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Bagumbayan, Bagac 2107 Bataan, PHILIPPINES

1. Search for an image online or take a picture of an invention/discovery in our
present time.
2. Name the proponent of the selected discovery/invention.
3. Explain how this discovery/invention revolutionized science at present time.
4. Save the file of your output in MSWord, JPEG or PDF format.
5. Upload your output to the created LMS for the course.


On July 17, 1902, Willis Haviland Carrier
designed the first modern air-conditioning
system, launching an industry that would
fundamentally improve the way we live, work
and play.Carrier leads the industry with energy-
efficient products and manufacturing practices.
Every day, Carrier brings productivity and
comfort to the world through new innovations – all built on energy efficiency and
sustainability.(Carrier Company 2021)

2. Since the heat temperature has changed over the years as a due to climate change, heat
strokes have increased dramatically as a result of the high temperature, Heat strokes can be
avoided with the use of air conditioners, which lower the temperature of the air. Air
conditioners may greatly enhance the condition of indoor air and produce a healthier
environment. This is due to their ability to flitter pollen, dust, and other irritants out of the
Note: The number one image and content were taken from Carriers' corporate page. There
is no intention of infringing on other people's intellectual property rights.

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production
inclusive programs and services by 2030. programs and services through progressive enhancement of its human resources
capabilities and institutional mechanism.
Bagumbayan, Bagac 2107 Bataan, PHILIPPINES


1. Is one anomaly in the normal science enough to cause a paradigm shift?
➢ No, yet an anomaly with no apparent fundamental significance might cause a crisis

2. Which period in the progress of science shows great discoveries?

➢ Modern Science After the Industrial Revolution was the period in the progress of
science shows great discoveries

Additional Activity
1. Why are the Greeks considered the harbingers of western civilization?
➢ The Greek are considered the harbingers of western civilization due to the
combination of these very varied cultural activities.
2. Why did Galileo need to have his last work, Discorsi, smuggled for publication to The
➢ Galileo had to have his last work, Discorsi, smuggled for publication to The
Netherlands, because It was his most rigorous mathematical work which
treated problems on impetus, moments, and centres of gravity.
3. Why is the 20th century described as the “Physics and Information Age”?

➢ I think 20th Century described as the “Physics and Information Age” because The
first half of the century saw many other physicists celebrated for breakthroughs
in physics. In addition, a huge amount of modern technology was invented.

Our Vision Our Mission

A leading university in the Philippines recognized for its proactive To develop competitive graduates and empowered community members by providing
contribution to Sustainable Development through equitable and relevant, innovative and transformative knowledge, research, extension and production
inclusive programs and services by 2030. programs and services through progressive enhancement of its human resources
capabilities and institutional mechanism.

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