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Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121 (929-938) 929

Simultaneous Determination of 60 Pesticides

in Water Using Solid-phase Microextraction
and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Anna A. Boyd-Boland, Sonia Magdic and Janusz B. Pawliszyn*

Department of Chemistry and the Waterloo Centi-efor Groundwater Research,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Onturio, Canada N2L 3GI
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

A new method for the simultaneous determination of 60 of a small-diameter optical fibre that has been coated with a
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pesticides by solid-phase microextraction and gas polymeric stationary phase and housed in a syringe assembly
chromatography-mass spectrometry is presented. The for protection. SPME eliminates the separate concentration step
analyte mixture contains representatives from each of the from the SPE and LLE methods because the analytes diffuse
organonitrogen,organochlorine and organophosphorus directly into the coating of the SPME device and are
classes. Both polyacrylate- and polydimethylsiloxane- concentrated there. This device is then transferred directly into
coated fibres are used to extract the analytes directly the injection port of' the gas chromatograph where all the
from the samples over the concentration range analytes are thermally desorbed and deposited at the head of the
0.1-100 pg 1-1. The performances of the two types of GC column. The SPME process has been described in detail and
coating were compared. The limits of detection with both will not be fully examined here,2s but one aspect of the SPME
coatings were determined to be at the ng 1-l to sub-ng I-1 process, the selection of an appropriate coating, will be
levels, depending on the selectivity of the coating for an discussed in detail in Results.
analyte. The method was applied to the analysis of SPME methods have been developed for a variety of
samples obtained from the Russian and Canadian Arctic. applications, including drugs in urine and blood, volatile
A contaminated groundwater sample and a contaminated organic compounds in air, fatty acids and flavours in foods and
soil sample, both containing metolachlor, were analysed beverages.'Sp26 Methods have also been described for the
by the proposed method and the results were found to be analysis of some pesticides.377-41 However, none of these
comparable to those obtained by a liquid-liquid methods has been shown to be applicable to the analysis of more
extraction method. Orange juice was spiked with the 60 than 25 analytes from more than two of the main classes of
pesticides and their recoveries were determined. pesticides. In this paper, an SPME method coupled with GC-
MS for the simultaneous determination of 60 pesticides is
Keywords: Solid-phase microextraction; gas described. The target analytes represent pesticides from three
chromatography-mass spectrometry; pesticides; major classes, i.e., organochlorine, organophosphorus and
organonitrogen pesticides. A list of the analytes and the classes
to which they belong is given in Table 1.
The suitability of the relatively polar pol yacrylate-coated
fibre and the non-polar polydimethylsiloxane-coated fibre was
Introduction investigated. The limits of detection and precision data are
The need for simple methods for screening water samples for given for each coating. The proposed method is shown to be
environmental contaminants is well known. Pesticides represent ideally suited for routine screening of water samples and for the
an almost universal contaminant in many drinking waters, determination of pesticides in water from mg 1-' to pg 1-I
ground water and soils.l-18 Total pesticide production in the levels.
USA exceeds 1 X 1O9 pounds per year. Typical concentration
levels of pesticides in contaminated waters range from low Experimental
pg 1-1 to low ng mI-l.'-IX.20 The qualitative and quantitative SPME Fibres
determination of pesticides in aqueous samples is usually The 100 pm thick polydimethylsiloxane fibres used are
performed by liquid-liquid extraction (LLE)l-'-' or solid- commercially available (Supelco, Mississauga, Canada). The
phase extraction (SPE)2-3,7,12-14,1732 methods. These two 95 pm thick polyacrylate fibres (purchased from Polymicro
procedures require several steps for sample preparation and Technologies, Phoenix, AZ. USA) were prepared manually.2s
extraction of the analytes of interest. To achieve the required Tne coated fibres were conditioned according to the manu-
limits of detection, a concentration step (solvent evaporation) is facturers' instructions to ensure that any contaminants that
included. It is at this stage in the analysis that the potential for might be present were removed prior to use. In general, this
loss of analytes or contamination of samples is the greatest. involved exposing the fibre to the hot GC injection port (250
Although this step is less aggressive in SPE methods, where the "C) for at least 3 h until no peaks were detected in blank
amounts of solvent used are smaller than those used for LLE analyses. If the polyacrylate fibre was not successfully
methods, volatile analytes may still be lost during the conditioned by that procedure, the procedure of Buchholz and
evaporation step, adsorption to vial walls can occur and trace Pawliszyn,32 which is briefly described here, was used. The
impurities present in solvents can also become concentrated. It coated fibres were placed inside a stainless-steel tube through
is therefore desirable to limit the number of sample handling which a stream of helium flowed. The stainless-steel tube was
steps involved in any analytical method. then placed inside a muffle furnace and held at 300 "C for 4 h.
Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) is an alternative tech- After mounting the fibres in the needle assembly, further
nique that involves direct extraction of the analytes with the use conditioning under helium at 250 "C in the injection port of a
gas chromatograph was required to remove impurities which
' To whom correspondence should be addres\ed. might be present from the epoxy.
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930 Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121

