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Letter- A

• Ask for (कुछ माांगना, To demand something)

o Ram asked me for help
o She asked me for some money

• Ask in (न्यौता दे ना, To Invite)

o The host asked the guest in the house
o The manager did not ask the employee in his cabin

• Ask after (ककसी के बारे में पूछना, To Inquire)

o I asked after Priya when I met her mom
o She was asking after you the whole day

• Allow for (बांदोबस्त करना पहले से, To Consider in advance)

o Always allow for mis-happenings by saving something in advance
o I left an hour earlier to allow for the traffic

• Allow of (गुांजायश छोड़ना, Gunjaish chhodna)

o The thunderstorm doesn’t allow of going out today

• Act upon (जल्दी से action लेना, To make an immediate action)

o You should act upon your weaknesses
o This medicine acts upon the symptoms very fast

• Abide by (Follow the rules)

o We should always abide by the law

• Add to (Increase)
o Your dress adds to your beauty

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• Add up (Increase)
o Investing adds up your money

• Answer for (जवाबदे ह होना, be responsible for)

o You need to answer for your bad deeds one day

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Letter- B

• Back up (Support)
o I will always back you up during difficult times
o I have got back up if I were to lose my job

• Back down (पीछे हटना, To recede)

o You should never back down from your words
o The bully had to back down

• Bear with (इां तजार करना, Wait karna)

o Please bear with me

• Beat off (मार कर भगा दे ना, repel an attack)

o The soldier beat off all the enemy attacks
o She beat off her attacker by hitting him hard on his leg

• Blow over (धीमा पड़ जाना, to wane away/to become weaker)

o The clouds will soon blow over
o The scandal will soon blow over

• Break in/into (सेंधमरी करना, Sendh-Mari karna)

O The thief tried to break in the house
O They broke into the shop to steal goods

• Break up (हटा दे ना, To disperse, end)

o police had to break up the crowd
o They decided to break up the meeting

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• Break off (to break forcefully)

o He broke off the door
o The leg of the table just broke off

• Break down (Cry/ to stop working)

o My car broke down (stopped working) in the middle of the highway
o She broke down (cried) into tears

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Letter- C

• Call for (demand)

o The workers called for the strike
o The girl called for help

• Call off (End)

o The PM called off the conference

• Call down (फटकारना, Chide, Scold)

o The teacher called the student down for coming late

• Call up (To make a Phone call)

o I will call up my mother tonight

• Carry out (अांजाम दे ना, Anjaam dena)

o The doctor carried out the operation

• Carry away (Emotions me a jana)

o Seeing an old beggar, I got carried away

• Catch up/ Catch up with (Barabari karne ki koshish karna)

o Work harder, so you can catch up/ with other students

• Clear off (Saaf ho jana)

o The fog will clear off soon
o The police cleared off the area

• Clear out of (Bhaga dena)

o I told him to clear out of the house immediately

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• Cope with (Face something)

o I can no longer cope with you
• Close with (to agree with someone)
o Two of my best friends do not close with each other
• Come after (Piche Piche ana)
o The agreement came after long negotiations

• Come across (Milna/ Takra jana)

o Today in the market I came across an old friend
• Come along (To hurry)
o Come along, we don’t want to be late
• Come in for (To get/ obtain)
o He will come in for a good sum of money after his uncle dies
o Government has come in for a lot of criticism
• Come of (To descend from a family)
o He comes of a rich family
• Come upon (To attack)
o My curses will come upon my enemies
• Cry up (To praise)
o The shopkeeper cried up his product as the best in the market
• Cry down (To criticize)
o Do not cry down the achievement

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• Cut out for (To be the most suitable)

o He is cut out for this job

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Letter- D
• Deal with (Talluk Rakhna)
o This book deals with astronomy
o This company does not deal with its competitors

• Deal in (To sell)

o My company deals in software

• Die for (ककसी चीज़ की बड़ी चाह रखना, To crave for something)
o She has a skin tone to die for
o That chocolate cake is to die for
o I am dying for a cup of coffee

• Die away/ Die down (To become weaker)

o This controversy will die away/ die down soon

• Die out (become extinct)

o Our customs and traditions are dying out with time

• Dig in & Dig out (To go deep/ and find out the facts)
o We wanted to dig in the case and dig out some important facts

