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Conversation 1
1. Where does the man want to go?
To a concert
To a rehearsal
To a lecture
To the library
2. How many different routes to the music building does the woman suggest?
3. What is the problem with taking the shuttle bus?
The bus doesn't go to directly to the Music Building
The bus goes very slowly to the Music Building
The bus sometimes does not come
The bus will not arrive for a while
4. What does the man finally decide to do?
Wait for the bus
Miss the lecture
Think of another plan

Conversation 2
1. How does the woman describe her Wyoming vacation?
2. How did the woman probably travel on vacation?
By car
By plane
By train
By bicycle
3. Which of the following did the woman do on vacation?
She went directly to Yellowstone
She spent a few weeks in Laramie
She stopped at the Devil's Tower National Monument
She made a few stops before going on to Yellowstone
4. Which of the following is a well-known sight in Yellowstone?
Devil's Tower National Monument
Old Faithful
5. What would the man like to do?
Hear again about Yellowstone
Take a trip to Yellowstone
Get a job in national park
Move to Yellowstone

Conversation 3
1. What is the subject of this conversation?
2. How will the woman spend thanksgiving?
3. What is the Massachusetts farmer thankful for?
4. According to speaker, when is thanksgiving celebrated today?

B. Talk
Talk 1
1. Who is Ms Martin talking to?
2. What are the libraris hours during final exam week?
3. What two areas will the tour concentrate on?
4. ‘What are the students probably going to do next?
Talk 2
5. Who is the speaker?
6. What is the topic of the talk?
7. Which of the following can worsen itching?
8. How does caffeine irritate the skin?
Talk 3
9. When was the day known as black Friday?
10. What happen on the day known as the black Friday?
11. Who supplied the gold speculators with false information?
12. What did the gold speculators want the US government to do?

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