Reagents Organophosphorus pesticides. Two standard mixtures

(Supelco Canada, catalogue numbers 4-8391 and 4-8469,2000
Nitrogen-containing herbicides. Two standard mixtures (her- pg ml-- I ) were combined with isoxathion, fenitrothion, ipro-
bicide mix 1 and herbicide mix 2; Supelco Canada, catalogue fenfos, EPN and diazinon (Wako, Osaka, Japan; 98-99%
numbers 4-9136 and 4-9138, respectively, 100 pg ml-1) were purity) and diluted to contain 200 pg ml-1 of each analyte, with
purchased and used for preparation of the composite standard. the exception of disulfoton and methyl parathion, which were

Table 1 Classification of the 60 target analytes

Pesticide type Target analyte class Analyte Selected ion time/min
Nitrogen-containing herbicides Acetanilide Metolachlor 162 31.34
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

Diphenyl Ether Oxyfluorofen 36 1 35.52

Nitroanilines Benfluralin 292 25.03
Isopropalin 280 32.44
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Pendimethalin 252 33.02

Profluralin 318 27.22
Trifluralin 306 24.58
Substituted uracils Bromacil 207 3 1.04
Terbacil 161 28.06
Substituted amide Propachlor 120 23.22
Thiocarbamates EPTC 128 17.09
Butylate 146 18.56
Cycloate 154 23.55
Molinate 126 21.32
Pebulate 204 19.43
Vemolate 128 19.19
Triazines Atrazine 216 26.33
Hexazinone 171 38.58
Metribuzin 198 29.23
Propazine 214 26.45
Simazine 202 26.21
Triazole Oxadiazon 258 35.40
Organochlorine pesticides Cyclodienes Aldrin 263 31.29
Dieldrin 79 35.37
Endosulfan I 24 1 34.34
Endosulfan I1 195 & 159 36.48
Endosulfan sulfate 272 38.29
Endrin 263 36.28
Endrin aldehyde 345 37.32
Endrin ketone 317 40.17
Heptachl or 100 30.01
Hetpachlor epoxide 353 33.06
Diphenyl aliphatics Methoxychlor 227 40.48
p,p’-DDD 235 37.08
p,p’-DDE 246 35.31
p,p’-DDT 235 38.38
Hexachlorocyclohexanes a-BHC 181 25.26
0-BHC 181 26.38
6-BHC 181 27.52
Lindane (y-BHC) 181 26.53
Organophosphorus pesticides Phosphate Dichlorvos 109 14.32
Phosphonothioate EPN 157 40.34
Phosphorodithioates Azinphos-methyl 160 41.55
Dimethoate 230 26.02
Disulfoton 89 27.54
Ethoprofos 243 23.53
Phorate 75 25.18
Prothiofos 309 35.15
Phosphorothiolate Iprofenfos (IBP) 91 28.36
Phosphorothionate Chlorpyrifos 3 14 31.44
Diazinon 305 27.44
Ethyl Parathion 292 3 1.46
Famphur 218 38.05
Fenchlorvos 285 30.18
Fenitrothion 125 30.49
Isoxathion 100 31.15
Methyl Parathion 109 29.4 I
phorothiate (O,O,O,-
TEP) I98 12.40
Thionazin 249 23.14
Pyrophosphate Sulfotep 322 25.09
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Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121 93 1

