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Circuit Analysis vs Synthesis

• Circuit Analysis:

• Circuit Synthesis:

Circuit Analysis
• Circuit Analysis:
• Given a circuit what can you tell about the circuit looking at it.
• Circuit Synthesis:
• Given a function, build a circuit.

Methods of Circuit Analysis
• Basic KVL, KCL method
• Intuitive method (combinations rules)
• Node method
• Superposition method
• The Thevenin’s method
• The Norton’s method

Method 1:
Basic KVL, KCL method of Circuit analysis
• Goal:
• Find all element v’s and i’s
• 1. Write element v-i relationships (from lumped circuit abstraction)
• 2. Write KCL for all nodes
• 3. Write KVL for all loops.
• Result:
• lots of unknowns
• lots of equations
• lots of fun
• solve

Other Analysis Methods
Method 2—Apply element combination rules

Method 3—Node analysis
(Work Horse)
• Select reference node (ground) from which voltages are measured
• Label voltages of remaining nodes with respect to ground. These are the
primary unknowns.
• Write KCL for all but the ground node, substituting device laws and KVL
• Solve for node voltages.
• Back solve for branch voltages and currents (i.e., the secondary unknowns)

Old Faithful
plus current

Example: Old
Faithful plus
current source

Example: Old Faithful plus current source

Practice Problem for Nodal Analysis

How many nodes ?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
1 from the left-hand side, i2 must leave the resistor from the right-hand
for nodal
side.) analysis. node
The 3.3(b),
reference Notice selected,
how the and currents are selected vforandthev
5A Consider Fig. where theiscircuit the node
in Fig. 3.3(a) has voltages
been prepared
1 2
2Ω 6Ω 10 A application of KCL. Except for the branches with current sources, the
for are
to be determined.
of the Notice ishow
currents the currents
arbitrary but are selected
consistent. (By for the we
5A At node
application of KCL. 1, applyingfor KCLtheand Ohm’swith law gives sources, the
4Ω mean that if, forExcept
example, we branches
assume that i2 current
enters the 4-$ resistor
2 labeling of the currents is arbitrary but consistent.
from the left-hand side, i2 must leave thev1resistor " v(By
2 from
v1 " we
the0 right-hand
that The
if, fori1 #example, 1
i2 ! i3 we assume 5 # i2 enters !
(a)2 reference node is selected,thatand the4 nodethe 4-$ resistor
2 v1 and v2
1 2Ω 6Ω 10 A fromarethenow
left-hand side, i2 must leave the resistor from the right-hand
to be determined.
5A Multiplying
side.) nodeeach
TheAtreference termisinselected,
1, applying the last
KCL equation
andand the node
Ohm’s by gives
law 4,voltages v1 and v2
we obtain
2Ω 6Ω 10 A are now to be determined.
20 # v1 " v2 ! v1 2v
" 1v2 v1 " 0
i1 = 5 i1 = 5 At node 1, iapplying# i ! KCL
i and
1 Ohm’s5 # law gives !
1 2 3
(a) i4 = 10 or 4 2
4Ω v2 v1 " v2 v1 " 0
v1 5(a)
i1 # ieach
Multiplying 2 ! iterm
3 in1the3vlast
5#equation by!4, we2 obtain
1 " v2 #420 (3.1.1)
i2 i
i3 5
At node
Multiplying each 2, we in
term dothethe20 same
last v1thing
" v2 and
#equation !
by 2v
1we obtain
i51 =A5 i1 = 5
2Ω 6Ω
i2 i4 = 10 10 A or 20 # v1 " v2 ! v1 2v
" 1v2 v2 " 0
i1 = 5 4 Ω v i ! i # i ! i 1 ! 10 # 5 !
i12= 5 2 4 1 5
or 3v1 " v2 #4 20 6 (3.1.1)
i2 i 4 = 10
i43 Ω v i22 i5 Multiplying
At nodeeach 2, weterm by
v1 do the
3v112 " results
# 20inand get (3.1.1)
2Ω 6 Ω 10 A
i3 i2 i 3v1same" 3vthing v1 "
2 ! 120 # v60
2 ! 2v2 v2 " 0
5 (b)
At node i2 !2, iwe
4 # do
i 1
! i 5 1 and get ! 10 # 5 !
Figure 3.3 4 6
2Ω 6Ω 10 A or v1 " v2 v2 " 0
For Example 3.1: (a) original circuit, i ! i
Multiplying# i ! i 1
each 5term by 12 results in ! 10 # 5 !
2 4 1
(b) circuit for analysis. "3v1 !45v2 # 60 6 (3.1.2)
(b) 3v1 " 3v2 ! 120 # 60 ! 2v2
Multiplying each term by 12 results in
Figure 3.3 or
For Example 3.1: (b) (a) original circuit, 3v1 " 3v2 ! 120 # 60 ! 2v2
v1 " vin2 ! 2v1
erm by2012#results
3v1 " 3v2 ! 120 # 60 ! 2v2
1_ch03_081_126.qxd 11/30/11 4:10 PM Page 85
3v1 " v2 # 20 (3.1.1)
3.2 Nodal Analysis
do the "3v
same1 !
5v2 and
# 60 get (3.1.2)
Now wevhave
1 " vtwo
2 simultaneousvEqs. (3.1.1) and (3.1.2).
2 " 0
3.2We Nodal
can solve

