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Lecture #1

Resistance - The property of a material tending to prevent the flow of electrons

(electrical current), and at the same time converting electrical energy to heat
Resistance - The measure of the opposition to electric current in an electrical
circuit. Resistance is measured in ohms, symbolized by the Greek letter omega (Ω).
Ohms are named after Georg Simon Ohm (1784-1854), a German physicist who
studied the relationship between voltage, current and resistance.
Factors Affecting Resistance of any Material:
1. Cross-sectional area (A) -The resistance R of a wire is inversely proportional
to the area of cross-section.
2. Length (L) - The resistance R of the wire is directly proportional to the length
of the wire.
3. Resistivity (ρ) - The nature of the material. The constant of proportionality,
known as specific resistance. Its value depends upon the nature of conductor
i.e. copper, iron, tin, and silver would each have different values.
4. Change in temperature (t) - The resistance of conductors increases with an
increase in temperature. This is due to an increase in the number of collisions
of electrons with themselves.
The resistance of a wire depends both on the cross-sectional area and length of the
wire and on the nature of the material of the wire. Thick wires have less resistance
than thin wires. Longer wires have more resistance than short wires. Copper wire
has less resistance than steel wire of the same size. Electrical resistance also
depends on temperature. At a certain temperature and for a particular substance.

Where: R in Ω
L in meter, in inch, in centimeter, in foot
A in m2, in in2, in cm2, in ft2, in circular mil (CM)
ρ in Ω-m, in Ω-in, in Ω-cm, in Ω-ft, in Ω-CM/ft
Table of Resistivity of Common Electric Conductor Materials
Conductor Material Resistivity, ρ (10-8 Ω-m at 20o Celsius)
Silver 1.64
Copper (annealed) 1.72
Gold 2.44
Aluminum 2.83
Tungsten 5.5
Nickel 7.8
Platinum 10.65
Iron (pure) 12
Constantan 49
Nichrome 105
Graphite 3500

Drill 1. What is the resistance at 20oC of 200 m of an aluminum electric conductor

whose cross-sectional area is 4 mm2?
Using the value of resistivity for aluminum from the table, ρ = 2.83 x 10-8 Ω-m
R = ρ = (2.83 x 10-8 Ω-m) (200 m/4 mm2) (10002 mm2/1 m2) = 1.415 Ω
Note: 1 m2 = 10002 mm2

Drill 2. What is the resistance at normal room temperature (20 oC) of 197 ft of
copper wire having diameter of 0.64 mm?
Using the value of resistivity for copper from the table, ρ = 1.72 x 10-8 Ω-m
Area of a circle, A = π d2/4 = (π/4) (0.642 mm2) (1 m2/10002 mm2) = 3.217 x 10-7 m2
R = ρ = (1.72 x 10-8 Ω-m) (197 ft/3.217 x 10-7 m2) (1 m/3.2808 ft) = 3.21 Ω
Note: 1 m = 3.2808 ft

Drill 3. A conductor with a cross sectional area of A1 = 0.025 cm2 and a length
of L1 = 50 m has a resistance of R1 = 0.344 Ω. What length L2 of wire of the
same material with a cross sectional area of A2 = 0.005 cm2 will have a resistance
of R2 = 5 Ω?
For the first conductor, ρ1 = R1 (A1/L1)
For the second conductor, ρ2 = R2 (A2/L2)
ρ1 = ρ 2 why? (the obvious reason is in the statement of the problem)
R1 (A1/L1) = R2 (A2/L2)
0.344 Ω (0.025 cm2/50 m) = 5 Ω (0.005 cm2/L2)
L2 = 5 Ω (0.005 cm2/0.025 cm2) (50 m/0.344 Ω) = 145.35 m
Note: No units conversion are needed, because they just cancelled out.

Homework #1
1. Same as Drill 1, but instead of aluminum, the material is (a.) silver;
(b.) tungsten; (c.) nichrome; (d.) gold; (e.) is platinum.
2. Same as Drill 2, but instead of copper, the material is aluminum, the diameter
is 1 mm and the length is 507 cm.
3. Same as Drill 3, with A1 = 0.005 cm2, L1 = 200m, R1 = 5 Ω, A2 = 0.025 cm2 and
R2 = 0.273 Ω.

Please pray this short prayer from the heart. “Lord Jesus, I need you. Thank you for
the blood you shed in the mount of calvary bearing all my sins nailed at the cross.
Please forgive me of all my sins from my birth, to the present. Make me the kind of
person you want me to be, I now receive you as my Lord, my Saviour, my Master,
my King. In Jesus name. Amen.”

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