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Title of T.E.D. Talk: Name of Speaker: Date of T.E.D.

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View the T.E.D. Talk and complete the
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following grid. If you run out of space ¨How do ventilators work?¨ Alex Gendler
on the grid for any of your answers, 1 2 3 May 2020.
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What was the speaker’s thesis (main point) of this Ethos is a speaker’s ability to build credibility, establish himself/herself as an expert, and/or convince the audience members that the
4 speech? 6 speaker has their best interests at heart. How does this speaker build ethos? Feel free to also refer to the speaker’s profile information
from the webpage as you build your answer.
To explain in detail who the followin The speaker bulids ethos by speaking in a clear and concise manner. By doing this, the speaker
y of ga
invented the idea of e an dj bulids ethos by appearing to be professional, which in turn, gives them credibility.


ventilators, what they are


s tha
used for, how important they 5

t describ
are, and how they operate. Persuasive
Pathos is an appeal to emotions (everything from humor to horror) in order to sway an audience, while logos is the
Intellectual 7 use of data/evidence to prove one’s case. Did this speaker rely more on pathos or logos in his/her presentation?

What argument/point in this presentation did you find the most compelling? Why?

t his
The speaker relyed more in logos than anything else. The argument I found the most compelling was how ventilators are essential

Confusing . ta
lk: to COVID-19 victims, yet are in short supply. This is compelling because It makes me think about how we can make a cheaper

ventilator for those that rely on it do to suffering from COVID-19 symptoms.

T.E.D. Talk presenters are known as effective public speakers. Describe two things this speaker Write two specific things you learned from this presentation.
8 does well in terms of engaging the audience. Be sure to include the minute:second mark 9
(ex: 8:49) to denote the two specific moments you discuss here. 1. That there are two types of ventilators, negative
and positive.
1. Using animations and pictures to its full extent to explain to the reader how
the respiratory system operates (0:45).
Apnea, asthma, and pneumonia are
conditions that affect our breathing.
2. Describing in good detail the difference between negative and
positive ventilators (2:20).

If you could ask this speaker a question about his/her information or presentation, Give one piece of constructive criticism that would improve What group of people would benefit
10 what would you ask? 11 the presentation. 12 the most from hearing this lecture?

How can we reduce the cost of ventilators so that more victims of To try adding more humor to the Doctors or users of ventilators.
COVID-19 can have access to ventilators. presentation in order to draw in the

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