Journal About Antrophogenic Factors of Biodiverity Degradation

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Phil. Trans. R. Soc.

B (2010) 365, 3709-3718

PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0273
THE Review
SOCIETY Anthropogenic impacts on tropical forest
biodiversity: a network structure and
ecosystem functioning perspective
Rebecca J. Morris*
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK
Huge areas of diverse tropical forest are lost or degraded every year with dramatic consequences for biodiversity.
Deforestation and fragmentation, over-exploitation, invasive species and climate change are the main drivers of tropical
forest biodiversity loss. Most studies investigating these threats have focused on changes in species richness or species
diversity. However, if we are to understand the absolute and long-term effects of anthropogenic impacts on tropical
forests, we should also consider the interactions between species, how those species are organized in networks, and the
function that those species perform. I discuss our current knowledge of network structure and ecosystem functioning,
highlighting empirical examples of their response to anthropogenic impacts. I consider the future prospects for tropical
forest biodiversity, focusing on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in secondary forest. Finally, I propose directions
for future research to help us better understand the effects of anthropogenic impacts on tropical forest biodiversity.
Keywords: anthropogenic impacts; biodiversity; deforestation; ecosystem functioning; interactions; network structure

1. INTRODUCTION Diversity 1992). Species-area curves can be used to predict the

Tropical forests are one of the most diverse habitats on Earth loss of species resulting from the loss of a particular area of
(Whitmore 1998). Over the past century tropical forests have forest (May et al. 1995), but their deceptive simplicity
been suffering from exceptional rates of change as they are conceals a number of assumptions and complications that limit
degraded or destroyed by human activities. Approximately their usefulness (Lewis
half of the tropical forest that was present at the beginning of 2006) .
the twentieth century has already disappeared, with peak In this paper, I focus on changes in tropical forest
deforestation in the 1980s and 1990s (Wright 2005). Evidence biodiversity over the past 100 years. During this period an
for a continuing decline in tropical forest area is unclear increase in global population size and a concurrent increase in
(Grainger 2008). This may be owing to difficulties in tracking the exploitation of tropical forests have resulted in a vast
the long term global trend in tropical forest area and forest reduction in biodiversity. Most studies have focused on
regeneration (Grainger 2008). Estimates of a decline in changes in species richness and diversity, but it is becoming
deforestation may also result from the fact that even severely apparent that these metrics may not adequately represent
degraded forest is not included in the estimates of anthropogenic impacts on ecological communities (Lewis
deforestation (Mayaux et al. 2005). 2009). Firstly, while overall species richness may not change
Estimates of tropical forest cover, for example from remote following a particular disturbance the species identities may
sensing, inform us about changes in forest extent, but crucially change, with implications for the persistence of ecological
communities. Secondly, if we are to understand the absolute
do not tell us how this relates to the biological diversity within.
effect of anthropogenic impacts on tropical forests, we need to
Biological diversity (hereafter biodiversity) refers to the consider the interactions between species, how these species
‘variability among living organisms from all sources are organized (network structure) and the functions that these
including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic species perform (ecosystem functions). Ecosystem functions
ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are are biogeochemical activities, including primary production,
decomposition and any other process that involves energy flow
part; this includes diversity within species, between species
or nutrient cycling (Naeem 2009). A network structure and
and of ecosystems’ (Convention on Biological ecosystem functioning approach will supplement information
* on species richness and diversity by providing a more
One contribution of 16 to a Discussion Meeting Issue ‘Biological complete picture on how species coexist and influence one
diversity in a changing world’. another, and in turn how anthropogenic

