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oy ed as iad S THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ve a= .. VN ae momen TOFTCY CAYO AY CLR ea Rta Re ete ae : , + a CC ea On ES mt ARCHITECTURE, eee nea easy NSE Os te BLENDING Peer ante CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 96 PART TWO THEMES TRANSPORT » 96 INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND ENGINEERING © 114 FOOD AND DRINK » 124 ARCHITECTURE « 132 HUMAN AND ANIMAL © 138, ADVERTISING # 154 CONCEPTUAL = 164 INDEK + 172. CREDITS « 175, 8 PARTONE TECHNIQUES ACETATE MASKING # ANGLED SPRAYING » BASIC EXERCISES, BASIC FORMS ® CARD MASKING # CAST SHADOWS CHROME EFFECTS * CORRECT ON TECHNIQUES DOT CONTROL * DOT HIGHUGHTS + DROP SHADOWS ERASURE © FABRIC MASKING « FILM MASKING « FLAT TONE FOUND OBJECT MASKING « FREEHAND SPRAYING « GHOSTING GRADATED TONE » HALOING * HIGHLIGHTING KNOCKING BACK ® LETTERING TECHNIQUES # LINE GONTROL LINING-IN # LIQUID MASKING © LODSE MASKING OVERSPRAYING ® RULING SCRATCHING BACK « SPATTERING ‘STARBURSTS # STENCILS + TAPE MASKING * TEMPLATES TORN PAPER MASKING + TRANSPARENCY » VIGNETTING WINDOW HIGHUGHTS. NTRODUCTION If JS NOT So LONG AGO that books on airbrushing were practically unobtainable simply because publishers did ‘Hol think there was an adequate demand. However, the wed and increasing need for highly finished, Guality Nustrations in every area of graphic design has fyrought an awareness of airbrushing to a wider audi- hctpexen though the techniques themselves may still Be chisive foxmany. Using step-by.step demonstrations ‘hd the work of pidfessional illustrators, this book aims to cover the techniques esnployed. As skills improve and develop so will cach illustrator introduce new ap- proaches to his or her work, which others may find unacceptable oF inappropriate, but to the illustrator using them they may become an indispensable twctt nique in all future work. Because of this, and because there are no ules which must be adhered to, no single book on airbrushing techniques can ever be detinitiv« ‘The majority of the readers of this book, | hope, will Start by. stiidying the professional examples reproduced @ maiher than look ai the step-by-step demon je it is undeniable that the demon. the choice ot techniques Wei, the finished examples have been selected primar fly on the strength of the airbrushing. Regardless of the fac| that most of the illustrations reproduced here were fora specific purpose and would theretore be seen in a many do stand as illustrations in their own ight ~such is the standard being achieved today. a by product of tutes on the theory of perspective and shadows, is Were hoth subjects I found fascinating and jelly developed an understanding of them. ‘This My introduction to the airbrush was meant Lwasoften ahead of my colleagues and had time ‘fon my hands 16 take exercises to finished! artwork stave My lecturer would encourage me to render these exer yes using an airbrush, Winsor Blue or Payne's Gray watercolor, and an old foot-pump with a reservoir ~ Which was designed for use with an airbrush. Not only did this develop my skills in using a new tool, but it also taught me palience ~ took a good two oF tree minutes 10 pump up the tank to the required pressure and ther spray for about 30 seconds betore having to start pumping again. All this after slowly and carefully cutting film masks on artwork drawn on paper which was often thinner than the film, (This explains why few ‘of my works have survived ~ the majority just fell apart like jigsaws hele lees TECHNIQUES Tie areucarion an Usk of the airbrush as @ means of rendering natural, man-made, and fantasy or science fiction subjects fas increased enormously over the past three decades, Illustrators have found this tool an invaluable aid either for rendering a complete illus: fyation on limited application to enhance detail, tex ture, form, oF contrast on an illustration which has been primarity hand-painted, Because of the more widespread use of the eitbrush, ‘various techniques