present in both the standard mixes, and hence were present in spectrometric detector. A 30 m X 0.25 mm id SPB-5 (0.25 pm)
the organophosphorus pesticide mixture at 400 pg ml-1. column was used. The column temperature programme was as
Organochlorine pesticides. The standard mixture (Supelco follows: 40 "C held for 5 min., ramped to 100 "C at 30
Canada, catalogue number 4-8913, 2000 pg ml-1) was diluted "C min-1, ramped to 275 "C at 5 "C min-1 and ramped to 300
in methanol to 200 pg ml-I. "C at 30 "C min-1, with a final hold for 2 min. The injector, the
Composite standard. This was prepared by addition of 25 pl transfer line and the ion-trap manifold were held at 250 "C. The
of each of the herbicide mixes and the diluted organophospho- mass spectrometer was tuned to FC-43 (perfluorotri-
rus standard and 12.5 pl of the organochlorine standard and butylamine). The electron multiplier and automatic gain control
dilution to 100 pl with ethyl acetate. The final standard were set automatically. The mass range scanned was 45-400 u.
contained each analyte at 25 pg ml-l, with the exception of The detector was turned off for the first 300 s to prevent
disulfoton and methyl parathion, which were present at 50 overloading the electron multiplier from the solvents used in the
pg ml-1. Stock standard solutions were freshly prepared at least preparation of the composite standard.
every 2 weeks and used to prepare 4 ml working standard Mass spectra were collected in the total ion current mode for
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

conditions at the required concentration. each analysis; however, one or two characteristic mass
Aqueous standards. All standard solutions were prepared fragments were chosen for quantification and calibration. The
with NANOpure water (Barnstead ultrapure water system) . ions selected for each analyte are listed in Table 1.
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Blank analyses were performed regularly to ensure that no

herbicides were present in laboratory reagents or fibres.
Analytical Procedure
Russian and Canadian Arctic Samples Aqueous standard solutions were prepared by spiking an
appropriate amount of working standard solution into 4.6 ml
Samples were obtained from the Waterloo Centre for Ground- clear vials (Supelco Canada) containing 4 ml of NANOpure
water Research. The Canadian samples were both core ice and water, that were sealed with hole-caps and Teflon-lined septa
surface snow samples collected in May 1993 and May 1994. (Supelco Canada). After addition of the aliquot and a stirrer bar
The Russian samples were collected from ice caps: Acad Navr, to the vial, approximately 0.5 ml of headspace was left into
Lenningradski, Alexander, Usha Kova and Graham Bell. which the needle was placed to prevent wicking of the sample
Samples were allowed to melt under refrigeration and stored as during extraction. The fibre was then exposed to the aqueous
liquids in brown glass bottles. phase for 50 min with stirring at room temperature (about 23
"C). After extraction, the fibre was directly exposed to the hot
Contaminated Groundwater and Soil Samples injector of the gas chromatograph for 5 min and subsequently
Groundwater and soil samples were collected from Cambridge, analysed.
Ontario, Canada: water from well number 40-9320 and soil
from borehole number BH-50. The water was analysed in Sample Analysis
triplicate in 4 ml aliquots by the procedure described in this
section. The soil was analysed by suspending 0.5 g of the All aqueous samples were directly analysed by taking 4 ml
sample in 4 ml of water and exposing the SPME device to the aliquots with an autopipette (Model 5000, Nichiryo, Japan).
water-soil mixture. Both standard addition and external calibration methods were
used to quantify the amount of an analyte identified in the
aqueous sample. Samples were first analysed and pesticides
identified if their mass spectra and retention times were the
All analyses were performed with a Varian Model 3400 gas same as those found for standards. Subsequently, triplicate real
chromatograph coupled with a Varian Saturn ion-trap mass samples, together with triplicate spiked samples or triplicate

- Trifluralin


2000000 -



8 lsopropalin
?? Pendimethalin


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
- 2 1000000

- b-BHC


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fig. 1 Extraction time profiles for ( a )nitroanilines extracted with the polyacrylate fibre and (h) HCHs extracted with the polydimethylsiloxane fibre.
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932 Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121

aqueous standard solutions were analysed and the amount of Results and Discussion
any pesticide detected was calculated. The concentrations
Solid-phase microextraction is an equilibrium process. It
spiked were 10 and 20 ng ml-1.
involves the partitioning of analytes between the sample matrix
and a polymeric stationary phase that has been coated on to a
fused-silica fibre, according to the partition coefficients, K, of
Table 2 Limits of detection (LOD), equilibration times and precision* the analytes. These coefficients can be defined by the following
Equilibration Precision
LODt/ng 1-’ time/min (RSD, %) nJa,
K=- (1)
Target analyte PAC PDMS PAC PDMS PAC PDMS nqvs
O,O,O-TEP 8 3 90 30 3 11 where n, is the amount extracted by the fibre coating at
Dichlorovos 33 30 30 30 16 12 equilibrium, n,, is the amount present in the aqueous phase at
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

