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Department of Foreign Languages


Advantages of using Facebook on


Instructor: Ms. Diep Minh Chau (M.A.)

Student: Nguyễn Thị Phương Uyên
Student’s number: 19DH711573
Class: SA1901
Mobile: 0931841425

HO CHI MINH CITY, June 4th , 2021

NAME: Nguyễn Thị Phương Uyên

STUDENT ID: 19DH711573

UNIT NAME: Term paper

I certify that the attached material is my original work.  No other person’s work or ideas have
been used without acknowledgement.  Except where I have clearly stated that I have used
some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented this for assessment in another course or
unit at this or any other institution.  
Name/signature   Date:


DATE SUBMITTED: June 4th 2021


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Topic (5):
Materials (10):
Outline (10):
Introduction (10):
Body 123 (10x3):
Conclusion (5):
References (5):
Format (5):


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Advantages of using Facebook on teenagers
A.Hook: The advantages of Facebook
B.Background information: Facebook is the most well-known social app
with more than two billion users.
C.Thesis statement: Most of people using Facebook for communication,
entertainment and great valuable sources of information.
Chatting with family and friends anytime
Making new friends who share same hobbies
Keeping in touch with your beloved ones even if you are faraway
Surfing Facebook helps releasing stress
Posting pictures to share your fun moments with everybody
Updating latest trends
Forming study group and exchange knowledge
Reading latest news
Finding new things that we have not known in life
A.Thesis summary: Facebook is popular for its many benefits
B.Suggestion: Teenagers should use Facebook wisely so it wil not cause
disadvantages for them


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n the past century, when everything is still simple and has not been developed,
everyone has a strong connection with each other like a friend in need is a
friend indeed. When the internet has not been founded, people are usually
friendly because they are always gathering and chatting face-to-face. With
the growth of the world becoming more modern, people’s lives are also becoming
more modern and occupied with their job, family, etc. They are so busy with their
life that they do not have enough time to meeting with each other. Because of that,
everybody is now becoming more and more distant compared to the past. They are
slowly not contacting with each other anymore. But the world’s development also
leads to the advancement of some others fields such as technology. This is the first
step to help people connecting with each other like they used to be. 
The Internet technology has evolved since it was first introduced in the 1960s. The
century of digital revolution has brought us some wonderful inventions of
technology such as social network site. Because of Internet, many social networks
have earned a considerate amount of popularity due to its useful function. Among
these social networks, like Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. Facebook is recently
considered as the most popular among teenagers as a way to maintain their
relationships since it was founded in 2004. Facebook has expanded enormously
over the years. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg who wanted to develop an
online blog where individuals could post their profiles and exchange their opinions.
Facebook is now known as the most popular social apps with more than two billion
users. Facebook is well known for its three mains advantages which are
communication, entertainment and great valuable sources of information. 


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acebook is one of the most popular and favorite choice for teenagers to
associate with their family or friends. Facebook was founded in 2004 by
Mark Zuckerberg because of the urge wanting to connect everybody.
Zuckerberg (2004) cited in Kirkpatrick (2010) stated that “Thefacebook is an online
directory that connects people through social networks at colleges. Students can use
Thefacebook to: Search for people at your school; Find out who are in your classes;
Look up your friends’ friends; See a visualization of your social network.”
(2010:30). The more modern the world becomes, the busier people become.
Teenagers are busy with their study while their parents are busy with their work so
they do not have much time to interact with anyone else. They do not have the time
to sit down and gather around with family. But with Facebook, youngsters can
easily chat with their family at recess so they will not feel distance when they are
too busy with life. Youngsters can connect with family, friends and even get a
chance to find new people in different locations around the world without difficulty.
Shih (2011) stated that Facebook provides chances for people all around the world
to interact, communicate and befriend with one another. In fact, on Facebook we
will be able to meet various people sharing the same interests like us and this is a
great thing. Expanding more relationship might be helpful for teenagers in the
future. Facebook is also known for helping people find their dates according to
Kirkpatrick (2010) that is from the start, the hormones of young adults drove a lot
of activity on Facebook . Because this social-network is powered by over one
billion active users and this actually makes it easier for someone to find a date that
shares common interests or hobbies with him/her. And they might meet their
destined person, the one will go with them for the rest of their life. When people
want to communicate with their friends or family abroad. They are no longer need
to post mails which need a lot of time and money. Facebook provides several
features such as chatting, personal messaging, and photo sharing which enable us to
share information with other Facebook users easily. Facebook also features a video-
chatting tool that helps people to communicate using live video-chats. This
comforts a lot for adolescent who are studying abroad being faraway from their
beloved one. They will feel less lonely when they can video call with their family

