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Indus Valley Civilization

Chapter · January 2019

DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-1036-5_251-1


1 2,442

1 author:

Nalini Rao
Soka University Of America


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Indus Valley Civilization comprised of about 1500 settlements that included

few large cities and small towns. The civilization
Nalini Rao evolved gradually from the pre-existing Pre-
Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, Harappan culture and can be broadly divided
CA, USA into Early Harappan 3700–2600 B.C.E., Mature
Harappan 2600–1900 B.C., and Late Harappan
1900–1700 (or even to 1500) B.C.E.
The Indus Valley Civilization that flourished
along the river Indus in north-western India
(3000 B.C.E. and 1500 B.C.E.) was the largest Salient Features of the Civilization
and the most advanced in the ancient world, with a
high level of technological sophistication. The The most striking feature of the Indus Civilization
archaeological remains of this civilization are is its homogeneity. The uniformity of its products,
found in Sindh, Punjab, and Balochistan in form and content of its products, and standardiza-
Pakistan, in the states of Haryana and Gujarat in tion of goods are remarkable. All Harappan cities
India, and in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and have a uniform system of urban planning and
Iran. Since the first city that was excavated was civic administration. Towns and cities were built
Harappa (Hariyupa), now in Pakistan, the civili- on identical gridiron plan, neatly laid-out streets
zation is also known as the Harappan Civilization. and lanes, a high standard of public sanitation,
Harappa and Mohenjo-daro were the two impor- similarity of tools and weapons, and organized
tant sites that were excavated in early twentieth trade on a uniform pattern. Even the sizes of
centuries. However important breakthroughs have house and bricks, tools and ornaments, and
been made, and numerous Indus Valley cities have weights and measurements were standardized. In
been discovered and excavated in India, around addition, this civilization is remarkably different
the river Indus and the lost river Sarasvati. Some from the Mesopotamians and Egyptian civiliza-
of the important ones include Lothal, Kalibangan, tion, in terms of the size and composition of the
Rakhigarhi, Dholavira, Banawali, Chahnudaro, bricks, weights, and seals.
Surkotada, Bhiranna, Kunal, Banawali, and Indus Valley cities display a uniformity in city
others, that account to a total of about 2400 planning. Almost all cities consist of a citadel
archaeological sites have been found. (or Acropolis) or upper town where perhaps the
The extent of the Indus Valley ranged from ruler lived and a lower town for the rest of the
680,000 km2 to 1 million km2. (more than ancient population. The whole town was divided into
Greece and Mesopotamia put together). It blocks, on which houses stood on a platform and
© Springer Nature B.V. 2019
P. Jain et al. (eds.), Hinduism and Tribal Religions, Encyclopedia of Indian Religions,
2 Indus Valley Civilization

