Formative Assessment 3 (EIA PROCESS)

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Chapter III

A. Description of the EIA Process

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a technique to help ecological decision-making. It is a
cycle that considers public inclusion when positive and adverse consequences (openings and
restrictions) related to a proposed game plan are surveyed. The point of this is to decide the best
possible game-plan.


The EIA group for a water system and seepage study is probably going to be made out of a few or
the entirety of the following: 

 A group chief 
 A hydrologist 
 A water system/seepage engineer 
 A fisheries scholar/environmentalist 
 An agronomist/pesticide expert 
 A soil preservation expert 
 An organic/natural researcher 
 A financial expert, a social researcher, and a health researcher

The final framework of the group will fluctuate contingent upon the plan. Experts may likewise
be needed for hands-on work, lab testing, library research, information handling, reviews, and
demonstrating. The group chief will require viable administration abilities to correlate the work of a
group with differing expertise and knowledge. 

There will be countless individuals engaged with EIA separated from full-time colleagues. These
individuals will be situated in different associations, for example, the project proposing and
approving bodies, administrative specialists, and various interest parties. Such staff would be situated
in numerous organizations and the private area; a significant number will require explicit EIA


The length of the EIA will rely upon the program, plan, or venture under audit. Nonetheless, the
cycle usually lasts somewhere in the range of 6 and 18 months from planning to assessment. It will
typically be around a similar length as the feasibility investigation, of which it should shape a
fundamental part. Before the scoping activity can be completely begun, the transmit of the study
should be characterized and settled upon by the important gatherers. These will fluctuate contingent
upon the institutional construction. At the very least, the individuals who ought to decide the dispatch
will incorporate the individuals who choose whether an arrangement or project is executed. Initial
scoping is directed by the Regional Office to be trailed by a specialized scoping to be managed by the
concerned organization. The EIA initial environmental report will fill in as a premise to favor the
application for the Environmental Certificate. Issuance of ECC and completion of the required papers
should be done prior to its development.



Chapter 3. - The EIA processes. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2021, from
Western Cape Management, (2015). Environmental impact assessment (EIA). Environmental Affairs
and Development Planning. Retrieved April 28, 2021, from

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