MB0052 Strategic Management and Business Policy Assignments Feb 11

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February 2011

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4

MB0052 – Strategic Management and Business Policy - 4 Credits

Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 What similarities and differences do you find in BCG business portfolio matrix,
Ansoff growth matrix and GE growth pyramid. (10 marks)

Q.2 Discuss the investment strategies applicable for businesses and methods to
rectify faulty investment strategies. (10 marks)

Q.3. a. Distinguish policy, procedure and programmes with examples. (5 marks)

b. Give a short note on synergy. (5 marks)

Q.4. Select any established Indian company and analyse the different types of
strategies taken up by the company over the last few years. (10 marks)

Q. 5 Why do you think it is necessary for organisations to have vision and mission
statements and also core competencies? Support your answer with relevant
examples. (10 marks)

Q. 6. What is SBU? Explain its features, functions and roles. Mention some of the
successful SBU of MNC’s. (10 marks)
February 2011

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4

MB0052 – Strategic Management and Business Policy - 4 Credits

Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Explain with respect to policies – steps in framing business policy and stages
of policy cycle. Will these help in decision making? (10 marks)

Q.2 Assess the challenges involved in Strategic Management in the near future. (10

Q.3 Four years back, Pure Ltd. was a newly started company. It deals in designer
fabrics. Its top management comprises mainly of young talented persons. They
would to know to make the company follow ethical codes and practice CSR as
the company moves ahead. They are also interested in meeting its business
obligations. Could you suggest to the management on how to go about it? (10

Q.4. What is BCP? Discuss its importance and influence on strategic management.
How contingency planning is related to BCP? (10 marks)

Q. 5 Mention any 5 successful strategic alliances and discuss the key aspects
concerned with it. What kinds of problems were faced by companies that were
involved in these strategic alliances? (10 marks)

Q. 6 Give a note on strategic evaluation and strategic control. (10 marks)

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