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FURTHER EXERCISE (Intermediate level) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given 4. [ast saw him at my 21st birthday party. aie i: my 21 st birthday party. 2. "You've broken my radio, Frank” said Jane. ACCUSED, her radio. Jane. ae 3. My car really needs to be repaired soon, Maer really : a sessnnmnsne@Palted 600N. 4. Susan regrets not buying that house, WISHES: Susan . .uthat house. 5. I could never have succeeded without your help. ‘You | could never have succeeded .. - me. 6. thought I might run out of cash, so! took my cheque-book wth me CASE I took my cheque-book with me.. : out of cash. 7. Linda's plans for penic have been spol by the weather FALLEN because of the weather. Linda's plans for a picnic. 8. The bread was too stale to eat. The bread . i. Parrega Bren mers tree oey Brian. 10. | can't possibly work in all It. noise! work in all this noise! 11. The thief suddenly realised that the police were watching him. WATCHED “The thief suddenly realised that Ne neues snes sn by the police. 42. Do you know who this coat belongs to? COAT Do you know... oye is? 13. Jo's training accident meant she couldn't take pat inthe race. PREVENTED ppart in the race. Jo's training accident 14 Cycles are not allowed to ide on the station platform Must on the station piatform. Bicycle: - Mesias 15, To Alan's amazement, he passport ofce was s closed when he anived FIND Alan sanninuuth passport office closed when he arrived. 16; Itisnt necessary to book tickets forthe show in advance NEED You .. --snomntickets for the show in advance. 47. The top shelf was 50 high that the chilron couldnt reach. HIGH ‘The top shelf was. 7 si the children to reach 48. I'd prefer you to start work next aaa RATHER 1 pasties work next week, 419, ‘Do you remember what you have to do ?" The teacher asked her class WHAT The teacher asked her class If. oe 10 do, 20. It's unusual for Carol fo get angry with her stat HARDLY CAFO! : J snnnnneemper with her staff 2. There fs noice cream et. RUN We nnn . ice-cream. 22, There's no point in asking George to help WORTH Scanned with CamScanner 23, 24 28, 28. 27. 28, 29, 30, 34 32, 33. 34 36. 36, 37. 38. 39, 40. 41 42, 43, 44, 48, 46. a7. : George to help Harry couldn't get his parents’ permission to buy a motorbike Harry's parents., .-. a motorbike “Where have left my sunglasses, David? asked Susan ‘Susan asked Da sunglasses John's behaviour at the party annoyed me | was annoyed by the. at the party Its a good thing you lent me the money or | woUld have had o goto the bank | would have had to go to the bank.n...0nssnnmnnete the money Matthew didn't isten to what his doctor told him Matthew took... advice Sheila had to finish the accounts and write several letters as well ‘Sheila had to finish the accounts. s Several letters ‘When he was a child in Australian, Mark went swimming almost every day, Mark went swimming almost everyday.. in Australia Let's visit the museum this afternoon Why. sve: the museum this afternoon? Valerie found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise Valerie... her book because of the noise “Why don't you wait by the phone box, Brenda? “said Lesile Leslei suggested. .by the phone box Although he overslept ,Clive wasn't late for work Despite orn .on time, Clive wasn't late for work | haven't eaten food like this before This is the. snsssnathis Sort of food After a long chase, the police finally succeeded in arresting the thief. After a long chase, the police finally So tein he thief Diane was supposed to write to her parents last week Diamccsinat 4o her parents last week jis hand wri He... | can hardly read it ‘Somebody has to pick he vistors up from the airport ‘The visitors. from the airport | wish {adn told him what we were planning to do this evening Ll an -for this evening Everyone was surprised 10 see Geoff eave the party early To. the party early ‘All the witnesses said the acident was my fault All the witnesses said that... WaS to blame f0F....u...the accident ‘The tennis star ignored her coach's advice. The tennis star didnt : 'No one fas expiained why our fights delayed. No one has. svosnmecethe delay t0 our fight. I'd rather you