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Mucopolysaccharidosis I: Management and

Treatment Guidelines
Joseph Muenzer, MD, PhDa, James E. Wraith, MB, ChBb, Lorne A. Clarke, MDc, and the International Consensus Panel on the Management and
Treatment of Mucopolysaccharidosis I

aDivision of Genetics and Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; bWillink Biochemical Genetics Unit, Royal

Manchester Children’s Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom; cDepartment of Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Financial Disclosure: Dr Muenzer received honoraria from Genzyme for presentations and advisory board meetings and travel expenses for meetings and was a principal investigator for the phase 1/2 and
phase 3 trials of laronidase. Dr Wraith received honoraria for presentations and board meetings, travel expenses for meetings, and paid and unpaid consultancy work and was a principal investigator in the
phase 3 trial and the ⬍5 years of age trial of laronidase. Dr Clarke received honoraria from Genzyme for presentations and advisory board meetings and travel expenses for meetings and was a principal
investigator in the phase 3 trial of laronidase. The initial consensus meeting to discuss these guidelines was sponsored by BioMarin/Genyzme.

What’s Known on This Subject What This Study Adds

MPS is a rare lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of the enzyme ␣-L-idu- This article provides much-needed, system-specific treatment guidelines for MPS I, in
ronidase, leading to multisystemic, life-threatening clinical manifestations. Disease light of the recent availability of ERT and improved protocols for HSCT.
management has been suboptimal because of poor disease recognition, diagnostic
delays, phenotypic heterogeneity, and limited therapeutic options.

OBJECTIVE. Disease management for mucopolysaccharidosis type I has been inconsistent
because of disease rarity (⬃1 case per 100 000 live births), phenotypic heterogeneity,
and limited therapeutic options. The availability of hematopoietic stem cell trans-
plantation and the recent introduction of enzyme replacement therapy for mucopo-
lysaccharidosis I necessitate the establishment of system-specific management guide- doi:10.1542/peds.2008-0416
lines for this condition. Key Words
␣-L-iduronidase, biochemical genetics,
METHODS. Twelve international experts on mucopolysaccharidosis I met in January enzyme replacement therapy, guidelines,
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,
2003 to draft management and treatment guidelines for mucopolysaccharidosis I. lysosomal storage disorder,
Initial guidelines were revised and updated in 2008, on the basis of additional clinical mucopolysaccharidosis
data and therapeutic advances. Recommendations are based on our extensive clinical Abbreviations
experience and a review of the literature. MPS—mucopolysaccharidosis
CSF— cerebrospinal fluid
RESULTS. All patients with mucopolysaccharidosis I should receive a comprehensive ERT— enzyme replacement therapy
baseline evaluation, including neurologic, ophthalmologic, auditory, cardiac, respi- HSCT— hematopoietic stem cell
ratory, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal assessments, and should be monitored DQ— developmental quotient
every 6 to 12 months with individualized specialty assessments, to monitor disease Accepted for publication Apr 4, 2008
progression and effects of intervention. Patients are best treated by a multidisci- Address correspondence to Joseph Muenzer,
plinary team. Treatments consist of palliative/supportive care, hematopoietic stem MD, PhD, Department of Pediatrics, CB 7487,
cell transplantation, and enzyme replacement therapy. The patient’s age (⬎2 years or University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC 27514. E-mail: muenzer@med.
ⱕ2 years), predicted phenotype, and developmental quotient help define the risk/
benefit profile for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (higher risk but can PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
preserve central nervous system function) versus enzyme replacement therapy (low Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2009 by the
risk but cannot cross the blood-brain barrier). American Academy of Pediatrics

CONCLUSION. We anticipate that provision of a standard of care for the treatment of

patients with mucopolysaccharidosis I will optimize clinical outcomes and patients’ quality of life. Pediatrics 2009;123:

M UCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSIS TYPE I (MPS I) is a lysosomal storage disorder that is caused by a deficiency of the
lysosomal enzyme ␣l-iduronidase and is inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder. Patients with MPS I are
unable to degrade the glycosaminoglycans dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate. These components of proteoglycans
provide structural support to the extracellular matrix and cartilaginous structures such as joints and heart valves, in
addition to being involved in cellular regulation and communication. ␣l-Iduronidase deficiency results in the
progressive accumulation of glycosaminoglycan within lysosomes, with subsequent multiorgan dysfunction and
damage. MPS I encompasses a spectrum of phenotypes; however, all forms of the disease are biochemically
indistinguishable, and all are characterized by progressive multisystemic deterioration.1,2
Historically, MPS I has been delineated into 3 separate diseases on the basis of clinical presentation, that is, Hurler
syndrome (severe), Hurler-Scheie syndrome (intermediate), and Scheie syndrome (mild). However, it is increasingly

