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1 Ey 19 | saturday Mechenicaf £duipment is use 40 Start, St, Hoek, Cool, Liaulty, vaporize, Fert) mix or). Separate. he Common ty lowing anvough the piping Sysien- , Nelue. added proces had clone in the Chul ments nly. Paue-—2 MARCH 2011 Net menury ve wg : ore 2 en’ +H T é “et tohe.highor. ¢levattes Rourene paspection Cages: Lt is ‘designed to enclose a Raddlin end. prevlerrt .. W6arKer tom alin g cwwoy __Jhauld he. lede..._ i Grp. on the KUngs Lk a Wppovets alles « Grenenal frconegement of Yeast Rae-O 2011 MARCH - - 23 | Wednesday Platforms; - the tamall elevatecl eautpment and Ek ructars» Uuably 3’ wide A+ Wovizental Nessel- 2. Nerkical \lessets Hovtzeneal vessel ic a Cylingiital Shape Te 7s used primamly os &@ vecetving, Collecting contafoer for. [taut pave-@ MARCH 2011 toiver the. @ the Contr?fuged forte Created High Specel Tonpellers of a Ceomtritupel fart. @ Be Crete a dmooch 404 long Noo pulang -flow- Pechongeyss ~ Le ts %& mechanical QA Thursday tO transfer the heat from EQS p ment One. Commedlt ey Mx Commodi aves. Punps-, Tt 6 mechantcaf levee used nove. Alutd wader pressure — from one leration to Onothey — \etarton. - They One increasing the .nace..0& tow: + 4) Cewrarfunre oar. 2) RECLeRocarznn PUMP: together A to another Exchangers donet * — Saturday | 26 ~ REtE procera Pumps T Pump Uses the inten sunday 27 ‘Recrpro Pons Sele Lye Pier loo Plunger thea to Ord flow motion 28 weed dor WK Presue liner PAwoe-@y ee MARCH 2011 (Tf PALEO 2011 MARCH 28 | Monday Steb in< Symbol 7 HOLE cur Foe fe oN Q epee Prme-D PAGE-® a APRIL 2011 Cash Accounts Rump Drtwre:= rider] 1 All Pumps We. Aehuired. & ing oleKce dw functton- Thye Known. 08..hx5 Wars: motors... Tusbi aes. Comby: i | | eerie taal is... Seah Extreme prasiine cscs sot pump , i o Soturday| 2 |S ¢le | SH ole whe, Jaseous.Cemmedity—————~ | de “ | bat Pod eee to | anetha . | | tep (Top P| | angen — ; Side [TOP im ear _Purpota. faa pipteg ian | daaility oto transfer—heat den ged [ Ter one Commodity. 10. anetheh + ae ead [Bad 3 4. Shall “Cype theak Ex chown |_| 7 Ze Tbe type neat. Exchanges. Pane-@ cpetrrey Pame-(e> 2011 APRIL _ APRIL 2011 Tha ude fa Pipe rack. Ares. Sephiog, Joust —— Aftey Circulating toyh the edutpm enk Auch. a’ exchanger, Condors>. Cooking Wok PH howe es 7 GcLumntatod Haein “cooky. Sa S| ty PO. a myc coal. Ce. 4 thot. wil Ma Lhe yatine ate a Prosawral Colum foi aiegram 2h udt 2, x = 4 | Monday Heakeu ona goiter: Wednesday the pong. White. eon. be. deck {na brotys faulty. Pane 2011 APRIL 7 Thursday he Pau (2) APRIL 2011 FLOW, DUAL oniey| 9 Te i — desevibon faa &Chematx rw {rato