Ballesteros, Mark Chester D. - Position Paper 1

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Mark Chester D.


Position Paper #1

Is the Katipunan a mass-based organization?

Emilio Jacinto, "Gising na, mga tagalog!!" October 23, 1895

Roster of Katipuneros at Balintawak, August 1896

Emilio Jacinto, "Pahayag," c. March 1896

Emilio Jacinto, "Katipunan nang manga A. N. B. - Sa may nasang makisanib sa katipunang ito" (The

Ileto Reynaldo. “Tradition and Revolt: The Katipunan” Pasyon and Revolution: Popular Movements in the
Philippines, 1840-1910, 2012, pp. 75-113.


Philippines has been colonized by the Spaniards for about three-hundred and thirty-three years
and Filipinos have already seen enough cruelty from these colonizers. Doing labors for hours without
getting the salary equivalent to the work done is just one of the unjust laws implemented by the Spanish
government in the country. Experiencing such ruthlessness from the Spaniards, a secret organization
called “The Katipunan” was created. Katipunan was also abbreviated as KKK or Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-
galangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (Highest and Most Venerated Association of the Sons and
Daughters of the Land)1. This organization is aiming to initiate a revolt against the Spanish government
for its cruelty and biased laws. Andres Bonifacio was the head of the movement and was also portrayed
as the Supreme of the Katipunan. Bonifacio was a fan of Dr. Jose Rizal back then because of his
excellency and courageousness of exposing the anomalies he saw in the Spanish Regime by using his
works: Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Before the Katipunan bloomed, Dr. Jose Rizal and Andres
Bonifacio were both already a part of an organization called La Liga Filipina which is a total opposite of
the Katipunan2. La Liga Filipina was a peaceful movement made by Rizal that focuses on uniting the
whole archipelago as a homogeneous body that seeks harmonious reforms but after Rizal’s arrest, the

“Katipunan.” Katipunan - The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War (Hispanic Division, Library of Congress).
Accessed January 16, 2021.

“HISTORY OF KATIPUNAN.” HOME ON THE NET . Accessed January 16, 2021.

whole propaganda movement dissolved. Upon hearing the ill news about Rizal’s deportation to Dapitan,
Bonifacio and his founding members created The Katipunan. Even Rizal was arrested, he did not
participate in the said movement because of his belief that the nation is not yet ready for a revolution
instead, he saw reforms as the best solution. Rizal’s testimony did not change Bonifacio’s decision and
with his fellow Katipuneros, they continued their plan. Later, the organization attracted more people
across the country for the upcoming armed revolt against the Spanish government. Despite of them
gathering lots of people, the movement remained unprepared and in 1896, a Spanish friar found out all
their plans. The Spanish government conducted a mass arrestation identifying the members of the anti-
colonial organization. Despite this failure, Bonifacio still tried to push the movement further. He planned
to attack Manila several times but still the trials ended up unsuccessful until the coming of Emilio
Aguinaldo and Mariano Alvarez in Cavite. Although Katipuneros already tasted the victory they longed
for, these happenings also resulted to Rizal’s accusation that he was associated with the movement and
eventually, led to his death. The movement did not stop in Rizal’s death. It continued until the arrival of
the American Regime where the Declaration of the nation’s Independence happened which gave birth
to the Philippine Republic 3. As I see the history of Katipunan, I can say that it is a mass-based movement
not only because it covers up the masses but also because of the ulterior motives and consciousness of
the people leading the movement itself that will be discussed in the presentation of arguments.

Presentation of Arguments

It is believed that Bonifacio was not a part of the mass because of his economic background. His
mother was a Spanish Mestiza, and his father was a Teniente-Mayor. Bonifacio was also married to
Gregoria De Jesus whose father is a Gobernadorcillo which is a counter part of a Mayor in contemporary
period today. Having said all of those, He was not that connected to the mass but rather with the
illustrados as it is clearly shown since other members of the movement is also working in a well-paying
job in the city. Also, because Bonifacio was a part of the free masonry whose members are containing
elite class from the society. Bonifacio and his fellowmen might not be connected to the mass in terms of
economic background but in the consciousness, they are.