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being recognized that MPS I represents a disease contin- heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate and secondary
uum, with considerable clinical variability in age of onset effects related to alteration of cellular function probably
and rate of disease progression. We recommend classi- underlie disease manifestations.
fying cases in the MPS I spectrum into 2 broader groups, All forms of MPS I have undetectable enzyme activity
that is, severe MPS I (Hurler syndrome) and attenuated with currently available diagnostic assays.1,5 Therefore,
MPS I (Hurler-Scheie and Scheie syndromes). We prefer residual enzyme activity cannot be used to predict dis-
the term “attenuated” rather than “mild” because pa- ease phenotype. The extent of clinical manifestation is
tients with Hurler-Scheie and Scheie syndromes typi- thought to be related to the rate of turnover and the
cally have significant disabilities attributable to somatic distribution of stored glycosaminoglycan in the body;
involvement. The severe end of the MPS I spectrum, however, urinary glycosaminoglycan levels, although
representing the majority of known cases, is well de- often higher in more severely affected patients, are not a
scribed and can be delineated accurately. Children with reliable indicator of severity.6
severe MPS I usually die within the first decade of life, as It is widely accepted that mutational heterogeneity
a result of cardiorespiratory failure and progressive neu- underlies the clinical heterogeneity of MPS I and that
rologic disease.1 However, cases of attenuated MPS I phenotype is largely determined by mutation. However,
vary widely with respect to age of presentation, symp- the large number of private (single-occurrence) muta-
toms, comorbidities, and disease course.1,2 Many patients tions underlying MPS I has limited the predictive value
with attenuated MPS I survive into adulthood, albeit of genotype for many patients.7–9 Currently, the Human
with significant morbidity. Gene Mutation Database (professional release 7.3)10 lists
Before the availability of disease-specific therapies, 110 mutations in ␣-L-iduronidase associated with MPS I,
treatment for MPS I was palliative and symptom-based. of which the majority are nonsense mutations, missense
The advent of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation mutations, or small deletions. The frequency of MPS I
(HSCT) and, more recently, enzyme replacement ther- alleles varies among ethnic populations. Among Cauca-
apy (ERT) has heightened the need for better disease sian patients, the p.W402X and p.Q70X alleles are found
recognition, early diagnosis, and up-to-date comprehen- in ⬎50% of patients with MPS I; these alleles are rare
sive guidelines for disease management and treatment. among Japanese, Korean, or Moroccan patients.8 Pa-
Better disease recognition across specialties, more-rapid tients who are homozygous for a nonsense allele or have
diagnosis (possibly requiring newborn screening), and 2 different nonsense alleles have the severe form of MPS
availability of diagnostic and treatment guidelines I. Most patients with attenuated disease have ⱖ1 mis-
should improve disease outcomes and quality of life for sense mutation. Patients who have a p.R89Q or c.678-
both patients and caregivers. 7g3a (IVS 5-7g3a) allele in association with a null
mutation typically have an attenuated phenotype. More
METHODS than 30 polymorphisms or nonpathogenic sequence
An international, multidisciplinary, working group of variants in the iduronidase gene have been detected.
experts on MPS I met in 2003, with the goal of formu- These sequence variants may modify the severity of the
lating diagnosis and management recommendations. clinical disease if they are present with a pathogenic MPS
The natural history of the disease was discussed, as was I allele.11
the role of supportive care, ERT, and HSCT. The meeting
was supported by BioMarin Pharmaceutical (Novato, DIAGNOSIS
CA) and Genzyme (Cambridge, MA). The group in- The combination of symptom variability in MPS I and
cluded specialists in pediatrics, cardiology, ophthalmol- lack of disease awareness confounds both parents and
ogy, anesthesiology, transplantation, orthopedics, and physicians and often results in diagnostic delays. Patients
genetics. The initial guidelines were revised and updated with attenuated MPS I may remain undiagnosed for
in 2008, on the basis of additional clinical data and thera- years.12,13 Even those with severe MPS I may not be
peutic advances. Recommendations are based on our ex- diagnosed for up to 12 to 18 months after the onset of
tensive clinical experience and review of the literature. symptoms. Most parents are prompted to seek treatment
for their child with severe MPS I because of a change in
facial features, restricted joint movement, skeletal defor-
INCIDENCE mity, a large head circumference, or frequent respiratory
MPS I is a panethnic disorder with an estimated incidence infections. Although pediatricians and primary care phy-
of 1 case per 100 000 live births.1,3 Approximately 50% to sicians usually are the first clinicians consulted, other
80% of patients have severe MPS I; one population study manifestations, such as cardiomyopathy, recurrent ear
found that attenuated phenotypes represented 26% of infections, hernias, and lumbar kyphosis or gibbus, may
the total MPS I population.4 However, these estimates result in specialist referral. As effective treatment options
may reflect ascertainment bias, because severe cases may become available, accurate early diagnosis is imperative,
be easier to diagnose than attenuated cases. to prevent or to delay irreversible organ damage and to
optimize treatment outcomes.
MOLECULAR BASIS AND PHENOTYPE DETERMINATION Measurement of urinary glycosaminoglycan levels is
How glycosaminoglycan accumulation in lysosomes a sensitive but nonspecific screening test for MPS I.
leads to clinical symptoms is incompletely understood. False-negative results may occur, especially if the urine
Both primary effects related to altered degradation of is too dilute (specific gravity of ⬍1.015 g/mL). A defin-

