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Performance Analysis of AFD and LCR in 3-D

MIMO Channels for LAP Airborne Communications

Anurag Vijay Agrawal1, Meenakshi Rawat2
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkeee
Roorkee, India,

Abstract—The authors investigate a three-dimensional (3-D) conditioned on the radio propagation channel and is very
multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) Air-to-Ground (A-to-G) advantageous for range extension of the airborne
multipath Rician fading channel. The analysis is made communication system. Thus a detailed analysis of the
corresponding to the fading channel second order statistics, statistical properties of the fading channel utilizing MIMO
where the behavior of the key performance indicators, Level diversity schemes is necessary for successfully analyzing Air-
Crossing Rate (LCR) and Average Fade Duration (AFD), for the to-Ground (A-to-G) communications.
low altitude platform (LAP) Airborne Communications is
studied. The paper presents multiple measurements to carry out The authors in [11] have reported an accurate stochastic
the effects of transmitter speed, receiver speed, and the Rician reference model, where the received multipath Rayleigh fading
factor on the LCR and the AFD parameters. These results are channel envelope has different statistical properties as
useful for the modeling of LAP 3-D MIMO propagation channels compared to cellular fixed-to-mobile channel. It is to be noted
and the performance analysis of Airborne communication that the elevated base station antennas for a fixed-to-mobile
systems. channel are expected to be free from local scattering. The
narrowband MIMO multipath fading channels have been
Keywords—AFD, Air-to-Ground, Airborne Communications, appropriately modelled using the ‘two-ring’ geometry [12].
LAP, LCR, MIMO, Multipath Fading Recently, a long term evolution (LTE) downlink signal has
been acquired for the A-to-G UAV channels, where the authors
I. INTRODUCTION [13] consider several flight routes, both in horizontal as well as
Now-a-days, airborne communication networks attract the in vertical direction. Various fading channel characteristics
attention of governments, researchers and industries worldwide such as the delay spread, path loss, shadow fading, and
for being capable to provide reliable wireless communication Doppler frequency spread are reported by the authors for
services [1],[2], where the original focus is on high altitude varying heights and horizontal distances. Most of the existing
platform technologies, which operates at an altitude of greater models [14]-[16] are based on the assumption that the incident
than 10 kilometers (kms) [3]. However, low altitude platforms fields, on the transmitter (Tx) / receiver (Rx) antennas, are
(LAPs) that include aerostats and aerodynes, have recently composed of signal waves propagating only in two-
been developed as a prominent technology to provide wireless dimensional (2-D) horizontal plane. However, it is true for
communication services at altitudes of upto 10 kms. These rural areas only, and not for urban/suburban environments,
platforms are very useful to complement conventional satellite where the scattered waves may travel by way of diffraction or
or terrestrial communications infrastructures [4]-[6]. deflection or reflection and, thus, not essentially travel in the
horizontal plane [17]. Several authors [18],[19] claim that the
The military uses of LAPs have long been investigated and fading due to scattering by the moving objects may be
their ability to stealth at very low altitudes is well-known. successfully modelled with Rician distribution. Therefore, a
Today, however, trends in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) three-dimensional (3-D) reference model has been required to
design show significant civilian perspectives for the wider use analyze the time varying effects in A-to-G multipath
of LAP technologies. Particularly, a global interest has been propagation channel and to completely characterize the fading
growing for LAP technologies worldwide to various human- channel.
benefitting applications [7]-[9] like photographic
reconnaissance, urban/suburban traffic surveillance, post- Additionally, most of the authors have investigated first-
disaster emergency situations, agricultural image processing, order statistics parameters, such as the outage and the error
ray tracing, beamforming, and so on. probabilities, and space-time/space-frequency channel
correlation properties [20]-[22] for analyzing A-to-G multipath
The design of airborne communication systems, having fading channels. But, the study of the second order statistics for
enhanced spectrum efficiency and superior reliability the aforesaid multipath fading models is somewhat missing
performance, requires multiple antenna cofigurations and also from the literature. It is to be noted that these second order
the multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) diversity statistics relate the rate of change of the received signal over