According to Ileto, one of the most influential historians in Philippines, to know the
consciousness of the mass, oneself must know the folk traditions that the mass believes in. In our grade
“HISTORY OF KATIPUNAN.” HOME ON THE NET . Accessed January 16, 2021.

school times, we are taught that when the Katipuneros red the El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere,
they immediately waged a revolt against the Spaniards. But this is not the case since the masses that
constructs the Katipunan in old times, most of them are not capable of reading Spanish because those
two literary works of Rizal were written in that language. It only means that the target audience of Dr.
Jose Rizal is not the masses but his fellow illustrados as well as those individuals whose class belongs to
the Insulares and Peninsulares. Ileto deviated this statement because for him, works of Rizal would not
help persuading the mass for the revolt but some other literary work would. Pasyong Pilapil was a
popular literature in that period. Pasyon is an oral literature that talks about Christ’s life, death and
reborn. This literary piece became famous because of its similarity of portrayal of God to the folk heroes
here in the Philippines in its pre-colonial period. It became a bridge to awaken the Tagalogs that time
because to know its context, oneself does not need to learn to read just to hear the story of the Pasyon
since it was sung every holy week. What Ileto stated in his reading is that, if you really wanted to learn
how the thinking of the masses works, look in the Pasyon. The narrative of Pasyon was just like how the
mass interprets the history of the Philippines, that the said paradise in the Pasyon is the pre-colonial era,
the snake that led to Adam and Eve’s betrayal was when they let the Spaniards colonize them and lastly,
the paradise that Adam and Eve longed to thread again will be back same as the Philippine’s liberty that
the Tagalogs claimed to regain. The Messianic figure that sacrificed his life for the world resembles with
Dr. Jose Rizal’s sacrifice for his country 4. Back then, Rizal was an inspiration to the point that the
Katipuneros will put a photo of him in their headquarters and even in their meetings for them to be
inspired of what he did just to save his nation. Ileto’s standpoint portrays that the Katipunan was really
meant to be a mass-based movement since he focuses on how the leaders of the Katipunan connects to
the mass effectively taking off blindfolds in their eyes bestowing them the enlightenment of liberty using
different works that reflects on the thinking of the mass itself.
Emilio Jacinto’s “Gising na, Mga Tagalog” is just one of many reasons why Katipunan embodies
the mass. Jacinto stated in the context that Tagalogs are blind and needs to be awaken 5. Spaniards’
cruelty was clearly seen by the Tagalogs, yet they do not utter a word to speak on behalf of themselves
but instead, they remained silent as the Spaniards who acted like Gods, lives, while they who works
under the blazing sun, dies. He described the Tagalogs as cowards in the reason that they do not act as

Ileto, Reynaldo. “Pasyon and Revolution: Popular Movements in the Philippines.” Essay. In Tradition and Revolt:
The Katipunan, 75–113, n.d., Accessed January 14, 2021

“Emilio Jacinto, ‘Gising Na, Mga Tagalog!!" October 23, 1895.” Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed
January 16, 2021.

they say and because of this attitude, the country has achieved nothing but desolation. Jacinto’s work
was an eye opener for the mass that it is not okay to embrace slavery and the government being
unlawful, that the suffering of Tagalogs is long enough.

¡Sukat na ang pagdarusa!  siya na ang pagtitiis!  !siya na ang pananangis!  Yaa’y nababagay lamang sa
mga babai at sangol; ang mga lalaking may dangal at puri, may pusu’t lakas, ay gumagawa, nakikilaban
at namamatay...!  ¡kayo ay gumawa, makilaban at matutung mamatay, mga tagalog! 6

What I see here in this part of the narrative is Jacinto encouraging the Tagalogs to serve for their
nation once again, to possess the patriotism that will enable them to overthrow the Spanish rule that is
cruel and unjust. He encourages the mass to act now and join the movement, to be a Katipunero that
will risk its life just to claim the liberty that has been taken from them long time ago.

“I understand everything, even though you haven’t said it, because my ears hear nothing else; the
sorrow that my heart feels is indeed heavy and deep, and those who are wronged and afflicted are
precisely the ones that I seek out and assist.  But he who has no affection for me and who does not love
me, he who does not know how to die in my cause, is not worthy of my protection and shelter.   You can
tell this to your compatriots or fellow countrymen." 7 

Another work of Jacinto entitled “Pahayag” also has the same purpose, to show the mass what
the nation is lacking and that is the liberty. In this work of Jacinto, he personified the Liberty and
Slavery8. The youth was talking to Liberty as the apparition talks about her beauty and how the Slavery
took everything from her. Slavery disguised as a virtue, justice and all who believe in her will be granted
glory and the people let her deceive them with her goodness. But Liberty knows that upon her arrival,
the happiness of the land will start to wither. This personification also happens in Philippines when the

“Emilio Jacinto, ‘Gising Na, Mga Tagalog!!" October 23, 1895.” Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed
January 15, 2021.

“Emilio Jacinto, ‘Gising Na, Mga Tagalog!!" October 23, 1895.” Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed
January 16, 2021.

