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Climate Change

How can coastal cities like Mumbai better protect their populations from the
increased threat of flooding?


Use this template to write up your idea before submitting it online via our entry form,
by 31 May 2018. When you upload the form, you can also add up to 5 images, which
might include renders, line drawings or technical plans of your idea.


Our judges will score your idea on its impact, excitement/originality, scale, relevance
and feasibility.

A good submission will be well thought through and written clearly, with supporting
research, data or statistics, and images. It will inspire our judges and illustrate how it
answers the original brief, along with describing any opportunities there may be for it
to work in more than just one city.


Simply fill in the document using the text boxes below including your name, email
address and any links to supporting videos or websites. Don’t forget what the judges
are looking for, and remember to make it clear how your idea answers the brief.
Once you’re finished, save this Word document and visit the entry form to upload it
alongside any supporting images.

This form is comprised of 3 sections, which must all be completed, in English. If you
cannot complete the form in English there is the possibility that your entry will not be


Short answer (50 words)

Climate Change

Long answer (up to 500 words)

Whenever it occurs, it disrupts the entire city! The single most important reason
why I chose this brief is because, one of the students from my undergraduate
college had lost his father in the floods which had struck Mumbai, in August 2017.
The Mumbai flood of 2005 alone had claimed five hundred and forty-six innocent
lives [The Pioneer]. Damage to buildings and infrastructure, and spread of
infection have been the most common effects of floods, each time it has occurred.
With my idea, I hope to offer a permanent solution for forestalling the occurrence
of floods, preventing any further loss of life and property.

According to the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai, the existing drainage system

is capable of withstanding rainfall only up to 50 mm, and the city is likely to get
flooded when the rainfall crosses this limit, which almost happens every year
during the monsoon. Situations can become worse in future because climate
change would trigger heavier and more frequent rainfalls [The Guardian]. The
existing drainage system was designed to function in accordance with the
gravitational flow of water, which has not been able to prevent floods. The
proposed idea is based on moving the water-flow against gravity, by installing an
‘above the ground’ drainage system or the A.T.G. drainage system.

The A.T.G. drainage system would make use of water-suction pumps fixed along
the street-dividers at strategic locations. These pumps would have their outlets
inside the drainage line, which would be installed above the divider and would
travel parallel to it. As soon as the underground drain would become full and
water would start accumulating on the street, the pump would get activated,
facilitating the transmission of water from the streets to the drainage line.
Implementation of this strategy would result in the following benefits:

1. Permanent solution for flood prevention: Since the pumps would start
performing the suction action as soon as the water starts accumulating on
the street, water level would never rise on the streets, irrespective of the
rainfall intensity.
2. Complete control of diversion and discharge: Unlike the existing drainage
system, the proposed drainage system would allow the Municipal
Corporation to control the water flow in the A.T.G. drainage line by
adjusting the slopes through computerized settings, changing the direction
of internal flood-gates, opening or closing the valves etc. The water flow
can also be fully or partially automated and can be monitored in real time.
3. Clog prevention: The inlet of the suction pump would be fitted with a filter,
preventing the entry of solid wastes into the A.T.G. Moreover, the waste
collected at the face of the inlet would be moved aside by a wiper.
The proposed innovative strategy is a great solution for making Mumbai a flood-
free city forever! The solution breaks away from the traditional drainage system
The A.T.G. drainage system can be implemented in any city, with modifications
and focuses on moving the water against the gravity for preventing the
according to the condition of the existing drainage system and the flood data of
occurrence of floods.
the concerned city. Prevention of flood altogether would ensure that the buildings’
Flooding in Mumbai was a history!
foundations would not be damaged, and the citizens would be able to enjoy a
safer, cleaner and healthy lifestyle.
Climate Change

Web links to any supporting work (optional)

For example, you may want to include a link to a video as part of your submission, or
make reference to a website regarding your idea. If so, please put the full URL here.
If you have images, they can be uploaded on the website when you upload this form.

First name


Last name


Email address

Are you part of a team?



Firstly, check that you have completed all the fields in this form, then save this Word
document and visit the entry form to upload it alongside any supporting images.


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