techniques [10]. The MIMO scheme performance is strongly time/frequency to the signal envelope amplitude as well as to
the speeds of both the Tx and the Rx [23]-[25]. A dynamic TABLE I. SIMULATION PARAMETERS
representation of the fading channel is achieved by the second Name Value(s)
order statistics analysis, which is very helpful in performance Transmission System Type LAP Airborne Communications
evaluation and design of the A-to-G communication system. Channel Type 3-D Air-to-Ground
This study plays an important role in designing error control Scattering Type Non-isotropic
codes and applying MIMO transmit/receive diversity schemes Bandwidth 10 MHz
in airborne transmission technologies. The authors in this paper Carrier Frequency 2 GHz
Antenna Arrangement MIMO 2×2
examine the two key second-order statistical performance Tx / Rx Antenna Spacing 2λ
indicators, the level crossing rate (LCR) and average fade Tx speed (kmph) 100, 200, 500, 700, 1000
duration (AFD), for a 10 MHz downlink LTE signal Rx speed (kmph) 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000
communicating through a MIMO 2×2 A-to-G multipath Rician Number of Samples 10000
fading channel. Sampling Frequency 15.36 MHz
Tx-Rx Distance (meters) 1000
The remainder of the paper is outlined as: A short Rician factor (k-factor) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
explanation of A-to-G channel analysis is given in Section II. Spread of Scatterers around Rx 5
Section III incudes system simulation parameters and the Maximum Elevation Angle 500
mathematical description of the performance metrics. Section around Rx
IV consists of the results with discussion and, finally, the paper
concludes with Section V.
II. A-TO-G CHANNEL ANALYSIS The authors present a 3-D MIMO A-to-G multipath fading
The A-to-G multipath fading channel is modelled as a channel design simulation model having Rician distribution
linear time-variant system [26], whose complex baseband and a finite number of scatterers around Rx.
equivalent impulse response h(t1,t2) can be expressed as Consider the exemplary system given in Table I. The
M performance analysis in this paper is done for two important
h(t1 , t2 )   ai (t1 ) exp{ jpi (t1 )}{t 2  d i (t1 )} (1) second-order channel statistics parameters: LCR and AFD.
i 0 These parameters optimally inform about the dynamic
where M is number of time-varying multipath components of temporal behaviour of the multipath fading channels with
the channel; t1 is impulse orientation time; t2 is impulse respect to time.
application time; ai, pi and di denote respectively the envelope
amplitude, propagation delay and phase shift of the i-th The received signal envelope fades with the Tx/Rx
multipath component. movements. The LCR at envelope F is defined as the rate at
which a fading signal envelope crosses the threshold F in any
The performance of A-to-G communication channels direction. Mathematically, LCR is given as [29]:
depends mainly on the operating frequency, Tx location, Rx
location, Tx speed, Rx speed, Tx-Rx distance, and elevation k  1 r1r3  r22  k  ( k 1) F2 2
angle to the LAP. The link reliability is directly proportional to LCR (F)  2 F
3 r12
e  0 cosh(2 k (k  1)
the elevation angle and is in inverse relationship with the
F cos  ) {e  sin 2    sin  .erf ( sin  )
operating frequency. In addition, the random and unpredictable
nature of the propagation environment increases the modeling
complexity of the channels. There, it is suitable to describe the
propagation phenomenon in stochastic manner to account for where F is the threshold level in dB that is also known as
random fluctuations in the A-to-G channels. fading rate, k is Rician factor, ϕ is phase of the direct
component and ϕ ∈ [-π, π), φ is a parameter given by
The conventional two-ray model for A-to-G channels
assumes that there is only one reflection from the objects on   r2 k / r1r3  r22 . The parameters r1, r2, r3 are defined in
the ground [27]. These 2-D models opine that the field incident [30, Eq.s (21), (22), (23)].
on Tx/Rx antenna is composed of only those waves that travels
horizontally, which practically is not possible. Thus for the The AFD is defined as the average time over which the
sake of maintain accuracy in the modeling of practical A-to-G signal envelope never rises above a certain threshold value F.
MIMO multipath channels and for completely characterizing In other words, AFD quantifies for how long the signal
these channels, it is essential to develop 3-D channel models remains below the threshold value F. Mathematically, it is
for successful analysis of LAP Airborne Communication given as [31]
systems. While modeling 3-D channels, the authors generally
consider outdoor radio propagation scenario with direct path 1  Qm ( 2k , 2( k  1) F 2
AFD ( F )  (3)
and an assumption of having infinite number of scatterers. LCR ( F )
Unfortunately, this consideration of having infinite scatterers
prevent the practical implementation of the channel [28]. where Qm(x, y) is a Marcum Q-function and is given in [32].
Fig. 1. Normalized AFD at various Tx speeds Fig. 3. Normalized AFD at various Rx speeds