EPTC 16 2 60 30 19 14 equilibrium and V,, and V , are the volumes of the aqueous and
Butylate 1 1 60 60 10 3 stationary phases, respectively. It can be seen that the amount of
Vemolate 2 I 60 60 12 10 an analyte extracted at equilibrium is directly proportional to the
Downloaded by University of Wisconsin - Madison on 04 October 2012

Pebulate 19 14 60 60 7 10 volume of the stationary phase and the partition coefficient.

Molinate 12 4 60 30 8 14
Hence the sensitivity and limit of detection of the method will
Thionazin 23 17 60 30 14 12
Propachlor 16 13 30 30 13 6 be dependent on the partition coefficient.
Ethoprofos 4 5 90 30 11 13 The most significant factor affecting the magnitude of the
Cycloate 1 1 60 60 11 5 partition coefficient is the affinity of an analyte for the fibre
Trifluralin I 1 60 >I20 6 7
Benfluralin 1 1 60 >120 4 7
Sulfotep 1 1 60 90 5 8
Phorate 2 1 90 60 2 10
a-BHC 1 1 30 60 5 9
Dimethoate 60 50 30 30 17 13
Simazine 15 18 60 30 19 37
Atrazine 11 23 30 30 4 3
(3-BHC 1 1 60 60 5 17
Propazine 6 5 30 30 13 4
Lindane 1 1 90 30 6 7
Profluralin I 1 60 >120 4 7
Diazinon 1 1 90 60 5 10
6-BHC 1 2 90 60 6 6
Disulfoton 2 0.7 90 60 8 6
Terbacil 9 9 30 30 17 17
Iprofenfos 5 6 30 30 12 6 13:ZB 28:EE
Metribuzin 19 4 60 >120 13 31
Methyl parathion 3 3 90 30 5 7
Heptachlor 1 1 60 >120 5 14 41/42 45/46 u-
Fenchlorovos 1 1 90 >120 15 10 12-16 I 1749
Fenitrothion 7 9 90 30 4 10
Bromacil 8 10 30 30 9 8
Isoxathion 1 1 90 60 10 7 I
Aldrin I 1 90 >I20 9 2
Metolachlor 8 9 30 30 16 5
Chloropy rifos 1 1 90 120 8 8
Ethyl parathion 1 1 90 60 4 12
Isopropalin 1 1 60 > I 2 0 I1 6
Pendimethalin 1 1 60 >I20 2 6
Heptachlor epoxide 1 1 60 90 2 10
Endosulfan I 1 1 90 >120 6 8
Prothiofos 1 1 60 90 17 7
p,p’-DDE 1 1 60 >120 5 20 I
1688 2888
Dieldrin 1 1 90 120 5 19 888
13:28 28:88 2 6 : ~ 33:28
Oxidiazon 1 1 60 60 8 4
Time/m in
Oxyfluorofen 1 1 90 >120 8 9
Endrin 1 1 90 >120 5 6 Fig. 2 Simultaneous determination of 60 pesticide in a mixture by SPME
Endosulfan I1 1 1 90 > I 2 0 10 12 with GC-MS and (a)polydimethylsiloxane and (b)polyacrylate fibre, with
p.p’-DDD 0.1 1 90 >I20 10 19 a 50 min extraction from 100 ng 1-l solutions. Peak identification: 1,
Endrin aldehyde 0.8 2 60 >I20 14 20 O,O,O-TEP; 2, dichlorovos; 3, EPTC; 4, butylate; 5 , vernolate; 6, pebulate;
Famphur 33 18 30 30 10 10 7, molinate; 8, thionazin; 9, propachlor; 10, ethoprofos; 11, cycloate; 12,
Endosulfan sulfate 1 0.6 90 60 7 6 trifluralin; 13, benfluralin; 14, sulfotep; 15, phorate; 16, a-BHC; 17,
p,p’-DDT 1 1 60 >I20 11 10 dimethoate; 18, simazine; 19, atrazine; 20, P-BHC; 21, propazine; 22,
Hexazinone 15 6 30 30 20 20 lindane; 23, profluralin; 24, diazinon; 25, 6-BHC; 26, disulfoton; 27,
Endrin ketone 1 1 90 60 4 4 terbacil; 28, iprofenfos; 29, metribuzin; 30, methyl parathion; 3 1,
EPN 1 1 30 30 6 4 heptachlor; 32, fenchlorovos; 33, fenitrothion; 34, bromacil; 35, isoxathion;
Methoxychlor I 1 90 >120 10 4 36, aldrin; 37, metolachlor; 38, chloropyrifos; 39, ethyl parathion; 40,
Azinphos-methy 1 19 2 60 30 10 13 isopropalin; 41, pendimethalin; 42, heptachlor epoxide; 43, endosulfan I;
I- PAC is 95 pm polyacrylate and PDMS is 100 Clm POlY - 44, prothiofos; 45, p,p’-DDE; 46, dieldrin; 47, oxadiazon; 48, oxyfluorofen;
dimethylsiloxane. Calcuiated for the line of best fit with a zero intercept, 49, endrin; 50, endosulfan 11; 51, p,p’-DDD; 52, endrin aldehyde; 53,
over the range 0.1-100 pg I-’ (three replicates at each point). famphur; 54, endosulfan sulfate; 55, p,p’-DDT; 56, hexazinone; 57, endrin
ketone; 58, EPN; 59, Methoxychlor; 60, azinphos-methyl.
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Analyst, .luly 1996, Vol. 121 933