Format. the Flow. of tlutol Gass eative unit Cod) plant Os f low Diagiam: -~ TNR. flO wiagram: 7 s\. used bye Brig pra deal Ie When dewloprag yd pit pho Tepe of Alon Digs i0 sins 10 q Proce Flew. Diagram Mechanical... Flow _aftugram Uulity tod Diagaom Pooeg) 2011 APRIL / TI Md Preces, Fle -Rfngtan: dala at ines Plow diagram cae ee depute Conkoat— pee fia Piprags aad ab Peet Prac. dive choy ef ?; ny, _Mechaen Ww dé 12] tw Tuesday 8 O.0ceLopeol by mechantal depoined PEND: st taeda Pipalte oad diecion * low, — Apectffcads so. £7; ee Fe ae QU values, all. tagtrttectabe we Coycep|ling.... deucg Pace (> APRIL 2011 Actuouwr- Comprerbed AT Iygtrument Ay nS trument — verte One Rervies that exSentfah rt tchh pepo | furntin ef the phase - | 4, Steam | — 4. Fuel of —____ 3. velig” tS Toate |14 4+. Iisbumenk cur S- Dray Aystem 4 lage Brel Bygcem- Prine 2011 APRIL 15. Friday Loctrumentertien, Sensing. the Vaniabile Tattiument tb bated” on 4) Flow cP) D. Level CL) Tndicaty CLI 2. Propane P eae 4) Tempenteel Jam [A Rewer Crd) Local Mounted EAuprument 100) 2 16 Saturday ) — Lew Mam ~ Lew Alarm High we Leve! Mann ie o> Level. Coaboller Relic Value > Pou tey EW > femberatue Well Controller Co7 Miscellaneous Symbdic: - pene- (ib) APRIL 2011 vE SymBors ‘Sunde mapas Valve _ Sunday | 17 Globe. vaive Ball Valve Pug Vawwe rd Ded rd Nl Check yalve ri pea Butterfly yaive AI spectacle ied thy ete” 18 AIL Spectacle Hind CloSeo! Ath Orene flanges Planh Specialty 1TEm SHE Init. Biv Kine. — Pipe wrt Past: Electitel wee Dut: Gpillay tye Praei) 2011 APRIL 2 19) Tuoder oder € Srect&eadon A Sot oP BEng Guidelines Codes..anea _poord based ..Set- oF Guidelines Oe... Joven the tntal Seope eh a project. cede. orig inate om & no-ef dowytes Ex< AnSz, EPA, OSHA DCCupattenal Sakety and Health “Assoctotion ANS. dmeyican Nasional Standard Dastitute _EPh = Envivonmene: Protectss Agenty — 20 | Wednesday igen tCation +— © Sbecthication.on.the chor head aie. ' developed. .0S a Bpecr pic Set ob Gutdelite toy desig, Pabasoction And lonstructton.0f ..piping . facelty- Cools Waee bewon unt ten A. Dosey. Size. 2. Window srze B- Lumbey_ $72e fee Je. Fleckio rece APRIL 2011 RE Ge, recede .. “turedar 21 4: Piping Arrangement drawrngs are an Lop] views, gutole,. ane che dy vale, (ev) (By PPaE- BB) MAY 2011 Butt uid —4 $f —— Sete ud ff Aref Sow: fH He—_f FAS PE Joy sep. B" and below threaded Gatertoo Wah 4eo np and Apoue Butt well - Screweo BONG tnd below wie. Socket weld Potie-@)) 2011 MAY 7 ASme B 34-4 ASE Asme Power Piping BaL2 Fuel bias Piping RBS Process Pibrng Ame B 34-4 Phen “ea System Feu 7 haten 2 other Liauid- Acme Bate5 ——_—ReFrigerntion Piiprng 