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Impact Energy Absorption of

Continuous Fiber Composite Tubes
D. W. Schmueser This paper presents the results of an impact testing program that was conducted to
characterize the energy absorption and failure characteristics of selected composite
material systems and to compare the results with aluminum and steel. Composite
L. E. Wickliffe tube specimens were constructed using graphite/epoxy (Gr/Ep), Kevlar/epoxy
(K/Ep), and glass/epoxy (Gl/Ep) prepreg tape and were autoclave cured. Vertical
Engineering Mechanics Department, impact and static compression tests were performed on 56 tubes. Tests results for
General Motors Research Laboratories, energy absorption varied significantly as a function of lay-up angle and material
Warren, Ml 48090 type. In general, the Gr/Ep tubes had specific energy absorption values that were
greater than those for K/Ep and Gl/Ep tubes having the same ply construction.
Angle-ply Gr/Ep and K/Ep tubes had specific energy absorption values that were
greater than those for 1024 steel tubes. Gr/Ep and Gl/Ep angle-ply tubes exhibited
brittle failure modes consisting of fiber splitting and ply delamination, whereas the
K/Ep angle-ply tubes collapsed in an accordian buckling mode similar to that ob-
tained for metal tubes.

The efficient use of materials to absorb kinetic energy in not determined. Foye determined that the aluminum cylinders
automotive structures subjected to impact loads has been were more efficient energy absorbers than the composite
receiving increased attention because material based energy cylinders. Of the composite cylinders tested, the Gr/Ep
absorbing devices can be fabricated using relatively simple specimens absorbed the most energy but exhibited brittle
designs compared to devices based on pneumatic or hydraulic failure modes with low post-collapse load levels. Thornton [6]
principles [1]. While a wealth of data has been accumulated examined the energy absorption of statically compressed,
with regard to the behavior of mild steel and aluminum under small diameter Gl/Ep, K/Ep, and Gr/Ep tubes. Prepreg
dynamic loading conditions [2], only a limited data base exists fabric laminated in a (0/90) sequence was tested. Specific
for high performance, lightweight materials such as con- energy absorption for the Gr/Ep tubes exceeded that of
tinuous fiber composites. As the use of continuous fiber com- 6061-T6 aluminum and mild steel. Gr/Ep and Gl/Ep tubes
posites in automotive structures increases, the need to had brittle failure modes dominated by interlaminar shear
establish the energy absorption characteristics of these failures and fiber fracture. Farley [7] conducted a study on the
materials becomes significant. energy absorption characteristics of selected composite
Previous work on the axial crushing of fiber reinforced material systems and aluminum. Static compression tests were
composite cylinders has indicated that signficant energy ab- conducted with both tape and woven Gr/Ep, K/Ep materials
sorption can be obtained from these materials. Cronkhite et using a lay-up sequence (0/ + - a) 9 , with a ranging from 15 to
al. [3] investigated the energy absorption of ( + - 4 5 ) 90 degrees. Farley's Gr/Ep tubes absorbed more energy than
glass/epoxy ( G l / E p ) , K e v l a r / e p o x y ( K / E p ) , and the Gl/Ep or K/Ep tubes for the same ply orientation. Specific
graphite/epoxy (Gr/Ep) tubes. The tubes were statically com- energy absorption values for the Gl/Ep and K/Ep materials
pressed with conically shaped or flat loading heads. The cone were approximately equal. The Gr/Ep and Gl/Ep tubes failed
angle varied from 0 (flat) to 45 degrees. The highest sustained in a brittle manner, whereas the K/Ep tubes failed in an accor-
compressive loads were obtained from tests with flat loading dian buckling mode.
heads. The Gr/Ep tubes absorbed more energy than the K/Ep The objective of the present study was to characterize the
or Gl/Ep tubes. Foye et al. [4, 5] measured the energy absorp- energy absorption and post-crushing integrity of continuous
tion of stiffened and honeycomb-core sandwich cylinders fiber composite materials. The recent work previously cited
fabricated from aluminum and composite materials. All the has dealt exclusively with static crush behavior of composites.
cylinders were designed to equal stiffness and strength values This study is directed almost exclusively at the axial impact
and were tested under static compressive loads. Energy ab- behavior of these materials. A limited number of static crush
sorption characteristics of the designs were investigated, but tests were conducted to compare with the dynamic test results.
specific energy absorption values of the base materials were The present study uses specific energy absorption to compare
the impact response of T-300 Graphite/Epoxy, Kevlar
49/Epoxy, and S-Glass/Epoxy materials. The energy absorp-
Contributed by the Materials Division and presented at the Winter Annual tion characteristics and failure modes for these composites are
Meeting, Miami Beach, Fla., November 17-22, 1986 of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY
OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received by the Materials Division, compared to corresponding data for 1024 steel and 6004-T6
November 1985. Paper No. 85-WA/Mats-ll. aluminum alloy.