3709 This journal is © 2010 The Royal Society

3710 R. J. Morris Review. Tropical forest biodiversity

impacts might perturb the organization and functioning of for bush-meat (Milner-Gulland et al. 2003), and tropical
forests. hardwoods for timber (Asner et al. 2005). A less well-known
I begin by outlining the primary anthropogenic impacts on example is that of Chamaedorea palms (xate) in Central
tropical forests and their effects at the species level. Then I America, whose leaves are harvested for the floricultural
discuss the importance of considering network structure and industry (Bridgewater et al. 2006).
ecosystem functioning and describe the relatively small
number of studies of anthropogenic impacts that have taken
(c) Invasive species
these approaches. Many of these studies focus on insects,
Invasive species are non-native species that have established
because they are tractable study organisms, they make up more
outside their natural range, while introduced species have been
than half of all species and have a wide variety of functional
established outside their natural range by human action. Both
roles in tropical forests. Next I consider the prospects for
invasive and introduced species can cause extinctions, alter
tropical forest biodiversity, focusing on biodiversity and
abiotic environments, become pests, or introduce diseases
ecosystem functioning in secondary forest. To conclude I
(Bradshaw et al. 2009), particularly targeting species with a
suggest areas for future experimental and theoretical research,
lower reproductive potential or those that are naive to
in order that we might better understand the tropical forest
competitors or predators (Purvis et al. 2000). For example, the
biodiversity crisis caused by anthropogenic impacts.
introduction of the brown snake on the island of Guam is
thought to have caused the extinction of 12 of the 18 native
birds (Wiles et al. 2003). Much of the evidence for the
2. ANTHROPOGENIC INFLUENCES detrimental effects of invasive species is based on correlations
ON TROPICAL FOREST BIODIVERSITY between invasive species dominance and native species
The primary contemporary drivers of tropical forest decline in degraded habitats (Didham et al. 2005). In these
biodiversity loss include direct effects of human activities such cases, invasive species could be driving the native species loss
as habitat destruction and fragmentation (land-use change), or could simply be taking advantage of habitat modification or
invasive species and over-exploitation, as well as indirect another ecosystem change that is itself driving the native
effects of human activities such as climate change species loss (MacDougall & Turkington 2005). Invasive
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). The relative species may cause biotic homogenization, where species
impacts of these threats vary among the world’s major tropical assemblages become dominated by a small number of
forest regions (Corlett & Primack 2008). Primary drivers may widespread species that thrive in human- altered environments
also induce secondary effects, for example, altered disturbance (McKinney & Lockwood 1999). Tropical forest communities
dynamics (Barlow & Peres 2004). In this section, I discuss that have been substantially altered by invasive or introduced
four major anthropogenic drivers of tropical biodiversity loss, species occur predominantly on heavily disturbed islands
focusing on their effects at the species level. (Ghazoul & Sheil 2010). Intact continental rainforest may be
more resistant to invasion because of the high species and
(a) Deforestation and fragmentation functional group richness, high competitive exclusion rates
Land-use change is thought to have the greatest impact on and high pest loads (Denslow & DeWalt 2008). Invasive
biodiversity in tropical forests (Sala et al. 2000). Forest species can, however, dominate disturbed or open tropical
clearance destroys the habitat and generally causes a decline in forest areas, impacting their recovery (Ghazoul & Sheil 2010).
forest species abundance and diversity, particularly for species
that are restricted in range. Diverse taxa show different and (d) Climate change
often variable responses (Lawton et al. 1998; Barlow et al. Climate change is expected to rival land-use change as the
2007). Following deforestation, the new habitat will determine most important impact on tropical forest biodiversity. Many
biodiversity. For example, secondary forest regenerating after studies have shown that climate change causes range shifts to
the natural forest has been cleared may never reach the same higher latitudes and elevations, as species expand into areas
species richness and composition as primary forest (Chazdon that become climatically suitable and contract from areas that
2008). However, the response is again taxon specific; for become too warm (Wilson et al. 2007). Additionally, climate
example, most primary forest leaf litter ant species in Ghana warming affects the phenology of species leading to potential
continued to survive in the agricultural landscape that replaced mismatches between interacting species, for example, between
their original habitat (Belshaw & Bolton 1993). Apart from pollinators and plants (Stenseth & Mysterud 2002). Climate
destroying habitat, forest clearance can fragment the remaining change will also indirectly affect species by reducing the
forest, leaving areas of forest that are too small for some amount and availability of habitat, and by eliminating species
species to persist, or too far apart for other species to move that are essential to the species in question. Climate change is
between (Fahrig 2003), resulting in a long process of decay in likely to have a particularly large impact on tropical
residual diversity from the remaining habitat (Krauss et al. ectotherms, even taking into account behavioural
2010). Edge effects on fragments also affect species richness thermoregulation, because they are relatively sensitive to
and composition (Ewers & Didham 2006). temperature change and are living very close to their optimal
temperature (Deutsch et al. 2008; Huey et al. 2009; Kearney et
al. 2009). The decline in amphibian populations in Neotropical
(b) Over-exploitation
montane tropical forests, notably golden toads (Bufo
Over-exploitation of a particular species or group of species
periglenes), has been linked to changing climate (Pounds
can result in that species, or group of species, being driven to
2001). Also, in central Panama, a change in climate in the form
local or even global extinction. It differs from the other drivers
of a 25 year drying trend combined with increasingly severe
of biodiversity loss discussed here in specifically targeting
dry seasons has led to a decline in the abundance of plant
individual species. The most well-known examples of over-
species with affinities for moist microhabitats (Condit et al.
exploitation of tropical forest species involve large mammals