have developed to arrive at the quickest and most effective means of achieving desired eificls. Many of these lechniques are peculiar to the airbrush and are the result of much experimentation by ingividual illustrators based on both the advantages and Timitations of the airbrush. When the airbrush is in ‘ooisiant use, it will soon be apparent that there are fechniques other than those described and illustrated Dew. They will be discovered oF identified through fanicular need and may well become essential to the illistator who chances upon them. In this book, the ‘purpose is to describe those techniques which have Wider and more general application in illustrative work, De it creative or technically based. Aitbrushing is an acquired skill. It requires practice, puiene, careful planning, experiment, and, to produce successful work, an understanding and awareness of colo light, tone, and contrast. In addition an ability to draw is essential. Acetate isa completely transpar- fe plastle material aval I Sbeet or ral fore and 10a number of cferent thicknesses, Teisuseh in alonushing asa substitu for and voraplesnent to, eltadherive masking fila, Because tt lacks adhesive, acetate willallew residual color to ‘cneroacit underneat, creating 2 softedged effect sehich cab vised to advantage. IF this s not Wanted cate mist be take 1 ensure that the mast f helt every and flatly against the arte work to provide fn edge to The cul or broken edge ofa peor of acetate can be used 10 Form 3 lace mack, ora whale shape eam be cutout of the mate sal cosresponding to 2 particule prt ofthe artwork. Hecate acetate, lke mashing film, com> pete tansparens, se mask can bbe accurately positioned in ration to previously spayed areas of the Image. When acetate icut, espe ‘ally foro rusk ich has sas, hard-edged commen, thea be prone to spitting. Although a Spllt may anpear insignificant on the acetate mask, 8 aurpesing how a small amount of sprayed pint passing threngh wil he Sulfitent lo show up on the arwork | 1 Sieepny curves nave baer cut Ime @pece of area. This nae eft at arte lie ation bear sed sob enraved alg 8 cuver ese 2 Wher he anetate for he sorajed rea, seen Pathe curve & Faowstr ny fet sais oul baths aac 8 The gue masks uss, but "eu 9 faking al of oF tne fad has ke ited we sonal Cok a rege Lobehee Laas the, oss 1a bras naira wher bat area sat ade. fren 3 he ANGLED SPRAYING Jf | ipsam is se to dence te technique of Hlenaing cotors int |) eathother,wiehout having 3 Ind or carly defined edge brava thm. Is achieved by {Me dsince the artrush fs held aay om the artwork and the ale which the arbrash isin flston tothe artwork snface Thisteshnique may be wsed in ‘anjnction with the section on Wele-band Blending “This phateqraph der ene | Tie ured fobetd vo coos | naignt anc and o tebust it cojether thou an sige ese | Felton nthe araork es he ist | ine two tating shawn, AM the aver + gradation Is annie Taghod of he ist cole bs speed fern ep 2 Gato, halcny the a trust lan ange of 9" to neat work fo crea avery sot ant gente iyaaton 2 The socond cer nom | tho sare anole ah aS he spayed om tert | range with larew-band Blending ef beret coke oeranercted. hs sagathe arate fam elect 2 Tho aceone colors anole ws fngtege 1 The nate tesuh shows secre det air bua he ‘obs Frit woesreed emonstraton ‘Tre fst caer is ban sora! fom Bralow arse tothe safaee, Ihe ater ben tured 8 forse Saray of re scone ct wath a ae eg mee The Ramaarge ati" stage | Using Cardboard in Angled Spraying Intbeth af he foineina wean an sien ba ra tao 41 inthe uses te euros hekssigtl tony Porn fe ere ‘atte surtaon [rsa a Fre fier hat att ede an compote, 2 Inthe prctograh the eae Teagan used eu mush bute pega ult alors "as dear brourrt aew tower the nero Shieh vl qv mh fee sage nd genes eos gration ‘he reparation of any type of price patning requires Sonceitated practice and peace, time speat here w pay dvdends later and prevent hnfoviatesand unnecessary Ista: from being inceeparated [nip ise atwexk. Thre airs Sota dfcue toot to use, bu aswithal cchers, wnat tt