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Zeitschrift A'l-r~mc,

Z. Phys. A - Atoms and Nuclei 310, 329-338 (1983) for Physik A rll.~l I I~.,~
and Nuclei
9 Springer-Verlag 1983

Two-Component Exciton Model

J. Dobe~
Institute of Nuclear Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
P,e~ near Prague, Czechoslovakia

E. B~tfik*
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, USSR

Received October 29, 1982

The exciton model of nuclear reactions with the distinguishability of protons and
neutrons explicitly included is discussed. The Pauli master equation and transition rates
in this two-component formulation are given. Both the simple considerations and actual
calculations show that the two-component model exhibits new features and modifies
conclusions of the one-component formulation. The ratio of the proton to neutron pre-
equilibrium emissions in proton induced reactions decreases twice to three times when
compared with the usual one-component model.

1. Introduction

The exciton model of nuclear reactions describes a paper we give a detailed account of this problem
reaction as a multistep process, in which transitions and perform explicit calculations.
between different classes of states occur (see Ref. 1 The two-component Pauli master equations are
for a general review). Different classes of states in written and the method of their solution is described
the exciton model are characterized by the number in Sect. 2. The transition rates are calculated in
of excitons, i.e. excited particles and/or holes. Cur- Sect. 3. Section 4 contains a simplified discussion
rent versions of the exciton and other pre-equilib- which reveals the main features of the two-com-
rium models are done within the one-component ponent model. The numerical calculations and the
formulation, which does not distinguish between comparison with experimental data are done in
protons and neutrons. These are taken to be identi- Sect. 5. Our conclusions are in Sect. 6.
cal nucleons, and proton and neutron excitons are
mixed together. Of course, one has to distinguish
2. Two-Component Pauli Master Equation
between protons and neutrons when calculating
spectra of emitted particles. This is accomplished by
Different classes of states are characterized by a set
the effective treatment of the proton-neutron dis-
of numbers (p~,h~,p,,h,) of proton (neutron) par-
tinguishability and its inclusion in the one-com-
ticles p~ (p~) and holes h~ (h~) in the two-component
ponent formulation as has been suggested by several
formulation of the exciton model. We shorten so-
authors [2-6].
metimes this notation to (n~,n~) with n~=p~+h~,
Some particular considerations have been given to
n~ = Pv + h~. The intranuclear transitions between states
the two-component exciton model with the proton
of different classes are assumed to be due to the
and neutron excitons distinguished [6-11], but no
two-body interaction. The six following transitions
complete calculations were published. In the present
are thus possible:

* Permanent address: Institute of Physics E.P.R.C.S.A.S., Dfib- i. (p~,h~,p~,h~)~(p -l,h,-1,p~,hv)

ravsk~t cesta. CSSR-84228 BratisIava, Czechoslovakia with the corresponding transition rate 2~-;
330 J. Dobeg and E. B~t~tk:Two-ComponentExciton Model

ii. (p~,h~,p~,h~)~(p~,h~,p~-l,h~-l), where

transition rate 2;-;
t = (2/- + ,~;- + 2 ~0 , + 2 ~o + 2 + + 2 + +L) -~. (2)
iii. (p~,h~,p~,h~)---,(p~- l , h ~ - l,p~ + l,h~ + l),
transition rate 2 o ; The total emission probability from the state (n~, %)
iv. (p~,h~,p~,h~)-~(p~+ l,h~+ l,p - l , h ~ - l), is denoted as L(n~, %), the energy dependence is not
transition rate 2~ explicitly written in (1) and (2). Note, that unlike the
one-component formulation the An=O transitions
v. (p~,h~,p~,h~)~(p~+ l,h~+ l,p~,h~). 2~ and 2~~ with no change of total exciton number
transition rate 2+; n = n , + % appear in (1) (see a more detailed dis-
vi. (p~,h~,p~,h~)~(p~,h~,p~+ l,h~+ l), cussion in Ref. 11).
Having solved the system (1) and computed the
transition rate 2~+.
mean lifetimes
Also 2~ and 2 o transitions are possible, however,
they cancel in the master equations (see below). oo