didnt phone me at work. 0 small can hardly read it her coach's advice. I sume at work. When Mary wanted a now car, she had to save up for a year It. ‘save up to buy a new car. They are letting David out of hospital next week. Davia... sscsessedhospital next week ‘Did you leave a tip for the waiter, Dad" | asked, | asked my father... : --so @tip for the weather Scanned with CamScanner LeT WHERE JOHN You NOTICE ADDITION HIS, co DIFFICULTY BRENDA up TIME To oucHT such up REGRET ‘SURPRISE BLAME ATTENTION REASON PREFER MARY RELEASED HE 48, Jane didn't expect to win the competition, but she entered it anyway. WENT Jane didn't expect to win the competition, but she... ene ssenne ANYWAY. 49, 1 do not intend to tell you my plans. INTENTION i : enseesacensceugnesneeaeeesaseagnnnaese you my plans, 50, Don't sign for the parcel until you have checked that everything is there. You Make sure that nothing is . _ sign for the parcel. 51. Sasha only moved to a new class because her teacher recomended I SASHA Isher teacher hadn't recommended it... el toa new class. 62. The motor his machine needs leaning once a week HAS The motor inthis machine cannes once a week. 53. Itwould be diffi forme to finish the work by the weekend. DIFFICULTY Tata ata ata ett rea the work by the weekend. 54, Harry's home is stil in Spain, is it? ives Harry. soon sneeet gb? 58, When Sandra walked out ofthe meaing, she didnt cay goodbye to anyone witout Sandra left. sneer goodbye to anyone. 56, You can borrow my bike If youre in a hur. mip \ recremeeo TIT eae YOU my bike if you're in a hurry. 57, Angus rarely takes a holiday. RARE tt : ae stake a holiday. 58. We loathe game because of my mistake FAULT Iwas ‘ . engertet ..Win the game. 59. Are you planning todo anything on Saturday? PLANS DO sven . A sa Megree een Saturday? 60, Tim looks nothing ke bs father. TAKE Til ss : nicer se _ ssi father at al 61, The film I saw last week was better than this one. ooo This film Seinen --soeathe’one I saw last week. 62. regret giving Dennis my phone number. DENNIS | wish 1 caren Tenesent smy phone number. 68. Ie rather not spend another day a the beach. FEEL telacenete = ee ..another day at the beach 64, Ive never seen @ match as good as this before. MATCH This isthe... sentence EATS seen. 66. The staf In that office al have great respec for their boss. Look The staff in that ofice all. their boss. 66. “Is there anything you want fom the shops?" Alison asked her mother. THERE Alison asked her mother if... 7 so from the shops. 67, Saly might not bing her camera tote party, 80 take mine. N Il take my camera to the party. sae bring hers. 68, We missed the tuming because we forgot to take a map with us. REMEMBERED fi map with us, we wouldn't have missed the turnt 69. June was sure there were no mistakes in her homework NOTHING June was sure . with her homework 70. Although the weather changed, the picnic went ahead as planned, spre ‘The picnic went ahead as planned... _wdn the weather. 71 advise you to think careful before accepting Wiliams offer. BETTER YOU. sens neesneen carefully before accepting William's offer. 72, Jackie hasnt been swimming for fve years. SWNMING The last. eaeosar at was five years ago. 73, Martin hasnt mentioned the party to me at al WORD Scanned with CamScanner 74, 75, 76. 7. 78, 79. 80, 81 82 83, 87, 88, 89, 94 92, 93. 95. 96, 97. Martin hasn't ee about the party. Apparently, Sheila wasnt listening to me, a Sheila istening to me. Margaret was offered a place on the course but couldnt accept because she was il TURN Margaret was offered a place on the course but. because she was il. “Iwouldnt trust Frank with your money if were you, Carl Isai. ‘ADVISED Vs e ee a Frank with his money. | dont know Lesley’ reasons fr resigning IDEA Wseseresee oolactil earch i : Lesley resigned. Have you any desks in stock which are cheaper than this DESK Is this, aa ns ae eee in stock? Teams of experts were examining the damage to the building EXAMINED. ‘The damage to the building, noun ams Of experts. Joe's father used to insist that he washed the car at the weekend. MAKE Joe's father used to ..... a the car at the weekend. | wish John stil wrote to me. miss 1 ee cea coiaeraenaca from John. Everyone