can and ‘anal do reeds to be under sod and there no beter way than pecs, Having sald tha, ths seuion should not be seen Inislaen tom the other tech iqes describe in this hook fer the benef cam be ic 9 fs to obtak full anol the tow of paint ana fuetveugh the alrush—snootl felon staring snd stopping thay, een for teen fork and control ofan even Spee of cole, even when masks tbe weno deine specie shapes in zation, rhe heigne sud ange ote airbrush Using Sein afer the final est hse erect an take any form hit helps to develop the ‘miss urdersanding Of the toots apis, Too deol ho bows covers rh Glineartecst a heve Gee ‘copied prinentywitcut use ot Isis of 8 fe, T8108 the asoting aoris~ lo devel abl ar ce Sarce missathevbrush eocleen In trnenctanaing ha iat hates "These exerises cover four hasie pee eobe ciider spliie Sand cane. They Yepresentthe Drincpal geometrie stapes inet Se likely to Be encountered in Srbrashing an Incredible vtity ‘ofubjcets, wetter ake ie Stualy in groups oy, a soe kel, arts fom each in any combitalion.Itspecfic and dette areas Yo 9 ange mimber ‘fhe ined luctiatione in this book are cotly examined ‘wll ecu apparent Ut ina it the abstact shapes which ‘nake up the istrative content ‘gle planes and curves wich Gane ettaeted ton These base shapes Nol only is pracy cami Leos toate the ski hhanling the aubrush, but itis sho uiehl in underancheg the Stipes urenbeves. FuMTCINe, it you extend the praaple of these exerces by varying the co tn na sucfoce textes, yuu wil scape greter endertanding of how Ig alles the sang ane Sentra fom one sree 0 ane. ton one side ante Ind from ane abject ro another The Cube 1 Thaciis § aw syermatically “athena comer act aria th Giese The sone anathe eure ing area are ovo wit angie loge at masiong ir —— 2 The timemoriw telat hand aos cf ne ne mit and areves fer ne Hat etaga n tre serxing Srejesea Tha lsh face I {dno toe rant art rena ne apectted hot. 2 Leaving te let-hand face linmeskan, tha fm maskeg he ratahend faa oftha sue 8 eh End ramove. nthe plane *e opts of ne nine for it oe ura inceasng exength in he Tigh foward tre adr eos whine cube Iscut ant removed, again leaving ths tam votion sures re, Tho dep of tana hora igrtor oll than onthe vetcal pana ard | 14 Fas rerzontaiy rem the tep to he | Gil bottom, wth tho nearest oomerio ste Ge ouarer bergamot das | a healer ge 4 Thehorzertalsulaoe ofthe cube ™ 5 Oncenpeton, he emanngih Ma Fererroved, showing te cue vs) eo “oven recacetnon lh arog uve contrat to crecle a Oril rrersioralinsie ‘The Clee TAatagmowiard dewng of 2 Thins, eandng verily enone ‘Se, sccverod wth masking fim tiie ein alse ames he Barks urdue, ca orth cue, | I Tebech cf the cringed Soe im eons Tha saving fegne tom ta lot hand olga, and avuar ie lower 12 ovarap the Sogeand maskng. tis same fsudieale e Lanithe arwork rawr ra ody bong sect ve oe, hg ried rlocerr the eater Sao, bascas ensuing We Iecanyrne arate ona cemter- hreotve cancer 2 Cr tna rguthand euye, re save Techni is apps as N aye 2 Ro frmorant iaones & ht oe oor soning wits” Re aaga at tho makes shapotaomneta t=, fellcise rgrighe a 0 oxrore robtul he oe ‘yan the coors granny ft braugrt atria canto eh Ti oxen vstiong hagiigitat Feomter anarg 0 sompleo engi al the ye red fatal the sakes sic HOH 4 Paty, ge 09 of he eye ie Seared. Atel cuts are cravna || thetn or te ical aro. calor Saprayed n anoruorla crest, Eencortathe oe wu up Sey 8) at orryrasid CUO fas arte relesang ei, 5 The mask fms raved Ieaung a hankeaer ede ic Neto by ni enures sees Fiore. Tha toorique cuss. Site bu: cteotve rm tha The Sobor ioc ies aiden Th ‘lon bs isn a cara sr. & plece ct rasing apse Paced al necarte te prmven the arpaes peter ton mak ate Shabang mancecarn cise to tan 6 uaa ee eo Guess aie hig oe i line spon a ore neem Son Mell oom a Selon eaetiy sede es tilatecpracsonn wh te fas thn eon sha The }| Senor, ine mossy usta || Sint re usr ese ght tel Ince ot tre oct ig 3 Inthe secon stana at spraying, pare more efactively apoedi Serine nana 3 rare contrling*e3 fore rary encanto Eto tenal notlogeatin