Fig. 2. Normalized LCR at various Tx speeds Fig. 4. Normalized LCR at various Rx speeds

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION with increase in the threshold. The LCR curves also report the
fading channel environment and the normalized LCR has been
This paper investigates the second order statistics in the A- increasing with the threshold F until it attains maxima and then
to-G Rician fading channel environment for the LAP airborne starts decreasing.
communications system in terms of AFD and LCR, where the
impact of independent parameters, such as Tx speed, Rx speed, Fig. 1 shows AFD curves for various Tx speeds, ranging
and Rician k-factor is analyzed on these second-order fading from 100 kmph to 1000 kmph. It is noticed that when the Tx
statistics parameters. The authors assume that both Tx and Rx speed increases, the normalized AFD increases gradually. This
have two omnidirectional antennas, i.e., MIMO 2×2 case and means that the signal envelope corresponding to the faster Tx
that both are moving in the same direction. All antenna is required to remain for a longer time below a certain
elements are of equal height, and the the antenna elements are threshold, as compared to a slow Tx. As LCR is inversely
2 λ distance apart. The normalised AFD plots against the proportional to the AFD, so its dynamic behavior can be
threshold level F (dB) are shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 3 and Fig. 5 inferred from Fig. 1.
corresponding to varying Tx speeds, Rx speeds and k-factors
Fig. 2 shows LCR curves for the Tx speeds, varying from
respectively; whereas the plots of the normalised LCR against
the threshold level F (dB) are shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 4 and Fig. 6 100 kmph to 1000 kmph. It is investigated from these curves
for the same independent parameters. These AFD plots observe that higher Tx speeds have low normalized LCR values, which
a typical Rician fading channel as AFD continually increases specifies that the LCR for the Tx at 100 kmph has the lowest
fading rate. As the LCR curve, corresponding to 1000 kmph
Fig. 5. Normalized AFD at various k-factor values Fig. 6. Normalized LCR at various k-factor values

Tx speed, has more length in the positive direction; it means very significant for larger k values as compared with the
that the 1000 kmph signal comparatively fades more in the Tx smaller k-factor value cases. It is also to be noted that AFD
positive moving direction. These observations suggest that the and LCR plots for different k-factor values perform in the
airborne communications Tx should slowly move in the usual behaviour. Particularly, these plots converge around a
azimuth/elevation directions to establish a stable A-to-G link. certain threshold value (F = 0 dB) almost independently for all
Fig. 3 shows AFD curves for various Rx speeds, ranging values of k.
from 50 kmph to 1000 kmph. It is noticed that when the
Rxspeed increases, the normalized AFD decreases gradually. V. CONCLUSION
This means that the signal envelope corresponding to the faster A 3-D MIMO A-to-G reference model has been reviewed
Rx is required to remain for a less time below a certain in multipath Rician channel for the LAP Airborne
threshold, as compared to a slower Rx. Fig. 4 shows LCR Communications system. Numerical results in the form of
curves for the Rx speeds, varying from 50 kmph to 1000 kmph. curves are presented to investigate the important second-order
It is investigated from these curves that higher Rx speeds have channel statistics parameters AFD and LCR with varying
high normalized LCR values, which specifies that the LCR for independent parameters Tx speeds, Rx speeds, and the Rician
the Rx at 1000 kmph has the lowest fading rate, i.e. the signal factors. Simulation analysis shows that these independent
envelope fades slowly in this case, as comparable to the lower parameters have significant effect on the aforesaid two fading
Rx speeds in any direction. The LCR curve for 50 kmph Rx statistics of Rician channel. Overall, the paper provides a novel
has more length in the positive direction, which reflects that the and practical approach to investigate and design modern LAP
50 kmph signal fades more in the Rx positive moving airborne communication systems.
direction. The AFD and LCR depend on the Rx speed, which
means means that these parameters also depend on the
maximum Doppler shift frequency.
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