Sample Meeting of A Organization

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I Presiding Officer Reginio: Good morning! It's 9:00 am June 01 2021,the second General
Assembly of our organization, Association of Students for the Transformation and
Empowerment of Generation. (ASTEG) will now convene. May I request Ms.Lapid for our
I Ms.Lapid:[prayer]Let us put ourselves in the holy presence of God, our almighty father Lord,
thank you for this wonderful day may you guide us as we start our meeting for today. Give us
understanding and wisdom for us to end up in a good decision of what is best for our
organization. This is all we ask for our prayer. Amen.
I Presiding Officer Reginio :Secretary, please call the roll.
I Secretary Lapid: As I call the roll, each member say present as your name is called.
Bartolay, Erica
Portugaleza, Eliaquim
Lim,Xavier John
Bassig,Jason Bernard
Madam Chair, we have a quorum.
I Presiding Officer Reginio: Since the secretary declare the meeting in quorum let us now
proceed to the discussion of the business for today.
I Lapid: Madam Chair, I move to discuss about the ratification regarding the bylaws of our
I Lim: I second that motion.
I Presiding officer Reginio :It is moved and seconded to discuss about the bylaws of our
organization. What's the discussion?
I Secretary Lapid : The discussion Madam chair will be about the rules written in our bylaws.
First of all the objective of our organization ASTEG which stands for Association of students for
the transformation and empowerment of generation serving the University of Caloocan City, is
committed to empower and encourage young people to contribute in society, improve their
learning and growth experiences and this organization accomplishes its mission by upholding its
following objectives.
1. Empower and encourage young people to contribute, direct programs, and lead their own
youth-led projects in order to improve their learning and growth opportunities.
2. To form strong partnership with organizations that share our goals, allowing young people
to further improve their talents and aptitudes for their own personal growth as well as the
long-term success and advancement of their communities.
3. To instill in young people a sense of responsibility and ownership for their actions, as well
as to promote citizenship and community engagement.