The reaction chain in the two-component formu- T(n~, %) = ~ dt P(n~, %, t), (3)
lation starts with the initial configuration
(p~o,h~o,P~o,h~o) and develops as it is schematically one writes the cross section to the final channel/~ as
depicted in Fig. 1. The thickness of the arrows in
Fig. 1 indicates the strengths of the corresponding
transitions. d~ = a~ (.~,~,v)T(n~, %). ~.~(et~;n~, %). (4)
In the one-component formalism the reaction chain
is a one-way process, as we have only one way to Here, a~ is the composite-nucleus formation cross
come to a particular exciton state. In the two-com- section in the initial channel and 2~ denotes the
ponent model we have several possibilities of decay partial emission rate from the state (n~,%) into the
of the exciton state into more complex stages. final channel /~ with the energy of the emitted par-
Denoting by P(n~, %, t) the occupation probability of ticle e~.
the (n~, n~) state at the time t, the set of the Pauli The number of coupled equations in (1) grows quad-
master equations for the two-component system is ratically with maximum exciton number, whereas in
written as [11] the one-component formulation the growth is linear.
We do not solve the system (1) directly, but proceed
dP(n~, %, t) with generalization of the method devised in [12].
dt =P(n~+2, n~,t)2~(n~+2, n~)
Noting that in expression (4) we need only the time-
+P(n~, %+2, t)2;-(n~, %+2) integrated quantities T, we integrate the system (1)
over time and get
+ P(n~ + 2, % - 2 , t)).~ +2, % - 2 )
+ P(n~-2, % + 2 , t)2~ %+2) - O(n~, %) = T(n~ + 2, %) 2 ; (n~ + 2, %)

+ P(n~ - 2, %, t) )~+(n~ - 2, %) + T(n~, n~ + 2)2~(n~, %+2)

+ P(n~, n~- 2, t) 2 + (n~, n~ - 2) + T(n~ + 2, %-2))~~ + 2, % - 2 )

-P(n~, %, t)/t(n~, %), (1) + T(n~-2, % + 2 ) 2 ~ 2, n~+2)

+ T(n~ - 2, %) 2 + (n~ - 2, n~) + T(n~, n~ - 2) 2 + (n~, n~ - 2)
- T(n~, %)h(n~, %) (5)
where D denotes the initial conditions

D(n,, %) = P(n~, %, t = 0).

(pzo+l,hzo.~l,pvo,huo) ~ (p~o,hno,Pvo41, huo§
Considering the fact that the 2 + transition rates are
the strongest ones in (5), we get the zeroth approxi-
( P.~o+2,hreo+2,puo,hvo).~ ........ (Prro+1 , h~'o+l ,Pvo+l,hvo +1 ) .{.~........ (PJro,h.'to,Pro +2,huo §
mation simply from

J/%\ - D(n~, %) = Tt~ - 2, %) 2 + (n~ - 2, %)

+ r[~ n~- 2) 2~+ (n~, n~ - 2)

Fig. 1. Scheme of the reaction pathways in the two-component
formalism - T[~ %)/z(n~, %).
J. Dobew and E. B&~tk: Two-Component Exciton Model 331

