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Physical, Sexual, Material, Political, Digital and Spiritual Self

Introductory Activity 1
Instruction: Draw or paste a picture of the person who you think is beautiful or handsome.
Write your reason below your drawing/photo as to why you think they are the beautiful or

My mother is beautiful because she

is selfless. My mom has always put others
before herself. She has taught me to love
other people and to serve those who need a
helping hand, without thinking of what I can
get in return. My mother has cooked
countless meals for hundreds upon
hundreds of people over the years. My
mother is beautiful because she loves
herself. My mom knows who she is, and she
knows her potential. My mom understands
her role in society, in church, in our family,
and in life. My mom takes care of her body,
and taught us to do the same by eating
healthy, exercising, and maintaining an
active lifestyle. Of course, from time to time,
my mom gets down on herself for her flaws,
as everyone does, but she knows how to pick
herself up again and continue living a happy,
positive life.  My mother is beautiful because
she loves her family. My mom has taught me
how to love in so many countless ways. She
has shown us our love for our father, and she has taught me the way I should treat my
husband when I am blessed to marry someday. She has shown me how she expects to be
treated by him as well, which reminds me to never allow men to treat me badly. She loves
her children with all of her heart, and would do anything for any of us. She has spent so
many hours on long phone calls with my siblings and I, comforting us when we needed
comfort, and giving us advice when we felt lost and confused. My mother knows that her
family is the most important thing in her world, and she makes sure we feel that love every
day. My mother is beautiful because she has given me a good life. I can never repay my
mom for the sacrifices that she has made for me throughout my life. Her influence in my life
is unending, and I am the luckiest person in the world to be her daughter. My mother has
taught me to live, to dream, to work, to give, to cry, to laugh, to smile, to love, and someday,
I hope to pass on those values to my own daughters. My mother is the most beautiful
woman I know, and I will never stop believing that.
Reflective Questions:
Answer the following debriefing questions. Write your answers on the space provided.
1. How do you define beauty?
Believing in yourself and recognizing that you are valuable is what beauty is all
about. Being kind to others and to yourself is what it takes to be beautiful. Being
ability to give and receive love is a sign of beauty. Accepting yourself for who you
are and standing strong in that truth is what beauty is.

2. Do you see yourself beautiful/handsome? Expound your answer.

Yes, because I am self-assured enough to expose my flaws and imperfections,
and I value my own beauty. If a person believes he or she is lovely, then he or she
is able to cope with the opinions of others.

3. If you are given time, money and resources, what part of your body do you wish to

Absolutely nothing. I am perfect in every way imaginable, and I know that

anyone who says otherwise is nothing but a liar. I like my appearance. Really, it
took me a lot of time to accept myself just the way I am and to finally be satisfied
with how I look. It was tough but I succeeded. I love my body 100% of the time
for how it looks as well as what it helps me do. It has allowed me to sleep, read,
study, move, for which I am grateful. It has refused to let me sing and dance that
much, though, but I guess you can’t have too much of a good thing. This is what
God has given to me, all I have to do is to accept and love myself for the way I am.
But instead, I will use the money to help other people who are in need.

Name: Roshell Kaye P. Bitang Course, Year & Section: BEED 1B

Answer the following questions. Write your answers in the given space.
1. How does the socially constructed concept of beauty affects an individual both in
negative and positive sense?

We live in a world where appearances are constantly being monitored. Where women and
girls are always trying to achieve what the world thinks they should look like, and will go
through many different processes to achieve that. Beauty is defined as a combination of
qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the
sight. But when we think about someone beautiful, the majority of us all have the same
idea. Beauty is no longer in the eye of the beholder. It is in the hands of the fashion
industry, being twisted, molded, and changed every couple of days.
Society has recognized people like the Kardashians, Beyonce, and Loren Conrad as the
definition of beauty. What we don’t understand, is the effect that this attitude has on the
other people in the world. The pressure of these standards can lead to low self- esteem,
lack of confidence, mental, and health diseases. Technology alters the perception of beauty
and advertises false hope. When people compare themselves to other people with more
“likes,” insecurities occur.
Beauty doesn’t just affect the way people view themselves. It can affect whether you get a
job, and how far you go in life. In our current times, people try to make it seem like “true
beauty” is optional. However, that is not the case. People do have to conform the “beauty
ideas” or they will not be accepted by society. If someone is outcasted from society because
of the way they look, it leads back to the self- esteem issues.
Lesson 2: Sexual Self and Gender and Diversity

Introductory Activity 2
Instruction: Write down all the words that you can think of when you hear the words
“Sexual Self”. You can freely write in the space below; don’t worry the words you share
here will not be shared with anyone else.