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2010)

Review. Tropical forest biodiversity R. J. Morris 3711

1996). It is, however, difficult to make a causal link between connected, non-overlapping subsets of species) may also
climate change and changes in species richness because of the increase network stability, retaining the impacts of a
many other variables involved. perturbation within a single module and minimizing impacts
on other modules (Krause et al. 2003; Teng & McCann 2004).
Nested groups and modules have been found in both
3. ANTHROPOGENIC IMPACTS ON NETWORK mutualistic and antagonistic networks (Fortuna et al. 2010).
STRUCTURE Models with these network patterns have a well-known
The focus so far has been on changes at the species level, but response to the deletion of species, but approaches considering
species level metrics may not reveal all the changes occurring explicit dynamics comparing those patterns using mutualistic
following a particular disturbance, because species identities and antagonistic networks are lacking (Bastolla et al. 2009).
can change without affecting species richness or diversity. In Structural asymmetry may also be a key determinant of
this section, I discuss how species are organized in networks, ecological stability, affecting the capacity of a system to
and the vulnerability of these networks to anthropogenic recover from perturbations. Rooney et al. (2006) show that, in
impacts. I highlight selected empirical studies that either take a general, asymmetry in the amount of energy flowing through
network approach or consider cascading trophic effects. different channels, and in the pattern of predator attacks
(interaction strengths), promotes network stability, by
(a) Networks of interacting species preventing dramatic overshoots following large perturbations
Species are linked in networks to other species, with which while also permitting rapid recovery. The anthropogenic
they interact in a variety of ways, for example as predators or drivers of biodiversity loss directly erode this asymmetry by
prey. Ecological network theory is dominated by diagrams of disproportionately reducing the abundance of top predators,
nodes and links, where the nodes represent species and each and effectively homogenizing the energy channels, thus
link represents the presence of an interaction or the mean endangering the stability of natural ecosystems. In addition to
interaction strength between two species. These mean values eroding asymmetry, human-induced species loss is also likely
do not represent the observed ‘real world’ variability and we to alter the number and configuration of stabilizing weak inter-
do not know the consequences of individual level variability to actions (Berlow 1999). Despite our increasing knowledge of
detected patterns of species interactions. Theoretically, the loss the patterns that influence the fragility of networks, there is
of one species has been shown to have widespread knock on still much to learn to increase our ability to predict how one
effects on many other species (Montoya et al. 2006). This may species’ extinction can cause multiple species losses.
lead to secondary or co-extinctions (Koh et al. 2004), but may A complete understanding of ecological networks may not
also, in the short-term, benefit other species, if their be possible until ecologists begin to include all ecosystem
competitors or predators are lost. Species interact both directly components including detritus (Moore
and indirectly, and the indirect interactions can be highly
unpredictable (Yodzis 2000, Montoya et al. 2005).
Consequently the loss of one species can result in the increase,
decrease or extinction of apparently unconnected species.
Ecologists have found a number of network patterns that in
theoretical studies affect the fragility of ecosystems to species
loss. The lack of a theory quantifying the importance of these
patterns holds us back from assessing their implications for
biodiversity and its loss. The consequences of species loss
depend on the connectance of the species within the network.
Connectance studies have focused on unweighted trophic
links, which may mask the role of skewed interaction
strengths. Generally, however, in theoretical studies networks
have been found to be robust, in terms of the secondary
extinctions invoked, to random loss of species but not to loss
of highly connected species (Sole & Montoya 2001; Dunne et
al. 2002). Human activities are, however, causing secondary
extinctions at greater levels than expected from random
species losses (Dunne et al. 2002). Networks are less robust to
the loss of highly connected species because the more trophic
links that a species has to other species in a food web, the more
potential it has to affect community structure. This, however,
does not mean that the removal of a highly connected species
will necessarily result in high species loss, nor that the removal
of species with few trophic links will always result in few or
no secondary extinctions.
The overall structure of networks may also affect their
susceptibility to drivers of biodiversity loss. Theoretical
studies have shown that a nested structure (where species with
few links have a sub-set of the links of other species) makes
the community more robust to both random extinctions
(Memmott et al. 2004; Burgos et al. 2007) and habitat loss
(Fortuna & Bascompte 2006). A modular pattern (with densely