Now we perform one simple iteration according to the density of final accessible states. We consider
generally three different squared matrix elements
T U+ ~l(n~, n~) = z(n~, n~). [T 03(n~ + 2, nv) 2~- (n~ + 2, n~) IM,~,~[z, IMv,~12=lM~v] z and [Mv~l2 for the proton-
+ TUl(n,, n~ + 2) 2;- (n~, n~ + 2) proton, proton-neutron and neutron-neutron inter-
actions, respectively9 The densities coy of final states
+ TOl(n,~ + 2, n~ - 2) ,t~ + 2, n~ - 2)
are obtained by a general method of Ref. 15. The
+ TUl(n,~ - 2, nv + 2) 2~ - 2, n~ + 2) calculations are rather cumbersome but straightfor-
+ TUl(n~ - 2 , n~) 2+(n~ - 2 , n~) ward. We sketch, therefore, only the main steps in
the derivation9
+ TUl(n~, n ~ - 2)2 + (n~, n v - 2)+ O(n,~, n~)] (6 a)
For example, four processes depicted in Fig. 2 con-
in order to get Tm. We correct T m for the equilib- tribute to the transition rate 2~+. We have
rium part by
2+ = ~ ( I M = ~ [ 2 cofa + [M~=[2 cofb
Tl2l(n~, n~) = Tt11(n,~, n~) + ~ co(n~, n~), (6b)
+ I M J 2 cofc+ [M~,J 2 cold)"
where co(n.,n~) denotes the density of exciton states
and ~ is obtained from normalization condition where coy~ denotes the density of final states for the
process corresponding to a graph ~:= a, b, c or d of
D(n,, nv) = ~, T(n,, n~) . L(n,, n~). (6 c)
Fig. 2. For graph a we have
Further we proceed with successive iterations ac-
cording to (6a) in order to get the required pre-
cos~= CL(n~, n . E, E)/co(n~, n . ~)9 (8)
cision. The quantity C~a(n.,
+ nv, Ei, Ey) is the total number of
Methods for an exact solution of the time-integrated complexes (possible realization of states), with the
set of master equations have been suggested in 1-13]. initial exciton number (n~, n~) and energy Ei, and the
In practice, however, the iteration method of [12] is final exciton number (n~+2, n~) and energy El,
sufficiently precise and efficient with respect to the which are connected by the two-body proton par-
computation time. ticle - proton particle interaction. (We write general-
ly Ei:#Es, of course, in (8) only the states on the
3. Transition Rates energy shell are considered.) Since the Pauli prin-
ciple does not act between particles and holes and
The model, in which the quantities for the general between protons and neutrons, we have
two-component formulation of Sect. 2 are calculated,
is specified in this section. We adopt the simplest C~+(n~, n~, e,, e y) = ~ dU~ dU~ dU~ dW~ dW~ dW~
and most usual equidistant-spacing model with the 9 C~(p~,e, - V~ - ~:~ - U~, e ~ . - WI - W~ - W~)
single-particle proton and neutron level densities g.
9c~ Ul, W 1) C~176 C5, W 2) C~176 U 3 , W3).
and gv, respectively. The density of the exciton States
with the energy E has been given by Williams [14] The expressions for C kj are given in [15]. Proceed-
nr~ nv ing further along the lines of this reference, we get
co(n~,nv, E)= g" g~ (E_B),-1 l ~r1+ iO0 rr2+ioo
p~! h.[ p~[ h~!(n-1)] (7)
with C~+a-(2ni)2~r,~-ioo ,r2-i~ dfldyexp(flEi)

n=n~+nv, 9exp( e ? F/?- F~ F~149


and with the Pauli correction factor B

B =~[(p~
a 2 + h ~2 +p.-3h~)/g~+(p~ 2 +h v2 +p~-3h~)/g~].

The transition rates are calculated from the general

(a) (b) (c) (d)
2--2~ IMI=%, Fig. 2a-d. Scheme of possible realizations of the An,,= +2 pro-
n cess: a proton-particle scattering and proton particle-hole crea-
tion, b proton-hole scattering and proton particle-hole creation,
where IMI 2 denotes the corresponding average squa- e neutron-particle scattering and proton particle-hole creation,
red two-body transition matrix element, and co.r is d neutron-hole scattering and proton particle-hole creation
332 J. Dobeg and E. B~t~tk: T w o - C o m p o n e n t Exciton M o d e l

with quantities F's given in Appendix B of Ref. 15. We have considered only the nucleon emission in
This integral is calculated by applying the Cauchy the present paper as controversies exist in the theo-
residue theorem. The final result for the transition ries of complex particle and gamma emissions. For
rate )~- is example, the proton emission from the (p~, h~, p~, h~)-
exciton state leads to the final (p~-1, h,,p~, h,) state
2n 2 g'.~ and the partial emission rate is simply written as
2~-(n=, n~)=~-[M~,~l ~-p~h,~(n,~-2)
2#~ o)(p~ - 1, h~, p~, hv, U)
9 [1 n-1 2~(e~, n,~, n~) = ~ e,~~,~(e,~) - - - - - (16)
8g~(E -A)(n~ - 2) ((p'~- 1) (p,~- 2) co(p,, h,~,p~, h~, E) "