theten of toh esr Sh masiod erin, er oon bo | Sig sano toca 9) pon to proce cohoce va shtoiower ecg igh ances aren ot | | © 3. A SwOy OF 3pret te | Coe ad me ey hte on ’ i ae wel oo he way eh ch y ru soon ae lees wh boot ireronoe valu er rune practice ene cal ‘The cone y"aanna @ dann use an ty Aerie fo ha ease to yoo o tee ‘enero erovanson, Me artecrk [ecpovereswsth mask ine ne ea ehap ou et 2 ri exams e tucttor hae Frat eleany ego ofthe fonetoboa sevayed wat Ihe Colas er te mae a (od uy a8 comes ae tbwaide the carr of he ore Yn epmsing a cane ie npoy Uant iy tererrbor het the eck ‘roger be wapen fom the bana 6 Pe vop endtty ofea sprayer shou ‘ployee overal srape ct he cone | 23 the simeciomrienin carted ou Te itil, (ve eolrionet eee Teale on re asker exe cag sgl 12 iat refecia hahlght 16 fashown, Ayan me baler © gracitec:ichy foxerus he Sorter ncreats ha man hii 4 Tetnalsiagals he enorl ot the masking am. Tracone ws seen le hee ten ih he conrra “arial ate Salles eseen sah ish eshte yin Tis technique i on the same Il ‘SSL tn TOR aria A and reference show slo be ‘made to tnem when following the seauenecs illustrated here | The adhantage af cardboarel a6 fa masking materials that eis readily wallable and inexpensive — {You cam use pieces tert over fromm Other studio projects can be sued n mas arenas ‘Shaped Edge Ton Edge ‘quite acuorately und to create TApeon cactboad hes bees | 1 Aisa of cards ten tor various edge qualities, tas fut ba amastanrinan astce, ~this | Mal The en he cone rence ce Isopague, It less yetstlle than avelate oF masking hm site 4 apne gies, at cata emarbared that Neaiea 0 eco eating fe raving overt emda hs | sok kurewory dela aves: 2 Tho thon aie on the arte we ut 2. Phe efiat woneved ton soapy fae nator re arene yet fe oes beae | ‘hod edge, Aga he venation spuyna erwee ruse iowa. | lw aagieo a gtavao% ean b conto ee oy the dstee> ere feel aay ro he arta Cast shadows havea variety of Tesinilustition. Not ey clo they help in sHeasly making the sublet sand out te the front, Inv dey ate aso an effevuve reaisof enbancing the three- mensional qualities of an tusuation. The demonstations fre show soft-rdge shadow aa spray reenan a a Iictedge! snvlow created with asking fm, Shades can be generated fm an arial light source o: Py satura light fous the sun. Hen rave elt owa set of els, Theleslnaques of plotting low tree area inject in themsenes, and those Wishing to ‘spermnent farther should reer Ibboeks dealing specifically with fenpectve, berdes cbverving ut acully happens in reality ‘escape ofthis bock does wo Mic uy compleritics ofthe for an appltcaion oY pe Ipstiein cation to shadows, Teer, sore guidance may be fale by studying the many framples of professional autuust Softedged Shadow 1 Avera ener 9 desert and oveen wth trasang Wer het the autnes have neen au rasa tape lees tn arene tne nak eetlon coved tna boy ane Sinclar oreba aasy to eRe Beroaared apa. Ate-netwob, the seoe on ean be led and pace Es baetng areal erect Suis eased. Te cyte is Sprayed as pravio.siy descrced iBage Ist mut nena siete trate vith raga tana poaian of The hehliia, asi “taro | gk epreduiced In ts Book and IRogtiang where shadows have | been sed for a specific purpose, rs 2 Tatars oh oyna Ferrand The sansa catia lie area a sry poured th eho igntenutcn, Tha ton een ‘o0ced fer apaing wth duo alliance beng maco ete kadeg ‘ege hgriget whies =the game ‘sg ce 1 Uw Boay ote oylnaer aprepanse ta ome f smiet smaeow ae Syraved, Se! bacagteame 3% Sprayac from the faproxirits cary ter ovha kara garth eging ho ‘ale or thn ernst feap"g alwthiner 9 ating clive save should not be tae lngane sud le gradual a Hard edged Shadow thy cacrose cast strc lechungies eteslingan tos rege thes ciensons th he cal tear ey roast be “ovarv tunes ale anti BOL Co ie greumal ar leben fo fre oveerard ae rrneey Dale the ett nee 2 losing senetnucied te box fancits tharos tha wor ar femesie stenoses inp oct he sarsr ctor nce. The shee e.rse0 6 then cevanoo wath fava any 19 The ede of Be box seer tothe Shae lhe ary el Ie sroul bo ceravod