thinks Alan will accept the job within the next few days, EXPECTED Alan. : -nuthe job within the next few days. My brothers too young to crive a car Not My brother : tive a car. “Would you prefer to have a table by the window? the waiter asked we The waiter asked us . to have a table by the window. im getting bored here - let's go toa diferent place we t'm getting bored here - why... i se? {really didn't want to queue for tickets so bought them by phone. AvoID Iwas anxious... . -seunf0F tickets, 80 | bought them by phone. I couldn't decide whether | prefered the blue shit or the green one. cHoIce couldnt. .othe blue shirt and the green one. Despite his disappointment, he continued 1 be cheertul REMAINED Atthough seestsesnnenncheertul, ‘There were 60 many people onthe train that | couldnt get a seat. ‘cROWDED The train was .. esnhOwhere for me to sit. “The price ofthe books was less than | had expected. Not The books did had expected. My sister would never watch television until she had done her homework WATCHING My sister always .. os television. ttappears that we have no bread lef. RUN We seem to. ten i eee bread. We ast went to Spain three years ago YEARS tt ce secure sist swe last went to Spain The course finished with a big party peat Alice ee a — there was a big party. Be careful or youll hurt yourself e You'll hurt yourself. eee ; careful Finding suitable accommodation might be cfcut FIND tt a . . eo _suitable accommodation. “The price of the holiday includes all meals. INCLUDED All. ee ee .»- Price of the holiday. In my opinion, the problem has happened for two reasons, ARE In my OpinioM. oe soesreesee eee this problem has happened. Scanned with CamScanner 99, 100. 101, 102, 103. 104, 108. 106. 107. 108, 109. 110. 1 112 113. 114, 115. 116. 17. 118. 119, 120 124. 122. 123. "You broke my cameral’ Susan said to Richard ‘ACCUSED Susan sher camera, You're going oo fast for me. WEEP U sae ccenincnarticarcetis ets 3 ia svoneonen YOU! ‘Where can | find the station? HOW Could you tell -to the station? Mary used to be beter paid than she is these days. AS These days Mary's... oo she used to be. 1m happy to go. and see any fi you choose. Mino a a sateett secre _we go and see. We took a train to Liverpool last Saturday. BY We ose ar asta last Saturday. She did not thank us for our help when she left. us She left : . ee ee \We are hoping thatthe weather wil improve next week. BETTER We are hoping ... : weather next week. Who has to lock the doors when the affce closes? RESPONSIBLE Who the doors when the office closes? | was realy pleased that atlas my father had managed to give up smoking SUCCESSFUL | was really pleased that at last my father... i ..up smoking. | went to sleep immediately the train left the station. ASLEEP i son sR : sevtustustunteerneeieeennsQ§ the train left the station Its unlikely that Ill see you again this week. PROBABLY Waray . a é other again this week. Iwill be nice to see you again at the party. LooKING Pm san again at the party I havent forgotten any ofthe datas of whet happened that day STILL Vi en EET HUT cs ---ousdetall of what happened that day. ‘We lost our way because the signposts were confusing. ‘CAUSED The signposts were confusing, Which atari lost, She did not buy the car because it was too expensive. ‘She would have bought the CaF... 0 so expensive. He managed to make some extra money by wing stories. ORDER He wrote stories . - make some extra money. My father thinks that people who watch television are wasting ther time. A My father thinks watching television... people's time. ‘You won't have to go to the meeting next week. NECESSARY Iwi. 40 go to the meeting next week. My fiend had not expected the fim to be so funn. FRIEND The film, é : had expected. Martin has to wear his glasses to read the newspaper. without Martin . \wearing his glasses. ‘Alan's children are never invited to parties now because of their bad behavior. THAT Alan's children .... . they are never invited to parties. itwas fortunate fr im that he wasnt injured inthe accident, Lucky He..... rcetenossi ——— bbe injured in the accident. Carole is the only person | know who enjoys homework. APART I don't know Carole who enjoys homework, |i not think that Peter would phone tonight + UNLIKELY I. 40 phone tonight. Scanned with CamScanner 124, Ballet doesn't interest Sonia INTERESTED Soria. ballet. 