+ ( h ~ - l ) ( h ~ - 2 ) ) ] + ~2n Here, #~ is the reduced proton mass, a~ is the pro-

- I M ~1 2 g~p,~h,~n~
ton absorption cross section in the inverse reaction,
e~ is the energy of the emitted proton and U is the
-[1 n-1 -1))] excitation energy of the residual nucleus. The total
8 g , ( E - A ) n~ (P~(Pv- 1) + h,(h,
emission rates L appearing in (2) are obtained from
where (16) by integrating over the outgoing particle en-
1 2 t 2 1 ergies and summing over the channels considered.
A =g~- ~. (~p~ +~h~ + ~ p ~ - ~ h3 ~ ) For the single-particle level densities we take
..t_g~-I [ 1 ~ 2 - - 1
1.2 1 3
9t~V~ -t-~n~ +~p~-~h O.
The transition rate 2+ is obtained from the time g =iS'
reversal invariance as
where Z and N are the numbers of protons and
2+(n~,n,)=2~(n~+2, n~)'c~(n,~+2, n~)/co(n~,n~). (10) neutrons, respectively, in the composite system
(A -- N + Z). The squared matrix elements we paramet-
For the transition rate 2~ we have
rized as
= 2 ~ [M~,~Iz 2g 2 p,~h,~(E- A )
2~ nv)
IM~I2 - K~,
h n

8 ( E - A ) \g__ g~ /3 IMpel2 = K~ 1
AN 2. E R'
and 2~ from the time reversal relation is K~ 1
] M ~ I 2 - A ~ : E R' (17)
,L~ n3 = 2~ + 2, n~- 2) co(n~ + 2, n~ - 2)/co (n~, n~).
(12) where K ~ is a fit parameter.
We get more simple formulae for the transition rates The factor R accounts for a difference in interactions
without the Pauli principle corrections from (7), (9)- between unlike and like nucleons, the interaction
(12) in the limit of g~-l, g~l ~E, namely between the unlike ones being generally stronger by
a factor of about 3. We take this parameter to be
2~t R=2.89 [16]. We shall discuss the parametrization
,~(n~,n~)=~p,~h,~ ([M,.~[2g~(n~- 2)+'M~12 g~n@ (17) in a subsequent paper. This point is not impor-
tant for the present considerations. We note that in
the limit of R = 1.0, N =Z= 89 the matrix elements
2+(n~,n~ ) 2re g~E2 ( 2grc )
-h n(n+l)IMpel ~-n,~+lm~lZg~n~, (17) reduce to the frequently used parametrization of
Ref. 17 for the one-component model
IM] 2 =KA-3E -1. (18)
2O(n= '
n0, = ~-I1Vl
n ' (15)

and analogously for the other transitions with rc and 4. Comparison of the One-
v interchanged. The results (13)-(15) agree with the and Two-Component Models
expressions given previously in [8-10] in the case of
IM~=12=lM==lZ=lM~l 2 (in Refs. 8 and 10, however, The simple considerations show immediately the dif-
the 2~ process is not considered and [8] requires ference between the one- and two-component ex-
g~=g,). citon models. We assume N = Z = 8 9 and g,~=gv
J. Dobeg and E. B&~tk: Two-Component Exciton Model 333