20 MUENZER et al
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itive diagnosis of MPS I is based on deficient ␣-L-iduroni- TABLE 1 Recommended Minimal Schedule of Assessments for All
dase activity in fibroblasts, leukocytes, serum, or blood Patients With MPS I
spots.14,15 Pseudodeficiency of ␣-L-iduronidase has been
Initial Every Every Every
described but is rare and is not associated with increases Assessments 6 mo 12 mo Other
in urinary glycosaminoglycan levels.16 Prenatal diagnosis Year
is available, based on either enzyme testing or DNA
testing (for family members of a patient whose muta- Demographic characteristics X
tions are known). Patient diagnosis X
Medical history X X
CLINICAL MANAGEMENT Physical examination X X
General appearance X X
General Considerations Clinical assessments
The care of patients with MPS I requires regular assess- Neurologic/central nervous
ments, supportive care, and treatment of a variety of system
systemic complications. Because of the complexity and Computed tomographic or X X
rarity of this disease, patients are best monitored by a MRI scans of brain
multidisciplinary team at a facility with MPS I experi- MRI scans of spine X X
Median nerve conduction X X
ence. The primary care provider is an essential part of
the multidisciplinary team, especially for patients who Cognitive testing (DQ/IQ) X X
do not live near a major medical center. An involved Auditory
primary care provider should be on hand to manage Audiometry X X
day-to-day problems, to refer the patient to appropriate Ophthalmologic
specialists, and to facilitate communication between Visual acuity X X
team members and the patient’s family. Retinal examination X X
Table 1 presents the core assessments required at Corneal examination X X
diagnosis for all patients with MPS I and the minimal Respiratory
recommended intervals for follow-up assessments. A Forced vital capacity/forced X X
expiratory volume
comprehensive baseline evaluation provides important
Sleep study X X
benchmarks with which to gauge disease progression Cardiac
and responses to therapy. All patients should be evalu- Echocardiography X X
ated at least annually. Baseline and annual evaluations Electrocardiography X X
may be facilitated by a short hospital stay or coordinated Musculoskeletal
outpatient clinic visits over 1 to 3 days to allow for Skeletal survey with X X
efficient multispecialty review. Patients’ schedule of fol- radiographsa
low-up assessments should be individually tailored ac- Gastrointestinal
cording to their age, disease manifestations, rate of dis- Spleen volumeb X Xc
ease progression, types of treatment, and specialized Liver volumeb X Xc
Vital signs and laboratory tests
needs. Monitoring of substrate clearance through uri-
Height and weight X X
nary glycosaminoglycan levels and spleen and liver vol- Head circumferencea X X
umes is necessary only for HSCT- or ERT-treated pa- Blood pressure X X
tients. Below, we review major disease manifestations Enzyme activity level X
and their management according to organ system. Urinary glycosaminoglycan level X Xc
Urinalysis X Xc
Cognitive Development Functional outcome measurements
Mucopolysaccharidosis Health X X
Progressive cognitive impairment is a hallmark of severe
Assessment Questionnaire
MPS I, whereas cognition is normal or only slightly
or other tools exploring
impaired in attenuated MPS I. Children with severe MPS functional ability and
I have progressive neurodegenerative disease. Although quality of lifed
early development may seem normal, delay is usually This schedule of assessments addresses the core MPS I-related disease manifestations that are
obvious by 12 to 24 months of age.1 Most patients reach assessed to stage disease progression over the lifelong course of the disease. The schedule was
a developmental plateau before beginning a decline, adapted from the report by Pastores et al,13 with permission. Physicians should determine the
which usually leaves them severely mentally disabled at actual frequency of necessary assessments according to each patient’s need for medical care
and routine follow-up monitoring. See text for additional guidance on individualization of
the time of death. Because of a combination of enlarged
routine follow-up assessments. All tests requiring sedation are recommended only if sedation is
tongue, hearing loss, and developmental delay, children considered to be safe for the patient.
with severe MPS I develop minimal language skills, but a Studies are only for pediatric patients, unless determined otherwise by the treating physician.

most develop some social skills.1,17 Behavior in severely b The recommended method for determining organ volumes is MRI or computed tomography,

affected children with MPS I tends toward placidity, to enable quantitative analysis. If it is unsafe to sedate the patient, in the opinion of the clinician,
then ultrasonography may be substituted.
rather than the hyperactive and aggressive behavior c Studies are only for patients treated with ERT, unless determined otherwise by the treating
seen in MPS II and MPS III.1 physician.
Children with severe MPS I should receive as much d Assessment may not be possible for uncooperative patients or patients younger than 5 to 6

developmental stimulation as possible during the early years of age.

