Christ King Parish, Gogrial, Wau South Sudan: Proposal On Spiritual Enhancement For Parishioners

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1. Name of the Project A Requisition for support to the project titled, “Spiritual
enhancement for the Parishioners in Gogrial” Wau Region, South

2. Organization or Person Name: Fr. Mento Raj

Submitting the Project
Address: Christ the King Parish

Gogrial, Ayeil, Wau Region, South Sudan.

Telephone: +211929544960

3. Project holder who is Name: Fr. Mento Raj

responsible for the
Title and function: Project Co- Ordinator/ Parish Priest of Christ the
king Parish.



4. Contact Person if Name: Fr. Mento Raj

different from above

Telephone: +211929544960

5. Project location (City, Town :Gogrial, Wau Diocese, Country: South Sudan
Country, diocese, town )
In 2011, South Sudan constituted its pedagogy as it was one of the
world's newest nations, in eastern Africa. It is one of the world
poorest nations with rich natural resources such as world famous
6. Purpose of the Project:
Nile and rich oil reserve. Among the population of 82, 60,490 only
Describe briefly your project. 27% are literate. The country is divided into ten states. While
What is desired result? What steps English, Arabic are the common language it also have other regional
languages such as Dinka, Nuer, Bari, Zande which widely spoken by
do you intend to take to achieve
the people. Even there are several ethnic groups in the country the
that result? majority are Dinka people who constitute almost 35.8% and Nuer –
15.6% in the total population. However, political tensions between
South Sudan and its northern neighbor remain and the security
situation continues to be fragile.
In spite of the joy that greeted independence, the people of South
Sudan are facing incredible challenges and dramatic socioeconomic
conditions. South Sudan is one of the continent's poorest nations.
Less than one in five South Sudanese know how to read and write.
Christian communities are more and scattered in Wau and Juba,
South Sudan and they are more vibrant in spirituality. They are
basically having this natural inclination to love and serve the lord but
they don’t know how to do systematically. After the entry of me into
this parish, South Sudan, there was a turn over that people improved
their faith in God and improved their life style with a quality of life.
The missions are to preach the word of God and help the people to
come closer to God.
The recent ethic war separated family members and our parish
committee struggled to reach them out to extent their services.
However, they walked miles across to reach them out soon after the
moderate situation happened and stepped in this deplorable situation
and reached out 5000 families with their relief works and basic
supports to give them back their moderate normal life. They all
prayed together and strengthened thier spiritulaity for a new
dignified life. At present, the affected children and women enjoy the
happiness and freedom from conflict situations through awareness
programs and activities. It is noteworthy to say we have the power to
find their own solutions (i.e. prayer) to conflict and to promote peace
among the victims. In rebuilding the faith of the people, we the
parish committee move into the remote locations at any corner of the
village to promote and strengthen their faith in and through various
spiritual activities such as taking part and motivating the Christian
communities to take part as well in the Celebration of Holy
Eucharist in Parishes, substations, preparation of catholic population
to receive the Holy Sacraments, community prayer services, teaching
catechism for children and youth.
Beside pastoral care, they do social services to develop the standard
of people through various developmental and welfare programs such
as organizing the unorganized people, livelihood support for women
living in poverty, vocational skill trainings, moral and non-formal
education etc. People accepted appreciated our services.

Purpose is we have one Parish namely Christ the King which

includes 102 chapels and 43 centers. We are with the noble
programme that we would like to provide spiritual enhancement
programme because most of our parishioners are affected by war,
sex assault, conflict, internally displaced etc. among this situation we
would like to renew our parish with spiritual enhancement.

Desired Result:

1. Peace among families

2. Psychological well being of Person
3. Spiritual renewal among faithful
4. Upbringing faith formation

2. House visiting
3. Prayer
4.Motivation Class

Nurturing the catholic people into Christian values

• Officiating the Holy sacraments
7. Describe any work done • Pastoral Mission in Remote parishes
so far on the project • Teaching catechism for children and youth
• Prayer services and visiting families
• Youth ministries
• Prayers for the sick and anointing
 Counseling
 Peace building programme
 Gender based violence programme
8. State how much the 17800USD
whole project requires in
Euros or us dollars and
local currency.
Please provide an itemized breakdown of the total cost of your project in us. Dollars and local currency
(use additional sheet for this)

Amount in
Amount in
S. No Budget Components SSP 1usd @

1 Annual Retreat for700 parishioners

Annual Retreat for the parishioners (Resource 16,800 7,492,800

Materials, Travel Allowance, Food, accommodation,
refreshments, Mass kit etc for 6 days): usd 24 x 700

Honorarium for Resource person (Travel Allowance, 1000 4,460,00

Food and Accommodation): € 1000 x 1 Retreat

Total 17800usd 7,938,800

Less parish Contribution 10 % 2000usd 892,000

Amount requested from the Donor Organization 15800USD

9. What is the local 2000USD

contribution in US.
Dollars or Euros and local
10. Have you applied to other No. We have not applied to any organization for funding regarding
agencies for funding? Have they this project.
promised any amount and if so
how much?

11.What is the amount

requested from solidarity fund
of the Missionaries of Africa
(in US. dollars or Euros and
local currency)

12. Have you applied for NO, we have not applied any projects in the last five years.
funding from the solidarity
fund for other projects in the
last five years? if yes, state
the projects and the amounts
13. In submitting this We agree to provide you with financial accountability and the follow
application form, you up report of the project during and after the execution of the project
agree to provide us with and we will submit this project report with auditing report in
financial accountability installment basis whoever make a visit for the monitoring purpose.
and follow up reports
(Or) we will keep informing you about this project with all the
during and after the
requirements which you asked for us in the email every month.
execution of the project.
These reports are to be
submitted directly to the
provincial treasurer or
treasurer delegate who
may make a visit to the
project for monitoring
purposes. He may also
choose to undertaken
audit of the project. the
disbursement of the grant
is at the discretion of the
treasurer and the
Provincial superior,
whether by installments
or otherwise.


Name: Fr. Mento Raj

Date: 14.08.2021

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