125. Visitors to the zoo are not allowed to feed the animals ust The animals : a : by visitors to the zoo. 126. John had not been to London before. MISTI: a : London. 127, "Ill see you later Anne,’ he said. TOLD! He asec seseeetnentn ee see her later. 128, There were more students in school in 1992 than in 1991. As There were i .in school in 1991 as in 1992 129. When | was in the department store, someone thought |was a shop assistant. ME When I was in the department store, someone... a _a shop assistant. 130. I wonder how she leamt to speak English so well. LiKE We s+ know how she leamt to speak English so well. 431. Although he eat swim himee, Dan is vory Koon that his children should leam. UNABLE Despite . himself, Dan is very keen that his 432, 1am totaly convinced that our team will win, In my opinion, there... ‘our team losing, 133, It'.a good thing you wrote the letter or we wouldn't have known what happened. YOU We wouldn't have known what happened svseeathat letter, 134. Louisa was the only one who didn't enjoy the film. APART Everybody .. a : Louisa. 495, They're going to demolish that old power station PULLED That old power station... svete down, 136. My sister began to learn Russian five years ago. LEARNING My sister... five years. 137. “Do not answer the phone, Rebecca’ said Mrs Miniver. Not Mrs Miniver. sr answer the phone. 4198, The trip to Chicago was cheaper than | had expected. | As The trip to Chicago.... : = sroeuneeneeaeead had expected. 499. My watch was so badly damaged that it wasnt worth Keeping PoINT My watch was so badly damaged that. -keeping it. 140. expect you were exhausted after your long journey. BEEN You. ‘exhausted after your long journey. 141, twas unfair that he gymnast was given such low marks DESERVE ‘The gymnast Brest sseeagiiven such low marks. 142. This bottle is completely empty. Lert There's . seraaceceiae bottle. 143, My uncle did not learn to drive unt he was forty Wen My uncle. so drive 4146, haven't seen my brother since he left for Australia wast The .. my brother was before he left for Australia, 4145, The prise ofthe holiday Includes the cost of insurance, 1s ‘The cost of insurance... osaeseecethe price of the holiday. 146, “Ifyou wanted to take my car, you should have asked me first sald Tom to his son, WITHOUT Tom criticised his son for having .. fa hie frst 147. You ought to get your bicycle brakes repaired Immediately BETTER You sss yyour bicycle brakes repaired immediately. 148, Sarah is not usually late. UKE this. late. Scanned with CamScanner 149, 150. 151 182. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157, 158. 159. 160. 161 162, 163, 166. 165, 168. 167. 168, 168, 170. am. 172 173. | didn't know itwas your birthday, so I didn't send you a card. sent If fd known it was your birthday, se you a card, ‘After the match Lucy was so tied that she could eat much Too After the match LUCY WaS ....- much. ''ve had enough of your untidiness pur I refuse : eee your untidiness any more. Could | borrow your surboard please? LENDING ‘Would ...your surfboard? My parents didn't let me stay out late when | was younger ALLOWED Noes = ae : ut late when I was younger. How long was your fight from Frankfurt to Seoul? TAKE How long... «fly from Frankfurt to Seoul? ‘The last time | went skiing was ten years ago. FOR ie ten years. Derek has gone to Florida, in spite of being unable o afford such an expensive holiday. ALTHOUGH Derek has gone to Florida... lo afford such an expensive holiday. Teenagers are't buying as many pop records these days. BOUGHT Not so many pop records ... sc these days. | regret inviting Nancy to the party. wisH boo se ee Nancy to the party. “IF | were you Jane, I'd take an umbrella and a raincoat” said Annabel. ADVISED Annabel. an umbrella and a raincoat, Nobody apart fom my mother thought | would win the race. PERSON My mother. thought I would win the race, ‘Thomas would have gone to the meeting ihe had not been 80 ted. TIRED ‘Thomas was tothe meeting “The switchboard operator connected me to the manager. pur The