12 [Thardor Ame. B34-g (ras. Tranemisster Distitbutton Piping System ASME _BSt-9 Asme 834-24 Slucty Trawportetien Piping System Building Serve Piping Paine-Ge) MAY 2011 Friday’ 13 Coste Iron pipes Flanges £. Flanged fridioys FLANGES = ASME B Ab-t Acme B 46-5 Carbon Steel Piba € Flanged PREG upto 24" ASME B 4b-47 Large dia steel flea 24° €. above Butt Weta fLgrinos’- Ame 16-9 Steel butt sauurday] 14 Weld Féys——-—— Ame 8 4629 Buk Wald Shark vaults Elbows €vetun bends Socks SUELO. Asme Forged Steef Secket We loli ¢ Threaded PRL ays prine- GD rp ery pour 2011 MAY MAY 2011 1B |seniay AEC ee a Pip eda . Cae Al 3 Tuesday 17 ASME B Ab-20 [eet - 604 : dob Gr. A 6-254 Cathen Meret _Greskers ASme Btb24-» NON-MEéemut Greskes VAbwies = * ASME B tbo Eats to face to. Endl Sia | 16 |Wonday J Feauae supe Lace ASME B 4634 Flanged £ Butt / Flat Weleled end. Steck valle (| Raised Face Face (Exper: Bail, Plug, Butterély vaivey | Tongue aad Grpove - = | hall and. Ferme Ring. jorat ASME B3b40 Welded ¢ Seombegs [ “ Wrought D0. pipu ASME @ 26.49 Starales Sool pres + - 16 Ss Pure 0 i b ex 1M A pe Syai nS hove fF. Pane- Gay MAY 2011 Bigg Connect Sant] 21 ZB’ and Smaller “threaded ae, JOoNB anol above use Bust welol SONB and below uce rocket weld Socket Wel 1G 50.08 2 Ibm 25ne+ /3mm Ao NB > [3mm {sve > lomm (ah betas BA wat Sala fs Sockek weld: - Paue-5) 2011 MAY _ 23 | Monday 4) Pie ASS GrB SCh- 40 ERW, BE O48 Elbow AE Le Elboto A230 WPB Schgo Bw 9A | tuesday 3 Mache bor Ord. Nut Nut - 563 b) Glete Vale Gv 216 Gy. WB Patne-36) MAY 2011 GeapeceD ted HO reins | 25 APLBL Gy B Abit Gr. ¢ do C22 Ab Gy. C60 Ch 2+ Te Ba Ab) CL At geo A335 Gy. Pll rs) A 33S- Gy. pez A 22. TP Bog A Zi tP 3oeL A Bir TP 3ib pawe-GD 2011 MAY Phe - ae MAY 2011 27 | Pity — BUT) -WER Eur ivass= C-S- A 224 wee 2) Prprag Shortie possible run anol te provide. Clear head we A foo bay-44 Oley... the. .main. .watkways., Secondany walk voays and. "Platforms - 2) Process Lpneg Lower tier A 406 WP UEC ard let. Procs. Lites >. UPper Ther A BOA, A Boal, stb Flecencal and Trctrumet Cable | —® TOP tiey A234 wer —> Ales Gr-B ____A\g4 Tuesday | 31 — iso “ = | > 4432 ch (MNO r= ona wee > Kiger [PROCESS LINES PE | culate Dr — a comaeenaees | T= 3) Generally ho [ine | ond thal ale Vines Bhan be Kept apart sl is aig pe ter. | | J Bibger srs0 ie | Ane be kebe Neate... Eo...1 dye |..Col t 5) Pipe Ape. bekideen sup Pi | | OD of BGC Alay, + OD et Small Pep ( Ehauledtin “prenatae + 85 850, Oa bel ued ep Potabioa Cane. contacter | “fend f/ 2) richoy on i aw. o be | Provided on | anchor bay... % Compe ef. anchor [bapa 8) fot Bue poe entteiing J Lea lnchoca Ie Te Lad i Patne-Ga) JUNE 2011 4) Procey tne Cmsstag Wednesdoy 1 knit Aee. Nerm provide. a. Hetil Value Shectacle “ blind, clean vale Block valet Ore. Fymupecl.