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PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 3 2nd Semester AY 2019-2020

2:30-4:00 TTH MC 410

March 27, 2020

To be able to complete the course RMA, I am hereby sending you the requirements needed to be
submitted not later than April 15, 2020.

Using the document provided to the class entitled “ 2014 Architects Guidelines” you are hereby directed
to answer the questions stated in each of the problem provided below and to supply the corresponding
answers using the said document as guide. You will be graded according to the accuracy and
completeness of your answers. Please indicate clearly your answers and show your solution to each
of the problem stated below:

1. Compute for he Fee of the Architect for a Public Market project with a PCC of Five million
Pesos (P 5,000,000.00). For this contract the Architect and Engineering and Allied Professionals
shall execute separate contracts with the Owner .

2. Compute for the compensation of the Architect for a Manufacturing Plant project with a PCC of
Eighty Five Million Pesos ( P 85,000,000.00). For this project their shall be a single contract
between the Architect and the Owner and Sub-Contracts between the Architect and other
professional working with the Architect.

3. Compute for the Fee of the Architect for a 2-Storey Residential project with a PCC of
Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P 7,500,000.00).

4. The Architect was commissioned to design a Family Mausoleum to be located at Bacolod

Memorial Park. Approved PCC is at Two Million Pesos ( P 2,000,000.00). How much
will be his Professional Fee?

5. The Architect was tasked to Plan and Design Six (6) Dormitories were Contract
Documents are going to be re-used for repetitive construction without amending the
drawings and specifications. Compute for the Fee of the Architect if the approved PCC is
at Eight Million Pesos ( P 8,000,000.00) per Dormitory Unit.

6. The Architect is engaged to undertake a HOUSING PROJECT of One Hundred Fifty (

150) Residential Units in a single site with only one (1) set of plans, specifications and
related documents shall be used. Each housing unit has an approved PCC of Four
Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos ( P 450,000.00). The Architect shall render Detailed
Architectural and Engineering Services (DAEDS) for this project.

7. The Architect has been tasked to do Alterations, Renovations and Rehabilitation to an old
Auditorium. The PCC for the entire project is at Forty Five Million Pesos (
P45,000,000,00). Compute for the Architects Fee if he is rendering detailed architectural
service to the Owner ( DADS).

8. Using the computed Architects Fee for Item No. 3. Enumerate /List down the payment to
be made by the Owner in different Phases of the work done by the Architect.

9. The Architect has been commissioned to do PHYSICAL PLANNING for a proposed

Sports Complex. The development shall have a lot area of 55 hectares. How much will be
the Recommended Professional Fee ( RFP) of the Architect?

10. The Architect has been tasked to do as ACOUSTIC DESIGN SERVICE for a client. The
cost of the work is estimated at around Twenty Million Pesos ( 20,000,000.00) Compute
for the Recommended Professional Fee (RFP) and present the manner of payment to the

The answers to each of the problems may be inputted in Word format, Excel Format or Free
hand. If you have chosen your format you are then required to convert the same to PDF and send
the document to my email on or before the aforementioned date of
submission. Please let me know of any difficulties that may arise in relation to the completion of
the project so that I may be able to assist each of you.

Thank you All and Stay Safe Always.

Ar. Rialino M. Alisbo, Ms Arch


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