The Effect of Company Size, Sales Growth, Current Ratio (CR), Net Profit Margin (NPM) and Return On Equity (Roe) On Stock Prices

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Nursiam 1, Vicky Sari Rahayu 2

Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


This research focuses on how several internal factors influence the

company’s stock prices through the company analysis and based on previous
studies that have often been done with no consistent results. The purpose of this
research is to analyze the size of the company, sales growth, CR, NPM and ROE
as a review of the company's share prices on the Indonesia Stock Exchange's
LQ45 Index. This research used a purposive sampling technique. Before
employing the data analysis, a classic assumption test was performed. The
hypothesis testing was carried out using multiple regression analysis. The results
showed that the size of the company, sales growth, the NPM, and the ROE affect
the stock prices, whereas the CR does not affect stock prices.

Keywords: current ratio, company size, net profit margin, return on equity (ROE),
sales growth, stock price.

INTRODUCTION include: internal factors; these factors

According to Jogiyanto (2015), are from inside the company and
a company may sell its ownership specifically related to stocks, such as
rights in the form of stocks. Stock sales, financial performance,
investment is one of the most management performance, as well as
popular securities traded in the the condition of the company and the
capital market. Stock prices are industry in which the company is
volatile and fluctuating although engaged. Meanwhile, the other
investors always expect a high rate. factors are external factors; these are
Therefore, investors need some macro factors that influence the stock
information from the company to be prices on the stock exchange, such as
considered, particularly accurate inflation, interest rates, foreign
details on stock investments in the exchange rates, and non-economic
capital market. One of the reliable factors like social, political and other
and accessible information from the factors.
company is a financial report The study by Ginantra and
published on the stock exchange. Putra (2015) shows that big
Some factors that can influence companies tend to obtain more
the fluctuation of the stock prices attention from analysts, investors,

14| MANAJEMEN BISNIS  VOLUME 9 No. 01  April 2019
ISSN (print) - 2089 - 0176 (online) 2655 – 2523

and the government. The size of the from Salsabila (2017) who argues
company is in line with the amount that NPM does not determine the
of fund endowed by investors. To do stock prices.
so, the company issues stocks in According to Chrisna (2011),
accordance with the price determined the increase in Return on Equity
from the supply and demand in the (ROE) is often followed by an
capital market. increase in the company's stock
Sales growth is a change in prices. ROE has a significant effect
sales over the years. If sales growth on the stock prices as explained in
from year to year always rises, the Hutami (2012); yet, ROE does not
company may have good prospects affect the stock prices according to
in the future (Novitasari and Dini, Deitiana (2011) and Wilianto (2012).
2015). It indicates that sales growth According to the background
influences the stock prices as it may as mentioned earlier, this study aims
attract investors to invest resulting in at determining the effect of Company
the increase of the stock prices due to Size, Sales Growth, CR, NPM and
the demand. This finding is ROE on Stock Prices (Empirical
empirically substantiated by Rini Study on LQ 45 Index Companies
(2016). However, the studies by Listed on the Indonesia Stock
Rahmandia (2013) and Clarensia, et Exchange 2014-2017).
al. (2011) show the opposite— sales
growth does not affect the stock LITERATURE REVIEW
prices. The high value of Current According to Jogiyanto (2014),
Ratio (CR) may attract many any information published as a notice
investors to participate by buying will provide a signal for investors in
stocks from the company; this making investment decisions. It is
eventually instigates the stock price because the info essentially presents
to rise. It shows that CR has a reports and descriptions of the past,
positive effect on the stock prices as present, and future conditions of the
explained in Rosmiati (2016). On the company. Mardiyah (2002) posits
other hand, Rani and Diantini (2015) that company size is a scale of a
and Tumandung, et al. (2017) argue company which can be classified
that CR does not have a significant according to various methods,
effect on stock prices. including total assets, stock market
The higher the Net Profit value, etc. The higher the size of a
Margin (NPM) is better because it company the more a company excels
shows that the company's ability to its wealth and performance. Hence, it
earn profits through sales and reduce will attract investors to trust and
costs is relatively high. It, hence, invest their capital by buying the
triggers the company's stock prices to company’shares; this will ultimately
increase as it will lead to investors' make the stock prices raise.
confidence to invest in the company. Sales growth is defined as an
This notion is in accordance with increase in the number of sales from
Hutami (2012) who states that NPM year to year or from time to time
has a significant influence on the (Kennedy and Anisa, 2013). The
stock prices. However, it is different higher the level of sales indicates
The Effect of Company Size, Sales Growth, Current Ratio (CR), Net Profit Margin (NPM) | 15
and Return on Equity (ROE) on Stock Prices