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stages of the disease. Adapting the environment to the cord compression. The evaluation should include neck
child’s needs (eg, keyboards with oversized characters) flexion and extension radiographic studies, as well as a
may support development. Skills developed early may MRI study of the full spine. Importantly, although spinal
be retained throughout later stages of deterioration. cord compression may be evident on MRI scans, spinal
Neurocognitive function testing at diagnosis and then instability is not. Somatosensory evoked potentials can
every year is recommended for individuals with severe be used to detect early cord compression and to guide
MPS I. the timing of surgical intervention.19 Anecdotal experi-
Children with attenuated MPS I who have learning ence suggests that patients with MPS I who undergo
disabilities or behavioral problems benefit from standard spinal surgery have increased risk of major complica-
interventions. Neurocognitive testing is recommended tions, including spinal cord infarction and spinal insta-
to facilitate development of interventions and educa- bility.
tional plans to enhance academic performance. Carpal tunnel syndrome develops in most patients
with attenuated MPS I, although the majority do not
Neurologic Manifestations develop classic symptoms of nerve compression, even
Communicating hydrocephalus is common in severe with severe nerve entrapment and damage. For many
MPS I and is less common in attenuated MPS I; typically, patients, nighttime pain, numbness, or tingling may be
it progresses slowly over months to years. Papilledema the first signs, but these typically occur only after severe
and vomiting are unusual, even if opening cerebrospinal reduction in nerve conduction velocity.20,21 Some pa-
fluid (CSF) pressure is markedly elevated (⬎40 cm H2O). tients have experienced recurrence of carpal tunnel syn-
For some patients, abnormal eye movements and acute drome after repair. Nerve conduction studies should be
loss of vision are the presenting features. Chronic in- considered at the time of diagnosis of attenuated MPS I
creases in intracranial pressure may contribute to de- and every 1 to 2 years thereafter. For most patients,
layed neuromotor development and visual/eye problems electromyography usually is not necessary.
in severe MPS I. Head circumference should be mea-
sured regularly. Noncontrast computed tomography or Ear, Nose, and Throat Manifestations
MRI of the head can determine ventricular size and Even in the absence of infection, children with severe
should be performed at diagnosis and then every 1 to 2 MPS I commonly are plagued by chronic recurrent rhi-
years for patients with severe MPS I, as well as when nitis accompanied by persistent nasal discharge and fre-
there is an acceleration in head growth. Imaging studies quent ear infections. Patients with attenuated MPS I
alone may not distinguish between brain atrophy and have increased frequency of chronic sinus infections.
increased CSF pressure. If communicating hydrocepha- Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy should be consid-
lus is suspected, then measurement of CSF pressure ered for all patients who develop airway compromise,
through lumbar puncture with sedation should be con- including snoring and coarse breathing. Severely af-
sidered. Ventriculoperitoneal shunting may successfully fected children who require recurrent placement of ven-
reduce CSF pressure but typically does not reverse tilation tubes may benefit from a T-tube as an alterna-
clinical disease significantly, although it may amelio- tive, because such patients are less likely to outgrow the
rate symptoms such as headache or sleep behavior. need for ventilation tubes. Routine ear, nose, and throat
In patients with attenuated MPS I, CSF pressure may examinations performed at least annually are recom-
slowly increase over years without significant changes in mended.
brain imaging results, including ventricular size. Chronic
recurrent headaches and mild optic nerve compression
may be the only signs of elevated intracranial pressure. Auditory Manifestations
Spinal cord compression resulting in cervical myelop- Patients with severe MPS I commonly experience con-
athy is not typical in patients with severe MPS I, al- ductive and neurosensory deafness. Hearing loss may be
though cervical subluxation can cause spinal cord injury. attributable to frequent ear infections, defective ossifica-
In contrast, patients with attenuated MPS I frequently tion in the middle ear, scarring of the tympanic mem-
develop spinal cord compression and cervical instabili- brane, or nerve damage. Most patients with attenuated
ty.18 Diagnosis usually is not made until significant cord MPS I develop some degree of hearing loss, usually in
involvement, such as weakness in the lower extremities the high-frequency range, as adults. Annual audiologic
or abnormal gait, occurs. examinations are warranted for all patients with MPS I
Flexion and extension radiographic views of the neck, and are particularly important for patients with attenu-
for evaluation of cervical spine stability, should be ob- ated MPS I. Hearing aids are beneficial and are typically
tained at baseline for patients with severe MPS I. For underutilized in severe MPS I.
patients with evidence of odontoid dysplasia, radio-
graphs should be repeated every 1 to 2 years and/or Ophthalmologic Manifestations
before any surgical procedure requiring general anesthe- All patients with MPS I have some degree of corneal
sia. Patients with attenuated MPS I should undergo MRI clouding, although the extent varies greatly.22,23 Both
studies of the spinal cord and brain at least every 2 patients with severe MPS I and those with attenuated
years. Any patient with MPS I with abnormal gait, MPS I may experience profound loss of vision as a result
sensory changes, or weakness in the lower extremities of corneal clouding. Patients with both phenotypes com-
should be evaluated by a neurologist for possible spinal monly experience loss of peripheral vision as a result of

