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NAME: _________________________YEAR & SECTION: ______________


Direction: Each part of the test has instructions on what to do. Answer
what is asked.
A. PICTURE ANALYSIS: Using one sentence only, define the word/s
using only the picture as illustrated. ( 3 points each)

1) Work 2) Potential Energy 3) Kinetic Energy

4) Elastic Potential Energy 5) Power

B. ESSAY: Answer briefly but precise. (5 points each)

1) In most circumstances, the normal force acting on an object and the
force of static friction does zero work on the object. However, the reason
that the work is zero is different for the two cases. Explain why each
does zero work.
2) (a) If the speed of a particle is doubled, what happens to its kinetic
(b) What can be said about the speed of a particle if the net work done
on it is zero? 2
C. PROBLEM SOLVING: Answer the following with complete details as
instructed. (5 points each. Total points 30)
1) A mechanic pushes a car of mass m, doing work W in making it
accelerate from rest. Neglecting friction between car and road,
(a) what is the final speed of the car? During this time, the car moves a
distance d.
(b) What constant horizontal force did the mechanic exert on the car?
2. A 0.40 kg ball is launched at a speed of 16 m/s from a 22 m cliff.
(a) What are its kinetic energy, potential energy, and total mechanical
energy at the instant it was launched? (Use the base of the cliff for
your reference level.)
(b) If air resistance is negligible what is the kinetic energy just before it
hits the ground? Does this answer depend on the direction the ball
was launched?
(c) At what speed will the ball be moving just prior to striking the
ground if air resistance is negligible?
3. A 750-N Marine in basic training climbs a 12.0-m vertical rope at a
constant speed in 6.00 s. What is his power output?

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