coating. The choice of an appropriate stationary phase is thus as that in methods developed for the analytes in separate
extremely important. Two coated fibres available commer- mixtures. The equilibration time may be determined experimen-
cially, polydimethylsiloxane and polyacrylate, were tested for tally by constructing an extraction time profile (Fig. 1) in which
their suitability for the combined pesticide analysis. Organo- the extraction time is plotted against the GC area counts. Table
chlorine pesticides are relatively non-polar, Pat-soluble ana- 2 shows the equilibration times, determined by this procedure,
lytes, whereas organophosphorus pesticides are relatively polar, for each class of analyte extracted with both fibres. The
highly water-soluble analytes. It is likely, then, that these equilibration times ranged from 10 to > 120 min, with more
compounds will be best extracted with different coatings. The than half of the analytes reaching equilibrium by 50 min. The
important factor then becomes the conditions, under which optimized GC separation is 44 min in duration, so a 50 min
adequate extraction of both of these classes can be achieved. extraction time provides optimum time efficiency for the SPME
One consideration is the choice of an appropriate extraction method by ensuring that once the GC run is completed and the
time. Since the rate at which the extraction process reaches oven has cooled to the initial temperature (approximately 5
equilibrium is primarily dependent on the rate of mass transfer min), the next sample is ready for injection.
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

in the aqueous phase, it is essential that constant rapid stirring is The equilibration times determined for the analytes with this
employed.35 It is also important to maintain a constant combined method compare well with those reported using other
temperature within +2 "C during the extraction since large methods for the respective a n a l ~ t e s . 3 7This
~ ~ indicates that
Downloaded by University of Wisconsin - Madison on 04 October 2012

fluctuations may affect the rate of mass transfer and thus the increasing the number of target analytes from 20 to 60 does not
equilibration time. Temperature variations may also lead to affect the kinetics of the extraction process. The equilibration
significant reproducibility errors and thus affect the over-all times of each analyte with each fibre are the same or relatively
precision of the method. Therefore, the time for each analyte in close. The exceptions are analytes that are very well extracted
the combined mixture to reach equilibrium should be the same by the polydimethylsiloxane fibre ( i . ~ . they, have large K