wth 3 ror set ot 4 ter fecaams eriashe Frost ores he ria procs Ferrewea orelage 3, boca tie Sse recs to ae tre stronger Tone ane meting ea aon fie dane tobe Dat on ces spran05, PS Secthorop is sprayed, again | makina amount lot nie na faungihe porous slogeo ompooed. | ng the higheat svar tenc, ans the Worievemjoncloses, tne tp. | shuue ve borne © nares inn deevors sown es ecevngine | Seema. F Tetra) nano sro%: the Ssarieted box elie sc Sava eras tren ee ecg ol the seuss 4 ina ot wis navy 9 sent ninety appaeet ahios avast fr asinaeting re shorn oradetiing Sgfin Trorrsokng tiricoverng | owe gradetod, The graciton may hy [Plitestios seatardremoved. | pass edwards fos fra coco [pplitsexecin a tt tone tector | Irene event ts Iojirert hesnaccer butts | sh, tlsall pander en = WPlasecopace adie wcazng wth | ctoct anc ovens needs personal stereo by ts very narure, chrome, oF any other higgily polished ot reflective surface, fe ciffeat to reproduce convincingly tn en Iustation, Whale the auras isa more than useful aid, ifthe | cllect Is not rendered with care Sn ereplacming ac be Uieretone requites practi aid clove stucyrat actual examples, | Morochramatie tact ' including the methods uscu in| As nabase aH same, 3 3 Some of fhe histarions wepra | cy.rer renccnaly | | ‘duced In this book, Ths & asin ronion Tro at ™ { teense civome nucle seen | sk covood wth meakeng fim in without something ese reflected | orb" er aur Tmt, usualy in close proximity. pie oe eee | mui 2 The boa, oF engl", ofthe oy iniarn ol rsh Guliny. Bp IO ecru of how tne ferischdec his vrcushiaded |g Ih secuenes, ary escvelrr | {he aubrusning of uome rose arthncanaasing ha tbeananet esi when oth black-ancbwhite and color Girengest orcrkett shades arecut, | mately enoreacres onthe det Fach iedemonstrated in olatien, ana neither should he taken 38 The em metheel When aids Si We | sce Wil eoy avongeen Jo a fet ‘ores a, sth pou’ ean thetnen at Ingehenme, the appeoach apt {xcas ave spray) wel, at dn rot “ ced must e judged 99 lis merits (Soy sents ten Bul awe ote Au dependent on suet tis asthe Inetion of the ehrorye in Telation to otter objects or mati= home needs to De shown, ALOT these will ebvieusly determine the hase and reflective colors to teased when senting ‘uses @ convention for creating the | part wflects lighter tones from tae sky Tis DUIMShy lV requires the atist fo establish the chiome suuface Tinaily always ensure thst the sir pressure throogit the sibrsh, ie crneect. IF ton ln the Fin ish will appear grainy and tentured, which would take aay | the eefleerive appearance, che hay an entrennty smioctt sara 1 hw maken Ha protcosng th booy ol he eye frome. ural | © apolod and over ts Ina faitinighigiisseetee witvan | highly seve beck wage 8, at knleabry ive cunac eae basen the nacy avs ha 2 ot "ha ryircler 8 AnoHer apaquo white hghigrt [5 Tre saconcarsa of areiatet tone | son handy ae thelr is orcunh apis tothe op half te ‘sown hte reeros of heute Fac Apne cerculnet to apray | ight, 10h suteunasg sasary \svervec oh seh be en chard ard i a var othe 9) Lake spac Sa bsoye nsec Aye eircer pod el eters row feccouarad wih maken tim 3°03 tha areata senior ireaened frauing Trertahas tt ecsye ct iS eslnoor fn coi © apod ser iy and qrelted or og ote ‘ened er te oltre enn ie ie GroundiSky Retiection Tong tre serve rage, 9 ein racing ie epr Ibompated rotor level acrose tre sentarct lesyrae. This oxoaed ams is an sary a ve Ihown, bit concenttng ta eer ihe mack, ch rep eosted ne Tis = gadiod down nt yew culte, Lut rots that t 2 The acetate mask a ernowe sv bun fs rar sre os fap she onder ard gruiey eatin, mis caer shoud fnaunh craton ‘olen the vite tne boar ta came thot" tr te bes" an th Fi, a frown rere The end oe eye 1 masa ir gece exe 1 sora ere, arc le Lm ta farting thm be cl ‘rete Ancthor svelte rw & evga oud fin ine andy tre eander fated ectohing al car ma anat kil To olbered bya Serayed nanigne st apeq© he suussthe 000) of the ane fora fesse 30k 28 eet | belgie coor | 5 relnger edye buineon toon i) 6 Argnighi.agan a opeeve ‘rf, i sorayod