72/ Vol. 109, JANUARY 1987 Transactions of the ASME

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Composite Tube Fabrication an attached test specimen. The test specimen is secured with
hot-melt adhesive into the machined grooves of a mounting
Whitney, Pagano, and Pipes [8] developed a technique for plate which is bolted to the underside of the drop platform.
fabricating cylindrical composite specimens. They used a four- The platform is guided during free-fall by four (ension cables
segment mold that, when assembled, formed a female cylin- which are located at each platform corner. The platform can
drical cavity. The composite lay-up segments and associated be raised to a maximum height of 8.7 m.
materials are wrapped around a steel mandrel/inflatable rub- For the present test program, the drop platform was raised
ber bladder assembly. The mandrel/bladder assembly restricts to a predetermined height which gave an impact velocity of 5.5
heat flow from the inside of the mold and only allows heat to m/sec. The platform was released with a grip latch pin
be applied through the mold during composite cure. mechanism that was extracted with two manually-activated
The fabrication technique employed for the present study electronic solenoids. The impact tests were filmed with a high-
uses the segmented, external cavity mold described above but speed Redlake Hycam-2 movie camera at a filming rate of
uses a different mandrel and lay-up procedure. The lamina- 6000 frames per second in full-frame operating mode.
tion procedure is initiated by wrapping a sheet of nylon film After a series of drop tests are completed, digitized data
around the steel mandrel and sealing the two longitudinal film representing the force-time and velocity-time histories of the
edges with sealant tape. The lay-up procedure is accomplished impact events are numerically processed to determine the
by rotating the mandrel on a motor driven belt at the end of a force-deflection response for each test. Signals from three
build-up table. The second material wrapped onto the mandrel load cells located beneath an impact plate (Fig. 1) are summed
is one or more layers of bleeder ply that is used to absorb ex- and amplified to give the force-time history. Force-time
cess resin from the composite prepreg. The bleeder ply is histories from four GlIFp tubes are shown in Fig. 2. Velocity-
covered with a layer of peel ply, a perforated film which time histories are obtained from square-wave pulses output
allows resin and gas to pass through to the bleeder ply from a magnetic pick-up device which follows a finely ma-
material. In order to insure the composite tube will be chined slotted strip as the drop tower falls. Discrete velocity
fabricated to a proper size to fit the mold cavity, five 12-mm points obtained from analyzing the square wave data are fitted
wide strips to prepreg material are wrapped onto the mandrel with a least square spline curve, as shown in Fig. 3. The spline
surface. These strips also hold the initial lamina into place un- curve is then numerically integrated to obtain the deflection-
til subsequent laminae create a stable uncured tube surface. time history (Fig. 3).
After all the laminae have been wrapped onto the mandrel The resulting force-deflection response, F( 0), is used to
at prescribed angles, the composite assembly is covered with a compute specific energy absorption values for drop
release ply or thin teflon film. Sealant tape is then wrapped specimens. Representative force-deflection curves for com-
around each end of the mandrel/tube to seal the mold ends. A
thermocouple is inserted through the sealant tape into the edge
of the prepreg material to monitor temperature during the cur-
ing cycle. The mold is then assembled to the mandrel and a
vacuum is applied to the mold assembly. This draws the
bag/tube assembly away from the mandrel. Upon drawing the
vacuum on the mold, the mandrel is removed from the mold.
The remaining assembly is then placed into an autoclave to
cure the composite tube. .
The prepreg materials used to fabricate the composite
specimens were: T-300/5208 unidirectional tape, Kevlar
49/5208 unidirectional tape, and S-Glass/5208 unidirectional
tape. Nominal cured ply thicknesses for these materials are
listed in Table 1. The 5208 matrix material used for this study
is compatible with the epoxide-based 934 matrix material used
by Farley [7]. Each of the drop specimens was fabricated with
an 8-ply lamination sequence of (0 2 / + - ex)" with ex equal to
0, 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees with respect to the cylinder axis.
Fig. 1 Drop tower test facility
Only the lay-up angle, ex, was varied for this study. The effect
of changing the laminate stacking sequence was not con-
sidered. A summary of the laminate ply orientations and wall
Table 1 Composite prepreg materials
thicknesses is given in Table 2.
Nominal cured ply Material
Drop Tower and Static Crush Test Procedures Fiber/matrix thickness, mm type
T300/5208 0.175 Tape
The GMR drop test facility is shown in Fig. 1 and consists Kevlar 49/5208 0.197 Tape
of a 930 mm x 930 mm drop platform weighing 145 kg with S-Glass/5208 0.158 Tape