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2010)

et al. 2004). Most ecological network studies focus entirely on forest
living animals and plants, or more specifically on a subset of
interactions, for example between a guild of hosts and their
parasitoids. Quantitative food webs or networks are a useful
tool for describing these subsets of interactions (Berlow et al.
2004; van Veen et al. 2006). They describe the species present
in a network, and their abundances, and also show the
frequency of interactions between them (although crucially do
not take account of the variability of these interactions). Since
they show a snapshot in time of a community, quantitative
networks show only the potential for interactions and
ecosystem functions, but they provide a framework for
detecting the effects of human activities. The use of these
quantitative networks is, however, limited by the intensive and
time-consuming sampling required to document the
interactions, particularly for antagonistic networks.

(b) Empirical examples

(i) Habitat destruction and fragmentation
A recent study has shown for the first time that the conversion
of forest to agriculture has a detrimental effect on both species
diversity and network interactions. Tylianakis et al. (2007)
studied food webs of Hymenoptera and their parasitoids along
a land-use gradient from forest through coffee agroforests and
pasture to rice fields. They found little change in species
richness of Hymenoptera along the land-use gradient, although
there was a marked change in food-web structure. Crucially,
the frequency of the interactions in which they were involved
differed greatly, resulting in a decline in interaction evenness
in the highly modified pasture and rice fields (figure 1). In
more modified habitats there was a higher ratio of parasitoid to
host species, increased parasitism, and the most abundant
parasitoid species was more specialized, all of which have
implications for the ecosystem services of pollination and
biological control provided by the bees and wasps in this
Fragmentation is likely to have profound effects on
ecological interactions at the network level. For example, the
loss of bird species in forest fragments resulted in deficient
seed dispersal and reduced seedling recruitment of a bird
dispersed rainforest tree (Cordeiro & Howe 2003). Generally,
fragmentation reduces population densities of top predators
(Holyoak 2000), and loss of top predators is likely to lead to
strong trophic cascades (Adler 2008). Terborgh et al. (2001)
studied forested islands in Lago Guri in Venezuela following
their creation by the flooding of a tropical forest to construct a
hydroelectric dam. While this fragmentation is qualitatively
different to forest fragmentation resulting from conversion of
forest to agricultural land, the resulting forest fragments
Figure 1. Quantitative host-parasitoid food webs along a land-
created a natural experiment for studying the consequences of use gradient from forest (top) through to rice fields (bottom).
fragmentation. Terborgh et al. (2001) showed that trophic For each web, lower bars represent host bee and wasp
cascades resulted from the loss of top predators on these abundances, and upper bars represent parasitoid abundances
islands. An absence of large predators led to increased (drawn at different scales). The width of the links between
densities of seed predators and herbivores, and a correlated upper and lower bars represents the frequency of each
reduction in the densities of tree seedlings and saplings. interaction. Host and parasitoid order are consistent across
(ii) Over-exploitation and species composition of webs, and the numbers above and below the bars refer to
Over-hunting can cause tropical forest plant species and are also consistent across webs. The evenness of
cascading effects through communities, through interactions, in particular of the interactions shown by the most
abundant parasitoid (species 4), declines significantly from the
tropical forest systems. The affecting their interactions
natural/semi-natural forest and agroforest habitats to the highly
over-exploitation of large with seed predators, seed modified pasture and rice fields. Adapted with permission
mammals has consequences dispersers, herbivores and from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature 445, 202-205, © 2007.
for the structure, dynamics browsers (Wright et al.
2007). The regional decline high-density ant
of mammals can also supercolonies, also disrupts
severely disrupt the diversity frugivory by endemic birds
and abundance of dung beetle (Davis et al. 2010). Presence
communities through the of the ants directly decreases
composition and availability handling time and indirectly
