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10/15/21, 11:33 AM TaskTemplates - Dynamo Documentation

Task Templates
Task Templates
Expected Behavior
How are they created
How are they maintained
How are they distributed
What should happen at upgrade
Task Template Fields
Triggers and task assignees
How to create series of consecutive dependent tasks. Example:
How to create a recurring task, a.k.a. reopen a task upon completion
How to regenerate a task upon completion. Example
Task recurrence (reopening) vs. task regeneration upon completion
Discussion and comments

Many clients who are working on opportunities (i.e. deal opportunities, property opportunities etc.) have a pre-defined series of tasks that need to occur. The goal of task
templates was to allow our customers to define a standardized set of tasks that are configurable without the need to require a code change. In general, Task Templates
define what type of task to create, the ‘subject’ of the task, the ‘due date’, and the person ‘responsible’ for that task as well as the event the needs to occur before the task
is created. Example, if a deal opportunity record changes status to ’07 – LOI Signed’, create a task for the person responsible for that deal opportunity that is due in 14
days with Subject ‘LOI Signed – Please Review’. A Task Template could be created to define the criteria specified in the example. For the new workflow capability that
was rolled out in version 6.2 and re-introduced in version 6.10, a workflow can be defined to look for events to occur and then use an existing task template to create a
new task.

Task templates currently work for the following triggering properties:

Property Status (6.10 and later)

Company Manager Status (6.10 and later)
Deal Status (Deal Opportunity Pipeline Status up to 2020.1 included and Deal Pipeline Status from 2020.2 flavors forward)
Fundraising Status (Investor Opportunity Fundraising Status)
Fund Pipeline Status
Property Opportunity – Acquisition, Disposition and Lease pipeline statuses (2020.2 and later)
Completion of Task

Expected Behavior
To create a task based on the defined rules (status change or completion of another task) and use the task template properties to define the subject, due date and person
responsible. Since version 6.10 users can define additional set of properties in task templates. These are: Body, Notes, Task type, and Task status.

The newly created task will also be related to the item that it was generated from. Example, if a task template is configured to create a task based on the Deal Opportunity
status changing to ’07 – LOI Signed’, the task will be related to this particular deal opportunity record.

How are they created

You can create a new task template by opening the existing legacy workflow item called “Task workflow” (i.e. from the Legacy Workflows view) and click ‘New’ within
the Task Templates panel.

How are they maintained

We distribute the given set out of the box as part of the Business Logic data pack with the intent that the Admin user or project manager can add new, edit or delete

How are they distributed

The task templates functionality is available for all tenants with deployed Business Logic data pack version 6.10.

What should happen at upgrade

Upgrades should have no affect on existing task templates in a customer’s database.

Task Template Fields

Template Name = the name of the Task Template

Properties copied from task templates to generated tasks

Subject = Specifies the ‘Subject’ field of the task that is to be created

Task status 1/3
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Task type
Due in (days) = a numerical field specifying the number of days from the date created for which the task is due
Recurrence = Used to reopen a complete task. Specifies the time interval in which a task marked Complete will be due after reopening

Properties triggering task creation:

Create on completion of task = reference to the task template which has created the task that must be completed before this new task is created
Create on deal status = value of the ‘status’ field of a deal or a current deal opportunity item which triggers new task creation
Create on fund pipeline status = value of the ‘Fund pipeline status’ field of a fund item which triggers new task creation
Create on fundraising status = value of the ‘Fundraising status’ field of an investor opportunity item which triggers new task creation
Create on property status = value of the ‘Property status’ field of a property item which triggers new task creation
Create on company manager status = value of the ‘Manager status’ field of a company item which triggers new task creation
Create on property opportunity Acquisition pipeline status = value of the ‘Acquisition pipeline status’ field of a property opportunity item which triggers new task
Create on property opportunity Disposition pipeline status = value of the ‘Disposition pipeline status’ field of a property opportunity item which triggers new task
Create on property opportunity Lease pipeline status = value of the ‘Lease pipeline status’ field of a property opportunity item which triggers new task creation

Properties defining task assignment:

Assign to = specifies the contact assigned to the newly created task

Assign To Role = Only used IF the the ‘Assign to’ field equals ‘Contact with a given role’. Specifies the role with which a contact should be related to the
triggering entity in order to get assigned to the newly created task
Functional Experience = Only used IF the the ‘Assign to’ field equals ‘Internal contact with functional experience’. Specifies the value of the “Functional
experience” property which should be true for an internal contact in order to get assigned to the newly created task
Industry Experience = Only used IF the the ‘Assign to’ field equals ‘Internal contact with industry experience’. Specifies the value of the “Industry
experience” property which should be true for an internal contact in order to get assigned to the newly created task

Out of scope as of 6.10:

Recurrence Interval
For Workflow = specifies the workflow(s) for which this task template is used in.

