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How to made License

First you need copy file License_builder.exe to folder where you want to made
license. In this case will be C:/
Please don’t forget to stop your Antivirus program or put that this is False Positive.
Some Antivirus program see this file like virus but some Antivirus not.

If you use Windows 7, go to START and in “Search Programs and Files” write “CMD”.
Open CMD “As Administrator” fig.1


Now you need go to folder where you copy your License_builder.exe file
We will go to C:/
I will write “cd\” but if you copy to Desktop, you need go with command “cd
User/Desktop” etc… Fig.2

Now we need made license
I will made in this case license for Hardware ID 6486ab52d0
For 32bit Windows you will use full Hardware ID like 132ab41c
For 64bit you will use Hardware ID without number 64 because all 64bit Hardware
ID start with number 64. In this case this is number 6486ab52d0
When I made license for 64 do not write 64, only 86ab52d0.
We will write command “License_builder.exe 0xHardwareID >license_anyname.reg
You will got new reg file in your folder where you made license
Please look in picture fig.3


License is finish
Now just copy this file to customer Desktop and start
After that you must RUN “Start Emulator” and restart PC
In “Device Manager: must be “SafeNet Sentinel Hardware Key” fig.4
and you must have in “System Device ”AuDaS0 Virtual Device” Fig.5


When you start “ADBCD” Autodata program and get message with “Error 217”,
please Open program CMD “As Administrator” and write
c:\windows\system32>cd c:\
c:\cd ADCDA2
c:\ADCDA2>regsvr32 ChilkatCrypt2.dll

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