switchboard operator... cnn the Manager. “There are very few buildings inthe old cy higher than this. ONE This is... snseunsnnene Dildings in the old city. If we'd atved a moment later we would have missed the fen. " We attived : the ferry. Andrew set off forthe supermarket despite the heavy rain, THOUGH ‘Andrew set off for the supermarket, even ss heavily He decided that it wasn't worth continuing the course. POINT He decided that : = continuing the course. ‘The cinema was practically emply HARDLY There... the cinema, We couldnt soive the problem, SOLUTION We were unable.. ses .the problem. {cant believe this is the best room there is! BETTER There MUSt nee this one! ‘The notice says you have to sign the forms twice must The notice says the fOrMS pee eee ce I'm sorry but | cannot lend you any money. ME I'm sorry but it sonet0 fend you any money. ‘The journey wil be about nine hours, whichever route you take MATTER Bocccamene o you take, the journey will be about nine hours. ‘The last ime | went to Canada was in January 1994 BEEN 1 ..Canada since January 1994, Scanned with CamScanner 174, It's awaste of time for you to discuss the problem with Jane. POINT There's. ee eee ieee svonnsnnanthe problem with Jane. 175. My house is as big as Peters. SAME | Peter's house... sahara UT 176. Michaelis usually punctual som surprised that he's late uke ''m surprised that Michaet's not here yet because it's... eae 177. The committee discussed what to do, piscussion The COMME srs ruenen snnonee ShOuld be done. 178, Nobody inthe group disagreed with the plan except for John, EXCEPTION NE oe : _» everyone in the group agreed withthe plan. 179. The fire inthe library was discovered by a student. WHO ees a soon the fire in the library. 180. Gerald is too young to vote. OUD, Gerald .. maaan vote. 181. ‘Do fast cas interest you? the dealer asked Sarah was The dealer asked Sarah. eee teeter 182. My brother really wishes he could sing wel. ABLE My brother regrets not 183. Maria said | had caused the accident. Maria . 184. James did not need to register forthe new course, NECESSARY eee Eee _to register for the new course. 185. She never finishes her work on time although she works hard. MATTER She never finishes her work on time. ..she works. 186. There haven't been many changes in this town since | last visited it much Since my last ¢ ..has changed in this town. 187. Hardly anybody applied for the job. ‘APPLICANTS, There were very.. the job. 188, Louise does a fulltime job and looks ater the house too. WELL Louisa does a full-time job, nariarigarnecnatasase HO NOUS: 189. My grandfather was sixty when he learnt to swim. AGE My grandfather learnt to swim i sonnei SY, 190. Joan couldn't eat the food because it was too spicy. Too The food... smnninnnnenne SOBN 1 2a, 191, Itis a teachers rsponebity to look after students. RESPONSIBLE Ateacher enn - . .. students. 492. Its more than a year since I saw Lucy. FOR (ee ee . . more than a year. 4193. You might be late back so take a key. ‘tise Take a key late. 494, 1m sorry I didnt come to see you earlier. wish Wr . sen “ .t0 see you earlier. 495. People estimate that the painting is woth over a milion pounds, ESTIMATED The painting over a million pounds. 496, They aren't opening that new computer shop until next week. BEING That new computer Shop... sve Nfl Next Week. 4187, "Whose is tis footbal?” the teacher asked the children To SWI wre a ?'the teacher asked the children 198. Itwas difficult to persuade Rick to buy the book. DIFFICULTY Decca . Rick to buy the book. Scanned with CamScanner 199, 200, 201 202 203, 204 208. 206. 207. 208, 209. 210, 21 212. 213, 214, 215. 216 247, 218. 219, 20, 224 22, 223, ‘So that John could go on holiday in the summer, he saved $10 a week. ‘ORDER John saved $10 a week .. . Its not worth asking the manager forthe day of There \We had to rish all the work before we could leave. We had to stay... 2 Tim had not expected the concert to be S0 good. ‘The concert... They cancelled the match because of the bad weather. The match Dan never takes any notice of my advice. Dan never.. “Can | borrow your bicycle, Sarah?” asked Frank. Frank asked Sarah Maybe Peter forgot that we changed the time ofthe meeting. Peter .. in to go on holiday in the summer. POINT asking the manager for the day off UNTIL .