4.000,OOO t 1



1 .o0O,o0o

0 0

c 5
w $
4 W

Fig. 3 Effect of addition of salt to the matrix with the polyacrylate fibre for ( a ) nitrogen-containing herbicides, ( h )organophosphorus pesticides and ( c )
organochlorine pesticides.
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934 Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121

values). The polydimethylsiloxane coating has a slightly larger time is not carefully monitored, the precision could be
volume than the polyacrylate coating and hence a slightly larger unacceptable. It is therefore recommended that all extractions
capacity for an analyte even when the K values of the analyte for be performed for 50 k 2 min. Fortunately, the SPME extraction
each coating are similar. When the K values are much larger for procedure can be easily automated. The autosampler used for
an analyte with the polydimethylsiloxane fibre than they are SPME is a modified syringe injection system. The autosamplers
with the polyacrylate, the time to reach equilibrium is expected fit directly on to most conventional gas chromatographs with no
to be longer. This was observed for some analytes from the modification required, and provide a simple way of controlling
nitroaniline, cyclodiene and diphenyl aliphatic classes of the extraction time.
pesticide. The polydimethylsiloxane coating is almost capable The sensitivity of SPME methods is primarily dependent on
of completely extracting these analytes from an aqueous sample the K value of an analyte. If extractions are performed before
at low concentration and volume. equilibrium has been reached, the method is generally being
The two factors that have the potential to be affected by operated at less than optimum sensitivity. Fortunately, the
choosing an extraction time that is less than the time required for analytes with smaller K values generally have the shortest
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

equilibrium are precision and sensitivity. The former could be equilibration times (typically less than the 50 min selected
adversely affected if the extraction time is not carefully here), so the overall sensitivity of the method is not adversely
monitored, since slight deviations in the extraction time may affected. Fig. 2 shows a chromatogram obtained from a 50 min
Downloaded by University of Wisconsin - Madison on 04 October 2012

imply large variations in the amount extracted when equilibrium extraction of a 100 pg 1-l sample of the 60 pesticide mixture
has not been established. The precision of the method was with ( a ) polydimethylsiloxane and ( h )polyacrylate.
determined using a 50 min extraction time with a set of seven The chromatograms in Fig. 2 show the successful extraction
replicates using both of the coated fibres with MS detection of the 60 pesticides. The retention times of the analytes are
(Table 2). Most analytes were extracted with relative standard listed in Table 2, together with the relevant mass ion used for
deviations (RSDs) ranging from 2 to 20%. Although this quantification. Of the 60 analytes, only five pairs of analytes
precision is more than adequate for US EPA requirements, if the completely overlap: ethoprofos and cycloate; atrazine and

I w

Fig. 4 Effect of addition of salt to the matrix with the polydimethylsiloxane fibre for ( a )nitrogen-containing herbicides, (b)organophosphorus pesticides
and (c) organochlorine pesticides.
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Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121 935

CJ-BHC; 6-BHC and disulfoton; chlorpyrifos and ethyl para- even under neutral conditions, the limits of detection (Table 2)
thion; and pendimethalin and heptachlor. If the analysis of all 60 are sufficiently low with GC-MS to allow the determination of
pesticides was attempted with the use of flame ionization all the analytes at low- to sub-ng 1-1 levels. All the analytes
detection, quantification would be very difficult. In some cases, exhibit detection limits that are significantly lower than those
the use of dual detection with nitrogen-phosphorus detection required by the US EPA drinking water and waste water
(NPD) and electron-capture detection (ECD) would permit the methods.
resolution of the components. However, these analytes are The calculated limits of detection are presented in Table 2.
easily detected and quantified by MS by selecting an appro- The values were calculated from 10 pg 1- extractions using the
priate quantification mass. Fortunately, those analytes which do recommended procedure for each coated fibre and detection by
overlap have sufficiently different mass spectra so that selecting MS. The limits of detection are calculated as the concentration
several quantification ions is possible. The use of MS detection in the aqueous sample that produces a peak that has a signal-to-
also allows the confirmation of the identity of target analytes noise ratio of 3. However, even at this low concentration,
detected in real samples. several analyte peaks have signal-to-noise ratios well in excess
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

The effect of varying the ionic strength was tested for the of 100, and even up to 1000. This occurred as a result of the
analytes with both coatings by comparing the results obtained extremely low abundance of the ion selected for quantification
for unsalted and 25% NaCl solutions. The results are shown in in the background noise. For these analytes, the limit of
Downloaded by University of Wisconsin - Madison on 04 October 2012