of dung (Nichols et al. 2009). influences bird abundances
I am not aware of any studies and behaviour through
investigating the effects of changes in resources and
the natural over-exploitation habitat structure, and may
of a single species or group negatively impact on the
of species on network ecological function of seed
structure. However, a dispersal. Another example
manipulative experiment of introduced species
investigating the removal of a affecting tropical forest
tropical forest shrub communities comes from
demonstrates the potential Hawaii. Henneman &
effects. While this study does Memmott (2001)
not involve a traditionally demonstrated the pervasive
exploited species, it serves as effects of introduced
model species, showing how biocontrol agents in a food
the removal of a particular web in the Alakai swamp
species or group of species forest on Kaua’i, where 83
from a tropical forest may per cent of parasitoids
have cascading effects with attacking native moths were
profound implications for the naturalized progeny of
network structure. Morris et released biological control
al. (2004) removed one agents.
species of shrub and its two
associated leaf miners from
replicate 4500 m2 plots in (iv) Climate change
tropical forest in Belize, to I am not aware of any
investigate the propagation of published studies
indirect effects through the investigating the effects of
tri-trophic food web. They climate change on network
demonstrated pervasive structure in tropical forest,
effects on species abundance although I am aware of at
and parasitism a year after least one study in progress.
the initial manipulation. 4. ANTHROPOGENIC
(iii) Invasive species FUNCTIONING
The invasive yellow crazy (a) Ecosystem functioning
ant on Christmas Island, in If a species is lost from an
the Indian Ocean, has had ecosystem it is not just the
pervasive effects on the species itself that is lost, but
rainforest ecosystem, its interactions, and the
facilitated by introduced ecological functions that
honeydew-secreting scale result from these interactions,
insects (Abbott & Green for example, seed dispersal.
2007) . Observational and These interactions can be
experimental studies have critical to the survival or
demonstrated the effect of the functioning of another
ants on at least three trophic species or the ecosystem
levels (O’Dowd et al. 2003). itself. There are a huge
In invaded areas the red land number of studies focusing
crab, the dominant native on the positive relationship
omnivore, is eliminated, between species diversity and
resulting in increased ecosystem functioning, domi-
seedling recruitment and nated by studies on
enhanced seedling species productivity in temperate
richness. Invasion, and in plants (Loreau et al. 2002).
particular the formation of Until recently there was little
focus on the relationship (2010) recently reviewed
between network structure how global warming will
and ecosystem functioning, alter species interactions (and
but there is an increasing subsequently function), but
realization that the loss of found a paucity of
interactions can have information on ecosystem
pervasive effects on both function.
ecosystem structure and
functioning (Memmott et al.
2007), and that species (i) Fragmentation
diversity, network structure Any species loss owing to
and ecosystem functioning habitat destruction may have
are closely linked. However, a delayed impact on
that is not to say that high ecosystem functioning
connectance automatically (Gonzalez et al. 2009). Many
results in a high level of studies draw inferences about
ecosystem functioning. the loss of ecosystem
Overall ecosystem functioning following
functioning is dependent on fragmentation from species
the variety of interactions richness data; however, few
represented, and the presence have measured the functional
of particular key functions, process directly (Didham et
rather than on the total al. 1996). Larsen et al.
number of interactions or (2005) studied dung beetle
functions. More than one communities on forested
species may provide the same islands in Lago Guri in
function in an ecosystem, Venezuela. They found that
providing ecological habitat loss disrupted
redundancy, for example, ecosystem functioning (in
there may be many insects this case dung burial) by not
that pollinate a particular only affecting species
plant species (Walker 1992). richness, but also
This may buffer the effects of
the loss of one species, but
how many species can we
lose before we start to affect
ecosystem functioning
(Purvis & Hector 2000)?
Loss of tropical forest at
extraordinarily high rates is
likely to overcome this
buffer, and result in the loss
of ecosystem functioning,
with dramatic effects not
only on tropical forests, but
on ecosystem services that
benefit humans, such as