-all the work, BETTER because of the bad weather. ATTENTION that we changed the time of the meeting. SShe checks the company accounts very ecient. EFFICIENT She's very. : ..the company accounts. All the children enjoy themselves at this summer camp. FUN Every. at this summer camp. How many cars can this company produce in a month? BY How many cars can.. ina month “Thats te last ime tak to him” Get sai, AGAIN “rm not going ... 1" Geoff said, \While | was on holiday otf interesting things happened to me. my During 2 lot of interesting experiences. itwas careless of you to leave without locking the door, ouciT Vo . ..the door before you lef. sis Pete likely fo change tis mind” Rob asked. CHANCE ‘Is there... : ‘changing his mind?'Rob asked. Pau isthe only person who has replied tothe invitation. NoBopY AAR nn . _..Feplied to the invitation. ‘Ate you familiar with his teaching style yet? useo Have you . is teaching style yet? itwas such @ sunny day that one of us wanted o do any work. FELT None of us . any work because it was such a sunny day. Barbara count sing or ance UNABLE, Besides. rnnee : sarbara couldn't dance either. Dinner wil be served immediately upon our arial atthe hotel SOON Dinner will be served : at the hotel. My brother accused me of taking his car. TooK “You - you?'said my brother. ‘Thats the strangest fm Ive ever seen! ‘STRANGE Wve : ee . .flm before: A very friendly taxi driver drove us into town, DRIVEN We srr at ia avery friendly taxi driver. My aunt was determined to pay for our tickets. INSISTED My aunt... {or our tickets. The manager failed to persuade Karen to take the Job. SUCCEED ‘The manager .. Karen to take the job. Scanned with CamScanner 224, 225. 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231. 232 233, 234, 236, 236. 237, 238, 238, 240. 241. 242, 243, 244, 245, 246. 247. 248, "1d rather you didn't use that red pen. Laan Would Sac oa .~ that red pen? ast saw Mark a year ago. SINCE Ihave. ¢ : smennneinannnnnnneenannn YO, John impressed his new boss by setling down to work quickly. coop John eae his new boss by settling down to work quickly Tony regrets lying to his teacher. WisHEs Tony... ma Eee poor his teacher the truth | found it dificult to follow the instructions. TROUBLE Vas eee anaes _ the instructions, | would prefer if nobody else knew what happened last night WANT — aoe _ what happened last night It was snowing so they cancelled the football match owns The football match... panes the snow The taxi may be expensive so take plenty of money CASE Take plenty of money. . expensive ‘They couldn't understand the lecturer because he spoke so fast 00 The lecturer spoke understand ‘The manager said | could have three days off | PERMISSION The manager ass ‘ 0 have three days off I met her while | was staying in Peis last summer stay Pet Ret oon seseennsenenenene Paris last summer | coulda remember the name of my hotel when | got nto the tax CALLED | couldn't remember. secntsnnsinenesenennes WHEN I got into the taxi We were al surprised when she suddenly left the job FOUND All. aie ee when she suddenly left the job ‘Are you a member of the club?’ the receptionist said to me BELONGED The receptionist asked «..ororan sromnanannnnenen tHE MUD This is the most amusing book I've ever read AMUSING I've never read a eee one before Do shops usualy stay open so late in this country? USUAL Is : ge Nec 2 stay open so late in this country? He doesn't offen find it difficult to eam money TROUBLE He seldom ... eee . money YYou'e lke another person I've met here recently ELSE You remind wn 2 "ve met here recently Do you think that cimate affects people's personalities? INFLUENCE Do you think that climate. s people's personalities Jack has become confident as a result of his success TURNED Jack's Success N28. . person ‘The previous manager wasn't running the club well, so he was replaced BADLY The club... -~owmee_ the previous manager , so he was replaced You haven't mentioned my nev haircut yet MENTION You've i ._ of my new hair cut yet Ive no idea what my feelings would bef the same thing happened t me! FEEL | can't imagine... -nncinanmnesif the same thing happened to me! You got lost because you did't do what I old you INSTRUCTIONS te ae ea .