=89 in this section and take the simplified forms of the n = 3 exciton configurations in the two-com-
the transition rates without the Pauli principle cor- ponent model (the unimportant common factors are
rections (13)-(15). The reactions induced by an in- deleted in the equations below)
cident proton are studied as an example.
The transition rates ;~+ dominate for the initial sta- drr~ U e(e + 1)
ges of a reaction, when the exciton number is low. de~ (n = 3) ~ e~ o-~(e~)K~,, (2R + 1)2 (20)
The initial configuration (1, 0, 0,0) decays into more
complex n = 3 configurations (2, 1, 0, 0) and (1, 0, 1, 1). dcrv (n=3)~e" U e2
The initial flux is divided into two parts with the dev a~(e~) K~-~ (2R + 1)2.
transition rates 2+(1,0) and 2+(1,0), the ratio of The residual excitation energies U differ, of course,
populating the (2, 1,0,0) state to the (1,0, 1, 1) state for different final channels.
being In the one-component model the proton-neutron
1 distinguishability is taken into account by introduc-
ing an additional factor into the emission rates. Sev-
eral proposals to do that appeared in literature [2-
The configuration (1,0, 1, 1) is more probable to be 6]. We discuss mainly the factor Q of [5], which
populated than the (2, 1,0,0) configuration. There agrees for N = Z with the factor (~ of [6]. The one-
are two factors which contribute to this effect. The component emission rate of particle fi is
first one is caused by the distinguishability of neu-
(.o(p Pa, h)
trons and protons, which results in that the unlike 2~ = ~ e~ a p(ep) oo(p,h) QP(P)' (21)
nucleon is more easily excited than the like nucleon.
It causes the appearance of the factor 89 standing p and h denoting the number of excited particles
together with the proton exciton number n~ in the and holes, respectively. For proton induced reac-
expression for 2~+ (14). This was also pointed out in tions
[8]. The second factor 1/R which increases the exci-
tation of unlike nucleons, comes out from the fact 1N
that the interaction between the unlike nucleons is Q.(p) = 1 + - ~-, (22)
stronger than that between the like ones.
The n = 3 configurations decay into more complex 1
Q~(p) = 1 - - .
n = 5 configurations. The total transition rate for this p
decay ;t~+ +)~+ is dependent only on the total exciton
number n = n~ + n~, Approximating the one-component model lifetimes
by T = l / 2 + and taking the usual formulae [14, 18]
for the one-component densities and transition rates
-2~ h 2A n+l" (with the Pauli principle neglected) and (18) for the
matrix element, one obtains the cross section for the
The mean lifetimes of the n = 3 states are approxi- proton and neutron pre-equilibrium emission from
mated by (6) the n = 3 configuration in the one-component model
(again the common factors are deleted, as has been
2+(1,0,0,0) 1 done in (20))
T(2, 1, 0, 0) = (19)
A+(n= 1) A+(n=3)
2+(1,0,0,0) 1
dtr,~(n=3)~e,~tr,~(e=) U 3 (23)
T(1, 0, 1, 1) = de,~ K 8'
A+(n= 1) A+(n=3)"
dav(n=3)~e ~ U 1
Note that the mean lifetimes are not equal simply to de~ a~(~)~ 8"
[A+(n= 3)] -~ as was deduced in [6]. Of course, they
must also depend on the decay of the lower exciton The emission from the n = 3 exciton state is expected
states. In the one-component version only one decay to give the main contribution to the most energetic
path is possible and T is approximated by T = 1/2 +. part of the preequilibrium spectra. Neglecting the
This is not true, however, in the two-component difference in the composite-nucleus formation cross
model. sections of protons and neutrons, as well as that in
Taking the lifetimes (19) and calculating the emis- the residual energies U we get the ratio of the n = 3
sion rates from (16) one gets the cross section for the proton-to-neutron emission in the two-component
proton and neutron pre-equilibrium emission from model
334 J. Dobeg and E. B6tfik: Two-Component Exciton Model