 Gender identities and roles

 Sex
 Sexual orientation
 Eroticism
 Pleasure
 Intimacy
 Reproduction
 Desires
 Fantasies
 Individual’s self-expression in sexual entity

Reflective Questions: Answer the following debriefing questions. Write your answers on
the space provided.
1. Explain the phrase, “Humans are Sexual Beings”.
Humans are sexual beings. Some of us are oriented toward the opposite gender, others
toward our own gender, and many more to both genders. As well, gender itself is more
than just the binary male/female we've tended to consider.  Human sexuality is the way
people experience and express themselves sexually. This involves biological, erotic,
physical, emotional, social, or spiritual feelings and behaviors.  

2. Why do you think are majority of the youth interested in the topic about sex?
Because that's the age where they start to notice changes in their bodies, and they have
this constant flow of information around them, it's normal that they want to know more
and more, what's real and what isn't. Before puberty, children hear a lot of vague
information about sex but no specifics. As a result, they know it is  very important but
they don’t have all the information. This makes them curious.

Name: Roshell Kaye P. Bitang Course, Year & Section: BEED 1B
Instruction: In this activity, pictures of famous individuals is shown. You will be asked to
provide their specific Genderbread components. For the last item, you will be providing
your own Genderbread component and provide a short phrase about your understanding
of the lesson.

1. Jake Zyrus
Gender Identity Man
Gender Expression Masculine
Biological Sex Female
Sexual Orientation Homosexual/Lesbian

2. Boy Abunda

Gender Identity Man

Gender Expression Feminine
Biological Sex Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual/ Gay

3. Mark Bautista

Gender Identity Man

Gender Expression Masculine
Biological Sex Male
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

4. Kathryn Bernardo
Gender Identity Woman
Gender Expression Feminine
Biological Sex Female
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

5. YOUR NAME HERE: Roshell Kaye Bitang

Gender Identity Woman

Gender Expression Feminine
Biological Sex Female
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Briefly answer the question: What is your most significant learning on this lesson?
 It helps me to identify the differences between each component of Gender Bread.

Lesson 3: Material Self

Introductory Activity 3
Instruction: You are given a credit card without limit. However, you are only allowed to
buy ten (10) items. What will it be? List down below the items you wish to buy. After
finalizing your list, write the reason of buying that item.
1 New phone For recording video performances.
2 Laptop For school purposes
3 Toys To make my little brother happy
4 Shoes The more shoes, the more choices to wear
5 Bike So that I have my own bike for rides
6 Oven Me and my mom love to bake
7 Construction To expedite the completion of our house
8 Pressure tank So, we can have our own source of water
9 Foods For our daily living
10 Building So that we can start up a business

Answer the following questions. Refer to the previous activity in answering the

1. From your list, identify the items you need and want.

Needs: Foods, Laptop, Construction materials, Pressure tank, Building.

Wants: New phone, toys, shoes, bike, oven.

2. How did you feel after purchasing these items based on your needs and wants?

I feel happy and contented because those are the things we need in life.

Name: Roshell Kaye P. Bitang Course, Year & Section: BEED 1B
Directions: Answer the following questions honestly. Write your answers in the space

1. How do you think did your family and relatives influence in your development
of the self?

Well, a family pretty gives me physical, emotional, spiritual and mental support in
my development from childhood until adulthood. Well, this applies for everyone no
matter how messed up it is. It influences my character regardless of external
factors like friends. From my family I learn how to deal with different kinds of
people as each family has a different character which needs to coped with. From
my parents I learn how to handle a relationship with a spouse since they conduct
well with each other. From my siblings I learn leadership because as a first born I
face difficulties in controlling a few hard headed kids.

2. What social pressure do you think has affected the development of your “self”?

I must say that it is peer pressure. Peer pressure benefits me in umpteen

ways, shape my personality and lead me to make right choices in life. It
developed my poor self- esteem and expose me to new and challenging
environments. Apart from that positive peer pressure also boosts learning and
with better grades.
3. In what way did these social pressures become good or bad for you?

I must say that it is peer pressure. Peer pressure benefits me in umpteen

ways, shape my personality and lead me to make right choices in life. It
developed my poor self- esteem and expose me to new and challenging
environments. Apart from that positive peer pressure also boosts learning
and with better grades.

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