houses constructed orderly on either side. For be shipped and some ritual or spiritual images to
instance, in Lothal, in Western India, the average invoke deities.
size of the house was 9  5.5 m, and only larger
houses had a bath each. In Lothal, drains were
paved by bricks, and to render them watertight, Aryan Invasion Theory
the joints were almost hairbreadth and the floor
skirted by flat bricks. In regard to the underground In recent years there has been tremendous debate
drains, they were built all over the city to carry regarding the nature of the civilization and its
sullage and storm water, and lager soakage jars relation with the Vedic culture. Indus and Vedic
were added to them. The hole in the bottom of the have been interpreted as foreign versus indige-
soakage jar permitted liquid waste to soak into the nous, superior versus inferior, Aryan/Sanskritic
ground, while the solid waste was regularly col- versus Dravidian, urban versus rural, and illiterate
lected and removed to prevent choking of drains versus literate, respectively. There are some mis-
and overflowing of sullage water into the streets. conceptions and theories that have reigned
The cities were designed uniformly and scien- supreme in the minds of people about this civili-
tifically. They were fortified, with several distinct zation such as the Aryan invasion theory. The
quarters, assembly halls, manufacturing units, fur- uncritical acceptance of this theory has resulted
naces for production of copper tools, ornaments, in preconceived notions about the nature of the
public baths, private houses for most inhabitants, roots of Indian civilization. This is one of the most
sewerage through underground drains built with hotly contested issues since the 1990s and has
precisely laid bricks, an efficient water manage- become politicized. The theory has been chal-
ment with reservoirs, and wells. Width of the lenged over the last couple of decades by both
streets was in a set ratio: if the narrowest lane Western and Indian scholars on the ground that
was one unit in width, other streets were twice, there is no convincing evidence to posit such an
thrice, and so on. Houses were built with mud invasion or migration. An objective interpretation
brick (sometimes kiln fired), and the bricks of the scientific excavations of the site disproved
followed a standard ratio of 4: 2: 1. the Aryan invasion theory. It is important to
reappraise the place of Indus Civilization within
the indigenous Vedic culture in the light of new
Arts and Crafts evidence.
The story of the beginnings of Indian civiliza-
Harappans were expert craftsmen. They made tion is still told by Indians by recitations and
beads of carnelian, agate, amethyst, turquoise, repetitions of the word Sarasvati. On the banks
and lapis lazuli and manufactured bangles out of of this river were composed the Vedic hymns,
shells, glazed faience, and terra-cotta. They among which the Rigveda mentions the river
carved ivory; worked shells into ornaments, Sarasvati 60 times as the most auspicious and
bowls, and ladles; and cast copper and bronze uttered with the highest praise. Interpretation of
for weapons. the roots of Indian civilization changed when it
Some of the famous artworks include the was announced that a more ancient civilization
Dancing Girl from Mohenjo-daro and Male had been discovered by Daya Ram Sahni and
Torso from Harappa. They worked silver and R.D. Banerjee and later excavated by Sir John
gold objects with great skill as seen in the gold Marshall (1922–1931) and E.J. H. Mackay at
necklace from Lothal. They engraved seals, Mohenjo-daro and by Vats at Harappa. While
mostly in steatite (or soapstone) with remarkable Marshall was inclined to name it Indo-Sumerian
artistry, and over 3000 of these have been found. Civilization, Mackay called it Harappa Civiliza-
Each seal is incised with a writing in intaglio with tion, as Harappa was the first site to be discovered.
an animal motif. It is believed that they served However due to its marked differences from the
commercial purpose to identify consignments to Mesopotamian cities, Marshall changed the title
Indus Valley Civilization 3