da~ R+ 1 decays completely into the n = 3 configuration. The

(n = 3) = -~ (24) value n = 3 can thus be taken as the initial exciton
number. In the two-component model, however, we
In the one-component model this ratio equals 3. must start from the appropriate n--1 state, which
Equation (24) gives the ratio of 3 for the value of forks into two different n = 3 configurations.
R=0.5, ratio of 2 for R = 1.0, whereas for the realistic
value R = 2 . 8 9 one has da=/dc%=l.35. The ratio of
proton-to-neutron pre-equilibrium emission in the 5. Calculations
two-component model decreases thus twice to three
times as compared to the one-component formu- We have written the computer program, which sol-
lation with the distinguishability factor Q of [5]. ves the set of the two-component master equations
When the distinguishability factor is taken in accord by the use of the above discussed method and cal-
with [3], we get the one-component ratio d%/da~
= 2.0. This is in better agreement with our two-com-
ponent formulation, nevertheless, for R close to 3 still
54Fe§ p
some discrepancy remains.
Comparing (20) and (23) we see that the proton Ep = 29 MeV Ep=39MeV
spectra in the one- and two-component formulation 100
agree when the parameters of the matrix elements
are chosen to be A

(25) -~100"
K 3 (2R + 1) 2.

This ratio equals 0.5, 0.593 and 0.652 for R =0.5, 1.0 .g \
and 2.89, respectively. Further on, taking into ac- 10 )
count the differences in squared matrix element
parametrization in the one-component (18) and two-
component (17) versions, we conclude that in order
to get the same magnitude of pre-equilibrium cross a 1 i I

section one has to take the two-component squared 1C) 20 10 20 30

matrix element to be approximately twice the one- E(MeV)
component squared matrix element.
54Fe + p
This fact is quite understandable and has been dis-
cussed also by G u p t a [6]. In the one-component
100 Ep - 62 MeV
model we average also over the "false" transitions in
which the number of protons and neutrons is not
conserved separately, and which are excluded in the
two-component model. This must be compensated } lc
by diminishing the average transition squared ma-
trix element by a factor of about two.
We notice that in the two-component model we do
not consider other conservation laws (e.g. those for
angular m o m e n t u m and isospin). This causes anoth- lC -'-"~.~.~p, n}
er diminishing of the transition squared matrix ele-
ment when compared to the effective residual in-
teraction elements from nuclear structure calcu-
b 1 , , , ,'-.'..x. ,
lations, in which the conservation laws are consid- 20 40 ~lMeV) 60
ered. This fact plays also the main role in discrepan- Fig. 3a. Proton and neutron spectra calculated for the reaction of
cies between exciton and nuclear structure matrix 29 MeV and 39 MeV protons on S4Fe. The full line represents the
elements found in [19-1. two-component calculations with the recommended value
Finally, we conclude this section by commenting the R = 2.89, the dotted-dashed and the dotted lines that of R = 1.0 and
R=0.5, respectively. The one-component calculations are drawn
choice of the initial exciton configuration. In the as a dashed line. In several cases, the curves are undistinguishable
one-component model the n = l configuration does in this scale and not all four of them can be drawn; b the same
not contribute to the inelastic nucleon emission and as in a, but for 62MeV incident protons
J. Dobeg and E. B&fik: Two-Component Exciton Model 335