that the financial condition of the Rahmandia (2013) and Zaki, et al.
company is good. Kusumajaya (2017) who explain that the size of
(2011) suggests that the company's the company has a positive effect on
growth rate as measured by sales the stock prices. H1: Company size
growth affects the company's stock affects the stock prices
prices as the company's growth is a The positive trend in sales
sign of an excellent corporate growth may cause the escalation of
development that leads to a positive the investors’interest in buying the
response from investors. company’s shares; thus, the stock
The type of liquidity ratio used prices will continue to go up. It is in
is Current Ratio (CR) is a ratio line with Clarensia et al. (2011) who
employed to measure the company's convey that liquidity, profitability,
ability to pay its short-term liabilities sales growth, and dividend policy
or debts before the due date when simultaneously influence the stock
billed as a whole. Meanwhile, prices. H2: Sales growth influences
according to Kasmir (2011) CR is a the stock prices
ratio that measures a company's The better the CR value, the
ability to pay off almost overdue more liquid the company is, so that it
debts. Net Profit Margin (NPM) may increase the public's interest in
measures the size of the company's investing in the company; this will
net profit compared to its sales. High gain a positive impact on the stock
NPM shows good company prices (Deitiana, 2013). Sutapa
performance as it can generate a (2018) and Rosmiati (2016) agree
large amount of net income through with this view as they imply that CR
its sales activities. Besides, the has a positive effect on stock prices.
company can also reduce its costs H3: CR affects the stock prices
satisfactorily. As a result, the High NPM may indicate a
company's shares are in high demand good company performance as it can
and will eventually increase the give rise to a significant amount of
company's stock prices (Ardin, 2005: net income through its sales
37). Return On Equity (ROE) is a activities. Hence, the company's
ratio used to measure the ability of shares are in high demand which
the company to be able to generate a may lead to an increase in the
net income based on individual company's stock prices (Ardin,
equity; this ratio is a measure of 2005). It is supported by Hutami
profitability from the perspective of (2012). She states that NPM has a
the shareholders. The higher the positive and significant effect on
ROE level of the company the higher stock prices. H4: NPM affects the
the ability of the company to stock prices
generate more profits; thus, it may The high value of ROE implies
lead to higher stock prices. a decent performance of the
Investors will be attracted to company in managing its capital to
invest their capital in companies that make profits for its shareholders.
own a large number of assets. It Therefore, it can be concluded that
triggers the escalation of the stock the connection between ROE and
prices. This notion is supported by stock price is constructive. It is
16| MANAJEMEN BISNIS  VOLUME 9 No. 01  April 2019
ISSN (print) - 2089 - 0176 (online) 2655 – 2523

supported by Hutami (2012), year or from time to time. The

Rosmiati (2016), and Sutapa (2018) formula of sales growth is composed
who argue that ROE has a positive as follows:
and significant effect on the stock
prices. H5: ROE affects the stock Sales Growth = Sales1 – Salest-1
prices Sales t-1

