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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Project: Promoting Transparency, Accountability and Participation in the Oil

and Gas Sector [Kenya]

Interview Guide for Program Implementation Staff and Partners

Thematic area Question Target Respondent

Positive outcomes on 1. What positive change(s) have you experienced in your/organization’s
capacity building capacity to influence better fiscal policies in the petroleum sector in Kenya?
(Individual & When did you experience the change(s)? What did the project (KCSPOG)
organizational) do to contribute to the change(s)? Are there any other people who may
have contributed to the change(s)? If yes, what did they do that contributed
to the change(s)?
2. Why are these changes important to you? Your organization?
Project’s contribution to 3. In the last one year, have you or has your organization participated in the
policy development or review of any policies within Kenya’s petroleum sector? If
yes, what are these policies whose development you/your organization
participated in their development? In what ways did you/your organization
contribute to the development/review of the policies?
Positive outcomes on 4. What positive change(s) have you observed in the local community’s
community’s awareness awareness and participation in oil sector governance in Lamu and Turkana?
& participation When did you observe the change(s)? What did the project do to contribute
to the change(s)? Are there any other people who may have contributed to
the change(s)? If yes, what did they do that contributed to the change(s)?
5. Why are these changes important to the community?
6. What have been the effects on sector governance (if any) of the
community’s increased awareness and participation?
Contribution to the 7. How do the changes in your/organization’s capacity and the local
overall goal community’s awareness and participation demonstrate progress towards
transparency and accountability in Kenya’s petroleum sector?
Negative outcomes 8. What negative change(s) (if any) have you experienced in
your/organization’s capacity to influence better fiscal policies in the
petroleum sector in Kenya? When did you experience the negative
change(s)? What did the project do to contribute to the negative change(s)?
Sustainability 9. What are the indications that the (processes of) change that the project
contributed to, will sustain beyond the lifetime of the project and in the
absence of significant external funding?
Lessons learned 10. What key lessons have you learned from the project implementation to
Constraints & challenges 11. In your view, would you say the project has been successful? If YES, in
to the achievement of what ways? What factors would you say contributed to the success? If NO,
outcomes what might have inhibited the success of the project?

12. Generally, what constraints and challenges have you faced in the
implementation of the project?
Strengths and 13. Reflecting on the design of the project, what would you identify as the
weaknesses in design & strengths? What are the weaknesses? How can the weaknesses be
implementation addressed?
Policy gaps 14. What are the gaps in the policy and legislative frameworks on the
management and accountability of Kenya’s petroleum sector? How can
these gaps be addressed?
15. If you were to start it over again, what would you do differently and why?
How differently would you do it?


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