culates the spectra of emitted particles. The secon-

\ 103Rh * p
dary, as well as the further emissions can be includ-
ed. In the present paper, however, only the emission 100
\'k~ Ep " 18HeY
of primary and secondary nucleons is taken into
account. The expressions for the densities and the
transition rates are those of Sect. 3 with the Pauli-
principle corrections included. The two-component
results are compared with the analogous one-com-
10 \)~
ponent exciton-model calculations with the dis-
tinguishability factor Q (22). The composite-nucleus
"~- , ] "\.
\ \\\~
formation cross sections are computed for both pro-
tons and neutrons from the Becchetti-Greenless
optical potential [20-]. The single-particle level den-
"~ ,\ ~L--.~.\.\
__.__~ \\ \
sities have been specified in Sect. 3. (P,P')
We do not intend to perform a detailed comparison
with the experiment in the present work. We shall
rather concentrate on comparison of the one- and I0~ ~ 7
two-component models. We take the recommended
value K = 4 0 0 M e V 3 [5] for the one-component mo-
del in (18). The constant K ~ for the two-component
/ ,
calculations (see (17)) is obtained from (25) in order
i 1 , I i i i t I i i i i i i
to get approximately the same proton spectra in 5 10 15 ~(MeV )
both the one- and two-component calculations. Sev- Fig. 5. The comparison of theoretical (lines) and experimental
eral different values are taken for the ratio R. Doing (histograms) spectra of the (p,n) and (p,p') reactions on l~ at
that, we keep in mind that the most realistic one 18 MeV. The standard two- and one-component calculations are
value is R=2.89. drawn in full and dashed line, respectively. The dotted-dashed
one represents the two-component calculations with (2, 0, 0, 0)
Spectra for proton-induced reactions on 54Fe and being the initial exciton configuration. The experimental data are
2~ are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. The curves for from [211
different values of R are depicted. The results of the
one- and two-component models are very close for
R=0.5, in accord with our estimate in the preceding k 169Tm +P
section. The proton spectra agree well in both mo- 100 ~ Ep = 18HeV
dels also for R = I . 0 and R = 2 . 8 9 ( K ~ was chosen in
that way). The neutron spectra then increase with
increasing R. The actual ratio of proton to neutron
spectra is in very good agreement with the simple
estimate of Sect. 4. This is true not only for the 54Fe lo ' ~ ~
target, which is close to N=Z, but also for reactions
on 2~

1001 209Bi P 41

10 ~ ~
E f"
10 -.x {p,n ) (p,n.~

= i , , I i /t'/~//, , i i , , , f t"
10 20 30 5 10 ~ (HEY) 15
Fig. 4. The same as in Fig. 3, but for 39 MeV and 62 MeV protons Fig. 6. The same as in Fig. 5, but for the Z69Tm target
on 2~
336 J. Dobew and E. B&~k: Two-Component Exciton Model

Reactions, in which both the proton and neutron single-particle level densities did not improved the
spectra are measured simultaneously, would be most fit to the experiment. Nor the changed energy de-
useful for a comparison of the two-component for- pendence of the exciton-model matrix element in the
mulation with the experiment. Such data are, unfor- way of [19] has any effect.
tunately, rare. We have compared the calculated Further comparison with the experiment was made
proton and neutron spectra with the experiment of for proton spectra from [22] and neutron spectra
18MeV protons of l~ and 169Tm [-21]. The re- from Ref. 23 with incident protons between Ep=
sults are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The agreement of 25-62 MeV. The energies and targets for these two ex-
calculated proton spectra with the experiment is periments are close. The proton spectra from 54Fe
good, for ~~ target being underestimated by a +p and 2~ reactions are in Figs. 7 and 8, the
factor of about 2, which is still considered to be neutron spectra for 48Ca+p and 2~ +p reactions
reasonable. The neutron spectra are, however, sub- are in Figs. 9 and 10. The agreement of calculated
stantially overpredicted in the two-component mo- and measured proton spectra is reasonable. The
del. The one-component calculations give a slightly two-component results agree closely with the results
better agreement, but the differences, especially for
the l~ target, are large up to a factor of 5. It has
been suggested [21], that the situation can be cured
by a change of the starting exciton configuration.
Since the targets are odd-proton nuclei, the starting i 209Bi(p,p' )
configuration (p~,h~, p~, hJ = (2, 0, 0, 0) was taken.
The two-component results with this starting con- 10 =
figuration are also shown in Figs. 5 and 6 (dotted-
dashed lines). The fit to the neutron spectra is now
good. On the other hand, the agreement with proton
spectra deteriorates considerably. The calculations
with the changed values of the constant K ~ and/or

10 20 ~, 10 20 30

5/-'Fe (p,p')

