Need and Opportunity Analysis

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Need and Opportunity Analysis

Submitted by:
ANG, Shania Marie
GOMEZ, Yvanns Kaylee
MANALOTO, Adrianne There
NAYAD, Mikel Dominic
TOLEDO, Reanna Ryce
Overview of Social Problem

According to statistics, 16.6% of the population of the Philippines, or

roughly 17.6 million people, live in poverty. People who live in rural areas have
a far higher probability of becoming poor, with roughly one-third of those living
in poverty working as farmers. Moreover, according to NSCB poverty statistics,
the extent of household poverty in Cebu is increasing wherein 40 percent of the
population is fighting for poverty, making Cebu as one of the poorest provinces
in the Philippines.

With the aforementioned data above, this study will focus mostly on
communities where poverty is a major concern, specifically, puroks 6 and 7 of
Barangay Tapul, Talisay City. According to the 2020 Census, Barangay Tapul
has a population of 2,329. This amounted to 0.89 percent of Talisay's total
population. These places are dealing with such underlying concerns as they are
located in an area where public transportation is not available due to the
remoteness of their land. This situation makes it a challenge for the people in
Barangay Tapul to secure better jobs or to find a much more stable job
opportunity. Their source of income comes only from working in construction
sites, farming and scavenging which are still insufficient jobs to help them
sustain themselves and for their families.

To aid in the resolution of the underlying issue that exists in Puroks 6 and
7, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 and 8: No Poverty and Decent
Work and Economic Growth creates the concept of poverty alleviation and
economic growth in both puroks. The approach to poverty reduction for this
study is to establish food businesses that garner productive jobs in places where
poor people work, because poverty alleviation is fundamentally about
introducing growth processes to poor places.
External Environment (PESTEL )

Political Environment
● The political environment surrounding the business can either make or
break it. The business hopes for continuous leadership from local
government officials who encourage businesses that will help the
development and growth of the community. With the government’s
continuous effort to apply the Philippine Development Plan (2017 - 2022),
it will be easier for the business to flourish as it rides on the government’s
support in eradicating poverty through economic development.

Economic Environment
● The economic state of the Philippines is ever fluctuating, especially now
during a pandemic. The severity of the Coronavirus cases can directly
affect economic activity and become a hindrance to the business. Because
of the virus, there is a higher tendency for people to cook their meals at
home or have them delivered, usually opting for restaurants and diners in
close proximity. This significantly decreases the demand for our product.
Moreover, because of the current state of the pandemic, there is a decrease
in the purchasing power of the consumers. With that, consumers are less
likely to purchase ready-made meals from restaurants because the
cheaper alternative is to cook them at home. Although that may be the
case, the collective effort between the general public, the government, and
the medical professionals are slowly paying off as things steadily go back
to normal. As physical restrictions dwindle, the demand for our product

Social Factors
● In the aspect of socio economics, there is a growing number of conscious
consumers and the trend of consumer awareness. Consumers now
concern themselves with how ethical, sustainable, and charitable a
business is. This growing consciousness and trend popularized green
marketing initiatives and is proven to be effective on multiple occasions.
Although the business does not specifically utilize green marketing, it
perfectly tackles this trend as the ingredients are bought and sourced
locally from the community itself. Further, our business initiative directly
gives back to the community by providing one free meal for each meal
purchased by our customers.
Technological Advancements
● Every day, technological advancements are made and many of them are
applied in business. The development of food delivery applications has
centralized food delivery, making it more efficient and has made it easier
for consumers to connect with restaurants. With easy accessibility,
numerous payment options, and effortless delivery, it opens a new avenue
for restaurants to earn more revenue and recognition. Additionally,
technology, specifically social media, can be used as an effective marketing
tool. Tailored ads help businesses reach their target market easier and
reach new markets.

Environmental Factors
● The ever-changing weather conditions due to the continuous severity of
climate change will have grave consequences on the business, most
especially to the source of our ingredients. Climate change holds an
indirect relationship with how well the business may succeed. Unfavorable
weather conditions like long periods of heavy rainfall, flooding, or
extremely high temperatures may all affect crop production and quality
thus extending the impact not only towards the business but also to the
livelihood of the suppliers as well. On the other hand, with the general
public’s growing environmental concern, the business may use this as our
competitive advantage. Since we source our ingredients from local farms,
our carbon footprint will fall under the average amount by other

Legal Aspects
● The last component to complete the analysis is one of the most important
components as it determines whether we will be able to operate the
business or not. For starters, we will have to procure legal documents such
as business permits, registrations, clearances, and certifications from
multiple legal bodies like the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the
Department of Trade and Industry. Moreover, we will have to ensure that
the business follows the up-to-date safety and sanitation standards as well
as the labor laws of the country. Even more, we will have to research on
the most viable option when it comes to the means of acquiring the
financial capital needed in order to put up the business while acquiring the
least amount of debt. Basic bookkeeping skills and knowledge will also be needed
to make sure all financial and legal aspects of the business are taken care of.
Root Causes Analysis Diagram

