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I/ page 124

1. It probably won’t rain this weekend.

2. Are we going to have a test tomorrow?

3. Is she meeting me at the station?

4. They aren’t going to come to my party.

5. Shall I phone for a taxi?

6. I’m not staying in a hotel this time.

7. Do you thin they’re going to be late?

8. I’ll never go there again.

II/ page 124

1. 1B - 2A  2. 1A - 2B 

3. 1A - 2B  4. 1A - 2B

5. 1B - 2A  6. 1B - 2A

III/ page 124

1 ’ll 2 ’s going to 3 ’ll 4 ’ll/will 5 ’ll

IV/ page 125

1. getting 2. Are you staying

3. ‘re flying 4. We’re staying

5. Won’t 6. We’re having

7. We’re going to 8. probably

9. shall 10. I’ll get

V/ page 125

1. going - Shall 2. think - will

3. are - will 4. am – shall

5. don’t – won’t
UNIT 42 

I/ page 127

1. will be arriving  2. will be showing  3. will be passing 

4. will not be serving  5. will be offering  6. will be demonstrating

II/ page 127

1.B  2.B   3.B   4.A  5.A

III/ page 127

1. Will we be getting a pay rise next year?

2. I’m afraid we won’t be sending you the documents until next week.

3. Will you be staying the night?

4. Will you be recommending me for a promotion when you see the boss?

5. Unfortunately, we won’t be opening the day-care centre next summer.

6. Will you be bringing some food for the picnic?


I/ page 129

1. have done  2. going 

3. have  4. have 

5. won’t have dried  6. have been

II/ page 129

1.will have ended 

2. will have been working

3. will have gone back 

4. will have beentravelling 

5. will have left 

6. Will the team havecompleted 

7. will have been sitting 

8. won’thave finished

III/ page 129

I am writing about the repairs which your company has been made making to the roof of our apartment
building. The work started in March and it still isn’t finished. By the end of this week the men will have
been working on the roof for over two months. This means we will have suffered more than eight weeks of
continuous noise and disruption, and we will be have been living for all that time with permanent cold
draughts and dirt.

As you know, my wife is pregnant and the baby is due next month. It looks as though the work will haven’t
will not have been completed by the time the baby is born. This is unacceptable. I would like you to reassure
us that work on the part of the roof that covers our flat will have finishing finished by the beginning of June at
the latest. I think this is the least we can expect.

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