• Do away with (Eliminate)

o We read English newspaper every day to do away with our fear of English

• Do something up (To prepare/ wear)

o Do up the house
o Do up the zip/coat/seat belt/dress

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• Do something in (kill)
o You look done in
o The wild bear was done in for the safety of villagers

• Drag on (To lengthen something unnecessarily)

o If the dispute drags on, conditions would be worse
• Drag up (Gade murde ukhadana)
o you do not need to drag up my old mistakes

• Draw in (become shorter)

o It is the end of September and days now will draw in

• Drive out (Nikal Fenkana)

o I use a mosquito repellant to drive out the mosquitos from the house

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Letter- E

• Eat into (Dheere- dheere Kha Jana by non-living things)

o This loss can eat into our business
o Rust can into Iron

• Eat up (Kha jana muh se by living things)

o Common! Eat up the food

• Enter into- start something (never say enter for physical movement)
o We entered into a contract

• Explain away (Explain in details)

o This concept is very complicated and cannot be easily explained away
o Please explain away your doubts

• Enter on/upon (start)

o We will enter on/upon business in a month
o I will enter on my task tomorrow

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Letter- F

• Fall down on (To fail)

o They fell down on their EMI payments

• Fall for (chakkar me pad jana)

o Do not fall for the words of a door-to-door salesman
o I fell for her money and style
• Fall back (Retreat)
o Army had to fall back because of the firing

• Fall through (cancel/ waste)

o Our picnic may fall through due to the excessive work
o The deal fell through in the end

• Feel for (to search something by hands)

o The blind man was feeling for his stick
o The doctor felt for the pulse of the patient
o I felt for my wallet in my pocket and found it was stolen

• Fight off (Syn: Beat off) (Fight and drive out)

o You need a solid plan to fight off the enemy

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Letter- G

• Give in (Surrender)
o The enemy gave in at last

• Give up (Surrender/ To renounce)

o Can you give up your comfort for this job?
o Never give up

• Give out (to end)

o After two hours of wait, my patience gave out

• Get about (to spread)

o The story soon got about everywhere

• Get along (Gujara karna; kisi ke sath banakar rehna)

o I and Rahul cannot get along with each other
o I cannot get along on this salary

• Get over (Forget, overcome)

o Get over your failures and start working

• Get out (revealing of a secret)

o The news of her secret marriage soon got out

• Get away (Evade)

o The thieves got away from the police lock-up
o You cannot get away with this murder

• Get by (To survive)

o It is very difficult for me to get by in this heat without an AC

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• Go for (Attack)
o The enemy may go for you if you are too close to the boundary
o The thieves went for the old couple, after looting the house

• Go by (गुजरना, Pass hona)

o The bullet went by my ear
o Time goes by very fast
• Go about (Do something, move here and there)
o Go about (do) your job
o I wanted to say sorry, but I didn’t know how to go about it
o It is very dangerous to go about in this place at night

• Go out (Extinguish, to end)

o My love for movies has slowly gone out
o This candle will be gone out soon

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Letter- H

• Hit on/ upon (To think something new)

o She hit upon/on a perfect title for her new book
o Yash hit upon/on a new plan to help us out of this situation

• Hit out (To attack furiously)

o The Opposition hit out at the Citizenship Amendment Act
o The man hit out at the thief who attacked him

• Hang about (Loiter) and Hang out

o Students were hanging about the school premises
o I am going to hang out with my friends on the Christmas Eve

• Hang back (Hesitate)

o Do not hang back, you sing very well
o I hang back from group activities

• Hear out (To listen to someone till the end)

o The man accused for murderer requested the judge to hear him out
o The judge agreed to hear him out

• Help out (Help in difficulty)

o I do not understand this new job, can you please help me out

• Hold back (rokna)/ Hold in (To keep in control)

o Once I decide to do something, nothing can hold me back
o She couldn’t hold back her tears and broke into tears
o He failed to hold in his anger
o I am trying to hold in my emotions

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• Hold out (bane rehna/ banaye rakhna)

o The soldiers could not hold out under heavy firing from the other side
o Doctors hold out no hope of her recovery

• Hold with (Agree)

o I do not hold with unnecessary nudity in the Cinema
o Most of the religions do not hold with the theory of Big Bang

• Hush up (Hide/conceal)
o The politician tried to hush up the crime his son had made
o You cannot hush up your lies anymore