! i5 1 equations using
the 10 #method
! any 5 ! and obtain the values of v1 and v2.
Now 4
we have two simultaneous 6 (3.1.1) and (3.1.2). We can solve
the equations using any method and obtain the values of v1 and v2.

erm by Using
■ results
the in 11technique,
add Eqs. (3.1.1)
and (3.1.2).
weadd Eqs.
add (3.1.1)
Eqs. (3.1.1)
and (3.1.2).
and (3.1.2).
3v1 " 3v2 ! 120 # 60 !4v 2v2! 80
2 1 v ! 20 V

4v2 ! 80
Substituting v ! 20 in Eq. (3.1.1) gives
1 v2 ! 20 V
3v1 " 20 ! 20 1 v1 ! ! 13.333 V
Substituting v2 ! 20 in Eq. (3.1.1) gives 3

■ 1 ! 5v2 # 60
METHOD 2 (3.1.2)we need to put
To use Cramer’s rule, Eqs. (3.1.1)
and (3.1.2) in matrix form as 40
3v1 " 20 !c 203 "1 1 d c vv1d !
! 3
!d 13.333 V
"3 5 v 2 60
The determinant of the matrix is
■ METHOD 2 To use Cramer’s
¢ ! `
3 "1 rule, we need to put Eqs. (3.1.1)
` ! 15 " 3 ! 12

• LOOP: A loop is a closed path with no node passed more than once.
• MESH: A mesh is a loop that does not contain any other loop within it.
• Mesh analysis provides another general procedure for analyzing circuits, using
mesh currents as the circuit variables.
• Using mesh currents instead of element currents as circuit variables is
convenient and reduces the number of equations that must be solved
Basic Difference Between Nodal and Mesh Analysis

• Nodal analysis applies KCL to find unknown voltages in a given circuit, while
mesh analysis applies KVL to find unknown currents.
• Mesh analysis is not quite as general as nodal analysis because it is only
applicable to a circuit that is planar.
• PLANAR CIRCUIT: A planar circuit is one that can be drawn in a plane
with no branches crossing one another; otherwise it is nonplanar.
• NOTE: A circuit may have crossing branches and still be planar if it can be
redrawn such that it has no crossing branches.
Examples of Planar Circuits

NOTE: A mesh is a loop which does not contain any other loops within it.

Mesh Analysis can be applied to meshes only inside the circuit, Not to LOOP.
Examples of Non-Planar Circuits
Note: The direction of the mesh current is arbitrary (clockwise or counter-clockwise) and does not
affect the validity of the solution.
How to Solve Simultaneous Equations
SUPERMESH: A supermesh results when two meshes have a (dependent or
independent) current source in common.

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