Research Methodology: The Research Conducted A Descriptive Study About The "Teacher's Perception To The

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Chapter III

Research Methodology

The research conducted a descriptive study about the “Teacher’s perception to the

student’s misbehavior and its effect to the academic performances of the grade 10

students of Marasbaras National High School.” They chose 12 respondents in gathering

all the data. They distributed printed survey questionnaires and fact-finding enquiries of

different kinds. They chose 12 grade 10 teachers as their respondents and gathered all

possible questions that will help them discover the cause and give them concrete

solutions even when they cannot through doing a rationale about “Student’s

Misbehavior” because nowadays, students are more active in social media than in school-

works. They focused control the variables. The researchers were able to come up with

this kind of study on the question “what are the possible learning recreation in their

difficulties in understanding and coping the lessons” to come up with a solution in the

problem with the primary questions like, “How can this students lessen this kind of

behavior” and “What are the teacher’s initiative through effective disciplinary”. The

researchers chose the grade 10 teachers of Marasbaras National High School because

they noticed that there are lots of grade 10 students who have some of the misbehavior

that causes them to have falling grades. They planned to use a pie graph to graph all

possible misbehaviors that students have and distribute survey questionnaire at the same

time document all 12 grade 10 teachers and use a bar graph to show the result of their

Research Design

This study used description method of research through the analysis

using self-formulated questionnaire and Interview in order to know the effects on

the student’s misbehavior on the academic performance and perception of grade

10 teachers in MNHS.

The method was used because description methods of research as

certain and be able to describe the effects of the variable of interest in a

situation .It gives the relevant aspects of the phenomena of interest from an

individual in order to test the hypothesis or to answer three concerning the

current status of the subject of the study.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Marasbaras National High School, to know

the perceptions of the grade 10 teachers to the misbehaviors of the grade 10

students and its effect to the academic performances of every grade 10 students.

This study was implemented on grade 10 teachers of MNHS this study had

gathered all perceptions of the teachers about the misbehaviors of the grade 10

students and its main component. This research study was implemented inside the

promises of Marasbaras National High School only. The researchers were able to

conduct the survey inside the offices of every respondents, the room was clean,

well ventilated and every respondents was comfortable to answer the survey

questionnaire and not forced to.

Sample Size

The researchers used simple sampling technique to randomly select 12

from the 14 Grade 10 teachers in MNHS. The researchers decided to randomly

select teachers per subject taught to reach the desired number of respondents.

Subject Taught Number of Respondents

Araling Panlipunan 1
Technology Livelihood 1
English 1
Filipino 2
M.A.P.E.H 1
Science 2
Math 2
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 2

Research Instruments

These researchers used the survey questionnaire in conducting this study.

The research instrument used to gather data. Without this instrument, data would

be impossible to put in hand. Therefore, the entire of this instrument is widely

used educational research studies .The survey has two sections set A checklist

that the researchers made for the respondents to develop them to collect general

background information about the participants regarding, their on managing the

students behavior in class. Furthermore, set B includes teachers perception

towards misbehavior of their students. It present questions or statements that

teacher are asked to responds as honesty as possible.

Data Gathering

After having the title of the study, the researcher made a simple

questionnaire answered by the respondents and the answers of the respondents has

been used by the researchers in gathering the data and see the result.

Twelve (12) copies of survey questionnaires were produced and

administered by the researchers to the grade 10 teachers in Marasbaras National

High School (MNHS). The researchers explained the questions clearly to the

respondents so that errors could be minimize then after conducting the survey.

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