Table 2 Composite tube data

Graphite/Epoxy Kevlar/Epoxy Glass/Epoxy
Number Wall Number Wall Number Wall
Laminate of thickness, of thickness of thickness
construction plys mm plys mm plys mm
(0°)8 8 1.27 8 1.57 8 1.32
(90°)8 8 1.27 8 1.57 8 1.32
(0 2/ ±300), 8 1.40 8 1.65 8 1.38
(0 2/ ±45°), 8 1.40 8 1.65 8 1.38
(0 2/ ±600), 8 1.40 8 1.65 8 1.38
(0 2/ ±902), 8 1.40 8 1.65 8 1.38

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology JANUARY 1987, Vol. 109173

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72.0 - iM€S end SVfc«3lS
e*ja - - TWNaAMSB
56.0 - Tsj<t to B.TO53

48.0 -
400 -
3Z0 |-

OX) 0.0 ao 10.0 XLO
Time (Jns)

Fig. 2 Force-time histories for (O 2 /90 2 ) glass/epoxy tubes


= &aphUe-Epo»y ( 0 / + - 6 0 ) s
- Kevtor-Epoxy ( 0 / + - 6 0 / ,
= Oosa-EpOKy ( 0 / 4 - 6 0 ) 3

20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 60.0 90.0

Crush Distance (mm)

Fig. A Force-deflection response for impacted composite and metal

00 2.5 5.0 75 10.0 12.5 B.O 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27 5 30.0 323
Time (ms)

Fig. 3 Velocity-time and computed displacement-time history for

(O2/902)2 glass/epoxy tube
E ,=- (1)
posite and metallic tubes are illustrated in Fig. 4. Specific
energy is defined by Equation (1) as the ratio of the energy In Equation (1), 5C is the tube crush, As is the cross-
dissipated during impact to the crushed tube weight. sectional area, and p is the material density. Previous in-