- he “ TS pa Mental. Ren te) Small Boe pepe Shall be dast9n to AkSuve adequate Space dor maintenane dnd. Opetation _ Columas | Motel PEC G thastey] 2 EB Ping Dinka on Column Shall dvop Feo Woe Framed cockely Ubon fe PR Negele aed run. Parallel and. clese as Pract cable to... the... V2SSeh.. Re beolley oy elet prprng... Shall. de Os Short. 03... possPbe..wih Miarmum 5 Paere-(D 2011 JUNE 3 Friday _ 2 Pig Shall be 9 ouped ag far sible. fox. kn. Case vars eh, and Lhall Hen ona yack fle . &lumn 3, Man hole Shall be pept wadsrde ef the column. Plato worenth mea- dm. Lpace _ avarlawe.. kyo manhole.__.doy .. Movement.- 4 [souney Prbig Shay be dupPorka 4 | On. che 5, hong Nevtical Pipe must be provide prob guides - b, Access platcorm | faddosy Shall be Provides along the column Bay NOW 5. Wsbrement ji mnin - wseblh“7Dinn. From. cleats weldeal Vescels- dusk a Pane-4D JUNE 2011 Suadey 1, Each Column / vessel “ponte an tndependent ACLs abe. accusable Plattorm Opttation Plat fer mu. Jo, Vacuum -Bevvicy muse be tel Minimum bends and #longcel 010k }, Cleat Shall be olestgned ae aad —Pebbrag — eff BR ha 3 4. Exchanger Piping” shall ie yun tthe wy bait aaa mobile haddry — Aacirties- 2. Wem) Clearnne shall have te be drovided ak enchanpee flarges B. Prineg chal bo Wvrvered go ted “hey do mck Rendon veal ef Shel and Channel Covey. And yithdvaual vf tubo bundef - Soe % Nozzles a, Valve pauc- GD 2NWUNE 7 [tiny Hester / Frvnce prviog 1 Avamge pitieg to bore burner remea by Provélieg byoakup flanges tn tho piping. + Bumer valves thai be elated close to peep holes. fer operation 3 Burney Shall be ranged ta. Such way t Qiva and Sufbictert Ouanitry of off | gas to all bwiners 4_Ody Lleible metallic ¢.s. hoses hall be 8 | Wel oy buster piplg seoutied- 5 ‘Block Value tr Emolgenty Snuffing Steam valve Shall be decal tou aud Pom the header, preferably on the Upuiro Silo of hedtder- fednesday | | 6 Header tuet nozzles shoud be Symmetrical . Fruncky Vine fpeatey 0 Column shan be Short as faites without pockets, free. Avatioing. and. lth minvmwni bends. 4 No. Pepieg. Shail be vouted th dhe fue urcholiaui! area. Th um owtlab’e breakup flanges zhall be provilil fr Yemowl, - Paue- Gay JUNE 2011 Thursday | Atl Iocatedl ame brea osthey dhould be fbr tomerted Furnaces TZ. ehey axe locations. % % COMPReE s X SsoR PEPING. 