22 MUENZER et al
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retinal degeneration and night blindness as a result of tory status and guide treatment. Sleep studies should be
rod dysfunction. performed routinely for patients with severe MPS I after
In severe MPS I, acute blindness may occur in the the age of 2 to 3 years and for patients with attenuated
presence of untreated communicating hydrocephalus. MPS I at diagnosis and every year thereafter, if respira-
Open-angle glaucoma occasionally may develop; how- tory insufficiency is detected. Pulmonary function test-
ever, it should be noted that high intraocular pressure ing and sleep studies may be required before anesthesia.
measurements in patients with corneal involvement Bronchoscopy during anesthesia can be helpful in pul-
may be attributable to corneal thickening rather than monary evaluation.
glaucoma.23 Patients with severe MPS I should have at
least yearly pediatric ophthalmologic evaluations, includ-
Cardiac Manifestations
ing intraocular pressure measurements to detect glaucoma.
Cardiac manifestations are common across the MPS I
Corneal transplantation has not been performed routinely
spectrum and worsen with age. In patients with severe
for patients with severe MPS I. Corrective lenses should be
MPS I, valvular disease, arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy,
prescribed to correct refractive errors.
congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, pulmo-
Corneal transplantation has been performed in atten-
nary and systemic hypertension, and cor pulmonale may
uated MPS I and can markedly improve vision, although
occur.26 Patients with severe MPS I may die suddenly
corneal clouding may develop in the transplanted cor-
after developing an upper respiratory infection, because
nea. Glaucoma has not been screened for routinely in
of myocardial infarction secondary to severe coronary
patients with attenuated MPS I but may occur.
artery disease.27 Patients with attenuated MPS I typically
Eye examinations (acuity and pressure assessments
develop left-sided valvular disease with primary mitral
and ophthalmoscopy) should be performed at the time
and aortic valve dysplasia, causing regurgitation or ste-
of diagnosis of attenuated MPS I and every year there-
nosis; patients with obstructive airway disease also may
after. Corrective lenses should be prescribed as necessary
develop pulmonary hypertension and/or cor pulmonale.
to correct refractive errors.
Progression of pulmonary hypertension and congestive
heart failure may be insidious. Coronary artery disease
Respiratory and Pulmonary Manifestations
in MPS I is atypical, in that it may be characterized by
All patients with MPS I, particularly those with severe
insidious narrowing of entire vessels and is not easily
MPS I, are at risk of severe respiratory insufficiency as a
identified through routine cardiac testing.
result of restrictive lung disease, obstructive sleep apnea,
All patients with MPS I should undergo a cardiology
and/or asthma.24,25 Upper airway disease may result from
evaluation, including electrocardiography and echocar-
enlarged tongue, tonsils, and adenoids; narrowed tra-
diography, at diagnosis and every 1 to 2 years thereafter.
chea; redundant airway tissue; and thickened vocal
Medical treatment of hypertension and congestive heart
cords. Most patients with severe MPS I develop snoring
failure is determined by the situation. Replacement of
and obstructive upper airway disease by 2 or 3 years of
severely damaged valves has been performed for pa-
age. The obstructive sleep apnea typically occurs first
tients with attenuated MPS I,28,29 and the morbidity and
during rapid eye movement sleep and can be diagnosed
mortality rates associated with such procedures seem to
only through sleep studies.
be increased in those patients. It should be noted that,
Pulmonary function testing for some patients with
according to new American Heart Association guide-
attenuated MPS I may reveal severe restrictive lung dis-
lines, bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis is recommended
ease, which usually is not appreciated through clinical
only for patients with a history of endocarditis, a pros-
history or physical examination. The cause of the restric-
thetic valve, or foreign material in the heart.30
tion is predominantly extrinsic to the lung and involves
a combination of skeletal abnormalities of the chest and
spine and hepatosplenomegaly, limiting diaphragmatic Skeletal Manifestations and Joint Diseases
excursion. Severe restrictive lung disease may aggra- Skeletal complications may dominate the clinical course
vate developing obstructive sleep apnea. of patients with MPS I. All patients with severe MPS I
Patients with severe obstructive airway disease may develop progressive skeletal and joint disease, which
benefit from positive airway pressure treatment (contin- ultimately leads to significant disability.1
uous positive airway pressure or bilevel positive airway In severe MPS I, skeletal involvement may not be
pressure therapy), with or without supplemental oxygen evident until the characteristic gibbus deformity of the
treatment. Asthma medications should be administered lumbar spine is apparent at 6 to 14 months of age.
as the clinical condition dictates. Although tonsillectomy Eventually, most bones are involved in defective ossifi-
and adenoidectomy can be helpful, progressive storage cation, a condition known as dysostosis multiplex. As
elsewhere in the upper airway or pharynx may lead to vertebrae become progressively flattened and beaked,
respiratory symptoms. Such patients should be referred spinal deformities, including kyphosis, scoliosis, and ky-
to an otolaryngologic surgeon experienced in the man- phoscoliosis, may develop. Hips may be affected, result-
agement of difficult airways. Tracheostomy may be life- ing in dysplasia or subluxation. Long-bone irregularities
saving for patients with severe sleep apnea and/or val- produce valgus and varus deformities, and genu valgum
vular heart disease. may occur in the knees. Phalangeal dysostosis and synovial
All patients with MPS I should be monitored rou- thickening produce the characteristic claw deformity and
tinely by a pulmonologist, who can help assess respira- trigger digits. Carpal tunnel syndrome and phalangeal in-