(b) Empirical examples

There are few studies that
explicitly measure the effect
of anthropogenic impacts on
ecosystem functioning, and
as far as I am aware, none for
deforestation, invasive
species or climate change.
The studies mentioned under
network structure may
however, also be relevant
here in terms of their
implications for ecosystem
functioning. Traill et al.
to each habitat species held

Figure 2. (a) The percentage of species unique to primary, secondary and plantation forests and (b) the percentage of species
recorded in primary forest that were also recorded in secondary forest and plantations. Primary, secondary and plantation forests
are represented by grey bars, black circles and white circles, respectively. Adapted with permission from the National Academy
of Sciences: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104, 18 555-18 560, © 2007.

species abundance and exploited species, over-

extinction order. Using both hunting of mammals in
simulation models and tropical forests resulting in a
empirical studies they reduction in dung could in
demonstrated that the non- fact indirectly lead to the
random response of local elimination of
communities to disturbance dependent dung beetles, with
has unexpectedly large implications for the
functional consequences. In maintenance of key
particular, large-bodied ecosystem processes
beetle species tended to be including nutrient recycling
both the most extinction- and secondary seed dispersal
prone and the most (Andresen & Laurance
functionally efficient, leading 2007). Slade et al. (2007)
to rapid functional loss. experimentally manipulated
dung beetle communities in
primary forest in Malaysian
(ii) Over-exploitation Borneo, by controlling the
The cascading effects of access of different functional
over-hunting through tropical groups of beetles to patches
forest systems are likely to of resource, thus mimicking
have impacts on ecosystem the loss of nocturnal or
function, but I am not aware diurnal, rolling or tunnelling
of any studies investigating beetles. The ecosystem
this. A manipulative functions of both dung
experiment on dung beetles removal and seed removal
by Slade et al. (2007) increased with dung beetle
demonstrates how the functional group richness,
removal of a particular group indicating that any loss of
of species from a tropical species occurring naturally
forest may have cascading would result in a lower
effects with profound impli- ecosystem function if the loss
cations for ecosystem of that species led to a
functioning. While dung reduced functional group
beetles are not a traditionally composition.
5. FUTURE be protected from further
PROSPECTS disturbance, this potential is
(a) Prospects for tropical unlikely to be reached
forest biodiversity Tropical (Gardner et al. 2007). We
forest destruction is likely to currently have little insight
continue in the future, into whether ecosystem
causing an extinction crisis functioning is restored.
among tropical forest species Understanding how
(Bradshaw et al. 2009). secondary forest functioning
Controversially, Wright & differs from primary forest
Muller-Landau (2006) functioning is a major
suggested that tropical concern if an increasing
deforestation will decrease. proportion of the world’s
They based their projections tropical forests will be
on slowing population secondary forest in the
growth rates and increasing future. Slade (2007)
urbanization, as well as an experimentally investigated
increase in natural forest the herbivores of a
regeneration. Their paper was Dipterocarp tree seedling and
widely challenged, their predators, over a
particularly over the complex gradient of logging
relationship between rural disturbance in Malaysian
and urban population growth Borneo. She found that
and deforestation, the predation was higher in more
potential irreversibility of the disturbed sites, while
momentum set in motion by herbivory did not differ,
current patterns of suggesting that ecosystem
deforestation and population functions might be affected
growth, and the assumption differently, and that