METHOD Sales1 is total sales for the current

This study employed a period. Salest-1 is total sales for the
quantitative approach that used last period
secondary data. The data were Current Ratio (CR) is a ratio
obtained from financial reports of employed to measure the company's
LQ 45 Index companies listed on the ability to pay its short-term liabilities
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) or debts before the due date when
from 2014 to 2017. The data were billed as a whole (Sutapa, 2018). The
accessed at The formula of this variable can be
population of this study was written as follows:
companies listed as LQ 45 Index on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange from CR = Current Asset
2014 to 2017. A purposive sampling Current Debt
method was employed to obtain
representative samples according to According to Rinati (2001),
the criteria determined by the NPM shows how much a percentage
researcher. The criteria were as of a net profit is earned from each
follow: (a) Companies that published sale. Besides, Tandelilin (2008)
audited financial statements for the explains that the value for NPM is
2014-2017 period, (b) Companies calculated by dividing the net income
that were consistently listed in the after tax by the total sales; the
LQ 45 Index for the period 2014- formula can be noticed below:
2017, (c) Companies that presented
financial reports in IDR, (d) LQ 45 NPM = Net Income after Tax
Index companies that presented Total Sales
financial reports according to the
examined variables. ROE is a ratio used to find out
The size of the company is a the company's ability to produce a
scale to determine how big the net income based on a particular
company seen in various ways, i.e., capital share; this ratio is one
total assets, stock market values, etc. profitability measurements from the
(Widana and Gerianta, 2013). The perspective of the shareholders.
following formula is used to assess According to Mardiyanto (2009), the
the size of the company: Company formula of the ROE variable is
Size = Ln Total Assets written as follows:
Clarensia and Azizah (2011)
state that sales growth is an increase ROE = Net Income after Tax
in the number of sales from year to Total Equity
The Effect of Company Size, Sales Growth, Current Ratio (CR), Net Profit Margin (NPM) | 17
and Return on Equity (ROE) on Stock Prices

The dependent variable used in regression equation to test the

this study is the stock prices. Stock proposed hypotheses is stated in the
prices are the prices at which the following model:
stocks are traded based on the supply
and demand in the capital market. Y = α + β1 X1 + β2 X2 + β3 X3 +
Hence, in this study, the stock prices β4 X4+ β5 X5 + ε
used are the prices at the closing time
(Closing Price). An analysis was While Y is stock price, α is constant,
carried out to test the relationship β1-β5 is coefficient of each variable,
between several independent X1 is size, X2 is sales growth, X3 is
variables and the dependent variable CR, X4 is NPM, X5 is ROE, and ε is
using multiple regression tests. The error


Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Test Results

Variables tcount Sig Notes
Constant -32303.203 -2.286 0.025 -
Company Size 1142.146 2.542 0.013 H1 accepted
Sales Growth -3582.847 -2.223 0.029 H2 accepted
Current Ratio (CR) -247.822 -1.019 0.312 H3 rejected
Net Profit Margin (NPM) -13038.735 -4.379 0.000 H4 accepted
Return On Equity (ROE) 27787.908 16.005 0.000 H5 accepted
2 2
R = 0.804 Adjusted R = 0.790 Fcount = 59.060
Source: Secondary Data Processed with SPSS

From the calculation results for variables comprising company size,

the adjusted R2 value with the sales growth, CR, NPM, and ROE
assistance of the SPSS program in jointly affect the dependent variable
the multiple regression analysis, the (stock prices). In other words, the
coefficient of determination or model used in this study is the right
adjusted R2 is 0.790. It indicates that one (goodness of fit model).
79% of the variations of the variables The t-test was used to
in the stock prices are explained by determine the effect of each
the company size, sales growth, CR, independent variable on the
NPM, and ROE. Whereas the dependent variable. The test results
remaining 21% is explained by other of each hypothesis are presented in
factors apart from the studied model. table 1. From the scores obtained
From the test result, it is shown from the t-test, it can be seen that: (a)
that the F value is 59.060 and the the value of the tcount for the
probability value (p-value) is 0.000, Company Size variable is 2.542, and
which denotes a significance level at the significance value is 0.013 <0.05;
5% (0.000 < 0.05). It, therefore, can in other words, H1 is accepted—this
be interpreted that the independent shows that Company Size affects the
18| MANAJEMEN BISNIS  VOLUME 9 No. 01  April 2019
ISSN (print) - 2089 - 0176 (online) 2655 – 2523

