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Roniel and I were good friends since college that was 2014, we still catch up after graduation.

After we graduated he moved in Manila to find a job there and lucky he was hired by a huge
brokerage. We are still communicating and then after that he knows the procedures on how to
process in Bureau of Customs Port of Manila. He started his sideline, he processed other
shipment outside their brokerage to earn extra income. That time he offered me to be his
signing broker since I’m living in Davao City and as Customs Broker we can lodge such entry
nationwide regardless whoever processing the documents in certain Ports. I started signing his
entries on 2016. His entries/goods where in Port of Manila. I trusted him that he will not make
me involved in problematic shipments which he promised to. So, all transactions we had went
smooth. Later then this problem arrived last September 2017, the shipment was a loose cargo
arrived in Port of Manila. I don’t know their transaction between Roniel and the client. I
transact only with Roniel that time and he never mentioned to me the status of the shipment or
problem that was arise. By then, I was comfortable that everything were fine. After five days, I
was curious that his shipment was still assessed in the Bureau of Customs and haven’t yet paid.
That’s the point I asked him regarding the status and he said that the client will no longer pay
for the additional payment. I have no idea about whatever their conversation was. Because for
me that’s the client of Roniel. This was the practice in the Bureau, that regardless you do not
have a license yet you can have a client. Not all brokers have clients. That’s the saddest/insult
part of being a license Customs Broker. We compete with non-license. Since we’re friends and I
want to help him for his extra income, although he will just gave me a signing fee only with a
small amount. Don’t make me wrong I have my clients also in Davao City. I don’t cater
shipments/entries in Port of Manila because of their procedures in processing is more hassle
and expensive than in Port of Davao. Also, I’m in Davao City, if ever I have a shipment there
probably I will just give it to my batchmates practicing in Port of Manila. Afterwards, there was
a parcel from Lbc contained a demand letters from whoever the shipper, that day I called Roniel
why that there was a demand letter from his client involving me. Maybe, it’s because I was the
one who signed his entry and told Roniel to fix his problem with the client. He said he will.
That’s the point that I allow him to do his responsibility. I let it go and I let Roniel fix the

On April 2018, I received a call from Ms. Gecel claimed that their shipment was still in the
jurisdiction of the Bureau of Customs. That month was the time the owner contacted me. After
a year, I was wondering that if they cannot negotiate anymore with Roniel, why is it that they
waited this long to contact me if they already have a problem with Roniel. As for the side of
Roniel, he wasn’t want me to be involved with his problem. He dealt this on his own. In regards
to find me, they can search me on social media such as Facebook. Now that all humans know
how to use social media. If the client and Roniel was not in good terms anymore they should
contact me directly. They should not waited for this too long. Wherein I can’t help them
because the shipment was already abandoned. They can only get their shipment through
auction. The thought was that if they really wanted to release their shipment, one month after
the incident (misunderstanding between Roniel and the client) without hesitation they should
contact to me directly. After hearing the both sides, that was the time when all duties were
higher. The duties of their shipment was 40,379 upgraded to 132, 445.00. That was the reason
Roniel asked for additional payment. The package price was not enough to cater all the
expenses. Then the client refused to do so because they said that they already discussed the
package. That was there commotion. Again, in good faith I have no idea about their agreement.
They were saying that we’re partners, no we weren’t. We’re not even couples or live in
partners. I’m still living with my parents right now here in Davao while he’s in Manila. Saan ang
brain kailan pa yan natawag na live in?. If they were making stories about me make it sure that
it was damn right. Moreover, I did my best to help them when Roniel was incapable. Giving all
the options on how to get their shipment hence they were so close-minded already and not
hearing my assistance. Their best solution was to make my life miserable. Where we can have a
chance to get their shipment. Like what I said before through auction. They don’t listen to me I
said that all expenses will be paid by me and I instructed them to do this and that. But, they
closed doors.

Furthermore, I could say that I know my clients very well. I haven’t encounter such problem like
this before. You can have their statements as proof how professional I am. Sometimes,
unexpected events will arise but I will never leave my clients unattended. Roniel on the other
hand, was unprofessional to handle his client. Too bad, the complainant transact with him first
not me. When the problem arise that was the start of our communication. I negotiated to them
that lets not make things getting worse but they want this to happen. I give what they want.

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