Figure 2. Poverty, Root Causes Diagram

Causes of poverty in the Philippines are versatile, ranging from social

to politically-induced problems. Tackling poverty itself means
tackling these disparate origins, making the fight against poverty a
no easy task. For the purposes of the study, it aims to target one of
those causes; unemployment. By enabling the unemployed to buy
necessities and be given food relief, it will be able to achieve social
mobility and alleviate hunger.
Environmental landscape

● Barangay Officials of Barangay Tapul

When the persistent problem of poverty in Barangay Tapul was brought to the
attention of the Barangay Officials, led by the Barangay Captain, Mrs. Mary Ann
Nolasco, a purok system was formed as a remedy to help decrease its impact on
the vulnerable community. This purok system is a community-based
organization that identifies residents who are without a source of income or
whose income is insufficient to meet their family's needs. Officials were able to
raise awareness of the situation among the underprivileged inhabitants through
this collaborative effort. In fact, they have also given residents job orders,
allowing them to undertake a certain task for a period of two months in order to
ensure that everyone in the barangay has an equal opportunity for employment.

● Department of Agriculture (DA)

The Department of Agriculture (DA) has increased its support of agricultural
livelihood by giving seeds and seedlings for farmers to grow in order to assure
food availability and long-term production. They urged the nine barangays to
construct a temporary shelter for the seeds and seedlings before distributing
them to the constituents. This allows farmers to reduce their costs by allowing
them to continue planting without having to spend as much money on seedlings.
The social and economic position of the purok and the barangay as a whole has
improved as a result of this project, which has enabled them to provide more
food and crops for their personal consumption as well as for sale.

● Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has launched a program that
provides free livelihood seminars to locals. The seminar includes lectures that
teach inhabitants which essentials they should prioritize in order to improve
their living. Segments of the program are adapted to meet the needs of the
community, with a focus on introducing new work options that will help people
gain experience in the labor market.
o Matching Interventions with expectations

● Barangay Officials of Barangay Tapul

Based on the approaches taken by the Barangay Officials in resolving the
situation, it can be determined that their intervention corresponds to the
planned actions that they had undoubtedly expected, based on the initial
plans. This method of constructing Purok 6 and 7 as a cure resulted from
their initiative to assist citizens in accessing work opportunities that they
have been unable to locate. Residents will be aware of this intervention as
it has become part of the system, which also will allow them to find work.

● Department of Agriculture (DA)

The Department of Agriculture's concept of distributing seeds and
seedlings for agriculture production is just one of the many initiatives
they've done to encourage people to participate in their planting program,
which aims to create a food-secure community. This intervention provided
the farmers with an adequate number of crops to sell as part of an
endeavor to improve their livelihood and provide them with sustainable
economic and social development to meet their needs. Residents, primarily
farmers, are aware of this engagement since they're the beneficiaries of the
department's seedling distribution project, and they are the ones who are
given the opportunity to produce larger numbers of food crops.

● Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has introduced a
program that provides free livelihood seminars to locals. The seminar
includes lectures that teach residents which necessities people should
prioritize in an attempt to optimize their living. Segments of the program
are adapted to meet the needs of the community, with a concentration on
launching innovative work options that will help the residents in the
Barangay Tapul to gain experience in the labor market.

o Assessment of Effectiveness of the Implemented Intervention

In light of the intervention, the Barangay Officials of Barangay Tapul have

indeed done effective measures in solving this certain issue wherein all residents
have equal opportunities to garner better jobs and provide for themselves and
for their family. They were able to spread awareness of the issue and did what
they could to help the underprivileged inhabitants know of their situation.
However, this is only a short-term solution.

The Department of Agriculture’s intervention is very effective as they have

to provide and distribute seeds for the production which allows the farmers to
pay less. In this way, it can help farmers enhance their livelihood and provide
themselves with their physiological needs such as food. There might be no
assurance as to how many times they are provided seeds or what kind of seeds
are given but for the time being it could cut the cost off farmer’s pays.

Lastly, for the Department of Labor and Employment, their intervention is

the most effective one out of all because it provides knowledge and
understanding to all residents in the area. The program will aid those who are
not aware of the necessities they should prioritize and teach them how to improve
their skills for future employment.

Intervention Effectivity Rating

Barangay Officials of Barangay Tapul 8

The Department of Agriculture (DA) 8.5

The Department of Labor and 9

Employment (DOLE)


Due to the COVID pandemic, and the current situation of travel, it is virtually
impossible to get a hands-on effort to the task, therefore heavily relying on data
and digital communication. Moreover, most food service-based establishments
today are constrained due to volatility and inconsistency of government protocol.
This meant riskier operations; immediate issuance of tighter restrictions, or
worse, lockdowns might render the business slow to development or might grind
to a halt.

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