• Hunt for (Search)

o After the news of the murder got about, the police were hunting for the
criminals everywhere
o She’s hunting for the hidden treasure on this island

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Letter- I

• Itch for (To want something badly)

o The young Actress was itching for a glamourous life style
o The crowd was itching for a fight

• Inquire for (to ask about something)

o Somebody came inquiring for you yesterday
o I will inquire for a DVD of this movie in the store

• Inquire into (छानबीन करना) (Syn: Dig into)

o A CBI team has been appointed to inquire into the case

• Imbued with (filled with)

o The president’s speech was imbued with humour and sarcasm
o The soldiers are imbued with patriotism

• Idle away (waste)

o Do not idle away your precious time on hanging out with your friends
o I idled away all my life watching TV.

Letter- J

• Jump at (To agree to something with eagerness)

o He jumped at the chance to go to a trip to paris

• Jump on/ upon (To fight verbally/ criticize)

o The professors and the students of JNU were jumped on/upon by a mob of
masked criminals.

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Letter- K

• Keep up and Keep on (Continue/ Jari Rakhna)

o Despite her failures, she kept on working hard.
o The manager told the salesman to keep up the good work

• Keep up with (kisi ke sath shoulder-to-shoulder chalna/ at the same pace)

o All my friends are very intelligent. I can’t keep up with them in studies
o You need to run faster to keep up with others in the race

• Keep down (Daba kar rakhna, Suppress)

o The Government tried to keep down the protests
o Can you keep your anger down?

• Keep back (Synonym- Hold back) (Raste me roda banana/ To hinder

someone’s way)
o Nothing can keep me back from taking this job

• Keep in with (Synonym- Get along) (To maintain friendly relations with
o You should keep in with your colleagues
o I always keep in with my neighbors

• Keep away (Stay away)

o Keep away from the dog, it bites the strangers
o We should keep away from the criminals

• Keep out (Avoid)

o Children should keep out of mischiefs
o Always try to keep out of troubles

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• Knock off (Finish work)

o At what time do you knock off?
o I am going to knock off early today

• Knock down (To knock something and make it fall to ground)

o The Air force knocked down two enemy fighter planes.
o The young boxer knocked down the old veteran in the first round.

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Letter- L

• Lay off (Naukari se nikal dena/ kisi cheez ko chhod dena)

o Airtel and Vodafone India had to lay off several employees due to stiff
o Doctor told me to lay off cigarettes

• Lay out (To spend money)

o She is ready to lay out 50,000 Rs. for this new dress.
o Mr. Malya lived a lavish life and used to lay out a lot on small things

• Lay aside (to save)

o Always lay aside some money for the difficult days

• Lay about (Syn- hit out, knock down) (Attack furiously)

o Maharana Pratap laid about his enemies with his sword in the battlefield
o The mob laid about the rapist with their hands and feet

• Lay before (to present)

o The police laid the accused before the judge
o The committee laid their report before Parliament

• Look to (to rely on someone)

o We always look to our parents for help and guidance

• Look up to (to respect)

o Most of the people look up to Mr. Kalam as their ideal
o I always look up to my mother

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• Look forward to (To expect)

o I am looking forward to meeting you soon
o The farmers were looking forward to a good monsoon this year

• Look after (take care of)

o There is no one to look after the old lady
o I have a family to look after

Look out (To be watchful)

o Some people always look out for special deals
o The police were looking out for criminal in the highway

• Leave off (To stop)

o It is time to leave off work
o The doctor told me to leave off smoking

• Lash out (Hit out, lay about, attack)

o The opposition lashed out at the Government for passing CAA
o The dog lashed out at the thief in the night

• Let out (to release)

o The soldier let out a long breath and died
o She let out a loud sneeze

• Let up (to become weaker)

o The rain did not let up the whole day
o We must not let up now

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Letter- M

• Make out (to understand something)

o I could not make out what she said
o She could only make out a large figure in the shadows

• Make of (Najariya rakhna kisi cheez ke liye)

o I don’t know what to make of his odd behavior
o What do you make of our new boss?

