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Assess client’s ability to swallow medication.

Assess for any allergy to medication. Presence of vomiting or
Specific drug action and side effects
Clients knowledge about the medication

Prepare needed supplies and equipment

Check accuracy and completeness of each medication card with

physician’s written medication order.
Check clients’ name, drug name dosage, route of administration and
time for administration
Prepare the client by proper explanation of procedure
Assist the client to a sitting position or raise the head with pillows
A. Preparation of Medications
Wash hands
arrange medication tray

With the medication card take the prescribed medicine from the
bottle and compare label of bottle with the medicine card and check
the expiry date
With the medication card check the medication bottle and calculate
the drug dose
To prepare tablets or capsules from bottle
Pour required number into bottle cap and transfer medications to
medication cup: Do not touch medicines with fingers. Extra tablets
or capsules may be returned to bottle
All tablets or capsules given to client at same time may be placed in

one cup except for those requiring pre-administration assessments

(e.g. Pulse rate or BP)
To prepare liquids
Remove bottle cap from container and place cap upside down.
Shake the liquid medicine before pouring it into the ounce glass.
Hold bottle with label against palm of hand while pouring
Hold medication cup at eye level and fill to desired level on scale
Discard excess liquid in cup into sink. Wipe tip of bottle with paper
Compare medication card with drug container
Return the container back into the shelf or drawer and read label
Place the card with medication on the tray. No medicine should be
kept without
Do not leave drugs unattended

B. Administering medications
Take medications to client at correct time.
Identify client by comparing name on medication card with
identification bracelet. Ask client to repeat the name
Verify identification with staff member who knows the client
Client may wish to hold medications in hand or cup before placing in
Give water to swallow medications.

Give medications one at a time.\.

assist client to a comfortable position

For sublingual administration of medications Have client place
medications under the tongue and allow it to dissolve completely.
Instruct client not to swallow tablet.
For buccal administration of medications
Have client place medication in mouth against mucus membranes of
the cheek until it dissolves.
For powdered medications
Mix with liquid at bedside, shake well and give to client to drink.
If tablets or capsule falls to the floor, discard it and repeat
Dispose of soiled supplies and wash hands.
Return medication card to the storage area
Recording and reporting
Record the date, time, name and dose of medications given and
omitted on nurses record and any reactions observed after the intake
of drug and report if any. Monitor for therapeutic or adverse effects

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