to Indus Civilization due to its proximity with the have been recorded in the Vedas or Puranas. Thus
river Indus. with no literary or archaeological proof, or collec-
However, even before the unearthing of the tive memory, mythology, or cult, the theory was
two sites, in 1785, Sir William Jones discovered proved to be have been misconstrued; in the
that a number of languages such as Sanskrit, meantime its ramifications had been tremendous.
Greek, Latin, Gothic, Celtic, Old German, Per- Dales, Rao, Lal, Kenoyer, and other archaeolo-
sian, and other languages had a common origin; gists agree that the invasion was in the imagina-
hence he gave it the name of Indo-European/Indo- tion of the early excavators – Gordon Childe,
Germanic languages. Thus began a pursuit to Marshall, Piggott, and Wheeler.
locate the homeland, of the Indo-European- With the partition of India and Pakistan in
speaking people outside India which was fixed 1947, similar archaeological sites were discov-
in South Russia, Central Asia. With further exca- ered and scientifically excavated in India, such
vations at the two sites, there grew a desire to as at Lothal, Kalibangan, Chahnudaro,
know the place of origin of these languages, and Rakhigarhi, Dholavira, Surkotada, and others.
their relation to Vedic culture was sparked. The Almost 2400 settlements came to be known
latter with its superior Sanskrit language and beyond the banks of the river Indus, and soon
grammar led to the theory that one branch of the Indus Civilization came to be known as the
Indo-European language group probably left Indus Valley Civilization. The Vedic-Harappan
their homeland around 2000–1200 B.C.E.; dichotomy was replaced by Aryan migration the-
migrated to Mesopotamia, Iraq, Iran, and Balochi- ory, which contended that there were no invaders
stan; and settled in Saptasindhu the land of seven but migrants in small batches at different points of
rivers, where they composed the Rigveda. It was time and spread over a long duration and believed
asserted that the Indus Civilization was pre-Aryan to have migrated from Ukraine, through Ontic
and charged the Vedic Aryans with destroying the steppes, Turkmenistan, northern Afghanistan to
urban cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro on the India. The migration theory claimed that the
river Indus. The Aryan invasion theory was Dasas and Panis of the Indus Civilization were
archaeologically constructed on the basis of a also outsiders and Indo-Aryan speakers, speaking
few skeletons reported to have been found a dialect different from the one used by the
scattered in Mohenjo-daro and by relating the Aryans.
Rigvedic term pur to the fortifications in Indus Several archaeological cultures were identified
cities which were destroyed by invading Vedic with the migrating Indo-European speakers on
Aryans. In the 1960s, a careful examination their way to India, such as Pit, Hut and Early
revealed that neither did the skeletons belonged Timber, and Andronovo cultures but more impor-
to one and same stratigraphical context nor was tantly the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Com-
there any proof of any massacre. Most of the plex (BMAC). BMAC is the Bronze Age culture
skeletons positively showed that the few were that was discovered during archaeological exca-
drowned in severe and sudden flood in the river vations in the Bactria-Margiana area. Bactria
and there was no evidence of warfare. Moreover, includes the basis of the Amu Darya or Oxus
the literary interpretation of the word pur was River in Northern Afghanistan and adjacent
wrong, thereby proving that there was no battle Southeastern Uzbekistan and Margiana, the del-
between the Aryan and Dravidians. Linguisti- taic region of the river in South Turkmenistan.
cally, the theory claimed that a group, speaking Proof of the migration of the Indo-Europeans
an Indo-Aryan language, a sub-branch of the from BMAC was provided by artifacts in
Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European family Mehrgarh VIII and at Sibri (typical of BMAC)
of languages, had invaded India in 1200 B.C.E. and Jhukar culture of Sindh and Gangetic Copper
and imposed a very difficult Sanskrit language. Hoards (Parpola 1995, p. 370). The authors of the
This led to the dating of the Rigveda to circa BMAC were believed to be the Dasas and the
1500 B.C.E. In addition no such event is said to destroyers of the strongholds (purs) described in
4 Indus Valley Civilization