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and friends when they are at a foreign country without any familiar people beside
them. While face-to-face social contacts are generally better for mental health than
online talks, people with poor health can not go outside to make relationship with
others. Conlin (2020) stated that Facebook provides a platform for building
meaningful relationships online, especially if the person is housebound. To
conclude, Facebook has become very popular today because it helps connect people
all around the world without problems.

ue to the advanced features of Facebook, entartainment has also become
a purpose as equal as communication for teenagers to use. Facebook is a
sources of amusement for everybody without needed to go anywhere.

Figure 1: Daily time spent on social media (Salim,2019)

According to Figure 1, social media is the main source of entertainment for

youngsters, they spend about three hours or more a day surfing Facebook.
Teenagers nowadays is usually obsessed with social media so they spend a
significant time on apps like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube,… Imagine when

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people are too busy with their study, work, etc, the pressure of life will accumulate
bit by bit and then it might make them feel stressed. Because of that, teenagers want
to find a way to help them release their worry. And Facebook is the most ideal,
entertaining social media which can comfort younsters. Facebook is a very suitable
thing for people who want to have fun but do not have much money. Youngsters
can just sit at home, lay down on bed and surfing Facebook for entire day without
spending any money. Naren (2019) said that Facebook's ability to give an infinite
amount of entertainment is maybe its greatest benefit. Facebook has different
entertainment stuff for users such as online games, funny videos, and other
interesting content. In Facebook, “To keep users updated about their social circles,
Facebook has feature: “News Feed”, which appears on the homepage of each user.
“News Feed” updates a personalized list of news stories throughout the day
generated by the activity of “friends”.” (Valenzuela et al., 2008:7). “News Feed”
helps teenagers keep track of the events like whose birthday is coming or the
activities of their friends. Online photo memory storage is a huge benefit of using
Facebook for entertainment since people do not have to pay for uploading pictures
or purchase a photo book according to Gadsden (2020). Family photos, life events,
and recent activities can all be categorized and shared openly or discreetly on
Facebook. Adolescents can also post their photos on Facebook to share their happy
moment with other people. McFedries (2011) assumed that when people share their
important events in their life with their beloved one, it will become more
significant. Actually, people can share anything they want on Facebook whether it
is important or not. A good book people have just read or an interesting movie they
have just watched, they can share as much or as little as they feel comfortable with.
The world develops every day so there are always new things or trends appear. And
Facebook is usually updating latest news so teenagers do not have to worry about
being left behind when gossip with other people. When youngsters surfing
Facebook, they can find new things that they have not known before. They might
uncover some fresh interests and discover other side of them that they have not
realized yet. Facebook brings many pleasures for adolescents with its advance

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n today’s modern society, Facebook also plays an important part in providing
people great valuable sources of information. Eren (2012) supported the
possibilities of using Facebook as an educational tool. Facebook is an informal
environment that teenagers can also study on. Zaidieh (2012) also supported the use
of social networks for learning because learners felt more satisfying when they do
not have to answer questions immediately, unlike in a regular setting where they
have to answer questions face-to-face with an actual teacher. By creating a fun and
relaxing atmosphere which can help youngsters to release their stresses from the
tension given by a traditional face-to-face classroom, which make it an interactive
environment. Cain and Policastri (2011) stated the informality of Facebook as one
of the factors that make it become an effective learning environment. Therefore,
teenagers could express themselves and their genuine ideas towards the teachers
more straightforward than before. Estus’s (2010) research proved that using
Facebook can positively encourage students to communicate about classroom
assignments or other related topics. They can also form a study group on Facebook
with other people, help each other study and exchange knowledge. Teenagers can
also make academic related interaction with their teachers or fellow students
through Facebook to develop more knowledge (Pempek, Yermolayeva & Calvert,
2009). Adolescents can also increase their general knowledge through Facebook.
Facebook has billions of monthly active users. According to AbuSa’aleek’s study,
social networks offer many pieces of information that being shared around the
Internet community (2016:71). Therefore, knowledge about culture, geography,
history, international news, or potitics is always floating around Facebook pages
and can be shared among people with similar interests. Consequently, it can create
good opportunities for teenagers to make conversation easily from the information
which they gained to increase their knowledge. Another study, which investigated
the usefulness of Facebook in education, showed the participant’s positive attitudes
towards it as Facebook helps them gain more confident in their English

