Amazon: Game Rule Information

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The Amazons are a culture of mostly women warriors {males are very rare} who live in isolated cities hidden deep
within the lush forests of the world. They are much sought after as mercenaries, being both expert soldiers as well as
extremely loyal - as long as the assignment does not conflict with their strict sense of ethics.
Adventures: Though they live isolated lives, Amazons are born with a thirst for adventure, often leaving their families
at an early age to explore the larger world.
Characteristics: While more than competent with melee combat, training in the forests of their native lands has
shaped the Amazon's skill with the bow and with ranged weapons into one of unparalleled excellence. Combining her
abilities with missile weapons and an inborn talent for arcane magic, the Amazon is indeed a powerful foe.
Alignment: Most Amazons tend towards a lawful good alignment, acting much like a paladin in terms of morals and
deeds. Sometimes Amazons become chaotically inclined, particularly those who are prone to adventuring. It is very rare,
but not unheard of, for an Amazon to be evil.
Religion: Almost all Amazons worship the deity Athulua {LG goddess of war, Domains: Law, Good, War, Sun} Those
unfamiliar with the ways of their ancestors often convert to the faiths of Ehlonna, Obad-Hai, or Pelor. Amazons who live
in close proximity to elves are also known to worshipp Corellon Larethian.
Background: Amazons are trained from a young age in the arts of war. One does not choose to become an Amazon,
either you're born one, or you're not. The training of an Amazon is rigorous and strict, leaving no margin for error. This is
often reflected in their outlook on life, viewing failure as a weakness.
Races: The Amazons are a race of humans, but small tribes of elven and even halfling Amazons are rumoured to exist
in the most isolated parts of the forests. Half-elves are not uncommon.
Classes: Amazons get along well with most other classes, especially rangers, druids, and barbarians because of their
shared appreciation of nature. Also, Amazons are not afraid of admitting their fascination with magic, making wizards,
sorcerers, and clerics natural friends. The strict training of a paladin is much the same as an Amazon, leading to a shared
respect between the two classes. Fighters are as skilled in melee as the Amazon is at range, therefore the two are a perfect
complement to one another. Rogues and bards are usually too unpredictable for an Amazon's liking.


Amazons have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Dexterity is the most important ability for an Amazon because of its role in ranged combat and because
Amazons tend to wear light armour. Constitution is useful for the Amazon who wants plenty of hit points and Intelligence
adds to an Amazon's list of skills.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Die: d6

Lvl Base Attack fort / ref / will Special

1 +1 +0 / +2 / +0 Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, Far Shot, Rapid Shot, True Strike
2 +2 +0 / +3 / +0 Critical Strike, Uncanny Dodge {Dex bonus to AC}, Fast Movement
3 +3 +1 / +3 / +1 Power Strike
4 +4 +1 / +4 / +1 Magic Arrow +1
5 +5 +1 / +4 / +1 Dodge Missiles, Uncanny Dodge {can't be flanked}
6 +6/+1 +2 / +5 / +2
7 +7/+2 +2 / +5 / +2 Fire Arrow, Cold Arrow
8 +8/+3 +2 / +6 / +2 Uncanny Dodge {+1 against traps}, Magic Arrow +2
9 +9/+4 +3 / +6 / +3
10 +10/+5 +3 / +7 / +3
11 +11/+6/+1 +3 / +7 / +3 Impale
12 +12/+7/+2 +4 / +8 / +4 Exploding Arrow, Magic Arrow +3
13 +13/+8/+3 +4 / +8 / +4 Pierce
14 +14/+9/+4 +4 / +9 / +4
15 +15/+10/+5 +5 / +9 / +5 Inner Sight, Guided Arrow
16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +5 /+10/ +5 Magic Arrow +4
17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +5 /+10/ +5
18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +6 /+11/ +6
19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +6 /+11/ +6
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +6 /+12/ +6 Magic Arrow +5

The Amazons class skills {and the key ability for each skill} are Balance {Dex}, Climb {Str}, Escape Artist {Dex},
Heal {Wis}, Hide {Dex}, Jump {Str}, Listen {Wis}, Move Silently {Dex}, Ride {Dex}, Search {Int}, Spot {Wis}, Swim
{Str}, Tumble {Dex}, Use Rope {Dex}, and Wilderness Lore {Wis}. See Chapter 4: Skills in the Player's Handbook for
skill descriptions.

Skill Points at 1st Level: {4 + Int modifier} x 4.

Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.

All of the following are class features of the Amazon.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Amazon is proficient with all simple and martial ranged weapons as well as
halfspears and shortspears, light armour, medium armour, and shields. Note that armour check penalties for armour
heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and
Tumble. Also, Swim checks suffer a -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armour and equipment carried.
Precise Shot: The Amazon gains the Precise Shot Feat for free at 1st Level.
Point Blank Shot: The Amazon gains the Point Blank Shot Feat for free at 1st Level.
Far Shot: The Amazon gains the Far Shot Feat for free at 1st Level.
Rapid Shot: The Amazon gainst the Rapid Shot Feat for free at 1st Level.
True Strike: Once per day starting at 1st Level the Amazon can make a single ranged attack with a +20 bonus to hit.
Critical Strike: Beginning at 2nd Level, any critical roll that is also a hit is an instant critical.
Uncanny Dodge: This ability is exactly the same as a Rogue. The bonuses are gained at 2nd, 5th, and 8th Level
Fast Movement: Upon reaching 2nd Level, the Amazon is able to move at 1.5 times her base speed so long as she is
wearing light armour.
Power Strike: At 3rd Level, the Amazon is able to deliver devastating blows with ranged and thrown weapons. On
your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to subtract a number from all ranged attack rolls and
add the same number to all ranged damage rolls. This number may not exceed your base attack bonus. The penalty on
attacks and bonus on damage apply until your next action.
Magic Arrow: Starting at 4th Level and every 4 levels thereafter {8th, 12th, 16th, 20th}, every type of ranged
ammunition {crossbow bolts, sling bullets, and arrows} gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls.
Dodge Missiles: Because of her vast understanding of projectile weapons, the Amazon gains a +4 AC bonus vs. ranged
attacks at 5th Level.
Fire Arrows and Cold Arrows: At 7th Level the Amazon is able to imbue her ammunition with fire or cold damage
once per day, dealing an additional 1d6 of cold or fire damage. This ability can only be used once per day.
Impale: At 11th Level the Amazon is able to strike multiple foes with one shot. Upon a successful critical hit, there is
a 50% chance that the projectile weapon will pass straight through the target and strike an adjacent foe. This second
attack is made at a -5 penalty to hit.
Exploding Arrow: Upon reaching 12th Level the Amazon is able to imbue her missile ammunition with a charge of
pure energy once per day. This missile explodes on contact dealing 3d6+10 points of magical damage to all within a 20
foot radius.
Pierce: At 13th Level the Amazon is able to overcome some of the protection granted by natural and man-made
armour. The AC bonus offered by these types of armour is decreased by 4 when determining any to hit rolls.
Inner Sight: Through intense training and study the Amazon has nearly achieved perfection in the arts of war. By
taking a full round action to focus herself, an Amazon can automatically achieve a critical hit on her following attack.
Guided Arrow: By using a Guided Arrow, an Amazon of 15th Level or higher can overcome the protection offered by
any kind of cover from one-quarter to nine-tenths cover. The Amazon may also overcome the miss chance associated
with all types of concealment.

An Amazon that multi-classes to any melee based warrior class {fighter, paladin, ranger, barbarian}, may never again
gain levels as an Amazon.

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