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yifegagenBanit Memo
` A ,1 A

Date.. September 23, 2021

To: All Directorates

All District Offices
Executive Assistant
Addis Ababa
Subject: Announcement of Top Executive Panel Members
Wegagen Bank, thoroughly assessment of the internal and external environment, has redefined
its vision as "aspiring to be champion of excellence in the banking service in Ethiopia, and
crafted a comprehensive ftye-year strategic plan that enhances its competitive adrantage fior
superior profitability. Subsequeruly, the bank endeavored towards establishing a resilient top
executive panel which is capable Of executing the new strategic plan and enable the bank to
spring back to its previous success account.

I am, therefore, very delighied to announce you that the fiollowing are selected to be the top
executive panel members, appointed on various executive positions.

Ncune Appotiuted_4§
Haile G7EEzi=bher Acting Chief, Resource Mobilization & Digital Banking Officer
Hussen Amde Acting Chief, Credit Officer
Kindie Abebe Chief, F`inance & Material Management Officer
Tilahun Temotewos Chief, Information Officer
Geteye Mekuria Acting Chief, Marketing and Strategy Officer
Berihun Assefa Acting Chief, Human Capital
bebela Merga Acting Chief, Risk & Compliance Officer
Yehuwalashet Zewdu Chief, Internal Audit

As a result, you are kindly requested to extend your unreserved cooperation to the
aforementioned senior management members so as to be able to succeed in their endeavor to
executive the bank's strategic plan.

1 cc:-

• Chief, Resource Mobilization 8B Digital Banking officer

• Chief, Credit officer
• Chief, Finance & Material Management officer
• Chief, Information officer
• Chief, Marketing and strategy officer
• Chief, Human capital
• Chief, Risk & Compliance officer
• Chief, Internal Audit

Stadium Area, 12th Floor Head Office Building Wegagen Bank S.C.
P.O.Box: 1018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel: + 25111552 3800 Fax: + 25111552 3520/21 SWIFT: WEGAETAA

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