74/ Vol. 109, JANUARY 1987 Transactions of the ASME

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vestigators have used the mean collapse load, Pm' to approx- curves of all the (0 2 1 + -a), tubes are shown in Fig. 7. The
imate the specific energy absorption by the following results varied significantly as a function of material type and
equation. ply orientation. For each type of continuous fiber composite,
a dramatic increase in specific energy absorption is achieved as
EC=~ (2) the laminate ply orientation is varied from unidirectional to
s As.p angle-ply. The GriEp and K/Ep materials exhibited maximum
The present study uses numerical spline integration to more specific energy absorption values for the (0 2 1 + - 60),
accurately compute the specific energy defined by Equation laminates, while the Gl/Ep material had maximum energy ab-
(1). sorption for the (0 2 /90 2 ), laminate. The angle-ply GriEp
Six static crush tests were performed on the 31.0 kN capac- tubes absorbed more energy than the K/Ep or Gl/Ep tubes.
ity hydraulic loading machine shown in Fig. 5. GriEp, K/Ep, This result is in agreement with the findings of Cronkhite [3]
and Gl/Ep tubes fabricated using a (0 2 1 ±45), lay-up sequence and Farley [7]. The present results show the K/Ep material to
were tested. Two replica tests for each material were per- have significantly greater specific energy absorption than the
formed. All the tubes were compressed at a rate equal to 0.1 Gl/Ep material for a values of 30-60 degrees. Farley found
cm/min. The force-deflection response for one of the K/Ep the static energy absorption of the K/Ep and Gl/Ep materials
tubes is given in Fig. 6. to be similar for all his ply orientations.
The specific energy absorption values were analyzed
Axial Impact Test Results statistically to determine the scatter for the experimental data.
The confidence intervals shown in Table 3 represent relative
Fifty impact tests of composite tubes were completed. Each amounts of scatter in the data. The confidence interval is
of the unidirectional tubes listed in Table 2 was tested once defined by
because of their relatively low energy absorption. Tests for the
_ [ (Std.Dev)2 ] 1/2
angle-ply Gl/Ep and K/Ep tubes were each repeated four C.l. - tv (3)
times, while tests for the angle-ply GriEp tubes were each n
repeated three times. Impact data for two (0 2 1 + - 45), Gl/Ep where t is the value of the students t-distribution for the
tubes was disregarded because of instrumentation failure. number of degrees of freedom at a 95 percent confidence in-
Specific energy results computed form the force-deflection terval, and n is the number of test samples. Table 3 shows that
the scatter for the (0 2 1 + - 45), K/Ep and GriEp tubes was
significantly less than that for the other laminations.
However, since only two (0 2 1 + -45), Gl/Ep specimens were
tested, a conclusion regarding scatter for the glass tubes could
not be made. Therefore, a weighted least squares regression
analysis [9] was completed to take into account the differences
in sample size among the test groups. The results of the least
squares analysis, as summarized in Table 4, show that data
scatter is minimum for the 45 degree tubes and maximum for
the 90 degree tubes for each of the three types of composites.
Figure 8 compares mean dynamic specific energy absorption
values for mild steel, high strength steel, and 6009-T6
aluminum alloy to maximum values for the composite tubes.
The bar graph shows that the (0 2 1 + - 60), GriEp tubes
displayed specific energy absorption values that were 2.1, lA,
and 1.2 times that of mild steel, high strength steel, and
Fig. 5 Static compression test facility aluminum alloy, respectively. The energy absorption value for




] 30.0



l...-_---'_ _- - l_ _--'-_ _.-L_ _...L._ _- ' - -'--_ _L - - _ - J

0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 60.0 90.0
Crush Distance (mm)
Fig. 6 Force·deflection response for statically crushed (02/±45/.
Kevlar/epoxy tube

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology JANUARY 1987, Vol. 109/75

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SPEOFC ENERGY ABSORP110N Table 3 Summary of statistical data for drop tests
'l: ~O
Angle Sample Mean value for mean value
42.5 Material (deg) size (n) (N-m/Kg) (N-m/Kg)
Glass 30 4 7,271 ± 379
40.0 Glass 45 2 8,896 ± 947
Glass 60 4 11,571 ± 569
SIb Glass 90 4 19,937 ± 2301
Kevlar 30 4 12,937 ± 2209
Kevlar 45 4 13,823 ± 1145
32.5 Kevlar 60 4 18,953 ± 3133
Kevlar 90 4 15,184 ± 3411
30.0 Graphite 30 3 21,846 ± 15653