stock prices. (b) the score of tcount for smaller than 0.05, H2 is accepted. It
the Sales Growth variable is -2.223 illustrates that sales growth affect the
and the significance level is 0.029 < stock prices. Companies that have
0.05; thus, H2 is accepted. Thus, high sales will also increase their
Sales Growth influences stock prices, profits. The sales growth, henceforth,
(c) the score of tcount for CR variable may become one aspect to be
is -1.1019 and the significance level considered by the investors due to its
is 0.312 > 0.05; this means that H3 is prospects in the future. Reflecting on
rejected; in other words, CR does not this perception, the demand for
sway the stock prices, (d) the score shares in the capital market will
of tcount for NPM is -4.379 and the escalate. As results, there will be a
significance level is 0.000 < 0.05 so rise in the stock prices. To sum up,
that H4 is accepted. It denotes that the results of this study depicts that
NPM sways the stock prices, and (e) sales growth affects the stock prices.
the score of tcount for variable ROE is It is in line with Rini (2016).
16.005, and the significance level is The regression coefficient of
0.000 > 0.05; therefore, H5 is CR variable is – 247.822, which is
accepted. It means that ROE affects negative, and the significance value
the stock prices. is 0.312. Since its significance value
The regression coefficient of is greater than 0.05, H3 is rejected. It
the company size variable is tells that CR does not affect the stock
1142.146; this shows a positive value prices. CR is usually able to show
with a significance value of 0.013. the occurrence of a problem at the
As the significance value is smaller level of liquidity if it has a low value
than 0.05, H1 is accepted. It indicates as the company is considered unable
a significant result which means that to fulfill its current obligations using
the company size influences the its current assets. Therefore, CR
stock price. The large size of the value does not affect the increase or
company is a signal that may become decrease in the stock prices. To
a consideration for the investors conclude, the results of this study
before deciding on the stock show that CR does not affect the
investment. The more investors are stock prices. It is similar to the
interested in the company, the more findings of Rani and Diantini (2015)
demand that occurs for the shares of and Tumandung, et al. (2017).
the company. Further, it may also The regression coefficient of
cause the rise of the stock prices. NPM variable shows -13038.735
Consequently, this study finds out (negative); and, the significance
that the company size influences the value is 0.000. Because the
stock prices as supported by significance value is smaller than
Rahmandia (2013) and Zaki, et al. 0.05, H4 is accepted. It means that
(2017). NPM affects the stock prices.
The regression coefficient of According to Tandelilin (2008),
the sales growth variable is – NPM is calculated by dividing the
3582.847 (this is negative); besides, net income after tax by the total
the significance value is 0.029. sales. NPM can determine the
Because the significance value is company's ability to reduce costs in
The Effect of Company Size, Sales Growth, Current Ratio (CR), Net Profit Margin (NPM) | 19
and Return on Equity (ROE) on Stock Prices

order to generate more profits affects the stock prices. It is in line

through sales. Thus, the high value with Hutami (2012).
of NPM may act as a signal to the
investors, so that they are interested CONCLUSION
in investing their money with a big Based on the results of the
demand for shares in the company. study, it can be concluded that
Further, the demand in many capital company size, sales growth, NPM,
markets may result in the upsurge of and ROE influence the stock prices
the stock prices. So, it can be of LQ45 Companies Listed on the
concluded that NPM affects stock Indonesia Stock Exchange from
prices. Moreover, this corresponds to 2014 to 2017. Meanwhile, CR does
Hutami (2012). not affect the stock prices.
The regression coefficient of This study has several
ROE variable shows a positive value limitations, namely: (1) the focus of
of 27787.908 and significance value this study is only on internal factors
of 0,000. Because the significance through a company analysis.
value is smaller than 0.05, H5 is Therefore, it overlooks external
accepted. It means that ROE affects factors from outside the company
stock prices. The ROE ratio can be that may affect the stock prices, (2)
calculated by dividing the net income this study only used limited financial
by the total equity of the company ratio variables
(Tandelilin, 2017). This indicator is This study has the following
considered essential to finding out suggestions: (1) Adding variables
the extent to which the investments from external factors that may affect
can provide an appropriate return. It the stock prices as well as adding
makes every change in the value of other financial ratios to independent
ROE attracts investors. variables, (2) For companies and
Consequently, the demand for the investors, further researchers should
investment also grows causing the pay attention to company size and
changes in the company's stock sales growth in conducting NPM and
prices. Following the results of this ROE analysis because these
study, it is concluded that ROE variables can affect the stock prices.

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