L4 B1PLUS W1 Basics Reading Writing

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1 Reading and Writing

Reading Writing
1 Read the blog. Choose the correct title for 3 Read the notes and use them to complete
the blog posts. the personal blog.
  Juggling isn’t easy  Success! 

to pla y the guita r

At the moment: lea rning
Sta rted two months ag
Circus Time! Practise three times a
Le arnt so much already d
Welcome to ords – dif ficult, practise
Fir st thing lea rnt: the ch
my blog the chords – getting ea
Not tried writing a song
Hello! I’m Ellie and this is my blog. This year has Monkeys – can’t wait
My new band: The Blue
been pretty exciting because I started at circus
to perform
school in September and I’ve already learnt a azing!
Fir st performance – am
lot. I’ve made some great friends, too. Here’s ote!
Played a song that I wr
my story … the scho ol conc er t
Next week : perform in
1 12 October, 17:35
Juggling was the first thing we started to learn.
It was rather difficult at first, but I’ve practised
a lot so now I’m quite confident. I can juggle
with three balls now – hooray! Guitar Time!
2 29 October, 22:14
I’ve just got home from my first public Welcome to
performance! It went very well – I juggled with my blog
four balls and I didn’t make any mistakes.
Hello! I’m Tom and this is my blog. I’m
Next week I’m going to start learning to ride a
1 learning to play the guitar at the
unicycle. I’m looking forward to it …
moment. I started 2 and
I3 a week. I’m so happy because
2 Read the blog in exercise 1 again and circle I4 already. Here’s my story ...
T (true) or F (false). Learning the chords is difficult
1 Ellie has had a boring year. T F The first thing I learnt was 5 .
2 Ellie has just started at a It was 6 at first, but
juggling school. T F I 7 a lot, and it’s getting easier
now. I haven’t tried 8 yet, but
3 Ellie practised and she got
better at juggling. T F I’m looking forward to doing that. I can’t wait to
9 with my new band, The
4 Ellie juggled with three balls in
Blue Monkeys.
her first performance. T F
5 Ellie made some mistakes in the Famous at last!
performance. T F I’ve just got home from our 10 –
6 Ellie wants to ride a unicycle it was amazing! It was really exciting because we 
next week. T F 11 that I wrote and it was
the most popular song! Next week we’re going to
12 . I can’t wait!

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