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Cities of Mandaluyong and Pasig

Name: Chua, Jy Bregwin S. Section: CEIT-03-302A

Subject: PE03 Date: October 24, 2021

Guided Exercises / Learning Activities

Directions: Read the sentence carefully. Choose the correct answer in the box below and write in
the space provided before the number.

Tiklos Gallop Change Step

Haplik Cut Swing
Heel and Toe Change Step Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Contra Ganza

Tiklos 1. This dance is based on a group of peasants who agree to work for each other
one day each week to clear the forest, prepare the soil for planting, or to do any odd job on the
farm, including the building of a house, at noontime the people gather to eat lunch together and
to rest.
Cut 2. To quickly displace one foot with the other, thus completely taking off the weight
of the body from the displaced foot.
Gallop 3. In a forward slide movement, the front foot steps forward with a little spring
followed by the transfer of body weight to the back foot.
Swing 4. A raise of foreleg lightly and move forward, backward, diagonally.
Change Step 5. (1 to a measure): Step R fwd (ct 1), close L to R (ct &), step R again fwd.
Haplik 6. This lively dance is popular in Iloilo and antique.
Heel and Toe Change Step 7. Place R heel diagonally fwd to R, facing and bending upper body
slightly towards up turned toe (ct 1); point R toe diagonally backward, straightening body and
facing fwd (ct 2); do a change step (Cts 1, and, 2 and).
Contra Ganza 8. It helps increasing cardio, cardio increases the circulation of the blood.
Figure 2 9. A step that is checking the balance and body coordination.
Figure 3 10. It assesses mental toughness, body endurance, mind and body coordination.

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