4. Suction... \tae. with Platforms at diffrent Shail.. be Short seo. Flanged Jeiacs. tr eee 2. Suction piptog ‘ mafatenane of erection. anal Bs Lube etl Ceoler Apace shail 5 _ Providal- 4 All Novas on anata Lactic and discharge shall be Lined — one Side. 9s. Fav ad pesstole S: Miinam, Sevaignt length foc suction ex bey még» Stendad = Friday | 10 6. Pepe sha be dostgned Aprces and manenks hall ack exceed Manufactuny standard 4. Compressor and Keockour Drum Shai be Connected. Short | ey Me Se Paue-@) Paced) 2011 JUNE ___JUNE 2011 Dchage Ment |13 Check Nae tastalled 9 vertical \ne Shall be Arete with a doin Connection. aS Clae as 2) Pump £uction bfbing shall de as Bosstble dpunStream of te vale. Short 08 pastble be Ayranged with Particular. ty etd water pockets |) 2" And mbove USe. 4 See Type Strate 3) Eccentic Reducer Connected 4 , Pump. “SUCnoy_ ELA. Siw UF be LY" And ae ° Yl" — Type Stadio Avior. ACCumulation oP gas pockets USe 12 Sunday ; D Portes andk movements Pewter 14 4) End Q Sietion pump elbans shall Nok be. directly Connected _& do Nee exceed he Ye — Suctfon Flange - Allowances : vb Straight Piece tnfaimum % Himes [ens hall. ave to. provide Gt. Suugon nez2te.. pace-@D . 2011 JUNE (Gerers2 15 | [Wednesday ©), OF Pe a weus [Rack Diag PPP 09 * Rack Shall be designed o dre the Pibing Shoytest poset ble. Yun *4e Pievide cleay headwom owy the Main walkways, amen Wa] K ways and... Patter | Ofte % Pump Suction to ovord caseste +* TO. maintain elevation Ceo in Rack. ® ae ¥ Pane dtscharye & Nowaital Pipe lite pane ae (49) | _SUNE 2011 #) Teme mre CHECKING » 17 @. Bi of @© Pipe youting with vespece © GA materfal © Suphoreng Anangement BD Derais ef Tuulater WW Test Predure © ) 7 Ss o fue 2 of — are vens ¢ daja at abpbitete Saturday | 18 LO Cadf on . © ortdrce UPStream > 15D Mote Dowasnan > 5D @ Distance beeween welol 1D - Never close Ayo” pane 62) ia 2011 JUNE JUNE 2011 POWER Peer merenan PBC Gods BAT Tend [D1 ~ SA 4106 Gr-B- D B14 BW Elbow — SA 224 WRB: 2 Flat and clSue,- $6 51S Grie, | Plate A) oy) Stud — SA OS: oe) SPE prpe —. SA. J06 Gr B as f) Pe Ip Wednesday | 2.2, 20 | Monday 2) Plok Blan 3) EuuTpment Drawng ¢ Locadfoa Drawing 4) Equipment Foundatto _ dvasing 5) Pipe Index Drawing D Proce dine Ave 1) Pipe Rpectbication Q) Stectal Redusremeess ~ = 6 Pane-G> P [Pes DATE? unzan | an Kive. | Pipes Cin) feb Prve Sze Z uy | al Fee size En) )Prpe sr 20 Cam 28" 00 Ee @ [2d | 0! 150 Ye. Is | 125) 32" Zoo 3] ae 20 | | 2e| Be 250 a 2 3340 | |29\ 3b" 400 z BB ew | || 38" qso My “0 | a 40’ Jooo 7 5 6033 | 4a! Naso 8) 65 | 2 3) 24! Woo e Be gs-40 | | | 4eY Iso te) _90 | By 4g! ie0o_| - "Da joo IWE3e =e oe Igo e238 | ee 9 boo | 4) 250 ») 300 ») 350 3 Joo a 4D "9. S00 | 2) a 4) boo 2) Pa RATING] 150# 1/2"x60_ 1/2"x70 4 150# 1/2"x65, 1/2"x75, 4 150# 1/2"x70 1/2"x80 4 1S0# 11/2" 1/2"X75. 