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communicating and enhance their English skills, like reading and writing while
expanding their social circle (Mahmud & Ching, 2012). Everyday Facebook update
news about different kinds of themes such as environment, politics, traffic, etc so
that people can always know what is going on in their life. People can easily keep
track of all the events that are happening in the world on Facebook and keep up to
trends. Thanks to the advanced in Facebook, teenagers now can approach all kinds
of valuable information without difficulty.


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o sum up everything that has been started so far, Facebook is the most
well-known social media app that teenagers enjoy the best for many
particular reasons. Facebook seems to be the best options for adolescents
to stay in touch with their friends and family, which is done by uploading pictures,
posting status and comment, sending private messages and so on. People can share
their feelings and what is happening in and around their daily life through
Facebook. This social media app also brings about joy and excitement for people
without wasting any money and helps people release their stress. And Facebook is
one of the finest sources to stay updated with the latest news and information. Using
Facebook definitely comes with negative effects, but not everyone who uses the site
is affected. Many teenagers are able to use the site responsibly by not posting too
much information and not spending too much time on Facebook. The site is not
completely negatively viewed, as long as teenagers use it wisely.

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(A.P.A style)
Abusa’aleek, A. O. (2016). Students’ perceptions of English language learning in
the Facebook context. Teaching English with Technology, 15(4), 60-75.

Cain, J., & Policastri, A. (2011). Using Facebook as an informal learning

environment. Pharmaceutical Education, 75(10), 207.

Conlin, B. (2020). 9 Unexpected Ways Facebook Is Good for You. Business News
Daily. Retrieved May 24, 2021, from

Eren, Ö. (2012). Students’ Attitudes towards Using Social Networking in Foreign

Language Classes: A Facebook Example. Business and Social Science, 3(20).

Estus, E. L. (2010). Using Facebook within a geriatric pharmacotherapy course.

Pharmaceutical Education, 74(8), 145

Gadsden, T. (2020). A beginner’s guide to using the internet for entertainment.

Allconnect. Retrieved May 24, 2021, from

Kirkpatrick, D. (2010). The Facebook Effect. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Mahmud, M. M., & Ching, W. S. (2012). Facebook does it really work for L2
learners. Academic Research, 3, 357-370

McFedries, P. (2011). The Facebook Guide for People Over 50(1st ed.). United
States: Wiley

Naren (2019). 5 Facebook Advantages and Disadvantages. Trace Dynamics.

Retrieved May 24, 2021, from

Pempek, T. A., Yermolayeva, Y. A., & Calvert, S. L. (2009). College students'

social networking experiences on Facebook. Applied Developmental
Psychology, 30, 227-238

Nguyễn Thị Phương Uyên Page 12

Salim, S. (2019). How much time do you spend on social media? Research says 142
minutes per day. Digital Information World. Retrieved May 24, 2021, from

Shih, R.-C. (2011). Can Web 2.0 technology assist college students in learning
English writing? Integrating Facebook and peer assessment with blended
learning. Educational Technology, 27(5), 829-845

Valenzuela, S., Park, N., & Kee, K. F.(2008). Lessons from Facebook: The Effect
of Social Network Sites on College Students’ Social Capital, Lessons from
Facebook, 1-39

Zaidieh, A. J. Y. (2012). The use of Social Networking in Education: Challenges

and Opportunities. World of Computer Science and Information Technology,
2(1), 18-21

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