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MODULE 7 Different Locations in Japan and Where to Find Them


Japan is one of those places on where you would want to explore a lot
of things. For a person who was not born in this country, it is a great
opportunity to grab. It has frequent good weather stability, and few cases of
monsoon (depending on the season)

Japanese people are really helpful when you ask them about direction
or a certain location that you need to be. But it is very important that you can
communicate with them on their own language, respectively. Doing so, will
open possibilities of pinpointing an exact location by expressing the use of
directional positioning words.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module the students should be able to:

 Point out directions in Japanese.

 Use the aspect of directional positioning.

 Learn to count in Japanese.

Lesson 13: あります / います Comparison/Usage

ごい: います (exist, be[referring to animate things])

あります(exist, be[referring to inanimate things])

たな (shelf) ドア (door)

いろいろ[な](various) まど (window)

おとこのひと (man) ポスト(mailbox, postbox)

おんなのひと (woman) じむしょ(office)

おとこのこ(boy) こうえん(park)

おんなのこ(girl) きっさてん(coffee shop)

いぬ(dog) ほにゃ(bookstore)

ねこ(cat) のりば(area for vehicles)

き(tree, wood) うえ(on, above, over, up)

もの(thing) した(under, below, down)

フィルム(film) みぎ(right[side])

でんち(battery) ひだり(left[side])

はこ(box) まえ(front, before)

スイッチ(switch) そと(outside)

れいぞうこ(refrigerator) なか(in, inside)

テーブル(table) うしろ(back, behind)

ベッド (bed) となり(next, next door)

ちかく (near, vicinity) あいだ(between, among)

Japan has two means of identifying the proper use of the word “have” in
different scenarios. Knowing this is vital as to avoid misunderstanding in conversations.
Directional Positioning is also covered in this lesson.
Nが あります/います
This sentence pattern is used to indicate the existence or presence of a thing(s)
or person(s). The thing(s) or person(s) in such a sentence is treated as the subject and
marked with the particle が.

 あります is used when what is present is inanimate or does not move by itself.
Things, plant and places belong in this category.
コンピューター が あります。
There is a computer.
さくら が あります。
There are sakura trees.
こうえん が あります。
There is a park.

 When what is present is animated and moves by itself, います is used. People
and animals belong in this category.
おとこ の ひと が います。
There is a man.
いぬ が います。
There is a dog.

N1(place) に N2 が あります/います
 The place where N2 is present is indicated by the particle に.
わたし の へや に つくえ が あります。
There is a desk in my room.
じむしょ に ミラーさん が います。
Mr. Miller is in the office.

 You can ask what or who is present at/in the place by using this pattern. The
interrogative なに is used for things and だれ is used for persons.
ほにゃ に なにが ありますか。
。。。ほん が たくさん あります。
What is there at the bookstore?
… There are a lot books.
うけつけ に だれが いますか。
。。。さとーさん が います。
Who is at the reception desk?
…Mr. Sato is there.

N1 は N2(place)に あります/います
In this sentence pattern, the speaker picks up N1 as the topic, and explains where
it is. The topic should be something or someone that both the speaker and the listener
know about. The particle attached to N1 is not が, which marks the subject, but は,
which marks the topic.
ニュー エラ だいがく は フィリピン に あります。
New Era University is in the Philippines.
ミラーさん は じむしょ に います。
Mr. Miller is in the office.

 When you ask where N1 is, this sentence pattern is used.

ニュー エラ だいがく は どこに ありますか。
。。。フィリピン に あります。
Where is New Era University?
… It’s in the Philippines.
ミラーさん は どきに いますか。
。。。じむしょ に います。
Where is Mr. Miller?
…He’s in the office.
[Note] です is sometimes used to replace a verb predicate when the predicate is
obvious. The sentence N1 は N2 (place) に あります/います can be replaced by the
sentence N1 は N2 (place) です

ニュー エラ だいがく は どこに ありますか。

。。。フィリピン です。
Where is New Era University?
… It’s in the Philippines.

N1(thing/person/place) の N2(position)
うえ、 した、 みぎ、 ひだり、 まえ、 そと、 なか、 うしろ、
となり、 ちかく、あいだ are nouns denoting position.
つくえ の うえ に しゃしんが あります。
There is a picture on the desk.
ゆうびんきょく は ぎんこうの となりに あります。
The post office is next to the bank.
[Note] As these are place nouns, not only に but also particles like で
can come after them.

えき の ちかく で ともだち に あいました。

I met a friend near the station.

N1 や N2
Nouns are connected in coordinate relation by the particle や . While と
enumerates all the items, や shows a few representative items. Sometimes など
is put after the last noun to explicitly express that there are also some other things
of the kind.