1 Graphite 45 3 26,060 ± 1721

Vb \ Graphite 60 3 27,820 ± 16107
Graphite - Epoxy Graphite 90 3 26,986 ± 7178
6- 2.5.0
Table 4 Summary of weighted least squares regression
! 22.5

Predicted least 95 Percent C.r.

i 17.5

squares value
for predicted value
± 345
± 205
12.5 Glass 60 11,393 ± 408
Glass 90 15,921 ±1009
10.0 Kevlar 30 13,285 ±1433
Kevlar 45 14,109 ±1001
Kevlar 60 14,932 ±1269
5.0 Kevlar 90 16,579 ±2792
Graphite 30 25,126 ± 1680
2.5 Graphite 45 25,949 ± 1316
Graphite 60 26,773 ± 1515
Graphite 90 28,410 ±2898
15.0 30.0 45.0 60.0 75.0 90.0
Lay-lJp An<je (Deg)
Fig. 7 Elfect of laminate construction on dynamic specitic energy


Glal r
~ 30.
c: 25

« 20
30"'7 B
15 '1 •

Vl Flg.9 Failure modes for Impacted (02/:1:60)s tubes

Representative curves for impact force as a function of

crush distance are illustrated in Fig. 4 for (0 2 1 + - 60), com-
posites, mild steel, and aluminum alloy. Figure 4 shows the
Mild H. S. Aluminum Graphite- Kevlar- Glass- post-peak force levels for GriEp to be significantly greater
1024 4340 6009-16 Epoxy Epoxy Epoxy
Steel Steel (02 /60 )s (02 /6O )s (02/9O)s
than the Gl/Ep and K/Ep materials. The post-peak force
levels for the (0 2 1 + - 60), GriEp laminates are shown to be
Fig. 8 Comparison of mean dynamic energy absorption for metals and less than the corresponding values for mild steel and greater
than the corresponding values for aluminum sheet alloys.
Failure modes for the (0 2 1 + - 60), composite tubes are
the (0 2 1 + - 60), K/Ep tubes were approximately equal to shown in Fig. 9. The GriEp and Gl/Ep tubes exhibited brittle
that of the aluminum alloy, while the (0 2 /90 2 ), Gl/Ep tubes modes of failure that consisted of extensive fiber splitting and
exhibited energy values that were equivalent to that for high ply delamination. The K/Ep tubes, on the other hand, failed
strength steel. in an accordion buckling mode similar to that obtained for