1; 2; 3b /.0 5; ~'p(MeVl

Fig. 8. The same as in Fig. 7, but for 2~ at 39 and 62MeV

E 100
48C0 (p,n)
"0 Ep=25HeV Ik Ep=35MeV Ep~/..5MeV
~o( =


1 i i i I I ~It i . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,t

10 20 30 40 50 60 10 20 10 20 30 20 30 40
~n (MeV)
~p (MeV)
Fig. 7. Theoretical and experimental spectra of 54Fe(p, p') reaction Fig. 9. Theoretical and experimental spectra of 48Ca(p, n) reaction
at 29, 39 and 62 MeV. The experiment 1-22] is drawn as a histo- at 25, 35 and 45 MeV. The experiment 1-23] is drawn as a full
gram, the two-component calculations are represented as a full line heavy line, the thin lines represent the two-component (full) and
and the one-component ones as a dashed line one-component (dashed) calculations, respectively
J. Dobeg and E. B&fik: Two-Component Exciton Model 337

100 formulation can be found, which reproduces the

208pb[p n ] two-component results. This would be consistently
achieved by summing over proton and neutron ex-
,~~35MeV Ep:45MeV citons to characterize the exciton states only by their
sum n=n~+n v. The procedure for eliminating ad-
ditional subscripts in the exciton model has been
discussed in [24]. We can perform the summation in
\"x"x\x\ \ ~ the master equations to obtain the effective one-
component probabilities P(n, t) = ~ P(n~, nv, t).
C \\
To calculate nuclear spectra we need, however,
\%x quantities as

p. P(n., n., t) and E P, P(n=, n., t),

1 ,% the meaning of which is not clear in the one-com-
I0 20 30 20 30 Z.O ponent simplification. The summation over (n~,nv)
En(MeVl can easily be done when intending to analyse only
Fig. 1O. The same as in Fig. 9, but for 2~ reactions at 35 the total nucleon cross section a~ + a~.
and 45 MeV We can consider, of course, proton-neutron dis-
tinguishability in the one-component model by in-
of the one-component formulation in which these troducing by hand a factor analogous to the pre-
reactions have been frequently studied before (e.g. sently used distinguishability factors. Such a factor
[5, 9, 10]). The neutron spectra are also described can be arranged as to give good proton-to-neutron
well in the two-component model. Therein, the re- emission ratio for the lowest exciton configuration
suits are considerably better than those from one- and also for the most complex equilibrium stage. Its
component formulation, except, may be, one case: consistent introduction for the intermediate stages of
35 MeV protons on 2~ The one-component cal- a reaction and/or for the secondary and further
culations underpredict the experiment. So both the emission is, however, unclear.
proton and neutron spectra of [22] and [23] are The experimental indications for our predictions are
fitted well in the two-component model, which is still controverse. We have found a very bad agree-
superior to the one-component formulation in this ment with the experiment for the (p, n) spectra on
case. l~ and 169Tm at Ep=18MeV, where the two-
component model acts in a wrong direction. The
(p,n) spectra on 4SCa and 2~ with Ep=
6. Conclusions 25-45 MeV have been noticeably improved in the two-
component calculations. The discrepancy found for
The proton-neutron distinguishability has been ex- the spectra on l~ and 169Tm needs a further
plicitly introduced in the two-component exciton analysis. Recently, a kind of shell-effect corrections
model. The important change of the emitted proton- has been suggested for the exciton model [7]. These
to-neutron cross section ratio appear. The pre- effects might appear to be important in our case. We
equilibrium neutron spectra are enhanced by a fac- note also that nuclei studied in Figs. 7-10, where the
tor of 2-3 in proton-induced reactions as compared agreement with experiment is good, are spherical
to the one-component formulation. This relative en- ones. The nuclei l~ and a69Tm are deformed, so
hancement of neutron cross sections is explained by the effect of deformation might play also some
two facts not considered in the one-component cal- role.
culations: In the present paper we have studied the proton-
neutron distinguishability in the exciton model. We
i. the distinguishability of nucleons enables the un-
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like nucleon to be more easily excited than the like
the other pre-equilibrium decay models [4, 25].
ii. the interaction between unlike nucleons is
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