はこ の なかに てがみや しゃしんが あります。

There are letters, pictures and so on in the box.
はこ の なかに てがみや しゃしんなどが あります。
There are letters, pictures and so on in the box.
[Note] respectively, not having the required answer that will satisfy the sentence will
make あります/います in the negative form, thus making it ありません/いません

きょう は はたらく じゃありません。

I don’t have work today.
いぬ が いません。
I don’t have a dog.
Listening Exercise:

1. Listening
2. Real Dialogue
3. Shadowing
4. Reading

1. Quiz


1 2 3 4

A. Form a sentence using the pictures above and identify if its あります/います.
1. (ドア) ___________________________________________________________
2. (ねこ)___________________________________________________________
3. (くるま)_________________________________________________________
4. (ともだち)_______________________________________________________

B. Consult the pictures above to identify the Directional Position to be used when you
construct a sentence.
Ex. (ドア - ねこ) ドア の ひだりに ねこ が います。

1. ドア ー スイッチ
2. いす ー ねこ
3. ほにや ー くるま
4. き ー ともだち
C. Identify where the Directional Position will match the statements and follow the
sentence pattern constructed below.

Ex. おんなのひと の ともだち は どこ ですか

。。。 おんなのひと の ともだち は そと です。

1. おんなのひと の ベッド は どこ ですか。

2. おんなのひと の くるま は どこ ですか。
3. おんなのひと の いす は どこ ですか。
4. おんなのひと の まど は どこ ですか。

D. Translate the following in Japanese:

1. There is a box over the desk.

2. I don’t have a cat.

3. There is a car in the front.

4. There are bicycles, cars and so on in the Office.

E. Using the Directional Positions, enumerate at least 5 items/animals
found in your house. Each on its own directional positioning.
Lesson 14 ばんご(Numbers)

ごい: います (have, stay) そくたつ (special delivery)

かかります (take) かきとめ (registered mail)
やすみます (to take day off) ふなびん (sea mail)
ひとつ (one [counting things]) りょうしん (parents)
ふたつ (two) きょうだい (siblings)
みっつ (three) あに (elder brother)
よっつ (four) おにいさん (someone’s elder bro)
いつつ (five) あね (sister)
むっつ (six) おねえさん (someone’s elder sis)
ななつ (seven) おとうと (younger brother)
やっつ (eight) がいこく (foreign country)
ここのつ (nine) ーじかん (counter / hours)
とお (ten) ーしゅうかん (counter / weeks)
いくつ (how many) ーかけつ (counter / months)
ひとり (one person) ーねん (counter / years)
ふたり (two person) ~ぐらい (about/approx.)
ーにん (counter / people) どのくらい (how long)
ーだい (counter / machine) ぜんぶで (in total)
ーまい (counter / paper) みんな (all, everything)
ーかい (counter / action time) ~だけ (only)
りんご (apple) いもうと (little sister)

みかん (mandarin) ふうどう (envelope)

アイスクリーム (ice cream) はがき (post card)

きって (postage stamp)

Students will be taught to count numbers that ranges from 1 to 10 up until 30 as a

basis for the lesson. Quantifiers will be introduced in this lesson. A series of way to count
things in Japan will be thoroughly handed down as the discussion commences. Take note
that numbering in Japan is not the same English counters.

Anything that requires quantity shall have a corresponding Japanese counter, to

determine the way of counting in Japan. There is also a general way of counting that can
be used most of the time to answer a certain quantity.
Saying Numbers

1. ひとつ、ふたつ。。。。。とお
These words are used to count things up to ten. Eleven and higher are counted by
using the numbers themselves.

2. Counter Suffixes
When counting some sorts of things or expressing the quantity of things, counter
suffixes are attached after the numbers.

- にん number of people except for one and two

ひとり and ふたり are used for one and two.
Four people is read よにん.
- だい number of machines or vehicles like cars and bicycles
- まい number of thin or flat things such as paper, dishes, shirts, CDs, etc.
- かい times/ floors (Ex. elevator)
- ふん minutes
- じかん hours
- にち days
The number of days takes the counter suffix にち. However, from
two to ten, the same words as used for dates are used. (“One day”
is 1 にち, “two days” is ふつか、。。。, “ten days” is とおか.)
- しゅうかん weeks
- かげつ months
- ねん years
Details and other counter suffixes are listed in the appendices.

3. Usage
Quantifiers (numbers with counter suffixes) are usually put before the verbs they
modify. However, this is not always the case with length of time.

