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When you have to be right


Lippincott Advisor®
Immediate, evidence-based
answers and guidance at
the point-of-care.

The Right
Right Now.

Lippincott Solutions
Lippincott Advisor
The single source for the latest online, evidence-
based, clinical-decision support for nurses
Lippincott Advisor provides you immediate Authoritative. Comprehensive.
access to the information nurses need Single Source.
most. The industry’s leading clinician-based Lippincott Advisor brings trusted healthcare
online resource is designed for the point-of- information to the clinical staff with an
care environment, and can provide the most intuitive user interface that enhances
current evidence-based information needed assessment and critical-thinking skills.
to practice with confidence. Helping clinicians find answers fast, while
Lippincott Advisor provides both "bedside" supporting EMR-based care delivery,
support (covering diseases, drugs, Lippincott Advisor helps support the
diagnostic tests, and patient teaching) Meaningful Use goals to provide better
and "clinical best practice" support (with access to complete and accurate health
guidelines for topical issues like Core information, to ultimately improve outcomes.
Measures, Nursing Care Plans, Sentinel
Events, and Cultural Perspectives).
Designed to easily integrate into EMR-based
clinical workflow, Lippincott’s powerful Point-of-Care Benefits:
search engine delivers the right answers • Instant access to evidence-based
instantly, covering a wide range of topics in clinical information at the
a single-source application, allowing you to point-of-care
spend less time searching and more time on
• Easy EMR integration
patient care.
• Compatible search functionality
with Lippincott Procedures
• Compliance with current national

Includes FREE MOBILE ACCESS • Standardized care delivery

for your facility!

“Lippincott Advisor is
my bread and butter.
I look at it every day.
For me it’s vital.”
—Andrea McCleary, RN, BSN, MAOM,
Director of Education at Hilton Head Hospital
Lippincott Advisor

Lippincott Advisor includes over 16,000 For Deeper Dives

original, synthesized, evidence-based
If further research is required, Lippincott
content entries and patient-teaching
Advisor is supported by integrated
handouts in the following:
hyperlinks to PubMed and your institution’s
Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment library holdings. In addition, Lippincott
• Diseases and Conditions Advisor has its own health library of over
• Signs and Symptoms 30 clinician reference texts such as
• Diagnostic Tests
Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice
• Treatments
(Nettina), Cardiac Nursing (Woods, et al),
• Drugs
and Wallach’s Interpretation of Diagnostic
Clinical Leadership, Development and Tests (Williamson & Snyder).
• Clinical Education Ensuring Competency
• Nursing Management New! Lippincott Advisor now includes tests
Care Planning and assignment capabilities, so users can
• Nursing Care Plans for Medical Diagnoses easily assess, track and validate clinical
• Nursing Diagnosis Care Plans competency at the bedside. Currently
Patient Teaching available in Patient Teaching Navigator and
• Lexicomp and UpToDate Patient Handouts Diseases & Conditions, this functionality
• Lexicomp and UpToDate Drug Handouts will be expanded for additional content sets
Patient Teaching Navigator later in 2017.
• Teaching Challenges Always Current
• Teaching Concepts Regular and routine updates ensure nurses
• Teaching about:
have access to the latest evidence, the
- Diagnostic Tests
latest guidelines, and the latest best-
- Diseases and Conditions
practice information.
- Treatments
Quality and Safety Initiatives Customizable
• Core Measures Append with custom notes or add
• National Guidelines completely new protocols as needed.
• National Patient Safety Goals (New!)
Improving Patient Satisfaction
• Sentinel Events
• Hospital-Acquired Conditions New! The recent Patient Teaching Navigator
• Communication add-on to Lippincott Advisor includes
• Cultural Perspectives general teaching guidance for clinicians,
as well as instruction on specific learning
Putting Evidence To Work scenarios for patients.
Get the quickest and most reliable answers
Lippincott Advisor
when you need them, wherever you are.
helps to improve:
Lippincott Advisor is designed for instant
• Quality of care
access to the information that nurses
• Standardization
need most. With on-the-spot answers to
• Nurse confidence
questions about diseases, diagnostic tests,
and autonomy
treatments, signs and symptoms, and other
• Patient outcomes
clinical details, Lippincott Advisor provides
immediate, evidence-based answers to
clinicians’ most pressing health information
questions, using a synoptic search. This
functionality eliminates the need to wade
through pages of irrelevant and unreliable
Internet search results or lengthy lists of
book and journal hits.
The Right Answers. Right Now.
To learn more about Lippincott Advisor
and other Lippincott Solutions:
Call: 1-855-695-5070


When you have to be right

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