I would also like to inform everyone that the business meetings of the membership will be
held…(annually, weekly, or other).
Notification of this meeting shall be made 7 days prior to said meeting. Also with regards to
policies the organization shall abide by all applicable policies instituted by the University of
Caloocan City.
As of Duties:
The President/Chairperson/Captain shall preside at all meetings and be responsible for
appointing all standing, special, and ad-hoc committees and shall perform such other duties as
usually required of this office. The President/Chairperson/Captain of the organization shall be
an ex-officio member of all committees.
2. The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President/Chairperson/Captain in all
capacities as listed above and shall assist in conducting the business of the organization.
3. The Secretary shall ensure meetings are effectively organized and minuted. Also, Secretary’s
role is to maintain effective records and administration, uphold the requirements of governing
4. The Treasurer shall be capable of handling figures and cash, have an orderly mind and
methodical way of thinking, have an experience in dealing with large sums of money and
budgets, has experience of financial control and budgeting, and have an eye for detail. The
treasurer is also the general financial oversight.
I Presiding officer Reginio :Is there any further discussion? seeing none the question is on the
ratification of our bylaws. Those who are in favor, say 'Aye". (Pause for response.) Those
opposed, say 'No'. (Pause for response.)
The ayes have it, the motion for ratification of bylaws is adopted.
I Presiding officer Reginio :Is there no more unfinished business?(pause) Seeing none we
should move to the new business for today.
I Bassig: Madam Chair, I move that we implement programs for our organization and one of it
could be, to provide assistance for students with financial and academic difficulties in the
University of Caloocan City.
I Jara: I second that motion.
I Bartolay: Madam Chair.
I Presiding Officer Reginio: Yes Ms. Bartolay?
I Bartolay: I move to amend the main motion by adding that we should only cover the
necessities of students when it comes to their books not with the financial.
I Portugaleza : I second that amendment.
I Presiding officer Reginio : It has been properly moved and seconded that we amend main
motion by adding that we should only cover the necessities of students when it comes to their
books. Is there any discussion?
I Lim: Madam Chair?
I Presiding officer Reginio : Yes Mr. Lim?
I Lim : I oppose the amendment because I doubt that we can provide even for their book
expenses with the funds of our organization.
I Jara: Madam chair, I believe we have enough funds if we will only cover for their book
expenses, mentioning that we have other programs that can support it.
I Presiding officer Reginio : Thank you. Is there any further discussion?(pause) Seeing none we
should proceed to the vote on the amendment to the main motion. For those who are in favor,
say "aye" (pause for response.) Those oppose, say "no" (pause for response)
The ayes have it, the motion on the floor to provide assistance to chosen students for their
book expenses is adopted.
I Portugaleza: Madam Chair
I Presiding officer Reginio : Yes Ms. Portugaleza?
I Portugaleza : I move that we can add a new program that provides counseling or guide for
students who struggle to choose their course or major in College.
I Bartolay: I second that motion.
I Presiding Officer Reginio: It's been properly moved and seconded that we can add a new
program that provides counseling among students who struggle to choose their major or course
in College. Is there any discussion?
I Bassig: Madam Chair
I Presiding officer Reginio: Yes Mr. Bassig?
I Bassig: I oppose the motion because I doubt that we are credible enough to provide insights
and concepts in choosing their major.
I Secretary Lapid : Madam Chair
I Presiding officer Reginio: Yes Ms. Lapid?
I Lapid : I believe that counseling and guiding students when it comes to choosing their major
will be very helpful for them. It doesn't matter though that we are not licensed or credible to
provide counseling because we are just here to guide the youth and I think it is a good thing
that we can help them, the fact that a lot of students are struggling to know the right course for
I Jara: Madam Chair
I Presiding Officer Reginio : Yes Mr. Jara?
I Jara : I oppose the motion. Not all course that students want will be suitable for them. Let us
also consider other factors like Is the parents/relatives of the student who choose specific
major afford to provide all the needs for its study?
I Bartolay: Madam Chair
I Presiding Officer Reginio: Yes Ms. Bartolay
I Bartolay: I believe that's the main essence of this program. We will guide them incases that we
will consider factors that affects their struggle and help them choose what course suits them.
I Presiding Officer Reginio: Thank you. Is there any further discussion? Seeing none we should
proceed to the voting. For those who are in favor that the organization will provide counseling
for students when it comes to choosing their major say 'aye'(pause) those oppose say
The ayes have it, the motion on the floor to provide counseling and guide for students who
struggle choosing their major and course will be adopted as a program of this organization.
I Lim : Madam Chair
I Presiding officer Reginio: Yes Mr. Lim?
I Lim: I move that we recess for ten minutes.
I Bassig : I second the motion.
I Presiding officer Reginio: The motion has been moved and seconded. So the motion to take a
five minutes recess is carried. Is there any discussion?
Seeing none let's proceed to the voting of the motion. Those in favor of the motion say 'aye'
(pause) those oppose say 'no' (pause).
Yes you have it. The motion is carried let's take a ten minutes recess.
I Presiding officer Reginio: The recess is ended and the meeting will please come to order let's
proceed. The next item in the order is the new business.
I Portugaleza : Madam Chair
I Presiding officer Reginio : Yes Ms. Portugaleza
I Portugaleza : I move that we also implement program that provides counseling for depressed
youth who experienced physical and emotional abuse.
I Lapid : I second that motion.
I Presiding officer Reginio : It's been properly moved and seconded that we implement program
counseling depressed youth who experienced physical and emotional abuse. Is there any
further discussion?
I Bartolay: Madam Chair
I Presiding officer Reginio: Yes Ms. Bartolay?
I Bartolay: I believe that this program will be very helpful for the youth who experienced this
kind of situation. It is good, that we can be a helping hand and a listening ear. Counseling and
showing them that we care and listen to their stories will alleviate the trauma to realize that
they are more than their past experiences.
I Lapid Secretary : Madam Chair
I Presiding officer: Yes Ms. Lapid?
I Lapid : I believe that counseling depressed youth needs professional or experts. It need
knowledgeable person /doctors or counselors because it is a sensitive topic.
I Presiding Officer Reginio: Thank you. Is there any further discussion? Seeing none we should
proceed to the voting. For those who are in favor of the motion to provide counseling for
depressed youth who experienced physical and emotional abuse say 'aye'(pause) those oppose
say 'no'(pause)
The no's have it. The motion is lost.
I Bassig: Madam Chair
I Presiding officer: Yes Mr. Bassig?
I Bassig: I move that we adjourn the meeting.
I Lim: I second that motion.
I Presiding officer Reginio: It has been moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Those in
favor say 'aye'(pause) those oppose please say 'no' (pause)
I Presiding officer Reginio : The motion is carried and the meeting is adjourn.

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