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volvement diminish hand function. By the time severely patients with MPS I. Fiber-optic bronchoscopy can be
affected children are 2 years of age, joint stiffening and used to evaluate the degree of airway disease and also
progressive arthropathy affect all joints. Radiographs ob- can be used to intubate patients with difficult airways.
tained at birth can detect dysostosis in some patients with Laryngeal mask airways can be used for airway man-
MPS I. agement for short periods or to facilitate fiber-optic
Patients with attenuated MPS I have progressive ar- intubation.31,32 Endotracheal tubes may need to be
thropathy, which ultimately leads to loss of joint range smaller than anticipated for the age and size of a
of motion. Patients present with mild to severe skeletal patient with MPS I. Patients commonly experience
involvement and tend to have short stature. Kyphosis postoperative airway obstruction, and overnight hos-
and/or scoliosis are frequent presenting symptoms, with pital observations are not uncommon. Awareness of
attendant hip and back pain. Patients also may experi- the possibility of postoperative tracheostomy is impor-
ence generalized pain and malaise, which may be attrib- tant for all parties involved. When possible, proce-
utable to osteopenia and microfractures. dures requiring general anesthesia should be avoided,
Patients with moderate/severe skeletal disease should to minimize risk; for example, computed tomographic
be monitored by an orthopedic surgeon, preferably one scans may be an alternative to brain MRI scans for
who is familiar with MPS disorders. Early detection of very young patients, because the latter typically re-
skeletal abnormalities, such as kyphoscoliosis, before ir- quire general anesthesia and airway management.
reversible changes occur may provide more surgical op-
tions. Spine deformities may require fusion; acetabular Dental Manifestations
hip dysplasia can be addressed with osteotomy and genu Patients with MPS I may develop gum, tooth, and
valgum with epiphyseal stapling. Flexor tendon or carpal enamel abnormalities, frequent caries, dentigerous cysts,
tunnel release can provide relief and the return of some and abscesses. Gingival cysts in particular may be a
hand function. Premature cessation of skeletal growth source of pain, which can be managed with analgesics,
may occur in MPS I and should be taken into account antibiotics, and gum massage.
when surgical procedures are being planned. Patients or caregivers should be taught to perform
Physical therapists can assess the degree of joint re- regular at-home dental care. Routine dental office care
striction and develop interventions to maintain joint should be performed regularly. For some patients, anes-
function and muscle strength. In patients with attenu- thesia may be required for dental procedures. Because
ated MPS I, joint stiffness and pain may be lessened these patients present major anesthetic risks that may
through passive and active range-of-motion exercises prove fatal, dental work requiring anesthesia should be
and hydrotherapy. In severe MPS I, these interventions performed in hospitals with anesthesiologists who are
may stabilize but not improve joint function and stiff- experienced with MPS disorders and their complica-
ness. The benefit of physical therapy in patients with tions. For patients with severe MPS I, the dentist ideally
severe orthopedic compromise is controversial, with should be based in a children’s hospital and have expe-
some anecdotal parental experience suggesting that it rience in pediatric dentistry. Dental examinations and
may be harmful. radiographic studies should be performed routinely. All
Splints often are used to maintain joint position and patients should be seen by a dentist at least every 6
to prevent fixed flexion deformities, but the long-term months.
benefits have not been studied in MPS. Occupational
therapists can improve quality of life and functional
independence; the most-effective occupational therapies
Inguinal and umbilical hernias are common among pa-
are those that patients can perform on their own.
tients with MPS I. For patients with severe MPS I, in-
guinal hernias are commonly repaired before disease
diagnosis. Umbilical hernias frequently recur after initial
Many patients with MPS I present major anesthetic risks
repair, perhaps as a result of impaired elastogenesis.33
because of upper airway obstruction. Difficulty with in-
The abdominal protuberance caused by progressive hep-
tubation may prove fatal.31 We recommend that patients
atosplenomegaly may enlarge umbilical hernias.
undergo procedures requiring general anesthesia only at
centers with access to anesthesiologists who are experi-
enced with MPS disorders and their complications. An- Gastrointestinal Manifestations
esthetic risk increases with age. Periodic episodes of diarrhea may alternate with consti-
Spinal instability, specifically of the atlantoaxial joint, pation. Dietary modifications and the conservative use
requires careful positioning to avoid hyperextension of of laxatives can help to control diarrhea and constipa-
the neck. Radiography should be performed for all pa- tion. Abdominal pain also may be common in patients
tients, to evaluate individual risks. The accumulation of with attenuated MPS I.
glycosaminoglycan in the airway severely limits the an-
esthesiologist’s ability to observe the larynx with the Other Essential Support Services for Patients and Their
laryngoscope. The limited jaw movement, short neck, Families or Caregivers
enlarged tongue, and thick secretion compound the dif- The diagnosis of MPS I may have a profound psychoso-
ficulty of observing the larynx for even very skilled cial impact on patients and their families, who must cope
anesthesiologists. Intubation may be very difficult for with the reality of a progressive debilitating disease.

