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In numbers 16 to 20, let U = {p, q, r, s, t}, D = {p, r, s, t}, E = {q, s}, F = {p,
t}, & G = {s}.
Determine whether each statement is true or false.

16. F ⊆ D False
17. G ⊂ E True
18. ∅ ⊂ D True
19. D has exactly eight subsets and seven proper subsets. False
20. U has exactly 32 subsets. True

A. Write the negation of each statement.

1. The Giants lost the game. The Giants did not lost the game.
2. The lunch was served at noon. The lunch was not served at noon.
3. The game did not go into overtime. The game went into overtime.
4. The game was not shown on ABC. The game was shown on ABC.
5. The dog does not need to be fed. The dog needs to be fed.

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