that primary, secondary and generalizations will be
degraded forests should all difficult. We need to know
have the same ecological the critical threshold at which
value (Brook et al. 2006; primary forest becomes so
Gardner et al. 2007; Sloan degraded that it no longer
2007). Secondary forest tends performs the ecosystem
to have a very different functions and services that
composition and structure to would be expected, and,
primary forest (Chazdon conversely, the point at
2008). There is evidence that which regenerated tropical
secondary forest contains less forest becomes equivalent to
native biodiversity than primary forest in terms of
primary forest (figure 2), but ecosystem functions and
we do not know how many services. Even if the species
species depend on primary themselves can recover, the
forest, and taxa appear to restoration of interactions
respond very differently and functions may not follow
(Barlow et al. 2007; Gardner (Memmott et al. 2007).
et al. 2007).
Wright & Muller-Landau
(b) Prospects for science
(2006) predict that most
If we are to understand the
forest will be secondary
contemporary threat of
forest in the future, but will
anthropogenic impacts on
this be a suitable habitat for
tropical forests, we need to
primary forest species?
understand exactly how
Degraded and secondary
ecological networks respond
forests may have the poten-
to perturbations. We need to
tial to attain a structure and
conduct studies that tell us
species composition similar
exactly how species
to primary forests in the long
diversity, network structure
term. However, since they
and ecosystem functioning
are unlikely to be sufficiently
are connected, and their
connected to sources of
relative importance. Then we
primary forest species or to
can determine the elements
of a tropical forest network when acting alone (Mora et
that are crucial for al. 2007). There is increasing
functioning and most concern that multiple drivers
pertinent to measure. We of ecological change will
need general insights rather interact synergistically to
than a case-by-case under- accelerate biodiversity loss,
standing of particular but the prevalence and
systems. Given that it is magnitude of these synergies
unlikely that we will stop remain uncertain (Brook et
destroying tropical forests al. 2008). A meta-analysis
completely, Gardner et al. revealed synergistic effects in
(2009) discuss how we might a third of experiments and
combine social and also found that unexpected
ecological factors to enhance effects were more common
biodiversity conservation. than additive effects (Darling
Here, I focus on how we can & Cote 2008).
increase our scientific The variability in the
understanding so we can effects of single global
make recommendations for environmental change drivers
the development of rational along with the higher- order
policies to mitigate the effects among multiple
effects of human activities on drivers acting simultaneously
tropical forests. means that predicting future
responses to tropical forest
loss and extrapolating results
(i) Large-scale experiments
across entire networks will be
In order to fully understand
extremely challenging. The
and make generalizations
Biological Dynamics of
about the effects of drivers of
Forest Fragments Project in
biodiversity loss there is a
Brazil, the world’s largest
crucial need for more
scale and longest running
experimental investigations.
habitat fragmentation
These experiments must take
experiment, has provided
place at large spatial and
unique insights into the
temporal scales given that
ecological decay of forest
most of the processes that we
fragments (Laurance et al.
are concerned about are
2002). It has paved the way
likely to be occurring at such
for new similarly ambitious
scales. We need to
experiments investigating
understand how network
multiple interacting drivers.
structure and functioning
change as drivers of biodi-
versity loss fluctuate in
(ii) Predicting the effects of
strength, as there is likely to
anthropogenic impacts
be substantial variability in
We are missing vital basic
both magnitude and direction