• Muster up (To gather)

o He decided to muster up some courage and face the criminals
o You need to muster up more strength

• Make after (to Follow)

o The police made after the thieves
o I threw the ball and the dog made after it

• Make off (Run away)

o The child made off when he saw the dog
o She made off with all my money

• Make away with + oneself (To commit suicide)

o She tried to make away with herself because of the guilt
o Our neighbor made away with himself by drinking poison

• Move on (To proceed further)

o Let’s move on before it starts raining
o It is time to move on and leave our regrets in the past

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• Meet with (Encounter)

o I met with an accident last week
o Government’s new bill will meet with sharp resistance from the public

• Mess up (To mishandle)

o Do not mess up my hair
o A drug addict can mess up his/her whole life

• Make over (A complete transformation)/ Made over (donate)

o We need honest Politicians to make over the whole country
o Can you make over this old jacket for me?
o She made over all her property to a school

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Letter- N

• Number among (Include)

o Several millionaires number among my friends
o Honesty and Punctuality number among his virtues

• Nuzzle up (To rub nose to/against something/ someone)

o The puppy loves to nuzzle up to the kids in the street
o The horse nuzzled up to its master

• Nestle up (To hug/ embrace to/ against)

o The baby nestled up to her mother on sofa
o The baby girl loves to nestle up to her father

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Letter- O

• Opt for (to choose)

o Most people opt for buying a new house instead of renting
o You should opt for Mathematics if you want to become a scientist

• Opt out of (to choose to leave)

o The USA opted out of the Nuclear deal with Iran
o You cannot opt out of this course. It is too late now

• Offend against (To do injustice/ wrong)

o Your English offends against the rules of grammar
o The driver offended against the traffic rules

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Letter- P
• Part with (To give up)
o I refused to part with my family jewels when I needed money
o The greedy man could not part with the money

• Pass for (to be considered/ regarded)

o He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman
o Two girls look very similar and often pass for sisters

• Pass over (To Ignore)

o They chose to pass over the rude remarks
o The boss passed over her slight mistake

• Pass through (Gujar jana, To go through)

o To reach there, one has to pass through the river
o He had to pass through a very difficult time to complete his schooling

• Pass away (Die)

o The old man passed away last year

• Pore over (To read something carefully, to peruse)

o A Banking aspirant has to pore over a variety of books to clear the exam
o After getting into the plane, I pored over the safety instructions carefully

• Put off (Postpone)

o The Mayor put off the meeting for 2 days
o We had to put off our plans due to examinations

• Put up with (To bear/ tolerate something)

o I cannot put up with you any longer
o Nobody can put up with such an insult

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Pull up (To scold, admonish)

o The teacher pulled up the student for not completing homework
o The boss pulled up the secretary for coming late to office

• Put on (To wear something)

o He put on his jacket and walked out
o I forgot to put on my glasses today

• Put in for (To apply for something)

o He finally put in for a driving license
o I am going for put in for a transfer to my hometown

• Push off (To leave, Chale jana)

o He told me to push off
o It’s time to push off. Let’s go

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Letter- Q

• Quest for (तलाशना, to search for something) (Syn: Hunt for)

o He is questing for the secrets of the universe
o The police are questing for the evidence

• Queue up (कतार में लग जाना; To get into a queue)

o People queued up outside the house of Amitabh
o The passengers queued up to get through the security check

• Qualify for something (ककसी चीज़ के योग्य होना; To be eligible for

o Austrian team could not qualify for the world cup
o She is well qualified for the job

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Letter- R

• Run down & Run over (कुचल दे ना; To crush)

o The bus ran down the man in the accident
o The bus ran over the man in the accident

• Run into (ककसी से by accident कमल जाना; To meet someone

o My motorbike ran into a barricade.
o Today I ran into an old friend in the supermarket

• Run after (पीछा करना; Chase)

o Some people run after money
o The villagers were running after the dacoits

• Rule out (नकार दे ना; To eliminate the possibility of something)

o The possibility of a fraud can not be ruled out without investigation
o The police have ruled out suicide

• Rub in (ककसी गलत बात का कजक्र करना; To mention something unpleasant)

o I am trying to rub in the fact that used he to be a criminal
o Stop fighting, there’s no need to rub in mistakes of each other

• Run out (ख़त्म हो जाना; To end)

o Finally, my patience ran out and I slapped the boy
o We run out of water during summer in this town

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Letter- S

• See about (कनपटना, ध्यान दे ना, Attend to, deal with)

o I will see about the matter. You don’t need to be worried
o I have got to see about my motorcycle