“Emilio Jacinto, ‘Pahayag," c. March 1896.” Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed January 16, 2021.

land was not yet conquered by the colonizers, it has its liberty but when the Spaniards came, the
Tagalogs embraced its customs openly not knowing what horrors it will inflict to them. Now, as the
Tagalogs suffers, they realized how important liberty is. As the passage suggest, the liberty left the youth
with words of uncertainty that those who has no affection and does not know how to die for her cause
is not worthy of her love and shelter 9. This just implies that it is only possible to regain freedom from the
colonizers if people will have unity to do so.

Another reason of the Katipunan being a mass-based movement is because of the most known
Katipunan text, “Kartilya”. Kartilya is a guidebook given to those new to their organization. Written
inside is the rules and principles that is needed to be learned by these new members for them to be a
part of it. As I read the whole passage, I can say that the will of the Katipunan is clearly for the mass’
betterment as these lines of the teachings in Kartilya suggests: 10

“Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor.”

“Along the thorny path of life, the man leads the way and his wife and children follow.  If the leader goes
the way of perdition, then so do those who are led.”

“True charity resides in acts of compassion, in love for one’s fellow men, and in making true Reason the
measure of every move, deed and word.  “

“When these doctrines have spread and the brilliant sun of beloved liberty shines on these poor Islands,
and sheds its sweet light upon a united race, a people in everlasting happiness, then the lives lost, the
struggle and the suffering will have been more than recompensed.”

The Katipunan’s purpose is not solely for ones’ self-merit. The masses are the oppressed and
needs protection as the teachings in the Kartilya implies. This movement also led and carved the way
through the thorny path of suffering the Spaniards inflicted, to the freedom they craved in for many

“Emilio Jacinto, ‘Pahayag," c. March 1896.” Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed January 16, 2021.

“Emilio Jacinto, ‘Katipunan Nang Manga A. N. B. - Sa May Nasang Makisanib Sa Katipunang Ito’ (The ‘Kartilya’).”
Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed January 16, 2021.

years and that shows the act of compassion of the Katipuneros towards their fellow men. The last line
that I put understandably presents the organization’s intention of building it, that is to spread their
doctrines for the enlightenment of the blinded Tagalogs that it is time to have unity to achieve the
country’s everlasting happiness and peace and to stop embracing the inhumane treatment of the

There is a list of people with their occupational background who attended the gathering in the
Roster of Katipuneros at Balintawak in 1896. Occupations of these people varies from the most
influential like a Government arsenal employee, to the simplest such as a barber 12. It only implies that
the organization accepts anyone who is willing to be imbued with their doctrines and teachings and
those individuals who will willingly sacrifice their life for the country. No hesitations nor restrictions,
everyone can join the movement and fight for the sake of the freedom they want to attain. Unity is
clearly shown and that is also one of the reasons why the Katipunan is mass-based for it is constructed
by the mass.


My final judgement would still be the Katipunan being a mass-based organization because
Filipinos took place in the said movement and the organization’s plans would remain undone without
the help of the mass. Also, the mass would not take a part in this movement too without the leaders
making them to realize how important it is to fight and raise a voice to those who suffers especially the
mass since they are the ones who experienced oppression.

The purpose of the Katipunan is clearly intended for the mass since they continuously making
effort to build a rapport to the people that is why Andres Bonifacio as well as his compatriot, Emilio
Jacinto used Tagalog language for the public to be informed that it is time to make a voice and stand.
They even used the Pasyon as their way of connecting, spreading and to apprise the public how
important and beneficial it is to regain the liberty they once had. Katipunan was understanding enough
“Emilio Jacinto, ‘Katipunan Nang Manga A. N. B. - Sa May Nasang Makisanib Sa Katipunang Ito’ (The ‘Kartilya’).”
Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed January 16, 2021.

“Roster of Katipuneros at Balintawak, August 1896.” Katipunan: Documents and Studies. Accessed January 16,

of what the nation truly needs. It will be seen on how they tore their sedulas to show Spaniards how
badly they want their independence. The Katipunan values its people indeed as the movement aims to
separate majority from the unlawful government of Spaniards, to give justice to those who died and to
recompense all the struggles and sufferings. Rather than to continue following the unjust rule of the
Spanish government since many of the founding members of the Katipunan has a connection to the
politics of Spaniards even Bonifacio himself, they chose not to because that is what the mass needed, an
empathetic figure that will serve and lead the way for the goodness and for the sake of his nation not
just because of their own grudges towards the oppressor nor to seek vengeance for their personal

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