1/2"x85 4 150# 2" S/8"x85 4 1504 oa 5/8"x90 4 Teor | 4 | sig'x90_ | 5/8"x100 8 150# 6" 3/4"x105 3/4"x120 8 ison |e | oanctis | 3/4"x135 8 150# 10" 7/8"x125 7/8"x145, 12 150# 12" 7/8"x130 ‘T/8"x155 12 eget sas |e |e 1x1 75 12 13 1508 16" 1"x150, 1"x180 16 a | oor | 2" | werx70 | v2"xss 4 15 300# 3/4" 5/8"x75 5/8"x90 4 Te) zoo || sverxso_ | S/8%95 4 17 | 300 | rie | 3'x05 | 3 x110 4 ie | 3008 | 2" | _sie'xo0_ | sve"x105 8 19 300# ee 3/4"x115 3/4"x135 8 20 | soo [af 3ierei20 | 3/4145 8 21 300# 6" 3/4"x130 3/4"x155, 12 | goor | en | 7s"xiso_| _7/8"x180 2 23 300# 10" 1"x170 1"x205 16 | 3008 | 12" | 1v/s*xi85 74/8225 16 25 300# 14" 11/8"x190 11/8"x235 20 26 300H# 16" 11/4"x205 11/4"x255 20 a7 | coor [war | argo] 1/2'95 4 2 | 600 | ava" _| _sisx90_| _s/8*xtos 4 39 | soow |_| _siatxos_ | s/8txits 4 30 | eoor | tue" | s/arxiis | 3/4"x135 4 31 | coor | 2" | sis*xilo | _5/8"x130 8 32. 600# 3" 3/4"x130 3/4"x155 8 33 | eoor | an | stxiss | 7/8"x180 8 3A . 600# $e Gt 1"x185-" 21"x220 12 BOLT SPECTACLE BOLT SIZES AND LENGTHS FROM PIPE DATAT.2 S.NO [RATING ee aoe rH oTy 35 | coo# | 8" | tis'x20s | 1is'x2so [12 36 600# 10" 11/4"x230 11/4"x280 16, 37 | oooF | 12" | 11a'x235 | 1i/a"x290_[ 20 | 38 T 600# 14" 13/8"x250 13/8"x310 20 39 600# 16" 11/2"x275 11/2"x345 20 40 | 9007 | va" | avarxits | _3/4"x150 4 41 ial 900% 3/4" 3/4"x125 3/4"x160 4 a | ooo | | verxiao | 78"x175 4 43 9004 11/2" 1"x155 1"x195 4 a4_|_9008 [ 2" | verxi60 | 7/8"x205 [8 45 | o00# | 3” | werxios | 7/8"x215 8 46 900# 4" 11/8"x190 11/8"x240 8 a7_[ 008 [or [rveseais | iiers27s 76% a8 | soof | 8" _| 136x230 | 13300 | 12 49 + oo | 10" | ise'x260 | 13/8340 [16 50 900# 12" uses 13/8"x365, 20 si | s00# | 14 | 1va%x295 | ti2rxo0 | 20 3 | s00# | 16" | isev%xs10 | isis’xais [20 @2Pipe Data) _[_ S.NO| INCH | OD __|MM 1 va" 13.72, 8 2 3/8" 17.15 10 3 wo | 21.34 | 15 af 4 3/4" 26.67 20 J 5 1" 33.40 25 6 11/4" 42.16 32 7 11/2" 48.26 40 3 | 2 [ 60.33 | 50 9 | 212" | 73.03 | 65 10 | 3" | 88.90 | 80 1 | 3172" | 101.60 | 90 12 |_ 4" “[ 114.30 | 100 13 s" 141.30 | 130 [aa for _| 168.28 | 150 15 | 8" | 219.08 | 200 16 | 10" | 273.05 | 250 17 [| _12"_ | 323.85 | 300 18 | 14" | 355.60 | 350 [a9] 16" | 406.40 _| 400 20 | 18" | 457.20 | 450 [21 [_20" [508.00 | 500 22 | 22" .| 558.80 | 550 [23 [24° [609.60 | 600 24 | 26" | 660.40 | 650 25_[ 28" 711.20 | 700 | 26 | 30" | 762.00 | 750 77 | 32" | 812.80 | 800 28 | 34" [| 863.60 850 | 29 | 36" | 914.40 | 900 30 | 38" | 965.20 | 950 | 31_| 40" _| 1016.00 | 1000 | 32 | 42" | 1066.80 | 1050 33 44" 1117.60 | 1100 34 46" 1168.40 | 1150 35 | 48"_| 1219.20 |.1200 36 |_50" | 1270.00 | 1250

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