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FIGURE 4 Original NBC from Reference 29

the one of Rankine cycle, considering the same boundary At this stage, the fluid is partially evaporated and the
conditions. released vapor is significantly enriched by the more vola-
According to Reference 30, this cycle is typically used tile component of the mixture (eg, ammonia in
for small power plants having a single unit capacity up to ammonia-water systems). Working fluid is then sepa-
6.5 MW.30 However, the work presented in this paper rated in flash drum, FD (the vapor evolved—stream 5—
will show that the NBC can be used with success even in is in equilibrium with the residual liquid—stream 6) and
the biomass power plants. the released vapor (stream 5) is mixed with the part of
Facts are that the auto-ignition temperature of ammo- the remaining liquid (stream 7) to form the “working
nia is 651 C, the lower explosive limits of ammonia vapor composition” (stream 8—see Reference 29). Both this
in air is 0.15kmolAmmonia/kmolAmmonia + Air, and combus- “working composition” fluid (stream 8) and the
tion temperatures in biomass heat recovery systems are remaining liquid from flash drum (stream 9) are sent to
generally 400 C to 600 C. These facts lead to the conclu- the economizer, RQ4, to preheat the original fluid
sion that the pre-heater, boiler, and superheater can all (stream 2) and recuperate heat. After cooling the “work-
be heated directly using the flue gases—there is no need ing composition” fluid (stream 10), the fluid is completely
to incorporate a thermal oil system. condensed and subcooled (stream 13) by the cooling
NBC is based on the following operating principle: water in heat exchanger, H2 (HEC + HESC). This work-
completely condensed working fluid having “basic com- ing liquid (stream 13) is then pumped using pump, P2, to
position” (stream 1—see Reference 29) is pumped to an a high pressure (stream 14) and sent to preheater, boiler,
intermediate pressure (stream 2) using pump, P1, and is and superheater, H3 (HEP/HEB/HES), where it is
subsequently heated in the economizer, RQ2-RQ3-RQ4 completely evaporated and superheated (stream 15). In
(stream 3), and heater, H4 (RQ) (stream 4). the original cycle it is suggested that the evaporator can

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