Figs. 3 and 4.The 25% salt concentration was found to affect detection was estimated to be at least 1 ng 1-1. The linearity of
the extraction of target analytes differently depending on the the method was investigated over the range 0.1-100 pg 1-1,
class to which the analyte belongs. These findings are generally with both fibres and GC-MS. The correlation coefficients and
in agreement with previously published results for the same slopes of the line of best fit (forced through the origin) are also
analytes with different methods.37~38Interestingly, the addition
of salt showed the same influence (i.e., either a positive or
negative effect) for each analyte independent of the type of
coating used. This indicates that the addition of salt primarily Table 3 Results of the analysis of Russian Arctic Samples
affects an analyte's affinity for the aqueous phase rather than its
Concentration in sample/ng 1-1
affinity for the coating. The polarities of the two phases,
although different, are not sufficiently different to overcome the Target analyte Acad Lennin- Graham Usha
influence of the salt on the polarity and ionic strength of the detected Navr gradski Alexander Bell Kova
aqueous phase. There were a few exceptions to this general Dichlorovos 500 700 1500 600 ND*
observation, viz., endrin aldehyde, heptachlor epoxide and EPTC 440 140 120 ND 180
diazinon. Butylate ND ND ND 110 ND
Not surprisingly, different classes of analytes have different Vernolate 470 96 94 ND 170
conditions under which optimum extraction occurs; however, Molinate 150 14 ND 38 36
Thionazin ND 430 630 480 320
Propachlor 300 70 90 200 260
C ycloate 20 50 40 80 140
Trifluralin 2200 950 870 2200 1900
Sulfotep ND 2.3 2.1 4.3 5.7
f Phorate ND 24 ND ND 20
a-BHC 1000 380 690 200 220
Simazine ND ND 1100 2500 1100
Lindane 170 20 97 78 36
Profluralin 1300 700 520 1400 1090
6-BHC 98 ND 110 74 40
Disulfoton 5.8 7.7 7.2 8.5 7.9
Iprofenfos 52 95 83 76 110
Methyl parathion ND 84 ND 110 79
Heptachlor 58 160 99 280 210
Fenchlorvos 320 160 100 330 350
1688 2000 2400 Fenitrothion ND ND 180 240 320
26 :40 m:ze 48 :88
Isoxathion 43 45 43 82 92
Aldrin 280 310 220 3 10 290
Metolachlor 24 45 23 34 110

r Isopropalin
4200 1600
910 470
162 t Heptachlor epoxide 98 42 11 67 58
t Endosulfan I
2300 1000
130 140
5 1 91 , 284 328 p,p'-DDE 4000 2000 900 2300 2000
Oxadiazon 65 93 72 150 130
Oxy fluorofen 950 620 480 1900 1500
Endrin 10 38 2.1 83 60
Endosulfan I1 120 89 60 99 97
p,p'-DDD 1100 370 270 120 840
Endrin aldehyde 5.3 150 9.9 96 95
Famphur 70 99 110 350 180
Endosulfan sulfate 1.5 ND ND ND ND
p,p'-DDT ND 290 240 750 620
Endrin ketone 69 24 20 27 33
EPN 700 55 24 150 140
Methoxychlor 2100 160 72 590 370
Fig. 5 Chromatograms obtained for extraction of (a)contaminated ground * ND = not detected or detected below the limit of quantification.
water and (b)contaminated soil.
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936 Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121

provided in Table 2. Most of the analytes had correlation presence of the target analytes. The water sample (60 ml) had
coefficients ranging from 0.990 to 1.000 with polydimethylsi- been previously analysed for the presence of metolachlor using
loxane and from 0.997 to 1.000 with polyacrylate when three LLE, while the soil sample ( 5 g) had been analysed using
significant figures are used. Soxhlet extraction. Similar concentrations of metolachlor were
The method was then applied to the analysis of real samples. detected in the water samples by SPME (1.16 mg 1-1) and
Contaminated ground water and soil were screened for the conventional LLE42 (0.95 mg 1-1). The soil was analysed by
stirring 0.5 g of the soil in 4 ml of water and exposing the SPME
device directly to the resultant slurry for the recommended SO
Table 4 Target analytes detected in Canadian Arctic samples min. The concentrations of metolachlor were determined to be
I .84 and 1.85 mg kg-1 (Ref. 42) when the sample was analysed
Ice core/ Surface using SPME and Soxhlet extraction, respectively. The results
Target analyte detected ng I-' snowfng 1-1 indicate that for metolachlor, a relatively water-soluble com-
Dichlorovos 14 8 pound (solubility = 530 mg 1- l ) , extraction from soil by the
Published on 01 January 1996 on | doi:10.1039/AN9962100929

