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Describe thermoregulation of endothermic and ectothermic animals

ANSWER : Regulatory power in ectothermic animals, not from physiological adaptations but rather
comes from behavior. For example, moving to find a shady place when it's too hot and imagining that
the sun is hot when it's cold. Between too low and too high temperatures, the metabolic rate of
ectothermic animals increases with increasing temperature in an exponential relationship. Examples of
animals classified as ectotherms are salmon (22 oC), saumon fish (18 oC), crapaud bufo boreas (27 oC),
alligator (crocodile) (32-35 oC), iguana 38 oC), lezard anolois sp (30 - 33 oC), and house fly larvae (30 –
37 oC). Thermoregulation in aquatic ectotherms, the temperature in the aquatic environment is
relatively stable so that it does not experience complicated environmental temperature problems. In the
aquatic environment, it is impossible for animals to release body heat by evaporation. Thermoregulation
in terrestrial ecoterms is different from that in aquatic environments, the temperature in the terrestrial
environment always changes with considerable variation. Changes in temperature are very easy for us
to feel, for example by comparing the air temperature during the day and night, on the same day in a
city. The difference in temperature of the terrestrial environment between day and night is quite
significant. The most important way is done by terrestrial ectothermic animals to obtain heat is by
absorbing heat/radiation from the sun. Animals can increase the absorption of solar heat by changing
the surface of their bodies and turning their bodies towards the sun. Ectothermic vertebrates, for
example lizards.

Endothermic animals are a group of animals that can regulate the production of heat from within their
bodies to maintain or increase their body temperature, because they have high regulating power.
Endothermic animals have a tolerance range for the environment that is longer than ectotherms, so the
main niche of this type of animal is also long. This is influenced by the ability to regulate the production
and release of heat it has. The ability to regulate the production and release of heat through this
metabolic mechanism is due to the fact that endothermic animals have organs as their central
regulators, namely the brain, especially the hypothalamus, as a thermostat or body temperature
regulating center. The constant temperature for the body of endothermic animals is usually between 35-
40 degrees Celsius. Because of their ability to regulate body temperature so that it is always constant,
this group is called regulatory animals. For example, the aves and mammals, including humans. In other
terms, this group of animals is also known as a homeothermic group. Endothermic animals are animals
that can regulate their body temperature so that it is always in the optimum temperature range.
Compared to ectotherms which show low-cost strategies that sometimes provide low profits,
endotherms have high-cost strategies that give higher profits. Endothermic animals, in conditions of
changing environmental temperatures, their body temperature is constant. This is because these
animals have a high ability to regulate body temperature through changes in heat production (metabolic
rate) in their own bodies (related to endothermic nature).

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