• See through (कदए गए राज/ धोखे को दे ख लेना)

o I can see through your little game
o She failed to see through his lies and deception

• Set forth (शुरू करना/ सबको बताना; To present something, to make it known)
o Kanhaiya Kumar set forth (सबको बताना) his political views in the rally
o We set forth (शुरुआत करना) our journey at dawn

• Set off (प्रस्थान करना/ शुरू हो जाना; To begin a journey)

o We will set off for Railway Station at 5 PM
o Touching this locker will set off the alarm

• Stand by (To support)

o I stand by what I said earlier
o I’ll stand by you whatever happens

• Stave off (ककसी गलत चीज़ को दू र रखना; to prevent something bad from
o We should exercise every day to stave off the effects of ageing
o The RBI decreased the REPO rate to stave off slowdown

• Set something on someone (ककसी जानवर को हमला करने के कलए छोड़ दे ना)
o He threatened to set his dogs on us if didn’t leave his house
o He was set on by a lion while passing through a jungle

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• Step down (इस्तीफ़ा दे ना; To resign)

o The CEO of the company will step down from the position
o Ratan Tata stepped down from the TATA Sons

• Stick to (To continue doing something despite difficulties)

o Fat people find it very difficult to stick to a diet
o One must stick to one’s promises

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Letters- T
• Turn down (अस्वीकार कर दे ना, To refuse)
o The actor turned down the Oscar Award
o I turned down the job offer as salary was not sufficient

• Take after (ककसी के जैसा कदखाई दे ना/ to look similar)

o Your daughter takes after you
o Her son doesn’t take after her in any way

• Talk back to (ककसी को सामने से जवाब दे ना; To answer rudely)

o We should not talk back to our teachers
o Do not talk back to me, or I will hit you

• Take to (ककसी को पसांद करना; To like someone)

o She doesn’t take to her husband
o They do not take to each other

• Tear up (ककसी चीज़ को टु कड़े टु कड़े कर दे ना; To tear something into

o She tore up the letter after reading it
o He told the lawyer to tear up the contract and prepare a new one

• Think up (कुछ नया सोचना, to get a new idea) (Syn: Hit upon)
o Nobody can tell what he will think up next
o She was trying to think up a new excuse

• Tumble over (कफसल कर कगर जाना / To fall or collapse)

o The boy tumbled over a rock
o He lost his balance and tumbled over

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• Turn away (ककसी को भगा दे ना; To make someone leave)

o She turned away the beggar from the door
o I turned my secretary away from the job

• Turn on (कनभभर करना; To depend)

o Your success turns on your efforts
o During a power cut, the production in this factory turns on the generators

• Turn out (कनकल कर आना; To be proved)

o The news of Salman’s wedding turned out to be false
o His advice turned out to be useless for everyone

Letter- U
• Use something up (ख़त्म कर दे ना, to consume something to end) (Syn: run
o They have used up all their money
o She has used up all the milk

• Usher in (ककसी नयी चीज़ का आगाज़ करना/ To start, introduce)

o The government has ushered in a new tax called “GST”
o The new manager ushered in new ideas and energy in the team

Letter- V

• Vouch for (ककसी की guarantee लेना; To take someone’s/

something’s gurantee)
o I can vouch for the fact that she is a good girl
o I can vouch for this hotel, It is the best hotel in town

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Letter- W

• Wait on (ककसी की सेवा करना; To serve)

o He waits on his wife
o She waits on his boss and takes care of him

• Wave aside (ख़ाररज कर दे ना; dismiss)

o She waved aside my offer for help
o The judge waved aside the objections of the lawyer

• Wind up (समापन कर दे ना, To conclude something)

o After heavy losses, they had to wind up the business
o The program will wind up with the national anthem

• Wipe out (To Destroy)

o Corona virus can wipe out entire human race
o Nothing can wipe out the bitter memories of the past

Letter- Y

• Yell out (अचानक से कचल्लाना; To shout loudly all of a sudden)

o Little girl yelled out with fear, after seeing the injection
o The girl yelled out for help to find his mother

• Yearn for (तरसना, to have a strong desire for something)

o Little kids always yearn for chocolates
o The old lady yearns for someone to talk to

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Letter- Z

• Zip through (फटाफट से ककसी चीज़ को पढ़ डालना; to read something quickly)

o I zipped through the whole question paper before starting to write
o She can zip through an entire novel in 2 hours

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