- you wouldn't have got lost {don't foe ike siting onthe beach all ay pala Pave all day sitting on the beach 0 Scanned with CamScanner 249, 250, 251. 252 253. 284, 256. 256. 287. 258, 289. 260. 261 262 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 268, 270. am 272, 273, ‘OCCASIONS | sometimes regret coming to live in this city that | hadn't come to live in this city There are some {took the book back to the shop and gota better one instead EXCHANGED | ook the book back to the shop and... i ._ that was better He reacted tothe suggestion cautious, but he agreed to consderit wit He treated . but he agreed to consider it ‘Tote isn't enough space in his room fora big cupboard TAKE ‘A big cupboard would... _. space in this room Everyone says that Danis a ftally honest person REPUTATION Dan sesuer ea a totally honest person ‘She deseribed the events ofthat day in detal DETAILED She. ciel —_— of the events of that day ‘As soon as | have any more news, Il phone you MOMENT TU G0 eemnrsnnnsnnnnsntnnnnmnnensincnnnnnnininnny Ihave any more news This tren should have left 20 minutes ag0 MEANT This train : off 20 minutes ago {dlosthis phone number so couldn't contact him before Touch | couldn't ._ before because I'd lost his phone number \We nad a long aiscussion about the problem but we could solve it LencTH We discussed but we couldn't solve it We could choose from three main courses for dinner CHOICE AUG al aaa lla - : ..of three main courses for dinner She really didn't want to upset him so she kept quiet AVOID ‘She was anxious. him so she kept quite Ie arranged a tip around Europe next year ‘ARRANGEMENTS We on a trip around Europe next year When | wa younger. this record was one of myfavourites FAVOURITE This record used : ..mine when I was younger He seems not io care about anything MATTERS He acts. to him It could work inthe media, that's what | would ike 10.40 OPPORTUNITY ca 0, | would like to work in the media Ithae always boon her ambition fo wnt a successful novel DREAMT She... pe a successful novel Without tourism. this area wouldn't have much income DEPENDS This area... i its income Wy are you against inviting Jackie tothe party ? OBJECTION What's _ Jackie to the party? Tony demanded to complain othe hotel manager personaly INsisTeD Tony his complaint to the hotel manager personally He's very good a tennis and he's also a very good footballer ‘ADDITION He's a very good footballer. very good tennis player Could you delver the goods tomy home? DELIVERED Could | to my home? She won her frst match easily and then she became the champion WENT She won her first match easily and she... the champion ‘Suzanne said that she didn't want to go out that evening RATHER ‘Suzanne said that... snows Out that evening ‘They should have completed the new Toad last year but theyre sill bulging it DUE The new road aka . last year but they're stil building it " Scanned with CamScanner 274, 275, 276 277. 278 279, 280, 281. 282, 283. He didn't give any reason for his strange behavior that day BEHAVED He didn't explain . such a strange way that day \Wes the fim as good as you expected ito be or was it disappointing? Live Did the film et amamnornmmsn .. of it or was it disappointing Its said that hese herbs are good for you ea These herbs .. good In spite of working untl very late, | coulndt complete the task Fact Despite... . until very late , | couldn't complete the task Ifyou don't apologize immedi. 1m leaving she tld him ‘THREATENED She... i he apologized immediately You can't blame me for your stupid mistakes FAULT Itisn't stupid mistakes ‘The news was such a shock to us that we all sat there without saying a word SILENCE We all sat there... snnennnnnnnnan 80 Shocked by the News IFyou don't hurry, you'll miss your bus BETTER U think .. you'll miss your bus Heart quite a lot of the language simply by listening fo other people FAIR ' picked .»the language simply by listening to other people Mike hates other people ering im STAND Mike .... ...other people erticize him 2 Scanned with CamScanner

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