ree a ct 2 the eer Pariah ard appre inh antar f the ar Syincee Rath ave pained ‘re rtacted hereon able; itis theselove necesiaiy to fevise quick and effertve fechimiques which eam rectly the situation without having to resor to 4 complet restart. The ‘example ilustated here, a Feregalarty i the spray quatty, Ive comimion mistake, usually Uae resul of lack of control Sometimes its caused hy dri paint patiles being blown onto the artwork through poor clean ing of the attbrush, ‘Over spreying with White Titnas rleiege Wy grouse a pece leo wth stots te Sled calernning er sry Seaneth of colar atte 9 toa ry mom Howie: hanna sen rata Sb out na‘eranie sear ha ee Laarelveson made in he tition oa a the 60 2 Tovecthethe mtn, apa Shite aprayoe apre ho earn Pete wah othe eabred ae oo lang vie muguiy, 201 geskng iar veooicn epproetraiely tre tle tea ‘in 8 Canal gracason 8 Torevive he ccuiod const o the tonal gracaton the ws reepnyed wi be Cig! clr eler ewe par tase 4 When the mask le ewe tha oct ofa sean era of acai’ Saker Littng Watercolor Wan conseting smal ratecser | har amas of thar, tr thine mayen vaardt rere pr Hire salar tary cana, tayo cesoary use cute a tow buss, ‘peta he ee teouring 20 femion rust brought bask to tehha othe arg7a aura, Tearmthoe sot alas eae cohen ies ona tee srt, Sich ae sinh bears maine Papo: Hocauea the sigrarta eco inane tho aca ie com reetignea tg Srocth ene ny costed boars Femoving Celor Bleed sprayed 6) oa wer, Gono, Spot Tes urbe Wwe rsh ea ingina” wre. raged eae 01 Peemncin rad set SURF, Iona ta pit thoy 1 Petoronen trou a be red tore tesaue clsone sone bars Many penpte, when frst nt ———S SSS = } | duced to the aibrust, heeve ie only eapable of spraying medium ~ . . : age areas and fe not suitable for fine, dktaled wotk. Plenty of fat contol exercises will not only prove them wrong, hut vil also huild wp confidence and sl in . . jrocice for applving sprayed dots Ec highlights to give sparkle to the trish ofa detailed stra tion. Ths technique iscovered | 4 Tre shove f same civ under ser mctiscisin the fol. | ote lac et infve neon ews. } | lowing section, Tho carte zor alle rpiny b cv the sane See a cob Inetesy 1 eau yptepeo ao | ee a 2 Herathran ne of dose ave ogy precehsy o sre tenon ta kige Ay avery on the sequen Stn ol the swe mosirr ane the dunce dl Bie ae Pash roaze onthe bor § | aehieve lve i de 4 Te eemooe sorta ath | anibcrtoar pene a race of in cloned eae | 41 chose ucts heve seen sprayed 4 suas gereorasteed ; strayed oes, na ral eat gine Seba ican ho Sal’ re meen The ws of dot lights ai tastaton, Highlights mis blots bused ony on Thonevriner aon edger svhich would normaly eet igh sch a concentrate They shapes as a neal patolthedbeetand mis | Shrapy Sorter tote chess 2 Oana uhtlethoe vs 4 Me-eraktcinaae tym Soret eee parton at ete mrsproten noc rer el sak | J roanta Gicection ofthe light source Ona Cunved Edga thse highiohss 2 ot shot. ure 4S Tepbhesttna adg on winch Tt woul be rtonely reacted cons Fine iniratn, ie re saw been geratchad tft Tne Into t chev ob th 2 Opaque white dots te Fopiee win a teush selected 1 on fap at 95 setae (Ona Metetic Surtaco fs, eee repealed Thiserarype sic ne eopicaton ew trove Fake afdes "ot his Me bo Ol arsbe, {hase namics aresro 4 ute ot apa whe spray te een toa he e186 ot foleree neta amp cot Riggs have eco inearhighighls feo ard Ine ek cpecue nts bec ot fhe copes ten to that ce etl so tavotng ec highhs ns ess No: ery dove ts irtonaty she oconuaoe (8 evlng pau icanoxanle ‘vei naa Bean etd on by dak > mikes an iteresi"g conped- | rountai anges sew ews has somo fe racng eat sore on page | en oa testa) fescue 0 he The sory ate tao san sn se a a nisenting sataro 0” he files fir efits echolau, withthe sashor ot 3 vtletin ot On an Angled Edge The Case cube hes be=n sprayoc st aligh oearae of contact shad Hh I 174 Upon: pat of a cy de ic wave bier bruset only scam aby apeiing ihetighigrss. | eau eves. Py ate revi see asthe gel chet away torr aca favel me hg 2 To enhance the sorte ane 13 | Songun a vcr hghigit hos Leon | Seepectiesnanden