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Activity 2

October 3, 2020
Read the references for the four stages of sin and then briefly describe each stage of sin. Identify also God's penalty and the
corresponding show of mercy in each stage of sin. Write your answers in the column provided below.

Description of the Four Stages of Sin God’s penalty/punishment God’s show of mercy
1. Disobedience of Adam and Eve
God banished Adam and Eve from the
(Genesis Chapter 3:1-21) Adam and Eve were not totally
garden. He laid upon Eve suffering from
banned from benefiting from the land
birth labor, and to Adam the labor of
Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of but they would work for what they
work before manifesting the fruits of the
knowledge of good and evil which God want to eat.
land he tills.
forbade to eat.
2. Murder of Abel by Cain (Genesis Cain’s punishment was whenever he tills Cain, after telling God that his
Chapter 4:1-16) the land, he will not get a yields from it; punishment was too much than he
he will also become a fugitive and a could bear, God said that whoever
Cain killed his brother, Abel, because God vagabond who, whenever he is seen, he would kill Cain will be avenged seven
did not honor Cain’s gifts. is to be killed. times by God himself..
3. Mankind’s Sin during Noah’s Time
God saw the goodness within Noah
(Genesis Chapter 6:1-22; Chapter 7:1- God flooded the Earth through forty
so he warned and instructed him
24; Chapter 8:20-22; and Chapter 9:1- days and forty nights of rain and killed
about the flood. God also promised
17) all living vreatures except for the those
that he will not repeat what he has
gathered by Noah and Noah’s family, all
done, flooding and destroying
Mankind was filled with wickedness, are inside the ark.
everything he created.
corrucption, and evil.
4. Mankind’s Sin Manifested in the
Tower of Babel (Genesis Chapter 11:1- Despite mankind’s doings, God
9; Chapter 12:1-3) God created different languages so that instructed Abram to start a new
the people will have difficulties in generation of faithfuls; that He
Mankind sougth to reach God with the tower understanding each other. prmised Abram will be the name of
they built and God thought that they would great nations.
do whatever they want.

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