the use of google spreadsheets. Also, if my students are having
problems at school, they can chat me or message me and I can help them through video calls for
him/her to have a tutor if need be.

D. EVALUATION Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education A. In
this lesson,

1. I learned that... (Knowledge)

Terms that I can use and clarification of the terms used in technology. There are so many ways to use
technology for example, technology is a medium to present learning ideas on how to be more efficient
in teaching, but also can be used for researching, for discussions on forums, especially now that we have
a pandemic, it can also be used as a medium for easy access to communicate with my professors.

2. I felt that... (Value/Attitude)

I felt that technology is really important, if you really know how to make use of it, it can maximize all the
possibilities as a teacher to teach students in so many ways possible.

3. I developed... (Skill)
I developed skills in powerpoint, excel, word, researching through the world wide web.

B. Choose the best answer from the options given:

1. B.
2. A.
3. D.
4. D.
5. D.

Lesson 2: Understanding the Basic Concepts In ICT

Choose the best answer from the options given:

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. A
5. B

Lesson 3: Roles of Technology for Teaching and Learning

A. Reflect on the question: How does the role of technology change the teaching-learning environment?

Technology greatly affects the teaching-learning environment, it gives more resources for the teacher to
give homeworks, researches, educational presentations to students. More importantly now that we
have a pandemic, teachers give students online modules easy access for students to learn. Students on
the other hand has more resources on researching various topics or any school related curriculum, it
gives them the freedom at home to work on their modules, homeworks, and examinations.


1. C.

2. D.

3. D.

4. A.

5. A.

Module 2
Task 1 Lesson 1

Tile of the Article: The increasing threats to data privacy and security during the pandemic

Source: Internet

Author: Tomas Suros

Summary Narrative:

A high-profile entertainment law firm was hit in May by a ransomware attack, with the

hackers demanding $42 million under a threat to expose documents on the firm’s clients, which include

AC/DC, Lady Gaga and Robert De Niro. Law firm client data, particularly personal and financial

information about celebrities, has a very high value to hackers.

As the current pandemic has forced much of the world into virtual workforce mode, cybercriminals have

seized on the uncertainty of the current times to launch new and creative offensives. Fears surrounding

COVID-19 are high, conspiracy theories are running rampant, and cyberattackers are counting on stress

and distraction to decrease our vigilance against intrusions.

What Lesson have you learned?

Data privacy is very important to all of us, even celebrities are involved and can be vulnerable to the
risks of data privacy. We need to be more careful of the internet sites that we are viewing as this can
affect us or can be used against us. With the pandemic going on, we are mindful that we must not go
out for us to be safe, thus, online buying can be useful, but it can be also a threat for us, like visiting
phishing sites that will include our credit card information and can be hacked.

What suggestion can you offer?

My suggestion is that we need to be more careful of the sites that we are visiting. Check the website if it
is legit or contact a personnel and verify that this site is safe to use. Privacy can be many different things
but it is the most important for me.

Task 2 Lesson 1

Reflection paper:
1. I as a future teacher learned that Privacy and Security is now important amidst the pandemic we
are all users of the online platform, online buying, online selling, deliveries for us to be safe.
2. I as a future teacher realized that we need to be more careful and cautious of the internet sites
that we are visiting, we need to know if the site is legit and cannot harm us in any way.
3. I as a future teacher plan to teach my students the importance of Privacy and Security for them
to be knowledgeable of the risks of the internet.

Task 1 lesson 2

Mag interview ka daw

Task 2 lesson 2

Reflection paper

1. What have I learned?

I have learned that there are rules and policies that needs to be followed for the growth of DICT. We as
teachers need to be knowledgeable of the factors that can affect our students in eLearning. We must be
computer literate for us to be able to share the knowledge the we have learned to better teach our

2. What I want to know more?

I want to know more about how to teach my students the best way to educate them with regards to

3. What will I do with what I learned?

I will teach my students on the risks of the internet and how to avoid and protect them. It is true that
there are some internet sites that are hazardous to their mental health like depression sites which can
encouraged them to commit suicide. I need to protect them from that. And also the addiction to games,
I need to teach them that it is only a game, a past time, not a hobby.

Module 3

Task 1 lesson 1

1. Flipchart

Flipcharts are very useful to help evaluators work in the field with rural people. They do not require
electricity, and can be used for drawing as well as writing text. Flip charts offer a more interactive and
lively alternative to powerpoint presentations. It can be used in rural schools who does not have any
electricity, more convenient to use there.
2. Wall display

Wall displays are an important part of any classroom, as they make the room appear more inviting and
creates a better learning environment. We can post events, achievements of students, for them to be
able to be inspired that they can also achieve and strive hard in the classroom.

3. Chalkboard

Chalkboard as teaching aids is very important tools used by a teacher to facilitate learning and improve
reading and other skills. It is used to reinforce skills or facts and relieve anxiety, fears or boredom
because teaching aid is like a game. As a teacher we can also encourage our students to answer on the
board with competition, with rewards, I think this can inspire them to study and win the game for the

4. Diorama

I think that dioramas are physical boxes built to showcase learning on a subject matter or topic. They are
a way to incorporate craft projects into the understanding of a topic. They allow students to illustrate an
academic subject, the plot of a story, or an event in history.

5. Nature table

Dioramas can be used throughout all levels of education. They pinpoint a moment of learning and show
deeper levels of understanding. Dioramas can also be used in real world setting as problem solvers.

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