information about how
of effects (Tylianakis et al.
species are organized, and
2008). Also, we need to
consequently cannot expect
investigate the synergistic
to be able to predict how
effects of multiple drivers of
perturbations will affect
biodiversity loss, particularly
tropical forest biodiversity.
those involving climate
Our focus should be on
change, which is having a
developing and testing
pervasive effect (Brook et al.
theories about patterns of
2008) . A recent
biodiversity and their
microcosm experiment
mechanisms, and conse-
revealed that habitat
quently on making the leap to
fragmentation and
understanding biodiversity
overharvesting combined
from multiple interaction
with environmental warming
types and trophic levels. We
resulted in rotifer populations
are lacking specific and
declining up to 50 times
universal predictions about
more rapidly when all three
how perturbations propagate
threats were combined than
through networks causing
species extinctions and combining their approaches
potentially ecosystem by conducting in situ tropical
collapse. Do patterns of forest experiments to
extinctions derived from measure the effects of
species level interaction different quantifiable levels
networks capture the of single and interacting
observed patterns, taking into drivers of biodiversity loss,
account the dynamics of while modelling the real
species interactions, observed world variability in
individual variability and a responses, could make the
limited sampling effort? field more predictive. If we
Neutral theory has been are modelling and
useful in understanding the experimenting on the same
coexistence of species in system we will be able to
tropical forests (Hubbell gain a deeper insight into
2001). Would neutral theory how diversity, network
help us to understand structure and ecosystem
ecological networks and how function are affected by
they are affected by biodiversity loss, whether
anthropogenic impacts? these three are inextricably
Gilbert et al. (2006) found linked, at what point
that neutral theory accurately ecosystem function is
predicted the pace of local disrupted, and whether
extinctions in forest structure and ecosystem
fragments, but consistently function can be restored. If
underestimated changes in enough studies can be con-
species composition because ducted along these lines then
it does not recognize we may be able to make
underlying differences general predictions about the
among species. critical thresholds that disrupt
We need to improve the tropical forest ecosystem
leap from diversity and functioning.
structure to ecosystem
function. For example, if we
know the species diversity 6. CONCLUSION
and network structure for a In this paper, I have
particular tropical forest, can described the impacts of the
we predict the level of main anthropogenic threats to
ecosystem functioning? And tropical forests. It is clear that
if we know the level of habitat destruction and
ecosystem functioning at the fragmentation, over-
plant trophic level can we exploitation, invasive species
predict levels of ecosystem and climate change have the
functioning at higher trophic potential to create havoc in
levels? A crucial unanswered tropical forests. If we are to
question for the conservation truly understand the impact
of tropical forest biodiversity of changes in biodiversity
and for global biodiversity in loss, we must look beyond
general, is ‘Do critical species richness and
thresholds exist at which the diversity. It is evident that we
loss of species diversity, or do not fully understand the
the loss of particular species, effects at the network and
disrupts ecosystem functions ecosystem functioning level
and services, and how can and that much work is yet to
these thresholds be be done. By combining well-
predicted?’ (Sutherland et al. designed large- scale
2009). experiments with improved
theory that can predict how
and when the loss of species
(iii) Combining experiments
results in the loss of structure
and theory
and functioning, we can
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