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UniHub 12/08/2021, 13:39

Start-up Visa (international students and graduates) - Expression of

Interest 2021-2022
International students and graduates who would like to apply for the Start-up Visa Entrepreneur Programme will need
to complete this expression of interest form at least 4 months before your most current UK visa expires.
Began 8 Aug 2021, 2:14 pm
Finished 12 Aug 2021, 1:38 pm
Updated 12 Aug 2021, 1:38 pm
Status Submitted
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Start-up Visa (international graduate entrepreneur visa )

If you are a current international student or graduate (i.e. within the past 12 months) who is interested in applying for a
visa to set up your first business in the UK, please complete this form. A member of the Enterprise Team will then be
in touch to inform you of our application process.
First Name Last Name
Sanjeet Bezalwar
Student Number
Please enter the email address you would like to be contacted via
Before you proceed, please ensure you have read the following guidance and have watched
the information video.
Start-Up Visa information video

I confirm that I have read the above guidance and watched the information video.
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When will your current visa expire?
The date when you have to leave the UK.
30 Jan 2022
Please upload your most current UK visa.
When will (did) you graduate?
Please provide the date when you expect (got) your final grades.
September 2021
Have you ever run a business before? If yes, please provide details:
Have you ever engaged with The Enterprise Team before? If yes, please provide details:
Yes in few bootcamps and workshop which was organised by enterprise team.
What is the problem that your business idea proposes to solve?
Please provide details in your answer by bearing these prompts in mind: Who is this is a problem for? How do you
know this a problem? Do you have any evidence of this?
This problem is for the person who is looking for better understanding of personal finance. After investing my career
for seven years in financial services, I have experienced people end up in buying wrong or unwanted products in their
kitty. This is due to less knowledge about the subject or due to less information available in the market. According to
fincap, level of financial capability is very low in UK around thirty nine percent of adults around 20.3 million don't feel
confident managing their money, 11.5 million have less than £100 in savings and nearly nine million of us are in
serious debt. I want to make people aware by building a platform on which they can clarify doubts and upgrade their
personal finance knowledge. The main goal of this platform is to provide financial literacy with the help of social media.
What is your solution to the problems outlined above?
Please provide details in your answer by bearing in mind the following prompts): Who is the solution for? How is this
solution better than any existing solutions? Do you have any evidence or proof of this?
FinP circle (My startup name) is a portal designed to help people upgrade their understanding of personal finance by Page 1 of 2
UniHub 12/08/2021, 13:39

connecting them to finance professionals. Many people are not comfortable talking about their finances in public, but
through its closed network, FinP circle provides a platform for people to speak confidentially with financial
professionals about their concerns. I am happy to say I am the first mover in this space with an idea of combining
personal finance with social media. My competitors are involved in trading activity or selling some financial products
with the help of social media. My concept is nothing to deal with selling any kind of products. It’s a NICHE platform
meant for upgrading of personal finance knowledge.
What is the main reason for you wishing to start this business?
Making people aware about their personal finances so that they can end up their life by managing their money
confidently. I want to help people to understand the power of planning their finance so that they
Have you tested your idea in any way (e.g. trials/prototypes), if so, please provide details:
I have done survey on 50 people at the moment. And the results were shocking. I think my concept can help them to
build up the financial literacy. Out of 50 people 78 percent are unaware about various financial terminologies. Though
the sample is small but being experienced professional and worked closely with high net worth individuals (HNI's), I
can conclude that there is a need for the product that I want to build.
Are you personally able to build/make/provide the service for your solution? If not, then please give details of key
partners who will enable your solution
For example, if your solution is an App, then are you personally able to build the App?
Since this a web based platform which involves technical knowledge, I am working out with technology partner at the
What qualities do you feel you have, that enable you to feel confident that you can make this business idea
I have worked very closely in asset management side of personal finance. After spending seven years, I came up with
this idea to spread financial literacy with the help of social media. My real time experience motivated to think of such
platform where-in people should be aware of their finances and get perfect guidance from the professionals in the
What business management experience do you have?
I am happy to share that I have managed more the 1.1 billion dollar worth of assets in my professional life.
What sector knowledge/commercial awareness do you have?
Financial services, Marketing, Sales
Have you started writing a business plan for this idea?
Do you have adequate start-up capital in order to realise your proposed business?
Please give us a rough estimate of the funds you have available in order to start-up this venture:
£1,000 - £5,000
How do you intend to cover your own living costs during the startup phase?
I have little bit of saving that I have accumulated during my study phase also I will be working part-time to support my
living cost
Are you starting a new business, taking over an existing business or looking to start a franchise?
New business
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