FB Family Needs and Interest Form ENG

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DocuSign Envelope ID: C99AA722-DBB9-41AE-B6F6-95CBBD8C0766

YMCA Childcare Resource Service


Please check any of the topics you would like additional information on. Your Family
Advocate will find resources near you for the topics selected.

________ Are you looking for a new or additional child care provider?
(Choosing Child Care, referrals, Wellness Champion Providers)

________ Do you have questions about your child’s social, emotional, or physical
(Autism, Behavioral/ Developmental Resources, Diagnosis, Events/Family Engagement Activities)

________ Are you looking for a better or different job?

(Job Post, Career Centers, Resume Building, Interview skills, job fairs)

________ Do you need assistance accessing healthy food?

(WIC, Food Bank/ Pantry, Cal Fresh)

________ Are you interested in recipes and healthy eating tips for your family? (Recipes,
Fitness, Insurance, Nursing/ Pregnancy, CRS Health Educators, Wellness Champion Providers)

________ Do you want to be more active with your family, and/or get discounted
YMCA memberships? – Branch: ______________________
(YMCA discounts, Family Time activities, Parks and Rec)

________ Do you want information on the Toy Lending Library, parenting tips,
workshops, or materials?
(Classes, Tips/ Strategies, R&R Toy and Resource Libraries, Behavior/ Developmental Resources)

________ Do you need assistance paying for utilities, transportation or housing costs?
(Housing list, SDG&E programs, emergency assistance, youth housing, San Diego MTS discounts/ schedules)

________ Are you interested in family therapy or counseling services?

(Individual, children, family)

________ Would you like to speak with a professional about custody, immigration
rights, restraining orders or other legal matters?
(Volunteer Lawyers, Child Support, Family Court, Legal Aid)

________ Other: ________________________

________ I have no need for information at this time

_______________________________________ _________________________
Print Name Date
_______________________________________ _________________________
Address Telephone

Resources given to parent: ___________________________________________________________
Family Advocate: _________________________ Task set for follow up call on (date):

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