First Mass JLMF

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John Lennard Fabro

1. What were the places it was said that the first mass was held?
- The places that said to be the first mass was held is the controversy between Limasawa in
Cebu and Masao in Butuan.
2. What evidences /arguments that support claims that the first mass was held in these places?
- The evidence in Butuan place according to Zaide His basis is the diary of Antonio Pigafetta
the chronicle of Magellan’s voyage. In Limasawa in Cebu, the evidence was that Historian
Pablo Pastells stating by the footnote to Francisco Colin’s Labor Evangelica that Magellan did
not go to Butuan but from Limasawa to Cebu. Francisco Albo( pilot of Magellan's flagship
does not mention the first mass but he writes that they erected a cross on a mountain that
overlooked three islands the west and the southwest. According to the map Father Bernard,
which place in Mazau off the southern tip of the larger island of Leyte, a check with the
modern maps shows that this jibes with Limasawa and not Masao or Butuan.
3. What is the significance of resolving this issue?
- The significance in resolving this issue is by comparing and analyzing the evidence that more
authentic and reliable. Reading the whole diary of Antonio Pigafetta whose Magellans with
can give us what is the real site of the mass.

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