the Rigveda, relating to the Arya-Dasa wars in 360 in Sarasvati. In other words about 32% of
Central Asia. The BMAC and related minor the- total sites were on the dry bed of the Sarasvati
ories regarding the flow of the Sarasvati in basin which comprised of Haryana, Indian Pun-
Afghanistan also negatively impacted the study jab, North Rajasthan, and Cholistan. The
of Indus Valley Civilization. uncontested evidence is from the nonevidence of
The Aryan invasion theory had been proved as weapons. It was proved that at Mohenjo-daro the
false as early as 1964 by Dales, Rao, and Lal and so-called massacre is an exaggerated domestic
rejected by Shaffer, Kenoyer Hemphill, Lukacs feud in which not more than six or seven were
and Kennedy, Elst, and Danino. With a shift injured. Further the few skeletons bearing cut
toward the indigenous nature of the civilization, marks did not belong to the latest phase inferring
an out of India theory arose which was expressed that no invasion of Aryans had taken place.
in different ways. It held that the Rigveda was part The correlation between the two cultures is
of an earlier layer of world civilization that exemplified by many cultural facets, such as the
flourished before the rise of ancient Egyptian, discoveries of fire altars in Lothal and Kalibangan,
Sumerian, and Indus Valley civilizations [1]. discovery of Shivalinga in Harappa and
Based on a more logical linguistic interpretation Kalibangan, and two terra-cotta figurines of ladies
were those who date the composition of the wearing Sindhu in the parting of the hair from
Rigveda to pre-3150 B.C.E. [2]. They assume Nausharo (2600 B.C.E.). Besides the observance
that the Mesopotamian cultures were the bor- of Aryan religious rites such as fire worship and
rowers from Indian cultures particularly in the animal sacrifice, and the use of Aryan symbols as
use of bricks, rituals, astronomy, mathematics, the Svastika and Asvattha (pipal leaf), the fact that
writing, and mythological concepts. Meanwhile, the Harappans had knowledge of the horse and
in 1993 a dramatic evidence in the form of lands at rice and practiced yoga conclusively proves that
imagery exposed the paleochannels which pro- the indigenous population of the Indus-Sarasvati
vided a scientific evidence of the drying of the and Sabarmati Valleys were followers of Vedic
historical river Sarasvati, around 1900 B.C.E. The religions. Terra-cotta figurines in yogic asanas
collapse of the Indus Civilization seems to be (from Mohenjo-daro), Vedic priest from
wholly due to the disappearance of the Sarasvati Mohenjo-daro, a terra-cotta figurine greeting
and its associated rivers. The river Sarasvati lost with Namaste from Harappa, and probably
two major sources of water, namely, the Satluj impression of a seal depicting Siva in his aspect
(Sutlej) and the Yamuna which used to feed the of Pasupati or lord of animals all support the fact
Sarasvati. The Sutlej began to join the Indus, and that the Indus Civilization was part of India’s rich
the Yamuna joined the Ganga due to tectonic Vedic cultural and religious tradition. In addition
disturbances. is the substratum evidence in Vedic terms, i.e., an
This initiated a rethinking of existing theories indigenous language as not being subsumed and
by providing a firm time period to the origins, displaced by an alien intrusive language has never
evolution, and decline of the Indus/Vedic civiliza- happened in history. Furthermore the grammatical
tion(s), thereby altering the paradigm of the features and vocabulary of Indus seal inscriptions
debate. The discovery of many more Indus Valley indicate the language belonged to the old Indo-
sites infused a new spirit into the controversy Aryan (Sanskrit family) according to the reading
about the Aryan invasion theory. It was found of the Indus script by Dr. S.R. Rao. Thus the Indo-
that more Indus sites existed on the dry bed of Aryan language was indigenous to India. Archae-
river Sarasvati (Ganweriwala, Lakhmirwala, ologists have been successful in finding tangible
Kalibangan, Banawali) than on the river Indus. archaeological evidence which proved that the
No longer were Indus sites restricted to Indus invasion was a myth. Thus the extensive research
Valley but extended to Balochistan with by archaeologists removes any lingering doubt on
129 sites (belonging to mature phase), 108 in the reality of the great river Sarasvati and the
Sind, 310 in Gujarat, 60 in Pakistan Punjab, and associated civilization and establishes that the
Indus Valley Civilization 5

highly evolved Indus and Sarasvati civilizations A study of the human skeletal remains from
were in fact one and the same. Harappa, Mohenjo-daro, Lothal, and Kalibangan
The Aryan invasion theory was perpetuated has revealed that the Indus population was not
and incorporated in all textbooks in India, homogenous; it was pluralistic. The Indus empire
although it was refuted by innumerable world which was built on economic foundation rather
archaeologists, historians, philologists, religious than military force had innovated a system of
specialists, anthropologists, and DNA specialists. writing. After the catastrophe in 1900 B.C.E.
There is absolutely no archaeological or literary (when the river Sarasvati changed its course),
evidence for the theory and is based solely on many of the inhabitants migrated to safer regions
misinterpretation of certain words. The word and the civilization did not die a sudden death.
“arya” was a cultural term and does not pertain
to race in ancient India and never was in Indian
history. In fact, the civilization that flourished in
India from about 3000 B.C.E. to 1200 B.C.E. was
a singular, indigenous culture (Nalini Rao, 1. Frawley D (2001) The Rig Veda and the history of
Sindhu-Sarasvati Valley Civilization: New India. Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi
Perspectives). 2. Talageri SG (2000) The Rigveda: a historical analysis.
Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi

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