Butylate ND* 6 addition of water is as effective as traditionally accepted LLE

Vernolate 3 ND methods. However, the extraction from soil is likely to be
Ethoprofos 5 5 incomplete if the analyte is not very water soluble or is bound to
Downloaded by University of Wisconsin - Madison on 04 October 2012

Cycloate 3 1 the soil, as has been observed previously for LLE methods. The
Trifluralin 8 7 need for a more vigorous extraction procedure to ensure total
Benfluralin 9 13
extraction of many analytes from a soil matrix is generally
Phorate 3 ND
a-BHC 3 5 necessary. Supercritical fluid extraction and Soxhlet extraction
(3-BHC ND 2 provide alternatives that can be coupled with SPME to provide
Heptachlor 18 12 complete information about the interaction between target
Propazine ND 16 analytes and the soil matrix.
Lindane 5 ND Chromatograms of the water and soil extractions are shown
Profluralin 10 11 in Fig. 5(a) and (b),respectively. The dominant peak in both
6-BHC 402 49 1 chromatograms is the metolachlor peak at 29 min 13 s. It is
lprofenfos 8 6 obvious that the soil sample contains more extracted species
Fenchlorvos 7 6
that have peak heights close to that of the metolachlor peak.
B romac il 10 10
Isoxathion 14 3
This is a reflection of the more complex matrix of soil compared
Aldrin 21 3 with water, and shows the ability of the SPME method to detect
Chlorpyrifos 10 6 various components of the sample.
Ethyl parathion 2 I Surface snow and ice-core samples from the Russian and
Isopropalin 21 12 Canadian Arctic were analysed in triplicate. The analytes
Pendimethalin 24 13 detected in the Russian and Canadian samples are given in
Heptachlor epoxide 18 6 Tables 3 and 4, respectively. The relative standard deviations
Endosulfan 1 ND 12 were estimated to be 2-2096, based on triplicate analyses. Only
p,p'-DDE 50 46
those target analytes that were detected above the limit of
Dieldrin 199 203
Oxadiazon 37 11
quantification are reported. Many of the 60 target analytes were
Oxyfluorofen 62 27 detected in the samples and their presence was confirmed by
Endrin 35 14 comparing the mass spectra and retention times of detected
Endosulfan I1 567 323 peaks with those of the standards. The Canadian Arctic samples
p 9'-DD D 59 48 were previously analysed for the presence of organochlorine
Endrin aldehyde 58 29 pesticides by SPME with a polydimethylsiloxane-coated fibre
Fdmphu r 53 39 and GC-ECD.38 Generally, the results of these analyses were in
Endosulfan sulfate 12 5 agreement .
p,p'-DDT 19 14
The results obtained for the Arctic samples are indicative of
Endrin ketone 29 11
EPN 6 6 the environmental persistence of organochlorine pesticides that
Methoxy chlor 41 17 have been banned from use in North America and Western
Europe for close to 10 years. The concentrations of the other
* ND = not detected or detected below the limit of quantification.
classes of pesticides are lower than the organochlorine levels
detected, even though the other classes are produced and
applied in much greater quantities throughout the world. The
results reflect the persistence of organochlorines that can be
transported through the atmosphere without significantly de-
grading. The other pesticides can be degraded more readily and
24-26 therefore the amount of the parent compound available for
I 34.37
transport is reduced. Generally, the results of the Arctic
sampling show that pollution by pesticides and herbicides is a
- serious environmental concern.
As a final example of the use of the method for screening
samples, an orange juice sample was spiked with the target
analytes to produce a concentration of 2 pg 1- I of each analyte
in the juice (4 pg 1-1 of disulfoton and methyl parathion). When
the samples were analysed by comparison with a calibration
1288 1688 20B0
curve prepared from extraction of standard aqueous solutions,
13 :zB m:m 26:48 33:tB the concentration detected was generally lower than the true
Time/min value. This is obviously due to the interference of the matrix,
Fig. 6 Detection of spiked analytes in orange juice. For peak identification which may compete with the coating and retain analytes. This
see Fig. 2. has the effect of raising the limit of detection of the analytes,
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Analyst, July 1996, Vol. 121 937

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