Triggers and task assignees

  Triggering properties      
Values of
Property_PropertyStatus Company_FundManagerStatus (same as Deal_DealPipelineStatus for InvestorOpportunity_FundraisingStatus Fund_FundPipelineS
Assign to
current Deal Opportunity)
Contact related to DO with the given Contact related to IO with the given Contact related to Fu
Contact related to Contact related to Company
Contact role (from Assign to a contact with role role (from Assign to a contact with role (from Assign to a co
Property with the given with the given role (from
with a field). If no such contact exists, contact field). If no such contact exists, contact If no such contact ex
role (from Assign to a Assign to a contact with role
given role related to the associated Deal with the related to the Investor with the given the Company (Fund
contact with role field) field)
given role. role. with the given role.
Takes one contact with
the given Functional Takes one contact with the
Takes one contact w
experience, which is given Functional experience, Takes one contact with the given Takes one contact with the given
Internal Functional experienc
related to the property. If which is related to the Functional experience, which is related Functional experience, which is related
contact the Company (Fund
no such contact exists, it company. If no such contact to the Deal. If no such contact exists, it to the Investor. If no such contact
with If no such contact ex
takes one internal contact exists, it takes one internal takes one internal contact with the exists, it takes one internal contact with
functional internal contact with
with the given Functional contact with the given given Functional experience (from the given Functional experience (from
experience experience (from Fu
experience (from Functional experience (from Functional experience field). Functional experience field).
Functional experience Functional experience field).
Takes one contact with
Takes one contact with the
the given Industry
given Industry experience, Takes one contact with the given Takes one contact with the given Takes one contact w
Internal experience, which is
which is related to the Industry experience, which is related to Industry experience, which is related to experience, which is
contact related to the property. If
company. If no such contact the Deal. If no such contact exists, it the Investor. If no such contact exists, it Company (Fund.Ref
with no such contact exists, it
exists, it takes one internal takes one internal contact with the takes one internal contact with the such contact exists,
industry takes one internal contact
contact with the given Industry given Industry experience (from given Industry experience (from contact with the give
experience with the given Industry
experience (from Industry Industry experience field). Industry experience field). (from Industry exper
experience (from Industry
experience field).
experience field).
The No partner, so No partner, so No partner, so IO.Ref_Responsible No partner, so Fund
partner for Property.Ref_Responsible Company.Ref_Responsible Deal.Partner used instead (If blank, instead (If blank,
the item used instead used instead Investor.Ref_Responsible) Fund.Ref_FundMan

responsible IO.Ref_Responsible (If blank, Fund.Ref_Responsib
Property.Ref_Responsible Company.Ref_Responsible Deal.Responsible
for the Investor.Ref_Responsible) Fund.Ref_FundMan
item 2/3
10/15/21, 11:33 AM TaskTemplates - Dynamo Documentation

How to create series of consecutive dependent tasks. Example:

1. Create Task Template 1 (TT1) which produces task 1 any time Property Status of a Property item is set to “Portfolio”
2. Create Task Template 2 (TT2) which produces task 2 any time task 1, created form TT1, is completed. Configure this by setting “Create on completion of task” (a
reference to task template) to TT1. Due Date (task 2) = Date completed (task 1) + Due (in days) from TT2

Thus you can create a series of consecutive dependent tasks. If you wish to create a tree of tasks you can use one or more identical triggering properties in two or more
different tasks templates.

How to create a recurring task, a.k.a. reopen a task upon completion

Admin users should make sure that workflow “ALL – Task Recurrence Workflow” is enabled. Use “Recurrence” property of Tasks or Task Templates to create
recurring tasks. These are reopened every time their status becomes “completed”, by resetting the Due Date in the following way:

Due Date (new task) = Due Date (old task) + Recurrence

Recurrence is calculated in calendar terms and corresponds to the following time periods:

One time – no recurrence

Daily – 1 day
Daily – Business Days (Work days) – 1 business day
Weekly – 7 days
Bi-weekly – 14 days
Monthly – 1 month
Quarterly – 3 months
Semi-annually – 6 months
Annually – 1 year
Bi-annually – 2 years
Every four years – 4 years

User removes recurrence by selecting “One time” for the value of “Recurrence” or clears the recurrence property.

How to regenerate a task upon completion. Example

1. Create a Task Template without a triggering property. Fill in “The responsible for the item”, “Internal contact with functional experience”, or “Internal contact with
industry experience” in “Assign to”. Fill in “Due in (days)” – specifies the number of days in which each consecutive regenerated task will be due after completion
of the previous one. Save and open task template.
2. Edit Task Template from 1. by self-referencing it in the “Create on completion of task” property.
3. Open or create a task and add the Task Template from 1. in the “From Task Template” property.

Task recurrence (reopening) vs. task regeneration upon completion

Configure task templates by using either recurrence or self-referencing of a “Create upon completion of a task” task template.

Used simultaneously they will produce ambiguous and confusing results. If configured to work simultaneously the first completion of the initial task will:

1. Reopen the initial task as a result of the recurrence functionality

2. Generate a new task as a result of the self-referenced task template. This action will repeat each time any of the initial or regenerated tasks’ statuses is changed to
“Completed” and will eventually produce multiple tasks with due dates depending on which completed task was a trigger for the creation of the consecutive task.

Discussion and comments

— MichaelDullea – 07 Oct 2010 3/3

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