re neces: | Soren tnecutss, react one (ately rakes the cots ape lo bigitersustace 2 Toten the an oth dove opaque ni | bon shadows metnod ot Reps obec nn sta the mtok object nn wet The stadn aaa can aso bevel | eat theism of aerent iets Refer aan oes HN hereto then soayed eo Sugurly yavas, st caged slbes, gen mike Cees ‘Bn cate ead oo naz: ootec Te crarecer Wc ie sel has seged oranaese ano Using Acotate 1 Ine eae cheractr "W" suseu) butts time acute use a he skin rad 2 To aia ho excel se in Bravia torr 3 Tharran nat ofthe acetate mask Srna the area uray he Shoreter ahi exceoed fo feraqng, ee the astute isk rire chara, eter cere pos: fining 1s rye iy heat he arbor assy bahar use The Character sprays lowing he arp ipages “01 44 Ou eonpiaier onthe spraying of Ihe wrerectr tha ica net othe cola Pask Stereo 8 Sinna eset and th lb the sprayne ofthe aac , , 9 The nreu cooy cfine craracar aca, and tw trea shadow areas ‘s repusllansdte prvect ha Scravod elt een tore lepoced reas the Soave char © wren ootn scwiae masks have tas acne ity soft edues eon omewce For theattectk, th some caios Me eee my be 4 Berle nl because acelale plete 6 thes fae-etge sh erate hedipstadnn ohanelby whgraciog | t This isa general heading refering lo the use uf easels, Bll soll, and the pencil type, which may be used for comretions and fo applying highlights to specific ateasof the artwork, The tech Hnlque ts usually ony successful hea applied to illustrations whieh have been sprayed ontoa type cammoniy used 39 the preparation of luctite dawngs Furtnermote, is best applied ‘Musirations which have been sprayed with seatercolare. Ths ie because the untae leyer of splayed eratestoloe pats fatrerney tmin. On gouache ancl acrylic speayed surtaces, there ‘one chance af damaging the sor Courhigcoies, anal thereon Dxerspraying with apague white ‘Sar biter aa iss sk. As aconection techaign, crasute should be lied to small teas, When tse locteate igh lights, a hard, pent. type eraser is far he best, busine i pose sible to maintain a reasonably samp polnt on the rubber cote Which will ive greater contaol The finish varies according to the desea of paint removed TH oul range trom complete expo= Sure oF the ite uf Ue bute, 10 very subtle highlights sueh 3s ‘would be sen on matte oF urna: Chined sunfaces. With care, the peril exer could also be wed 10 fenhatice contist, especialy whe ‘ach ofthe dfereice between the lights se the darks has heen lost hy exces suveeuterappileation 8 1 he exarpe a sprees een ayers vith a ca gach ‘P oresanl anonpe) sted sur 2 Atthe natal ption ofthe Fignlops, thecothas bear fraeen wth cleus netlan ry pone: erase’ Nwilbo nowea Pat the amount pain: eraycclat re fenvernties of the hight = Uooresea. oe thal tie hy ght {UGS ao tho ase cous EABRIG MASKING there he ral | tens nemebonsierne tev sures th a arash sve tas eflecive os one would tape The ute of edn: to coool ie op ofa pponuniis which hen sre toan Musation, il ge tafe tentute not acca imitale wih the bi re Sere do eyreduce the | | sete le meme, oa ee chpermenaton i aaabie joe av te nash | | sori arteork,unleve de int soap ent te speic effet Bose fy apreebstore ute 8 30 akc sats ts the tars na he spay Typo ab ata as mask have st open weave to allow the Spraved color to pass unui aed beeween the thers. The texture may be applied over large or small ates, which ia theaneles ea | protice aac sonal variations of form and fomtast. The material need be ed jul Ica o R extury, toe peped nage of ve ied lls 4 dhuratesstic rest, A ‘rm of repent pattem could be apped using, for example 2 fuel openciveave ay seen tl fathioned alas curtain, a indeed the aun types of lave which are svalable ‘\bachgzouned texture can be spnied over the atin bore the objector subject itself Sprayed, Natura ths requires the principal pan ofthe ius loo to besprayed in aa opaque fnedium in nde> to prevent the trae texture From showing rygh Small, conte seus tna bo prayed by overlaying the fahic on tp ut «previously cut piece of massing fir. 1 iis dononsraton ul ene asa. a evs ol Pesnenie srevry as Ts bar \rowlng wood extce 8 Fre gee uu ch as elon te hs taurc Ove eater ane sh | " | a Theorample shone thoes | using aditter emery canes inugule eros th the payne resinaied lo pected wea, {ll te abs career Th eigratane: ae 4 Loose cotton scrim na en van ra ona 2 . 