1. りんごを よっつ かいました。

We bought four apples.
2. がいこくじんの がくせいが ふたり います。
There are two foreign students.
3. くにで 2かげつ にほんごを べんきょうしました。
I studied Japanese for two months in my country.

4. Interrogatives
いくつ is used to ask how many about things which are counted as ひとつ、ふた

4. みんなを いくつ かいましたか。

。。。8つ かいました。
How many mandarin oranges did you buy?
… I bought eight.
なん is used with a counter suffix to ask how many.
5. この かいしゃに がいこくじんが なんにん いますか。
… 5 にん います。
How many foreigners are there in this company?
… There are five.

6. まいばん なんじかん にほんごを べんきょうしますか。

。。。2 じかん べんきょうします。
How many hours do you study Japanese every night?
… Two hours.

どのくらい is used to ask the length of time something takes. You can use various units
of time in the answer.

7. どのくらい にほんごを べんきょうしましたか。

。。。3ねん べんきょうしました。
How long did you study Japanese?
… I studied it for three years.

8. おおさかから ときょうまで どのくらい かかりますか。

。。。 しんかんせんで 2じかんはん かかります。
How long does it take from Osaka to Tokyo?
… It takes two and a half hours by Shinkansen.

5. ぐらい
ぐらい is added after quantifiers to mean “about”.

9. がっこうに せんせいが 30にんぐらい います。

There are about thirty teachers in our school.

10. 15 ふん ぐらう かかります。

It takes about fifteen minutes.

Quantifier (period) に (なん)-かい V

With this expression you can say how often you do something.

11. 1かげつに 2かい えいがを みます。

I go to see movies twice a month.

Quantifier だけ/ N だけ

だけ means “only.” It is added after quantifiers or nouns to express that there is no more
nothing (no one) else.

12. IBM に がいこくじんの しゃいんが ひとりだけ います。

There is only one foreign employee in IBM.

13. やすみは にちようびだけです。

I only have Sundays off.
Number Patterns:

0 ゼロ、れい 80 はちじゅう
1 いち 90 きゅうじゅう
2 に 100 ひゃく
3 さん 200 にひゃく
4 よん、し 300 さんびゃく
5 ご 400 よんひゃく
6 ろく 500 ごひゃく
7 なな、しち 600 ろっぴゃく
8 はち 700 ななひゃく
9 きのう、く 800 はっぴゃく
10 じゅう 900 きゅうひゃく
11 じゅういち 1000 せん
12 じゅうに 2000 にせん
13 じゅうさん 3000 さんぜん
14 じゅうよん 4000 よんせん
15 じゅうご 5000 ごせん
16 じゅうろく 6000 ろくせん
17 じゅうなな、じゅうしち 7000 ななせん
18 じゅうはち 8000 はっせん
19 じゅうきゅう、じゅうく 9000 きゅうせん
20 にじゅう 10000 いちまん
30 さんじゅう 100000 じゅうまん
40 よんじゅう 1000000 ひゃくまん
50 ごじゅう 10000000 せんまん
60 ろくじゅう 100000000 いちおく
70 ななじゅう、しちじゅう

The corresponding numbers below are given and can be used as reference on how to count.


English 100M’s 10M’s 1M’s 100T’s 10T’s 1000’s 100’s 10’s 1’s
1 2 7 4 9 6 0
2 5 0 0
9 9 9 9 9
1 2 3 4

Counting Decimals/Percentage:

When using numbers in a Decimal/ Percentage computation, the term てん is used.

- 17.5 じゅうななてんご
- 0.83 れいてんはちさん

When dealing with fractions, the term ぶんの is used.

- 1/2 にぶんの いち
- 3/4 よんぶんの さん
Listening Exercise:

1. Listening
2. Real Dialogue
3. Shadowing
4. Reading


A. Translate the following numbers into Japanese.
Ex. 3852 - さんぜんはっぴゃくごじゅうに
1. 19 – 6. 2020 –
2. 450 – 7. 1990 –
3. 5250 – 8. 112 –
4. 9765 – 9. 8030 –
5. 77777 – 10. 96 -

B. Translate the following counters on the each given number/amount:

Ex. 3rd Year - さんねん

1. 7 person - 6. 12 months -
2. 1 day -
7. 21st floor -
3. 3 weeks -
8. 10 cars -
4. 30 minutes -
9. 100 papers -
5. 24 hours -
10. 1 minute -

C. Translate the following sentences in English.

1. わたしは かいしゃの 5かいへ いきます。
2. わたしの ともだちは 2だい くるまが あります。
3. わたしたちは 2ねんぐらい にほんごを べんきょうしました。
4. N.E.U. がくせいが なんにん ですか。
5. これ だけです。

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