76/ Vol. 109, JANUARY 1987 Transactions of the ASME

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for the GriEp, K/Ep, and Gl/Ep materials, respectively. The
36 failure modes for the statically compressed tubes, shown in
Fig. 11, are similar to the failure modes of the impacted tubes.
32 The results for the static tests are significant because static
c::J Dynamic tests have been used almost exclusively by other researchers to
rss:sl static characterize the energy absorption of composite materials.
This study shows that static crush tests can over-estimate the
24 energy absorption levels obtained from impact crush tests by
g up to 30 percent. Since the failure modes of the composite
~ 20 tubes were governed by ply delamination, the difference be-
tween the static and dynamic results could be related to sen-
~ 16 sitivity of interlaminar fracture toughness to loading rate.
u Conclusions
V> This investigation has shown that for axial crush deforma-
tion modes, the specific energy absorption of angle-ply com-
posites is significantly greater than that for unidirectional
composites. The angle-ply tubes were shown to absorb energy
without catastrophic failure. The energy absorbing
Glass/Epoxy Kevlar/Epoxy Graph lIe/Epoxy characteristics of the tubes were shown to be greatly influ-
Materials enced by ply orientation and constitutive material properties.
Fig. 10 Comparison of mean stalic and dynamic test results for Both the GriEp and K/Ep angle-ply laminates exhibited
(02/±45)s tubes specific energy absorption values that were greater than or
equal to corresponding values for steel and aluminum
While the present work has shown that GriEp and K/Ep
continuous fiber composite materials are most applicable for
automotive structural components that are subjected to
significant impact loads, the application of each of these
materials individually would not be sufficient to meet
necessary design criteria. The GriEp material exhibits high
specific energy absorption and stiffness. However, its brittle
failure modes are difficult to predict and control. The failure
modes for the K/Ep material are more stable than those for
Kevlaflfpo,y the GriEp, but the compressive stiffness and strength of the
Kevlar material are significantly less than the stiffness and
strength values for graphite, mild steel, and aluminum
materials. Ply-by-ply hybridization of the composite materials
could possibly yield designs having adequate energy absorp-
tion, failure behavior, and stiffness. It also should be realized
that only one deformation mode, axial crush, has been
characterized by the study. Favorable energy absorption levels
for axial deformation do not ncessarily imply favorable levels
for bending deformation. Further research is needed to
characterize the impact bending response of composites.

Graphitelfpo.y References
Fig. 11 Failure modes for statically crushed (02/±45)s tubes 1 Coppa, A. P., "New Ways to Soften Shock," Machine Design, Vol. 40,
Mar. 1968, pp. 130-140.
2 Schmuesser, David W., and Wickliffe, LeRoy E., "Energy Absorption of
Sheet and Extruded Aluminum Tubes Subjected to Axial Impact Loads,"
metal tubes [2]. Since a common matrix material was General Motors Research Report EM-580, May 1984.
employed for all the drop tests, the differences in failure 3 Cronkhite, J. D., Haas, T. J., Berry, V. L., and Winter, R., "Investigation
modes are directly related to the fiber failure characteristics. of the Crash Impact Characteristics of Advanced Airframe Structure,"
The graphite and glass fibers exhibited brittle fracture and USARTL-TR-79-11, Sept. 1979.
4 Foye, R. L., Swindlehurst, C. W., and Hodges, W. T., "A Crash-
splitting, while the Kevlar fibers had a more inelastic response worthiness Test for Composite Fuselage Structure," Fibrous Composites in
with little fiber splitting. Structural Design, E. M. Lenoe, D. N. Oplinger, and J. J. Burke, eds., Plenum
Press, New York, 1980, pp. 241-258.
5 Foye, R. L., and Hodges, W. T., "Some Results from a Crash Energy Ab-
Static Crush Test Results sorption Test for Evaluating Composite Fuselage Construction," 37th Annual
Forum of the American Helicopter Society, May 1981.
A limited number of static crush tests were completed for 6 Thornton, P. M., "Energy Absorption in Composite Structure," Journal
tubes having a (0 2 1 + - 45), lay-up sequence. Two replica of Composite Materials, Vol. 13, 1979, pp. 247-262.
7 Farley, Gary L., "Energy Absorption of Composite Materials," Journal of
tests were conducted for each type of composite material. Composite Materials, Vol. 17, 1983, pp. 267-279.
Averaged results for the specific energy absorption values ob- 8 Whitney, J. M., Pagano, N. J., and Pipes, R. B., "Design and Fabrica-
tained from the static tests are compared in Fig. 10 to cor- tion of Tubular Specimens for Composite Characterization," Composite
responding values for the drop tower tests. The bar graph Materials Testing and Design ASTM STP 497, American Society of Testing and
Materials, 1971, pp. 52-67.
shows that the static compression test results are 1.2, 1.3, and 9 Draper, N., and Smith, H., Applied Regression Analysis. Wiley, New
1.1 times the energy values determined from the impact tests York, 1981, pp. 108-114.

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology JANUARY 1987, Vol. 109/77

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