5 A sinpltoa en rn fe noesut on sbxany fougr aguas oer a kee The ws of tansparen, teradhedie making Alvin at Drang isthe most poplar mete of prokecting seas uf Mie {wor nien are nt curenty Being marke vi Masking fis siallable with ether a mation los fh at is supplisd on ap tectivebacing sheet, whic cant be needed sjau The adhesive on te tim istowact,aliwing mast to te placed era lean oF previously sprayed surface ond subsequenly ied witout mage tothe unde Ieang rte Tecate the Fim i transparent allows thane ars vera Yo remain viable which texte wel wn rd he strength ot cor ial shading again thee eae they sprig ts alse porate to remove exces and result trom the fi by eaeetally wiping ‘overbent etann,Nithowt damaging the atork or the ane expo fr Spraving (hs ofcourse applies to wits hc emaln wale Shes drying. Weaning masking tay, abnays curt vith shape bias Od aes quley toe there fea Ueto he il rather than et cca Iyhwaigh Gentle bat even pres sires nul when cing, fo ‘ond wong the aw In the two examples ven hee poiclat eke sould be taken of {he seqanoee ceed napping the teal sanges thy ar nor sae tor anggerent watercolor and opaque gouache With a transpann sedis the depth of shode anc Gio ote om ark to ght Py fnverspraving Uiansparenit iy ens wth Ine apague med vale mses ae maddest hd pa Ga ons can be sprayed ey dark require, Wetercolor Mediur: Tcuersrsrate ares ‘he mubvea’ ratte: Pista draorg regarec on Baal paper as shaw 2 threw 2 The tanned deny om rust cane of ne ae rinan shy all ne oe Cor ois ie alee to vow us cate pape iewelar’s ens 4 Tro artworks covert van sig hit an all ines des2rbing the ae ae ct tthe fs 5 The sping sootonce fh nmoce of tes fom he Es 8 Tammy tonoyof to loaves tino sorajad Mant eoctione tegen cf loaf vor ae removed M snquarce to ie had bet areas of oral ge ‘ins pts oF the teas vec ar Te igh a ths stag, altho Pnasng on Be leaves a bse temowec ane te hg ts ota ara ever maskag tmisrerovse, Dla fad aver to whl he vac AD ines suncund ie rose te oat in 9. Ihe seauscce forthe men fas ‘he sare patiom anni to rie fom the dasost St falawod bythe mes 410 he tera walies ane tor ae Sago dar ehadog ans oprayud in tho vopor set ols hone =~ oe 1 unas pal otha > 4 ee a ah ' P | es >) ah ss a Hs Warrior's encie room, 1881 Gary Cook Tho hie poi perspective hasta in eer iat the engine fa rst eon varsip, IME Vanier ands ermine forthe peak The Immoral Warr Tho purpose o ‘te ayraon wae t expan tha Ly ant ofthe ong sor Felt to Dek pe i sul UCL WHI) contared ten Ine ereing was constr cn tracing panne isin cori he Ciignal Rema ae hse cat from fhe Pte Mone Mx Museum ss ieroroe. was han Itaretenme crn FAN heme uch clay sultan eas} ine ro work Ie tasbaion m8 rendered primary wih he ectrush Using terse and opacie ‘oalereod: Sel-edhesh miscog ime was used touoen wth te faxcante of te nerds of tone 2, jrewevtvey I as eeor ea crt ang eat sheen, ung to hades only te scl. n atction ‘am cova ust align ough cara ae To tm shee and ane satlebrush betiaen tha mate er ew cata a he ite color sete in te rem aot, grat cara war Ter oF se wigs tw se treugh tre treneparen asrgite stergih i the ral deta. Thee a ore aves we base backeand ws rok Sora ay wt cs Ur st pay 2. Doth he cata anv ing on hosing the tensioned cen i | tes ag thedhavng vl - Ion array cence oy thea ha, fete tre cag. geal at gauche ie Mage 2st Te ola ci a se ag and stot The mk lr rassig hy, suffeirt inion er the ae fe © le pros aunt pe Tre mags gsc wa orth tap, hte olland a. ea bace-otre enh "expat ava spayed na su sae ced kd as varcal ends of coor, slowing ‘esl spray to orate acae ot 3008, | ' | r 5 A datcer gue clres over ‘Tae mack fartne st tre of pred real notes o0 Slr weecnine pa leee nat trot singed Wed of pul rae

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