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Resources such as social services, family therapy, and function, and cardiac function and the resolution of
local and national MPS resource groups should be made communicating hydrocephalus after successful HSCT
available to assist patients and their families with emo- may contribute to improvement in intellectual function-
tional, financial, and social issues related to coping with ing, even in the absence of central nervous system cor-
MPS I. Genetic counseling also is important for patients rection.1 Although HSCT may improve hearing for 30%
and families, so that they have an understanding of the to 40% of children, it does not reverse profound con-
autosomal recessive inheritance of MPS I and the likeli- ductive and sensorineural hearing abnormalities.47
hood that future offspring will be affected. Hepatosplenomegaly and upper airway obstruction,
including sleep apnea, may resolve within several
months after HSCT.48 In addition, facial features may
become less coarse, growth may improve, and urinary
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation glycosaminoglycan levels may return to normal or
When successful, hematopoietic stem cell transplanta- nearly normal levels. Although retinal abnormalities of-
tion (HSCT) using either bone marrow or umbilical cord ten persist, corneal clouding stabilizes or slowly resolves,
stem cells can prevent and/or reverse many but not all of and ocular pressures may normalize.46 Cardiac manifes-
the clinical features of severe MPS I. However, it must be tations, including heart failure and tachyarrhythmia,
performed early in the disease course, before develop- may be corrected within 1 year after successful HSCT,
mental deterioration begins,34–41 and it carries significant and improvements in myocardial muscle function and
risk of morbidity and death. HSCT should be undertaken coronary artery patency have been documented up to 14
only after extensive pretransplantation assessment, for years after HSCT.49,50 Cardiac valvular deformities, how-
carefully selected children for whom long-term moni- ever, seem to be resistant to HSCT treatment and fre-
toring will be possible. quently progress.44,46,50 Skeletal abnormalities do not
The first successful allogeneic HSCT procedure for respond to HSCT, and most patients with severe MPS I
MPS I involved a 1-year-old boy with severe MPS I, in with good engraftment still require multiple orthopedic
1980. Thirteen months after HSCT, the patient’s plasma interventions.38,51 However, patients with severe MPS I
␣-L-iduronidase activity was similar to that seen in het- with good engraftment may experience progressive im-
erozygotes, his hepatosplenomegaly and corneal cloud- provement in the grade of odontoid dysplasia.52
ing had reversed, and his developmental deterioration
had been arrested.42 At the age of 20 years, the patient Enzyme Replacement Therapy
demonstrated full engraftment and, with intelligence in Laronidase (recombinant human ␣-L-iduronidase; Al-
the low reference range, was self-reliant and able to durazyme [Genzyme Corporation, Cambridge, MA]) is
operate a computer.43 To date, ⬎400 patients with severe approved for the treatment of patients with MPS I in the
MPS I have received transplants, primarily using bone United States, Europe, and many other countries. To
marrow but increasingly using umbilical cord blood.38,40 date, ⬎100 patients have been treated with laronidase in
In both related and unrelated donor transplantations, clinical trials.53–56 In addition to phase 1/253 and phase 355
failure to achieve complete engraftment has been a sig- studies, a study in children ⬍5 years of age56 and a
nificant contributor to morbidity and death. Pretrans- dose-ranging study have been completed.57
plantation preparation must be sufficiently immunosup- An open-label phase I/2 clinical study initiated in
pressive and myeloablative to optimize successful 1997 demonstrated that laronidase was biologically ac-
engraftment.44 Although success rates for HSCT have tive and that the selected dose regimen, based on treat-
improved in recent years, the risks are still significant; ment studies in the MPS I canine animal model,58,59
the reported mortality rate in a recent, large, retrospec- cleared accumulated glycosaminoglycan. Ten patients
tive analysis was 15%, with a rate of survival with with MPS I received weekly intravenous administration
engraftment of 56%.45 of laronidase (100 U/kg, 0.58 mg/kg body weight). Pa-
The clinical success of HSCT depends on the age of the tients demonstrated decreased urinary glycosaminogly-
child at transplantation, the degree of clinical involve- can excretion and reductions in liver and spleen vol-
ment, the child’s cardiopulmonary status and neurologic umes. All patients had improved New York Heart
development, the type of donor, and the ability to Association scores after 1 year of treatment, and some
achieve stable engraftment without the development of patients had improved shoulder flexion range of motion,
graft-versus-host disease.38,46 Access to developmental sleep apnea/hypopnea index, and visual acuity. These
services, such as speech, behavioral, and physical ther- improvements were sustained with continued treat-
apy, also contributes to the overall outcome.46 The best ment.26,54 Functional status and endurance generally im-
developmental and clinical outcomes have been ob- proved in laronidase-treated patients, as indicated by
served in children with developmental quotients (DQs) improvements in self-care, increased range of mobility,
of ⬎70 and ages of ⬍2 years at the time of transplanta- and the ability to run or to play sports, depending on the
tion.36 severity of baseline disease.26,54
One of the most important benefits of HSCT is the A 26-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3
preservation of intellectual development in children study of weekly laronidase treatment (0.58 mg/kg body
who, on the basis of mutational analysis, would have weight) for 45 patients showed substantial decreases in
been predicted to develop severe mental impairment. urinary glycosaminoglycan levels and hepatomegaly.55
Improvements in hearing, joint mobility, respiratory Urinary glycosaminoglycan levels decreased within 4

PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 1, January 2009 25

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weeks after initiation of treatment, and values were Use of ERT With HSCT
reduced by 54% with sustained treatment. Liver vol- Short-term laronidase administration in combination
umes normalized for most patients. After 26 weeks, with HSCT in severe MPS I has been shown to be feasible
patients who received laronidase showed a mean 5.6% and safe62–67 and may improve mortality and engraft-
increase in the percentage of predicted normal forced ment rates, especially for patients in poor clinical condi-
vital capacity and a mean 38.1-m improvement in the tion, because it can decrease disease-related complica-
6-minute walk test, compared with patients who re- tions.65–67 After full engraftment is achieved, the benefit
ceived placebo. Because of patient heterogeneity, overall derived from additional enzyme supplied by laronidase is
changes in shoulder flexion and sleep study apnea/hy- unclear. Laronidase may be beneficial for patients with
popnea index values were not significant, but there were only partial posttransplantation engraftment; however,
trends toward improvement for patients with more-se- experience with this group is limited.
vere symptoms at baseline.
Adverse event profiles for the phase 3 trial were sim- Treatment Algorithm
ilar for the laronidase and placebo groups. Although The risk/benefit ratio for HSCT versus ERT must be
most patients developed IgG antibodies to laronidase, determined individually for each patient with MPS I.
infusion-related reactions (such as flushing, fever, head- Important considerations are patient age, disease pheno-
ache, or rash) were generally manageable with slowing type, DQ, severity of clinical disease, and potential for
of the infusion rate and/or administration of medication growth (Fig 1).
(antipyretic agents or antihistamines). Laronidase ther- In the case of a newly diagnosed patient ⬍2 years of
apy had a positive safety and tolerability profile, with age who is cognitively intact (ie, DQ of ⱖ70), it is im-
low associated risks. During the phase 3 extension study, portant to preserve cognitive abilities. If deterioration is
1 patient experienced 2 treatment-related serious ad- anticipated on the basis of clinical findings, neurodevel-
verse events (respiratory difficulty and anaphylaxis), opmental testing results, and genotype information (eg,
which might have been exacerbated by preexisting se- identification of 2 nonsense mutations), then HSCT is
vere upper airway obstruction and restrictive lung dis- expected to have more long-term clinical impact than
ease. An emergency tracheostomy was required during laronidase in stabilizing neurocognitive function. If an
the second event, to maintain the patient’s airway. attenuated phenotype is suspected, then the preferred
Acute illness at the time of infusion and the extent of option is laronidase. For children with severe physical
MPS I-related respiratory disease seem to contribute to disease who are cognitively intact, laronidase adminis-
the severity of some reactions and may complicate the tered before HSCT may help to improve their health
management of serious infusion-associated reactions. status and physical condition and to increase their
A 6-year follow-up study of 5 of the original 10 chances for a successful HSCT outcome.
patients in the phase I/II trial who were treated with For children ⬍2 years of age who have DQs of ⬍70,
laronidase found clinical improvement or stabilization, less cognitive benefit is expected from HSCT. In such
in contrast to the natural history of the disease, as well as cases, laronidase, which has lower associated risks than
some additional decrease in urinary glycosaminoglycan HSCT, may improve the physical manifestations of the
excretion and liver size.54 In those patients, shoulder disease and improve quality of life like HSCT. HSCT
range of motion stabilized or improved. Patients who should be considered if neurocognitive function im-
were treated before puberty grew substantially. Overall, proves with interventions for individuals whose neuro-
the evaluated patients with MPS I who were treated developmental function has been adversely affected by
with laronidase for 6 years reported improved ability to multiple medical problems, as well as limited access to
perform normal activities of daily living.54 Up to 7 years educational services and therapies (eg, occupational,
of laronidase treatment resolved left ventricular hyper- physical, and speech therapies).
trophy in those 5 patients, but mitral and aortic valves For older patients in whom developmental decline
remained thickened and, in some cases, developed pro- already has occurred, laronidase is the more reasonable
gressive thickening and regurgitation.60 Effects of laroni- option for palliative therapy. For children who have no
dase on the eye were evaluated in a subgroup of 8 neurologic or cognitive damage, laronidase is recom-
patients in the phase 3 extension trial; after 4 years of mended. HSCT is discouraged for such children because
laronidase treatment, ocular manifestations (including it offers no therapeutic advantage over laronidase and
visual acuity) remained stable in 5 patients and wors- places the patient at increased risk from the procedure.
ened in 3 patients.61
Because laronidase does not cross the blood-brain Role of MPS I Registry
barrier in any appreciable amount at the labeled dose, it Long-term clinical outcome data are needed for better
is unlikely to improve cognitive or central nervous sys- understanding of how different treatment options affect
tem function in patients with MPS I. Like HSCT, laroni- clinical disease and for provision of an evidence-based
dase may not correct preexisting cardiac valvular disease rationale for management recommendations. A MPS I
or skeletal abnormalities, although it can improve or registry ( was established by
preserve joint mobility. Early initiation of therapy, be- BioMarin Pharmaceutical (Novato, CA) and Genzyme
fore irreversible damage, may be more effective in slow- (Cambridge, MA), as part of a postmarketing regulatory
ing disease progression. commitment after the approval of laronidase. This on-

26 MUENZER et al
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Treatment algorithm for patients with a diagnosis of MPS I. This
algorithm is meant as a general guideline only. Specific patient
circumstances, such as treatment availability and the patient’s
unique clinical situation, must always be factored into treatment
decisions. For example, a child ⬍2 years of age with a DQ of ⬍70
could still be a good candidate for HSCT if his or her DQ was
decreased by very poor motor skills resulting from somatic mani-
festations of severe MPS I. aPrediction of disease severity based on
clinical picture, neurodevelopmental testing, genotype and other
relevant information.

going observational database tracks natural history find- (Vancouver, Canada); Nathalie Guffon, MD (Lyon,
ings and outcomes for patients with MPS I.13 Participa- France); Ronald V. Lacro, MD (Boston, MA); Joseph
tion is open to all physicians treating patients with MPS Muenzer, MD, PhD (Chapel Hill, NC); James Ogilvie,
I, and clinical data are collected (with written consent) MD (Salt Lake City, UT); Charles Peters, MD (Kansas,
and submitted confidentially from around the world. MO); Maurizio Scarpa, MD, PhD (Padova, Italy); Ida
Health care professionals have access to aggregate data V. D. Schwartz, MD, PhD (Porto Alegre, Brazil); David H.
on MPS I and can query the database for specific infor- Viskochil, MD, PhD (Salt Lake City, UT); Robert Walker,
mation to facilitate the care of their patients with MPS I. MD (Manchester, United Kingdom); and James E.
All patients, regardless of treatment status or geographic Wraith, FRCPCH (Manchester, United Kingdom).
location, should be encouraged to participate in the MPS We thank Lisa Underhill, MS (Global Medical Affairs,
I registry. The MPS I registry, if used, should be able to Genzyme) for writing assistance.
capture treatment and outcome data that ultimately can
guide clinicians to develop the most-effective therapeu-
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Mucopolysaccharidosis I: Management and Treatment Guidelines
Joseph Muenzer, James E. Wraith and Lorne A. Clarke
Pediatrics 2009;123;19
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-0416

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Mucopolysaccharidosis I: Management and Treatment Guidelines
Joseph Muenzer, James E. Wraith and Lorne A. Clarke
Pediatrics 2009;123;19
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-0416

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Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
the American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Avenue, Itasca, Illinois, 60143. Copyright © 2009
by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.

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